Saturday, March 15, 2014

Question: Does Having His Baby Make Him Stay?


i'm 17 and I dont get it?? i hear about girls ALL the time that say they want to have their boyfriends baby to make them stay...yeah some guys feel like they have to stay, but sadly in my opinion most guys would stay for the BABY not for necessarily for YOU. and its sad i think girls should want to be with a guy that wants to be with them for them and not because of a baby, but thats just my opinion...can someone please answer this question for me.

No, having a baby doesn't make the guy stay around. If your relationship is rocky already, having a baby is the worst thing you could do. A baby is a HUGE responsibility and involves a lot of time and attention. That adds a lot of stress and strain to a relationship. If things are already not going well, the extra stress of having a baby will probably break it completely. In a solid, healthy relationship, having a baby can bring the couple closer together, but only if their relationship is already strong enough to cope with the stress and responsibility of raising a child. If the girl is worried about her bf leaving... that should be a neon warning sign saying it is NOT a good time to get pregnant.

There are some guys out there who will take the responsibility of being a father seriously enough to stick around because of a child. Most of those guys are also smart enough not to get a girl pregnant in the first place. A guy who is careless or stupid enough to get a girl pregnant when their relationship isn't going well anyway... that guy probably isn't going to stick around for a baