Saturday, February 8, 2014

baby cornsnake??

Q. I want to buy a baby cornsnake how much would they be what all do I need to take care of it??

Baby cornsnakes can be kept in a 10 gallon tank (adults should be kept in a MINIMUM of a 20 gallon). Make sure that the tank has a screen lid, and that you have clamps to keep the lid closed (clamps are roughly $3 at a pet store). There should be no spaces between the lid and the tank. Cornsnakes are escape artists, especially as babies. If they can get their head through a hole, they can get their whole body through, and once they're gone it's not always easy to find them.

You're going to need some form of substrate. For a new corn I'd recommend using blank newspaper or paper towels so that you can easily see poop and see if anything looks wrong with it. If you want to use woodchips, go with aspen. It's slightly more expensive than the other wood substrates but is the best. Avoid cedar!! Cedar can be toxic to your snake. Pine shavings can also cause respiratory illnesses. Cornsnakes are burrowers and often will bury themselves under whatever substrate you choose. I use carefresh and have had no problems with it.

You're going to need at least two hides. This can be anything from an expensive, fancy ceramic hide purchased at a store, or it can be as simple as a cardboard box with an exit/entrance hole cut into it. A hide should be placed on both sides of the tank - one on the cool side, one on the warm side. This allows the snake to thermoregulate (basically go to wherever temperature they want) and feel safe.

Cornsnakes will need a water source. What I do is buy small plastic cat food/water dishes with a hollow base. This can also double as a hide - the snake can drink water from the bowl and there is a space in the hollow underside for the snake to hide out.

Heat is important. You can use undertank heaters (UTHs), or heat lamps. The inmportant thing is that the warm side of the cage is roughly 80-90 degrees, and the cool side of the tank is around 75.

You'll want to have some food ready, if you plan on feeding frozen mice. As a baby you're going to want to buy 'pinky' mice for the snake. Never feed a snake in it's cage - a good plan is to put the snake in a paper bag with the mouse and let them be for a while. If you feed the snake in it's cage, it may come to associate your hand with food, and that's a good way to get bitten. Feeding live mice to a snake is tricky, as if the snake isn't hungry and doesn't eat the mouse, the live mouse can seriously damage or even kill your snake. If you decide to feed live, supervise the feeding AT ALL TIMES.

The price of the cornsnake itself varies. There are several different morphs of cornsnake. The price will depend on how rare or new the morph is. You can get a baby snake directly from a breeder (popular corn breeder sites are listed below) and the snake is usually guaranteed to be healthy and eating, and you will know exactly what you are getting (lineage, plus you will know what the snake is het for if you plan on breeding in the future). You might get a lower price at a pet store, but there is usually a smaller selection of morphs and sometimes the snakes aren't healthy, or they're not eating properly, etc.

When you're selecting your baby (if you go to a pet store) you should check for good muscle tone, check to see if the snake looks alert and flicking it's tongue. Check the mouth area - if there are bubbles or liquid etc around the lips, the snake is sick. Check the vent and make sure it's clear of fecal matter.

I've owned 5 cornsnakes. Four of them were sweethearts from the moment I got them, but my amelanistic corn was prone to striking and trying to hurry away whenever held. She's just now growing out of this at a year old, but cornsnakes are docile in general and if you handle them often they will tame down quickly and you shouldn't have any problems.

Breeders Don Soderberg Kathy Love

Good luck with your snake, if you decide to get one. They're amazing pets. :D

Songs with the words Baby love?


I need to make a CD with any songs that say "baby love" in it. Can you leave me any song titles with their artist? THANKS :)

That's easy, there's the song by the Supremes called "Baby Love" and you have one by Peter Frampton called "Baby I Love Your Way"

There is Nicole Scherzinger's "Baby Love" song. Also there is a song by a artist named Regina also called "Baby Love"

In addition there are these:

2Much - "Baby Love"

Joan Osborne - "Baby Love"

Tim Curry - "Baby Love"

N-Tyce - "Baby Love"

Martha Wainwright - "Baby Love"

Kate Nash - "Baby Love"

Icewater - "Baby Love Me"

Youko Ishida - "Sugar Baby Love"

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I'm making a baby quilt for a crib. What size should it be? My squares are 12x12?


Should I have 3 12x12 squares by 4 12 x 12 squares or should I make it bigger?

That sounds like a reasonable size, but if you want to be sure, measure the crib and realize that binding will add a few inches all around. If you use thick batting, the puffiness will make the quilt smaller in dimensions after it is quilted or hand tied.

Enjoy your project.

Quilting? Learning the basics?


I want to make one for my baby when it gets here so I dont have time for elaborate details. I know what i want to do as far as pattern and color goes but i still need help with borders and stitching. Im going to hand stitch because i want it to be more personal and i dont like sewing machines. I know a simple stitch, enough to make a pillow or sew on a patch. Any help?

These web sites have a wealth of information, with block patterns, instructions on assembly, directions for binding, quilting templates, border ideas and more.

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Work at a bar, 37 weeks pregnant.?


I work at a pretty rough bar and I am 37 weeks pregnant. The customers are great to me and are not violent in any way towards me but there are fights in there on occassion. Last night there was a fight while I was working and now the boss is threatening to fire me or cut my hours back and take me off of night shifts. Is this legal? I dont need to hear anything about me not working in a bar while pregnant because i am a mother of a 3 yr. old that i need to support and she is my main priority as well as my pregnancy. I know i will have the baby soon anyways, but i need as many hours as possible til then because i will be out of work for a few weeks... I just need to know how legal it is for my boss to want to fire me or cut my hours because of a bar fight...thanks
by the way we do have bouncers and i never leave behind the bar so i am never in any danger. Last night there were two bouncers when the fight occurred and it was under control within a few short minutes.
he isnt doing this because im pregnant altho this is when the problems began and he has been looking for exuses to cut my hours or fire me. He expects me to prevent fights by knowing when they will happen.
the problem is that i am not getting maternity leave. i am off of work for two weeks UNPAID. I have been there for two years (since the bar opened) and they said i can take off for two weeks and i am fine with that... but its not maternity leave, i am leaving when i have the baby. i am on the schedule til then.

I worked two bar jobs and a full time day job up until I was 39 weeks pregnant - don't let anybody make you feel bad for doing your best to get cash together for your two children!

Well I don't know what the laws are where you live but I would assume that wherever you are you have laws on acceptible reasons for dismissing an employee - and this is most certainly not it. Get tough and threaten him with a tribunal if he says this again. Bar jobs aren't difficult to come by and I would suggest when you go back to work after you've had the baby if you intend to do more bar work that you find a different one. Working for a well known pub chain is always best as bad press can damage them a lot so you are more likely to be treated fairly. A boss like this can only continue to get worse so I wouldn't continue working for him after your pregnancy.

Good luck for 3(ish) weeks time! :-) X

Edit: I must say (I assume you're American?) that the U.S. law sucks when it comes to maternity leave. (If you're from the UK then your employer is acting illegally, if you've worked there that long then you are legally entitled to 39 weeks paid leave). But presuming you're American - aren't you entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave? FMLA? I might be wrong - not exactly an expert on foreign law! Either way, I don't see how this makes a difference to the situation - surely you can still go about looking for a different job when you return to work? You could even get an evening shift at a supermarket or something? It isn't my place to say but I think going back to bar work as little as two weeks after labour is very soon and your body won't have fully recovered yet and you'll be very run down - well I don't know, maybe you bounce back quicker than me but I was 19 young and fit when I had my baby and it took me ages to recover from my labour! If you do need to go back to work then can you not find a less physically strenuous job to do in the evenings? One where your boss is not such a d!ck too!

37 week pregnant?


i am going to be 37 week pregnant tomorrow. is it safe to use caster oil yet, or not. i cant wiat any more.. very tired. no sign of labour , or any pain at all. please help

Believe me, castor oil will only give you the squirts and put you into false labour. You take castor oil and it can give you diarrhea and dehydrate you resulting in your uterus contracting temporarily. Dont do it, its not worth it.

Im 39wks 4 days pregnant and i know how frustrating it is. Im as big as a mansion and i have tried some natural relief and nothing has worked for me. Im booked in for an induction on the 6th of Jan and i dont want to wait that long. But regardless of what i think i just have to live with it and hope i go into labour naturally before that.

Stressing out about when or if your going to go into labour will actually put off the labour from happening my Ob said. The hormones in your body due to stress can make your body cling to bub as long as it thinks that you are under dire stress.

I just started some relaxation techniques to help myself deal with the stresses in the final days and hopefully my body will kick in by itself. If it doesnt then i dont mind. The max i can go is 10days over. Remember that baby wont be in there for too much longer and destress yourself. Putting yourself under pressure to birth when your body isnt ready can be more traumatic to your body than the labour itself if your not careful.

Chillax im with you and hopefully we will both go into labour soon.

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Still possible to get pregnant at 45?


Already have 3 kids...

Yes it is still pregnant at 45. This day and age there's women in their 60s having babies.

Could I be pregnant? Negative HPT 45 days after genital contact!?

Q. Ok, please be sensitive to my question. This is my first sexual interaction.

In the month of May, I had genital contact with a really close friend. There was fluid, but the contact lasted for about 30 seconds... max. I could not bring myself to have intercourse. Especially since I had never done anything like this before and ESPECIALLY because there was no protection being used. I took my chances of disapointing him and chose to stop.
I didn't think much of this until I shared this story with a friend and she warned me that I could still get pregnant this way (the chances were small.. but there was still a possibility). This started to freak me out. I did some research and decided to buy some pregnancy tests. I took 3 and got negative results. Then my period came June 3rd. It was weird. It was really light and i just kept thinking "im pregnant, im pregnant" so i dont think the stress helped at all. I decided to try and calm down... and once I did, my period came full force.

I bled heavily for 2 1/2 - 3 days then 3 days light after that. I usually just finish in 4 days. It was a little longer. I took more pregnancy tests after this, just to make sure (since my period was a little different). They all came out negative.

I still had it in my head that I could be pregnant. So i kept stressing. Just to make sure, I went to a gynocologist and took a urine test at the office (June 18th) also negative. After all the stressing, I got my period again June 28th. My cycle was only 20 days apart. which seemed pretty odd. This period was weird too. I was really light pink the 28th and i was freaking myself out thinking that I was spotting and that i was pregnant. I was stressing so much that I think i made my period stop. Then it came the next day light in the morning and by the afternoon it was bright red. It started fully on the 30th and lasted till the 3rd.

These period have been longer than usual, with a different flow. Could this be due to all my stress? Can my stress and anxiety and lack of sleep from worrying TRULY change up my cycles this much?
I'm pretty stressed still. I've talked to my doctor and the gyno and they all say im fine and that I shouldnt worry. But why are my cycles so different?

I am currently 3 days late for my period right now... which is COMPLETELY making me stress!!! I don't know how to get this out of my mind! It was light pink today and I freaked myself out and started thinking "come on period, just start... start already" and the pink is gone. I'm freaking out.

The last pregnancy test i took was on July the 6th. It was also negative. Could there be a possibility of me being pregnant? I need honest answers, please. Minus the sarcasm. I'm really scared and worried. All of these tests were taken first thing in the morning, without watered down urine. I have no symptoms of pregancy.

Please Help!!!

When you get pregnant a fertilized egg implants into the lining of your uterus. Once that occurs your HCG (a certain hormone) levels start to rise - they typically double every 24-48 hours. When you are not pregnant your HCG level is less than 5. Home Pregnancy Tests will show positive at an HCG level of 100 which is about 3 weeks after having sex. By 5-6 weeks pregnant your HCG level is over 10,000. I had a blood test done at 5 weeks pregnant and I was at an HCG level of 10,066.

So no, you are not pregnant - 45 days after genital contact (or having sex) you would definitely show positive if you were pregnant. If you still feel extremely paranoid (though I gaurantee that you are not pregnant from sexual contact 45 days ago) you can request a blood HCG level test that will give you your exact HCG (like I had done) from your doctor. As previously mentioned, anything over 5 is considered positive for pregnancy.

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Can you get pregnant again, while already being pregnant?


Let say my wife is 4 months pregnant, do we need to worry about ANY possibility of her getting pregnant? please provide reference if possible.

you cant get pregnant while you are pregnant because you dont ovulate while you are pregnant.

if you doubt us, please talk to your wife's ob.
i am sure he/she can explain it in greater detail

can a woman become pregnant while she's already pregnant?


Yes, women are just like cats. It is possible for you to carry 8 or 10 babies at once, all with different fathers.

What the hell kind of question is this? "Can a woman become pregnant while she's already pregnant?" WTF do you think??

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Pregnancy and Having twins trick?

Caleb Henl

So half sister is trying to get pregnant. Her and her fiancé are around 26 and her name is Alice. She had a baby once before but with her old boyfriend Jonah. Now Alice is having difficulty getting pregnant, the doctor checked her blah blah blah but now she wants twins to her fiancé Jose. You can't actually ensure you'll get twins and she doesn't want to turn to a doctor. Anyone have any tips or remedies that could increase the chances of twins?

If twins don't run on HIS side of the family, it's impossible for her to have twins at any time with him. If twins run on HER side, she still can't have twins. If she wants twins, she might as well find a new man, or go to the doctor and they can inject sperm to produce twins into her "blah blah". Those are the only two ways she'd be able to have twins.

how do i ensure to have twins?


my husband is a twin and they run in his family often, how do i ensure that i will have twins also, is there drugs i can take or artificial incimination? how much does that usually cost?

There is no way to ensure you have twins. The chances are improved if you have IVF as you can implant several embryos - but there is no guarantee more than one (or even one) will attach. For it to matter about twins running in the family I believe it has to be on the mother's side, so it would only benefit your husband's sisters, not you.

Why are you so desperate to have twins? If you can get pregnant naturally, why would you willingly be going through an invasive procedure like IVF?

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Baby mouse making noise?


I have recently seen a mouse run across my floor, on my main floor of the house. My bedroom is upstairs, and you can hear the nice in the walls. All day today, we have been hearing this sound similar to a kitten meowing. Now, I do have a cat, but she I fixed and fully grown and sitting right next to me so it's not her in any possibility. I looked up online for baby mouse noises and it says they're pretty quiet creatures. I live inthe middle of town, but is it possible it's something other than a mouse?? Could it be an opossum?? It scratches around like a mouse but I know opossums can get in your walls. Although I feel like opossums would smell and there isn't a stench. And they wouldn't come out of the wall, cuz we have a cat and 6 dogs so there would definitely be some smell. Can this mewing noise be a mouse?? Thanks in advance guys!!

Although mice do have some diurnal and nocturnal activity, mice are crepuscular meaning primarily active during twilight hours: dawn and dusk. If you heard these noises all day, it would seem unlikely it was coming from the mouse.

As far as mice making noises, you are correct as a rule they are not loud critters. Besides the standard squeak mice are known for, they do make occasional sounds. I have had a few talkers through the years in which the cause was either residual damage from an URI or the result of some genetic issue. Also, mice with URIs can make a wide range of sounds from mews like a kitten to chatters to clicks. Recently my Roo made coos like a dove from a respiratory infection. Should the mouse in question at your house have an URI, no worries to you that you will catch anything as it cannot pass to humans. Further, the poor dear is likely to die soon if she has it because of not getting antibiotics.

There is a site with audio clips of sounds animals make that might help. I am giving the link to page I found doing a quick search along with specifically mouse clips. There is a really good site I used once before that I shall try to locate and add. Hopefully you will be able to determine who is causing the noise from the clips:

Baby rat making noise--Normal or not?


I just bought a baby rat and I'm concerned about some noises he makes. He makes some noises when he little squeaky noises...but they're only audible when he in sitting on my shoulder near my ear. Also, when he is in his cage, he makes a sound like a sneeze, but it doesn't happen when he is outside the cage. It isn't a constant noise, but does happen more than twice a day. I bought a pack of bedding at Weis that had "Rat" on the list of animals suitable for using the bedding, so I wonder if the bedding is the culprit if it is listed at a rat-compatible bedding. I am currently in a living arrangement in which 2 smokers live with me on the weekends. I had thought that the smoke had something to do with it, but he is still making the noise. Should I move the cage outside on the weekends as long as I keep it in the shade? He is in a glass cage now since he might fit through the wires on a wire cage, as instructed by the pet store. Is this noise normal or should I be concerned?
Also, will having a pet rat attract wild rats into the house? We had problems with rats earlier, and I wonder if we might have them again.
There is no drainage of the eyes or whatever else might drain when a rat is very sick. He is very lively when he is awake. I also want to feed him a good diet, but am having a hard time finding "rat" food. Is there some other rodent food I could use as a substitute, like hamster or guinnea pig food?

Normal rats do not make noise when they breathe, and usually don't make much noise at all unless they are in pain or play-fighting with another rat. It sounds like your rat has the beginnings of a respiratory infection. Nothing much to worry about at this point, but it can quickly get worse if things do not improve.

I don't know what kind of bedding you are talking about, but pine as well as cedar are not good for rats. Recycled paper products such as Carefresh and Yesterdays News are acceptable, as well as aspen wood.

Your glass cage may also be exacerbating things. The glass walls don't allow proper ventilation and urine odors can quickly build up and add to the irritation in the lungs. If he is only in there because he will fit through the bars of a wire cage, make sure you clean it every 2 days at least. No matter the size of the rat, they won't fit through the bars on a cage with 1/2" bar spacing.

The smoke could definitely be bothering him. Rats have very sensitive respiratory systems and anything like that in the air can set off an infection. Rats have a bacteria called mycoplasma pulmonis which is normally kept in check but when the rat is stressed by illness or other factors this bacteria can overgrow and cause a respiratory infection. At this stage your rat doesn't seem too dire, so a round of antibiotics will probably fix him right up. You'll have to take him to a vet for an exam to receive the proper drug and dosage.

Having him around won't attract wild rats, the only thing that does is having food accessible for them. If your food is up and out of the way and cannot be accessed easily you shouldn't get any wild rats coming in to the house.

There really is no substitute for rat food, I'm afraid. You'll want a good quality lab block where the first ingredient isn't corn and the protein content isn't too high. If you are in the United States, you can order several different good quality brands over the internet such as Harlan Teklad, Oxbow Regal Rat, and Mazuri (I don't have the links right now but if you do a google search you should be able to find them). I can't afford the shipping on Harlan myself but I buy a 25lb bag of Mazuri for $30 including shipping and it lasts me forever.

I hope that helps you, good luck with your rat!

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I would like to hear about you wedding proposals, its always nice to hear how it went for some one else?


like it says I want to hear how it was for you. I always love to hear how people were proposed to.
here's my story:

My proposal was last year on july 21, 2009. My boyfriend ( Now husband) Kevin called me at 9am and asked do you want to go to the beach today ? and me loving the beach said "do you even have to ask?" he laughed and said " Ill pick you up in 30 minutes oh and Liz and Mat are coming too" and at first I thought this is going to be a great day and then I thought"wait... Kevin hates the beach" he only goes on rare occasions and he's only asked me be for to go with him 2 times in the 3 years I was dating him so then I thought something was up. so he picked me up and we went to the beach . we got there and set up a spot then liz and mat came. then Kevin pulled Liz and Mat away for about 20 seconds but in that 20 seconds I saw Mat hug Kevin and Liz nearly fall. then I really thought something was going on. but we had a great day in the water and on the sand. but the whole day Kevin was kinda off. that I wasn't surprised about because he didn't like the beach. but he was still having fun to make me happy , boy I love that man . and at the end of the day we were sitting on our blanket , everyone was gone off the beach other then a couple people and mat and Liz. and me and Kevin were sitting holds each other watching the sun on the water and I kissed his cheek and said " I had a great day today , thank you. I love you." he turned to me and said " I love you too... so much.. from the momment I met you .. and the 3 years Ive been with you I feel like a changed man... all because of you... your perfect" I was shocked by his speach. I couldent really find anywords to say all that came our of my mouth was "Kevin..." he squezzed my hand and walked to his back pack and toke out a small box and he sat down beside me and slowly lifted the lid to the box and inside was the most beautful Blue sapphire ring ( Iam not into dimonds. I love sapphires, and blue is my favorit color... perfect) and Kevin said " I love you . and cant picture my life without you in it.. and I hope you feel the same... will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"
I dident know what to say ... I jumped on him and kissed him and said " I love you with all my heart and soul. yes Ill marry you because I dont want to live my life without you!"

and thats my story , whats yours?
oh and we got married on spetember 15 2009, best day of my life

How sweet i just cried like a baby. :)
My husband was going to as me to marry him on July 4th 2009, but he thought i knew about it because he had left an IM open from his friend and he thought i saw it. So a few days later. on June 20th he was in the kitchen talking to me about how his mom and ruined his dad's proposal. I was like wow thats sad. Then i noticed he was acting really funny. He was making ramen and looked at me and said Traci will you marry me. I was like Yes or course i will.
I know its not the most romantic way of him asking me, but i would of not had it any other way. He didnt have a ring, buut we got to pick on out together and that was every special for me. We got married January 8th 2010. :)

What would you name this family?


I'm snowed in and incredibly bored, so here it goes..

Father: You are a sophomore in college when you meet the love of your life. He always came in Starbucks when you were working and eventually got the nerve to ask you out. You fell madly in love. This is him: What is his name? What is he going to school to become?

Mother: You were going to school and working at Starbucks on campus to make a little extra money. You had a huge crush on one of your customers but you didn't know he felt the same about you. You were shocked and happy when he finally asked you out. This is you: What is your name and what are you going to school for?

Proposal and Wedding: After you graduate your boyfriend invites you go on a trip to Frace with him to meet his mother who lives in Paris. You are completely excited and can't wait to go. On your last night in Paris your boyfriend asks you to go on a walk, and he proposes to you underneath the fireworks! This is your ring:
When/where do you get married? Where do you honeymoon?

Daughter: When you get back from your honeymoon you notice that you have been feeling a little nauseous, but you put it off on jet lag. The next week you realize that your period is 2 weeks late. Congrats! You are pregnant with your first daughter.
It's now 18 years later, and she is getting ready to go off to college. What is her name?

Son: When your daughter is two years old, you decide you are ready for a new baby. You get pregnant with your first son, who is now 16.

Daughter: When your son is 3 you decide you are ready to try for another baby. You think you want another boy to play with your son, but you are still elated to find out you are having a little girl. When you are 7 months pregnant, your doctor tells you the devestating news that your daughter will be born with downs syndrome. You go into labor 2 months later, and are blessed with a perfect, healthy little girl who has no sign of downs. She is now 13 and getting ready to start high school.

Daughter: After your last pregnancy scare with downs, you think you have completed your family. To your suprise, you find out you are pregnant when your youngest daughter is 2. Once again you are hoping for a baby boy, but you are again blessed with a little girl. You decide she looks exactly like your mother, so you want to name her after her in some way. She is now 11 years old. What do you name her?

Boy/Boy Twins: When your youngest daughter is 4, you decide that you have not yet completed your family. You have some difficulty getting pregnant, so your doctor puts you on Clomid. 2 months later you find out you are pregnant with a set of twins. You decide to keep their sex a surprise, and when the babies are born, you find the 2 boys you have been praying for. What are their names?

Daughter: Once again, you think your familly is complete, but of course it isn't. When your boys are 6 you find out that you are 3 months pregnant. Your new baby girl is 1 month old, and you can't imagine your life without her. What is her name?

Now, name your family, and add pets if you want.

Have fun! =)

1.Chad Emerson Greene. Heart surgeon
2.Seraphina Lucille Ambry. Pediatrician
3.July 22 on Hawaii. Honeymoon in Italy
4.Claudia Marie Greene
5.Damien Ambry Greene
6.Jenna Leigh Greene
7.Jessica Angela Greene
8.Samuel Abner Greene & Tanner Johan Greene
9.Taylor Addison Greene

Seraphina and Chad have Claudia, Damien, Jenna, Jessica, Samuel, Tanner and Taylor.
A male Golden Retriever named Bug:

Two Rag Doll cats named Lola & Loco:

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

i am trying to get pregnant got any tips???????


How to get Pregnant Faster â Top Ten Tips

1. Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.
2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

best tips for getting pregnant?

Anna Gosli

I am just wondering what everybody else thinks is most successful when trying to conceive? What can i be doing to improve my chances? Other than just timing it correctly

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.
Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.
Tip # 3. To get pregnant faster have sex before ovulation (not after).
Tip # 4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.
Tip # 5. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation.
Tip # 7. When trying to get pregnant, donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs.
Tip # 8. To get pregnant faster have enjoyable sex
Tip # 9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.
Tip # 10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
good luck baby dustttttttt

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Alright boys and girls, I want sex. Im in no way ready for a baby, tips for NOT getting pregnant?

Q. Okay, for starters i'm 15. And im thinking about having sex.
-Iv been dating this boy for over a year.
-we have been taking things pretty slow. but we want to get more serious.
-I want to know ways other than " wear a condom" to increase the chance of not getting pregnant.
-If your going to be mean, dont respond to this question.
-Dont say "talk to your mom, NO WAY that's happening., or a "trusted adult"
- Dont say "keep your legs closed", i want to know how not to get pregnant and have sex.
-Dont tell me im too young, that's not my question.
-BE KIND. =)

Since you seem to cover all the bases I will give you the best information I can without condoning what you want to do.

Call Planned Parenthood and set up an appointment with them. They offer all types of birth control, STD and HIV testing. If either you or your boyfriend have EVER had sexual contact with anyone else, I strongly suggest an STD and HIV test before taking it to the next level. Once that is out of the way, and you have an app't at Planned Parenthood, be prepared for an exam. They will not administer birth control without first doing a pap smear and exam. Once that is done, discuss with the Dr. your options and what you think will work best for you. The pill, and NuvaRing are both forms of birth control that can be hidden from your parents (though I do think they should know). The pill is taken at the same time, daily. The Ring is inserted into your vagina for 3 weeks at a time, and taken out for 1 week which is when your period will be. I was on the Ring, and my husband couldn't feel it at all when it was inside of me. I got off it though, because when I took it out for my flow week, my uterus felt like it was twitching/vibrating. It was horrible.

Get on a method of birthcontrol besides just condoms. You can not prevent pregnancy 100% but you can use most methods of birthcontrol along with a mal condom. Make sure he wears it. Birthcontrol does not protect from STD's, HIV, and is NOT 100% effective. If he wants to do "it" bad enough he will wear a condom. If he doesn't want to wear... please, don't do it.

I'm not saying you are "too young" but you are young, don't take stupid chances. It only takes one time. Stick to a schedule for the birthcontrol choice you pick, and make sure he isn't in such a jiffy, that he can't stop to cover his stiffy.

Cover your stump before you hump.
Before you attack her, wrap your wrapper.
Don't be silly, protect your willy.
When in doubt, shroud your spout.
Don't be a loner, cover your boner.

I hope this helped and that I didn't lecture you

i really want a baby! and tips of tricks that helped you get pregnant?


i have been ttc for 4 months. the last month i have been taking "blackmores conceive well" tablet and capsules. with my 1st pregnancy i had unprotected sex one and i was pregnant, i have a 9 month old boy, i really want another one. so there close in age.

im just wondering is there any tips you can give me? and were you ever on a pre conception pill? if so how long were you on it untill you found out you were pregnant?

Here are some things that could help:

1. Ovulation Prediction Kits: You can get them at walmart and they cost between $15-$30. My doctor recommends Clearblue for both ovulation kits & pregnancy tests and they are a little more expensive but what would you not pay to have a better chance is how I feel.

2. Unless you only just got off of birth control six months ago I would go ahead at 9-10 months and make an appointment to see your doctor if you have not had any success and tell them that you have been trying for a year they are going to help you if they think you have been. I did that at 10 months and have had a lot more help, if they know you have only been trying for 10 months then they will tell you to wait two more months.

3. Do you have a regular period? If anything is off about your period or you have really bad cramps go to your doctor and get a pap and tell them that they will send you for an ultrasound and then you will be able to find out if you have cysts or a tilted uterus or any irregularities that can help you decide how to approach fertility. I had a cyst that they had to get rid of. This also helps to find out if you may have endometriosis, which can hinder the baby making but not make it to where you can't have kids. I have a friend that has this and has had two beautiful children. This is very common.

4. Start researching herbal fertility medicines, make sure that you are taking not only a prenatal but also a folic acid.

5. Buy Softcups that you can get online or at Walmart or Walgreens, they are a cup that some woman use for their af, but it can also be used after sex to hold the sperm in you so if you move after sex it doesn't come out and lower your chances. Most men have 44 million sperm come out each time but only tens to hundreds actually get to where they need to go. This helps when you don't want to hold your legs over your head for twenty minutes, although that does help alot.

6. Take mucinex, one every twelve hours. If you have thick cm then the sperm have even a lesser chance of getting to where it needs to go because it gets stuck in your cm, the plain mucinex or robitussin thins out your cm and makes it more sperm friendly.

7. Have your husband get checked out...have him get a sperm analysis... Then if it is not you and it's him then you will know that he needs to see a Dr too, it would not be any fun if you are the one going through all of the dr appts and spending the money to find out it is not even you, it is him then it is like starting over. Thankfully my husband was good on this test.

8. Get your hormones checked especially progestrone, a hormone imbalance can hinder the baby making process but there are meds you can take...

9. If you have been trying for a long time and have not had any luck as your doctor about getting a HSG (dye test) done. It will show you if there are any irregularities in your fallopian tubes, I tried for fourteen months before getting this done to find out that both of my tubes are blocked and I may have to have surgery, my only other option is invitro. I wish I would have known this six months ago.

10.Don't stress!!! Have fun!!!

Good luck!!!! Brandy

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Trying to get pregnant after tubal or ectopic pregnancy ruptures?


Last Monday I had a tubal pregnancy rupture and had the left tube removed. My doctor is very encouraging, but says it will be more difficult to get pregnant again. I have been TTC for two+ years and had a few pregnancies that ended in miscarriage. Anyone else go through this or have any tips? Thanks

I had my left rupture also and was told I should be ok to have another be, well I have 2 more ectopics since my first on. My 3rd ectopic was diagnosed on Sept 15, 2009. Sorry i dont have any tips..but good luck !!



the past few weeks i have been feeling nauseas , and also been feeling hungry more often, is it possible i could be pregnant

Study up. Mommy!!!

If youâll take a few moments and look at these sites, you will be one smart person when youâre done!!!

Best sites ever for pregnancy!
This web site will tell you everything you need to know about your pregnancy!,19766,,00.html?sem=1&ncid=AOLPAR00170000000005

Here are all the pregnancy symptoms listed:

Top 10 Morning Sickness Tips

For Pregnancy tests, If youâd like to gain a excellent understanding of how a pregnancy test works, look here:
How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get accurate results?

Common Myths
About Pregnancy
When it comes to pregnancy, have you ever wondered what's true and what's an old wives' tale?

For Teen Fathers, some good advice for you!!/

Best sites ever for teens:

Teen Birth Control:
A tutorial:

Birth Control Help:
To make an appointment with a Planned Parenthood health center, call toll-free 1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526)
Call or contact your local Health Department. @ 1-800-311-2229 This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code

Adult birth control:

Videos about childbirth, pregnancy, and parenting, birth control.

Ectopic pregnancy
Original Article:

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy: What causes it, and what should you do?

When you donât have money to get the care you need:

Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care?
You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too!
Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy.
To find out about the program in your state:
·Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code
·For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081
·Call or contact your local Health Department.

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41 weeks pregnant with twins?


okay people i am 41 weeks pregnant with twins and my doctor said i would go into labor around 38 weeks as both are large children, but now i am 1 week over full term bringing me (by my doc's calculations) 3 weeks overdue and i am becoming so uncomfortable and i can barley move myself around, is there anything i can do to hurry them up? like food or drinks? any information would be greatly received thanks xx
well i cant have sex because i am a single mom, so unless some single man likes huge ladies;) lol i know i went to the hospital and asked if i could be induced 'coz thier giving me back pains and they said no. thanks everyone:)

first of all, congrats, and holy crap! how did u go that long!!!! i thought that 40 wks with a singleton was tourture.
ok well, normally, depending on the doctor, they'll induce u if u ask. u gotta express to them how uncomfortable you are, and now you are past 40 weeks and you are done.
my midwife suggested castor oil with my first daughter, it tasted like vaseline and gave me bad cramps. but, my water wound up breaking. the only thing was i needed pitocin because the oil didnt keep the contractions going. and also, it has been known to give some women bad and painful diarrhea, because it is normally used as a laxative, but normally does work for labor. personally, no i didnt crap myself, but everyone is different.
so in conclusion, i HIGHLY suggest talking to ur doctor about an induction.
and if all else fails, feel free to use castor oil. im not saying its the best way, but it is a way.

what are the odds ill have twins?

i am finia

my grandmother had twins. what are the odds i might have twins when i become pregnant
yes my mom's mother had twins and no it was not my mom who was a twin it was my aunt

Fraternal twins tend to run on the maternal side of the family so there is a chance you'll have twins if your mom had fraternal twins. Also age has been linked to a woman's tendency to have fraternal twins as women in their late 30's to early 40's have the highest (natural) incidence of fraternal twins.

Identical twins are random acts of nature so if your mom had identical twins your chances are the same as anyone else.

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Has anybody had "Irish twins"?


I had a birth control problem I guess you could say, and I think I could be pregnant again after just giving birth two months ago and I'm terrified.
I just wanted to know if anyone else has had two babies in the same year and how you knew you were pregnant again so soon if you hadn't a period to "miss" yet.
Irish twins are two babies born within 12 months lol.

My boys are not exactly Irish twins but they are close enough! I had a baby in March of 2005 and then found out I was pregnant in July of 2005. Kaden (the youngest) was born on my oldest son, Jason's dues date! Their birthdays are only 13 days apart. So yeah, I may not be as close as you are or may be...but it was still hard! Jason my oldest wasn't even walking yet when I had Kaden. Kaden was breastfed and premature, so it was even harder because I had to split my time at the hospital with one baby and at home with the other baby...Its hard im nopt gonna lie! The only reason I knew I was pregnant is I went to work and girl I worked with, Her and I had the same cycle and we got to talking and I was likeoh by the way did you have your period yet, and she said uh..yeah i had it like 2 weeks ago...that's when I knew I was pregnant. Hopefully your just feeling like that, hopefully your not, for your sake, Cause' it is hard as hell for the first like 6 months and I cant even imagine them being even closer..good luck

What exactly are Irish Twins?

mommy and

When I was pregnant for my second baby everyone kept calling the kids Irish Twins. I had a son, and my daughter that I was pregnant for was due on his first birthday. Someone at that point told me that Irish Twins were babies born one year apart, give or take a month on either side. So basically two babies born between 11 and 13 months apart. But now that they are both here and toddlers (32 months and 20 months old - my daughter ended up being 4 days late, so they are 1 year and 4 days apart) people say that they are "almost Irish Twins" because they were not born on exactly the same day. So what exactly are Irish Twins? I don't overly care, it's nothing I'm ever going to call them if they are, I'm just curious if they are considered that or not since I have gotten totally different opinions on that from people, and I had never heard the term before my second pregnancy ever.

I always thought that they were twins born in the same calander year...

here is what i pulled off of wikipedia:

"Irish twins" and "Vatican twins" are slang terms for siblings who are not actually twins, but rather, were born less than 12 months apart [2] â possibly in the same calendar year and/or school year. It refers to the perception that Irish Catholic families have many children, often with little time between births. It is sometimes considered derogatory. Similarly, "Irish triplets" refers to three siblings born in two years.[citation needed]

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Looking for some ill Dubstep?


Any recommendations on some good dubstep?!

I don't want any lame remixed shit, I'm looking for filthy, insane, dubstep drops that will make me system shake!


Butch Clancy - Russian Lullaby
Chrispy - Death Threats
Chrispy - Find Your Zen
Chrispy - Roll Out (VIP Remix)
Chrispy - Scenes of violence
Darude - Sandstorm (Vaski Remix)
Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers (Doorly Remix)
Doctor P - Vampire Dub
Dubba Jonny - A Brief Tutorial On Vip Production
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix)
Emalkay - When I Look At You
Ephixa - Dubstep Killed Rock 'n' Roll
Eminem - Till I Collapse (Filth Dubstep Remix)
Far East Movement - Like a G6 (Eyes Remix)
Far East Movement vs. Skrillex - Scary Like a G6 (Baby Armie Dubstep Blend Remix)
Feed Me - Blood Red (Original Mix)
Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop
FuntCase - 50 Caliber
Gemini - Elevate
Going Quantum - Hello (Original Mix)
La Roux - Bulletproof (Foamo's Dubstep Remix)
La Roux - In for the Kill (Skream's Let's Get Ravey remix)
Lil' Wayne - Drop The World (Filthorime Remix)
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem (Arion Remix)
Metallica - Seek & Destroy (Bassnectar Dubstep Remix)
Nero - Electron (Original Mix)
Nero - Guilt
Nero - Innocence (Original Mix)
Nero - Promises
Nero - Promises (Skrillex & Nero Remix)
Rhianna - Rude Boy (Chrispy Remix)
Skrillex - Reptiles Theme
The Streets - Blinded By the Lights (Nero Remix)

my other list i have

The Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch (Prime Remix)
Gemini - Blue
Anyman - Genesis
Zeds Dead - White Satin
The Streets - In The Middle (Nero Remix)
Plan B - Love Goes Down (Doctor P Remix)
Black Sun Empire - Hyper Sun
Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive
Professor Green - Monster (Camo & Krooked remix)
DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (Flux Pavilion Remix)
Chrispy - Inspector Gadget (Dubstep Remix)
Flux Pavilion - Bass Cannon
Freestylers - Cracks (Flux Pavilion Remix)
Bionic Commando (Rusko Remix)
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (Roksonix Dubstep Remix)
Chrispy - Roll Out
Deadmau5 - Ghosts N Stuff (Nero Remix)
The Bloody Beetroots - WARP (Dirtyphonics Remix)
Chrispy - Dr Satan
Chrispy - Scenes of Violence
Cookie Monsta - Ginger Pubes
666 - D.E.V.I.L. (Nerva & Wonkap Remix)

i broke my subs twice in 2011

Help putting together a dubstep cd?


I need suggestions for a dubstep compilation I'm making.

The stuff i usually listen to are skrillex or bassnectar, or simply mid to heavy stuff. if that explains anything...

I would like to put together a mix focusing on more 'mellow' dubstep...

for example:

I recently came across Bassnectar's mix of Ellie Goulding's 'Lights', and i love it. so I'm looking for something similar in sound...

Thanks ahead of time for your suggestions!
@Emily, I really like that track actually! and i can't stand Linkin' Park, good pick

Butch Clancy - Russian Lullaby
Chrispy - Death Threats
Chrispy - Find Your Zen
Chrispy - Roll Out (VIP Remix)
Chrispy - Scenes of violence
Darude - Sandstorm (Vaski Remix)
Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers (Doorly Remix)
Doctor P - Vampire Dub
Dubba Jonny - A Brief Tutorial On Vip Production
Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Jakwob Remix)
Emalkay - When I Look At You
Ephixa - Dubstep Killed Rock 'n' Roll
Eminem - Till I Collapse (Filth Dubstep Remix)
Far East Movement - Like a G6 (Eyes Remix)
Far East Movement vs. Skrillex - Scary Like a G6 (Baby Armie Dubstep Blend Remix)
Feed Me - Blood Red (Original Mix)
Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop
FuntCase - 50 Caliber
Gemini - Elevate
Going Quantum - Hello (Original Mix)
La Roux - Bulletproof (Foamo's Dubstep Remix)
La Roux - In for the Kill (Skream's Let's Get Ravey remix)
Lil' Wayne - Drop The World (Filthorime Remix)
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem (Arion Remix)
Metallica - Seek & Destroy (Bassnectar Dubstep Remix)
Nero - Electron (Original Mix)
Nero - Guilt
Nero - Innocence (Original Mix)
Nero - Promises
Nero - Promises (Skrillex & Nero Remix)
Rhianna - Rude Boy (Chrispy Remix)
Skrillex - Reptiles Theme
The Streets - Blinded By the Lights (Nero Remix)

my other list i have

The Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch (Prime Remix)
Gemini - Blue
Anyman - Genesis
Zeds Dead - White Satin
The Streets - In The Middle (Nero Remix)
Plan B - Love Goes Down (Doctor P Remix)
Black Sun Empire - Hyper Sun
Mt Eden Dubstep - Still Alive
Professor Green - Monster (Camo & Krooked remix)
DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (Flux Pavilion Remix)
Chrispy - Inspector Gadget (Dubstep Remix)
Flux Pavilion - Bass Cannon
Freestylers - Cracks (Flux Pavilion Remix)
Bionic Commando (Rusko Remix)
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (Roksonix Dubstep Remix)
Chrispy - Roll Out
Deadmau5 - Ghosts N Stuff (Nero Remix)
The Bloody Beetroots - WARP (Dirtyphonics Remix)
Chrispy - Dr Satan
Chrispy - Scenes of Violence
Cookie Monsta - Ginger Pubes
666 - D.E.V.I.L. (Nerva & Wonkap Remix)

hope you like it

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Which position is best to get pregnant ?


Me and my hubby are in good health and always follow healthy habits and lifestyle. We are both looking forward to conceive a baby soonest. Getting pregnant seems to be one of the easiest things for most people, but why is it hard for me to be pregnant? Is there any help or advice on which position is best to get pregnant? Serious answer please.

I believe that you must not worried which sexual position should be applied when you want to get pregnant as long as your spouse's sperm can swim and find its way to the uterus in your body to meet the egg.

However, there are some opinion that there are specific positions that can makes a woman pregnant faster, various sexual positions that can make it easier for sperms to swim faster towards the eggs and increase the chances of conceiving.

Here are some of the sexual positions that can help you getting pregnant :

1. Side by side position
It is considered the ideal position of getting pregnant because it allows your man to have a direct access to the cervix making the sperms swim faster towards the uterus. In this position, you will sleeps on your side and your spouse will enter from behind.

2. The Missionary position
In this position, he stays on top while you sleep on your back. This is the overall winner of all the positions as the pull of gravity will help the sperm move down towards the uterus faster.

3. The Doggy style position
It can also increase the sperm's ability to enter the uterus faster. In this position, you would bend down to the ground and support yourself with both hands while he will enter you from behind.

4. Upside down position
This position appears harder to work with. Use a chair to raise your heaps, in this way the sperm can access the cervix easily. This method also takes the advantage of the gravity which makes the sperm swim faster.

However, whatever the intercourse position applied, it is important for you to know that you can get pregnant if both you and your partner find the sex pleasurable. Experts say that regardless of which position is best to get pregnant, any sex position can make a woman pregnant, provided it make both couples reach their orgasm and climax. Creating romantic environment, putting on sexy clothes and making sensational foreplay also increases the intensity of love making and this can increase your chance of getting pregnant.

Let me share some other important tips to get pregnant fast:

Deep penetration is advisable. That is why; it is important for both of you to be totally aroused to make the entry deeper.

If you want to get pregnant, you should always keep your vagina friendly to sperms; this by avoiding products that destroy the sperm, products like vaginal sprays, scented tampons and scented lubricants may significantly destroy the sperm.

I wish you the best of luck.

Sleeping positions? pregnant?


I am a back and stomach sleeper. However, its uncomfortable now sleeping on my belly, and I'm hearing not to sleep on my back. How dangerous is it really? I can't sleep well anymore at all! Any ladies have a problem while they were pregnant? Suggestions please!!!! Thank you!

You aren't supposed to sleep on your back once you get farther along because it cuts off the blood flow to one of the vessels that is connected to your baby. This can lead to less oxygen and blood circulation for your baby, which is obviously not good for him/her! Anyway, the best position for you to sleep is on your left side. I know it may be uncomfortable, but at this point in your pregnancy NO position is ever comfortable. I'm 28 weeks pregnant now & I have a hard time sleeping no matter which position I'm in. Also, I'm sure at some point you will roll onto your back while you are sleeping (it's natural)...just make sure you don't sleep like that the entire night.

I've heard that those noodle (pregnancy) pillows are good too. Or, instead of spending a ton of money on a special pillow, you could just go to the store & buy 3-4 regular pillows to help you sleep at night. Pillows are a godsend when you are pregnant! Hope this helps! :) Congrats on the pregnancy!!

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What do you know about the Billings method?


Do you have any information to share about the Billings method? What is its degree of accuracy in case of birth control? Is it safe to rely on it solely? How good is it as a measure for the well-being of the female reproductive system? Please share any scientific and correct information you know. Thanks!

The Billings Method or the BOM is the most modern natural way to achieve or to avoid becoming pregnant.

It can be used by a woman in all stages of her reproductive life: regular, irregular cycling, breastfeeding, approaching menopause, recovering from emotional and physical stress or coming off contraceptive medication.

Whether she is poor, illiterate or blind she learns to recognise the fertile phase in her menstrual cycle when conception may occur so that she knows ahead of time when intimate sexual contact with her husband may or may not lead to pregnancy.

Fertility is signalled by the development of a particular type of mucus from the crypts of the cervix. Sperm live in the best type of mucus but without it they die within an hour or so. The mucus symptom, telling the woman she has begun her fertile phase, develops a few days prior to ovulation. The Peak day (the last day of the lubricative sensation) occurs very close to the time of ovulation. She is possibly fertile for a further three days and menstruation follows 11 - 16 days later.

A woman is not asked to do anything except pay attention to what she has already noticed just as she goes about her normal daily activies; keep a simple record and apply four common sense guidelines. The daily chart is very important in reminding her to pay attention to the changes in sensation at the vulva and the appearance of any discharge seen. It also gives valuable information to the couple so that they can make decisions about their joint fertility.

Clinical trials demonstrate how effective it is when avoiding pregnancy (better than 99%) while helping those couples labelled "low fertility" or on IVF lists to conceive a long awaited baby 80% of the time (Australian trial, 2006). The Billings chart gives valuable hormonal information to doctors and is increasingly used as a diagnostic tool in the treatment of infertility.

The Method was first called the Ovulation Method because ovulation is the important event in the cycle determining its length but in 1978 the World Health Organisation added the name of the doctor/wife team who developed it 55 years ago: Dr. John Billings AM, KSCG, MD, FRACP, FRCP(Lond) R.I.P., and Dr. Evelyn Billings, AM, DSCG, MB BS, DCH(Lond) in order to distinguish it from other methods. Since then Professor Emeritus James B. Brown MSc(NZ) PhD (Edin), FRACOG (hormone expert) and Professor Emeritus Erik Odeblad MD(Gynae), PhD, world renowned expert on the cervix, have joined the scientific team and validated the four common sense guidelines which may not be moderated in any way.

To ensure that the authentic Billings Ovulation Method is learned using the required teaching materials it is important to find an accredited instructor near you

How you might ask?

FERTILITY 101 Letâs briefly review some fertility facts. Men are fertile every day of the year. Women are fertile just a few days out of each cycle. By observing and recording these times of female fertility, couples who use natural family planning can decide to avoid conception or achieve conception by abstaining from intercourse or engaging in intercourse during fertile times.

Around the time of ovulation, estrogen causes the cervix to secrete wet, slippery mucus. (I prefer the term âcervical fluid,â but I will use the term âcervical mucusâ in this article since that is the language of the Billings Ovulation Method.) An ovulated egg only lives for about 12-24 hours, but sperm can live 3-5 days in cervical mucus, which nourishes it and helps it travel. The basic premise of the Billings Ovulation Method is that cervical mucus is a reliable indicator of fertility and that a woman is fertile on any day of cervical mucus, plus the first four dry days after the mucus ends.

FERTILE / INFERTILE TIMES *The menstrual period is considered fertile since bleeding could cover up fertile mucus *Dry days, days when there is no mucus all day long, are considered infertile *Fertile days occur when there is any wetness, spotting, or mucus, even once during the day. All mucus is considered fertile, whether itâs pasty, creamy, lotiony, egg white, etc.

RULES FOR OBSERVING AND CHARTING CERVICAL MUCUS 1. Throughout the day, notice your vaginal sensation. Does it feel wet or dry? 2. Wipe downward across the vaginal opening before and after each bathroom visit. Use a clean fingertip or t.p.
3. Note the presence and quality of cervical mucus. Is mucus present? Make up your own descriptors for your mucus (i.e., pasty, creamy, egg white etc.) as you use the method. The wetter and stretchier your mucus, the more fertile you are. 4. Do Kegels before bed and make one last check. 5. Record your observation on a chart at the end of the day. Technically, if youâre not recording your observations, then youâre not following the method.
TO AVOID PREGNANCY. . . *abstain during menstruation (since bleeding could obscure cervical mucus) *on dry days (no cervical mucus at any time in the

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15 and pregnant with twins...?


I am 15 and 12 weeks pregnant with twins.. I have never been so scared in my life please dont judge me because you dont know my story.. But i was wondering will my babies be okay even though im only 15 and im so little? I just am so confused with it all and have so many questions . Will my babies survive? i just dont know to many people that have had twins at 15..

Being pregnant with twins at 15 is a high risk pregnancy.
All you can do is try your best to stay healthy and try not to be stressed out.
Also see your Dr. regularly like your supposed to.
Your Dr. is really the only one that can keep you up to date on how the babies are doing.
Best of luck to you!

I am 28 and pregnant with twins.?


I have 2 other kids, a 2 yr old and 3yr old.
now i am 28 yrs old and pregnant with twins
wat is going to happen during this pregnancy?
I mean wat will be different from the other 2!

im pregnant with twins too!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Could I be pregnant? 6 days late and clear white discharge.?


Im currently having sex with my fiancee. We always use a condom and he cums outside me all the time. But a couple of days back, we had sex without the condom only for a minute or so before we put one on, and the condom remained intact the whole time (no tears,leakages etc). Also, he peed and washed well before we got it on.
My period was due about 6 days ago and there's still no sign of it. I usually get cramps and sore breasts but so far, nothing. I have maybe a 32 day cycle but its odd that there's still no sign of it.
However, for the past week or so i've had white discharge (not spotted or tinged with blood or anything like that). Doesn't itch or burn either. It comes out in intervals, maybe a little in the morning and later on at night. Its quite watery and a little thick at the same time, weird i know. I've had this kind of discharge previously but this time it just feels like there is more, but it could be me being paranoid. But other than that i feel perfectly fine.
Could i be pregnant? Just wondering since i have no other symptom. Havent taken a test yet since its pretty early but i hope someone has an answer to this. (:
The discharge has turned watery too. Literally like water so it feels like im peeing for a second

Are your periods generally regular? Do you expect your period to come on a specific week each month? If your periods are generally normal, I might count this as a missed period. After about a week and a half of no period, I would be a little worried. Some women know they're pregnant before their period even comes. It doesn't sound like you could be pregnant. It may just be a skipped period or it might take a few more days for you to start.

If you're really worried about it, it's not a bad idea to take a pregnancy test. Knowing when you ovulate and your fertility week each month is good information to have. A pregnancy test can detect hcg in your urine as early as 14 days after the egg has implanted in the uterus. Your ovulation is usually in the middle of the month of your period. Usually like 2- 1 /2 weeks before hand. If you were having this somewhat unprotected sex during this time, it's possible that your body is more fertile at that time. (this would be having sex during your ovulation and fertility week)

So, if you're 6 days late and you've been having sex on a regular basis, it wouldn't hurt to wait another week to see what happens. If your period doesn't start, take a pregnancy test to see where you stand. If your test comes back negative, factor in some other options of skipping a period, like stress. You mentioned you had a fiancee. Planning a wedding could add stress and it will take a toll on your body, even if you don't feel it. If your test comes back positive, I would schedule a doctor appointment and go from there. The doctor will most likely run your urine and blood. At that point, you will find out if you really are or are not pregnant.

i am 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant when will i be 11 weeks!??


do they go by like 7 days of the week..?
i heard they say that 6 weeks pregnant make a that true ?
because i thought 4 weeks pregnant made a month!

can somebody answer my question and also can i eat hot things because i heard that can also harm the that true also?

You are 6 weeks from your last period when you are "6 weeks pregnant". Your baby is conceived at week 2 of your pregnancy. You're 6 weeks pregnant, but your baby was only created 4 weeks ago. I know, it's confusing. If you are 10 weeks and 6 days, but you will be 11 weeks tomorrow. It goes by like a regular 7 day week. Yes you can eat hot things- it will not harm the baby. It may bother your stomach, but if not, go ahead. Good luck and congrats!

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After being seperated, my baby guinea pig will not stop squeaking.?


We just seperated the males from females. There's a cage with 3 males, and the other cage has 2 girls. The one baby boy will NOT stop making EXTREMELY high pitched squeals. I think it's because he misses his mom, but is this normal after being weaned?

It is so normal after being weaned that we always wean in the morning so we don't have to listen to them holler all night! He should get over it in 12 to 36 hours so hang in there!

Absolutely DO NOT have any visits, that will only make the separation go worse.

im getting a baby guinea pig what should i do?


i'm getting a 6 week old baby guinea pig (in a few weeks), should i get an older one so when i get the little one it will have some one to play with (the older one is 4 month old). they are both girls

Pet guinea pigs are active, inquisitive animals that can make great companions. Understanding what their behavior means will help you build a closer relationship with your furry friend.

Guinea pigs are naturally social creatures, and exhibit a wide range of behavioral expressions. If you can learn to interpret these behaviors, it will make for a much better relationship with your pet. Hereâs a guide for some of the behavioral patterns your guinea pig may exhibit:

Vocal Communication: Though pet guinea pigs seem like quiet creatures, they use noises quite often to express themselves. Understanding these is the key to understanding your critter companion.
Here are some examples:
Whistling: Guinea pigs will often let out a high pitched squeal or whistle, and this noise means your furry friend is excited, perhaps about feeding time or playtime.
Purring: Another guinea pig sound is the purr, which may make your guinea pig seem more like a cat. These purrs can have different meanings. A deep, relaxed one means your guinea pig is content, while a higher pitched one is more likely a sound of annoyance. A shorter sounding, apprehensive purr may mean fear. Alternately, fear can be signaled by a high-pitched squeak or shriek.
Hissing: This sound may also sound like chattering teeth and is a sign that your pet guinea pig is angry or aggressive. It is often accompanied by bared teeth.
Chirping: One strange guinea pig sound you may observe is a chirping noise, often made when your guinea pig is in a trance-like state. This mysterious behavior is not fully understood, but is more often seen in guinea pigs that have recently lost a partner.

Physical Communication: Pet guinea pigs also express themselves using non-verbal communication. Being able to interpret this behavior can help you understand more about your guinea pig.

Signs of happiness/ friendliness: If your guinea pig is pleased with you, he will find ways to express this in body language. A common sign of happiness is rapid hopping up and down, similar to popcorn popping. Another sign of friendliness is rubbing noses, which guinea pigs will often do with each other. Licking is another friendly signal.

Signs of anxiety/aggression: Likewise, if your guinea pig is scared or unhappy with you, he will find ways to show this. Freezing, fidgeting, or throwing his head up in the air, means he is scared or uncomfortable. Teeth baring and hissing, hair fluffing, and strutting often are signs of aggression.

Socializing: As mentioned before, guinea pigs are very social creatures, and for this reason thrive more with other guinea pigs around. They enjoy playing and interacting with each other. Therefore, if you have a single guinea pig, itâs more important that you spend time with him. Socializing and playtime are important parts of a guinea pigâs life, and if neglected, it could lead to stress or depression.

Signs of Stress and Depression: If your guinea pig is feeling stressed or depressed, his behavior will reflect this. Normally, a stressed guinea pig will show signs of irritability and more aggressive displays of behavior, such as head tossing, fidgeting, or teeth-baring. A depressed guinea pig, on the other hand, will become very listless and not display much energy. You may want to consult a veterinarian if your guinea pig is acting in either of these manners.

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Monday, February 3, 2014

im making a slow R&B mix, and need some help!?


i guess you would call it baby makin' music, im looking for that sexy R&B sound(nothing up beat). so far i got

ginuwine - so anxious
lsg- my body
usher - nice & slow
keith sweat - no body

....... hummm what else


I am the queen of baby making music. Check this list out.

Baby Face- Whip Appeal
Ralph Tresvalt- Sensitivity
Mint Condition- If You Love Me
Jon B.- They Don't Know
Herb Aplert and Janet Jackson- Making Love In the Rain (a sex song you might like)
Public Announcement- It's About Time
Johnny Gill- It's Your Body
Kut Klose- I Like (a sex song you might like)
Changing Faces- Stroke You Up
Intro- Come Inside (Extended version)
Janet Jackson- 70's Love Groove ( a seductive sex song)
Janet Jackson- Anytime, Anyplace (R.Kelly Remix) (a sex song you may like)
Janet Jackson- Funny How Time Flies (a teasing sex song)
Janet Jackson- 24 Play (another teasing sex song)
Men of Vision- House Keeper
Gyrl- Play Another Slow Jam (has a nice beat)
Silk- Lets Make Love
Silk- Meeting In My Bedroom
Silk- Freak Me
Silk- If You
Usher and Baby Face- Bedtime
New Edition- I'm Still In Love With You
Jesse Powell- Bout It, Bout It
Jodeci- Stay
Ginuwine- All Nite, All Day
JS- Ice Cream
R.Kelly- Bump-N-Grind Remix
R.kelly- Sex Me Part 1
TLC- Take Our Time
TLC- Lets Do It Again
TLC- Red Light Special
Changing Faces- Stroke You Up (Extended Remix)
Boys II Men- Uhh, Ahh (Sequal Version)
Kieth Washington- Bring It On
Marc Nelson- Chocolate Mood
Marc Nelson- 15 Minutes
H-Town- Knockin' Da Boots
Faith Evans- Soon As I Get Home
Indie Arie- Brownskin
En Vogue- Giving Him Something He Can Feel
Ralphael Saadiq- All I Ask Of You
Willie Max- Can't Get Enough
Aaron Hall- All the Places I Will Kiss You
Immature- Feel The Funk
Immature- Please Don't Go
Shai- Baby I'm Yours
Shai- Comforter
Blackstreet- Before I Let Go
Ginuwine- In Those Jeans
Guy- Let's Chill
Baby Face- Never Keeping Secrets
Total- Kissing You
Joe- Don't Want To Be A Player No More (Slow Version without pun)
Joe- All the Things
Joe- I Wanna Know
Joe- Love Scene
Joe- Good Girls
Brian Mc Knight- Whats It Gonna Be
Brian McKnight- Crazy Love
Link- I Really Wanna Sex Your Body
Pretty Ricky- Juicy
SWV- Always On My Mind
SWV-Downtown (Original Version)
MoKenStef- He's Mine
MoKenStef- Sex In the Rain
MoKenStef- Sex In the Rain (Remix)
Xscape- Softest Place On Earth
Janet Jackson- I Want You
Janet Jackson- Come Back To Me
Janet Jackson- Feel So Right
Janet Jackson- Would You Mind
Janet Jackson- With You
Toni Braxton- I Love Me Some Him
Chante Moore- It's Alright
Caron Wheeler- I Adore You
R.Kelly- Tempo Slow
Hi-Five-Quality Time
Jodeci- Feeenin'
Jodeci- Freakin' You
Jodeci- Come and Talk To Me (Original)
Jill Scott- My Love
Jill Scott- Cross My Mind
Next- Butta Love
Beyonce- I'd Rather Be With You
Shai- Come With Me
Day 26- Come In
Chantay Savage-Come Around
Intro- Ribbon In the Sky
New Edition- Can You Stand The Rain
T.I.- Why You Wanna
Faith Evans- I Love You
Silk- Deeper
112- Love You Like I Did
Divine- Lately
Divine- One More Try
Aaliyah- I Care 4 You
Brandy- Broken Hearted with Boys II Men
Brandy- Broken Hearted by herself version
All 4 One- So Much In Love
Kai- I'll Be Lovin' You
Kut Klose- Surrender
Tony, Toni, Tone- Anniversary
Mad Cobra- Flex Time to Have Sex
LL Cool J- I Need Love
Rome- Everytime I See Your Face
Baby Face- Everytime I Close My Eyes
Ashanti- Baby
Aaron Hall- I Miss You
Chante Moore- Love's Taken Over
Chante Moore- Chante's Gotta Man
Bobby Brown- Tenderoni
Myron- Destiny
Bobby Brown- Rock With You
Mint Condition- You Send Me Swingin'
Mint Condition- What Kind Of Man Would I Be
Mint Conditon- You Don't Have To Hurt No More
Mint Condition- Pretty Brown Eyes
Eric Benet- I Wanna Be Loved
Lalah Hathaway- Forever, For Always, For Love
Marc Nelson- Compass Love
TLC- Don't Pull Out On Me
TLC- Hands Up
Maxwell- Fortunate
Maxwell- Lifetime
Tracie Spencer- It's All About You
Tracie Spencer- Still In My Heart
SWV- Use Your Heart
SWV- Weak
Kenny Latimore- Never Too Busy
Baby Face- For the Cool In You
U.N.V- Something Going On
Blaque (Lefteye)-I Do with Lefteye
H-Town- Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Avant- Seperated
R.Kelly-12 Play
R.Kelly- Feelin' On Your Booty
R.Kelly- Remind Me of Something
R.Kelly- Body's Callin'
R.Kelly- Honey Love
Public Announcement- Body Bumpin' (Remix Version)
Destiny's Child- No, No, No, Part 1
Mya- Anatomy
Ciara- Promise
Ciara and R.Kelly- Promise the Remix
Tevin Campbell- Shhhh Break It Down
Tevin CampBell- Alone With You
Tevin Campbell- Always In My Heart
Tevin Campbell- Can We Talk
Tevin Campbell- Tell Me What You Want Me To Do
H-Town- They Like It Slow
Jagged Edge- He Can't Love You
Jagged Edge- Promise
Jagged Edge- Lets Get Married (Original)
Nivea- 25 Reasons
Nivea- Laudromat
R.Kelly- One Me
R.Kelly- Step In My Room
R.Kelly- Down Low
Usher, Ludacris, and Lil'Jon- Lovers and Friends
B2K- Gots To Be
R.Kelly- Greatest Sex
Pretty Ricky- Age Ain't Nothing But A Number
B2K- What You Get
Fabulous- Baby
Donnel Jones- I'm Gonna Be
Ruben Studard- Make You Feel Beautiful
Tevin Campbell- I'm Ready
Keith Sweat- I'm Not Ready
Changing Faces- Fooling Around
II D Extreme- You Don't Have To Cry No More
Jodeci- Forever My Lady
Omarion- O
Next- I Still Love You
Shae Jones- Talk Show Shit
Adina Howard- T-Shirt and My Panties
Baby Face- When Can I See You Again
Mary J. Blige- Seven Days
Toni Braxton- Seven Whole Days
IMX- In and Out of Love
Donell Jones- Do You Wanna
Donell Jones- You Know That I Love You
R.Kelly Etcetera
R.Kelly- Can We Get Up On A Room
SWV- Rain
SWV- Love Will Be Right Here (Human Nature Version)
Hi-Five- Never Should've Let You Go
Marques Houston- Naked
Changing Faces- G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T Part 1
Changing Faces- G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T Part 2
Changing Faces- Can't Be the Other Woman
En Vogue- What's It Gonna Be
Neyo- So Sick (LL Cool J Remix)
Zhane- Sending My Love
702- You Don't Know
702- Can We Get It Together
Ginuwine- Two Sides To A Story
Ginuwine- I Know
Foxy Brown and Blackstreet- GonnaGet You Home
Boys II Men and Chante Moore- Your Home Is In My Heart
Mariah Carey- Vision Of Love
Mariah Carey- My All
Floetry- Say Yes
Allure- All Cried Out
3LW- I'm Gonna Make You Miss Me
J-Shin- One Night Stand
Monica- Before You Walk Out My Life
Kevon Edmonds- 24/7
Kevon Edmonds- Tears On My Pillow
Boys II Men- I'll Make Love To You
Boys II Men- Doin' Just Fine
Shai- I'll Never Fall In Love Again (Acapella)
Shai- I'll Never Fall In Love Again Part 2
Boys II Men- In the Still Of the Night
Boys II Men- Pass You By
Boys II Men- Please Don't Go
Brandy- Angel In Disguise
Whitney Houston- Saving All My Love
Rude Boys- Written All Over Your Face
Pretty Ricky- Get You Right
Johnny Gill- There You Go
Tyrese- Fallin' In Love With You
Mista- Blackberry Molasses
H-Town- Emotions
Xscape-Who Can I Run To
Jagged Edge- Promise (Remix) with Jermaine Dupri
Guy- A Piece of My Love
Profyle- Whispers of the Dark
Brian McKnight- The Only One For Me
Suffocate- J.Holiday
Girl Tonight- Trey Songz Version

Well its a pretty long list and I know alot more but tired of typing.This should help you a lot girl. I have all these C.D's and its not even been burned. I got the original copies. Albums and singles. Enjoy!!! A List of 240 songs. 240 suggestions.

Grass seed baby assignment?


for school we are starting childcare.

we have a grass seed baby.
we have to water and care for it
for 2 weeks and we are graded on the quality and ammount of its grass "hair".

we have to make a baby scrapbook,
a bed w/ a toy, and
and a body for it

idk what to make the body out of. i dont have any big doll clothes and shoes.
the grass seed baby we start out with
is only its head

any help?.
i have tons of boy and girl barbie dolls with no heads on them.

[i tore them all off 3 years ago :P]

so maybe i could sew and stuff clothes onto the body of a ken doll

and then superglue, hot glue, rubber cement, etc, the head of the grass seed baby into where the ken doll's head used to be:]

Make clothes! It's fun and easy! and use clay or a box or make a little out line of a body and duplicate it so you have a front and a back out of fabric and cut it and sew it and stuff it!

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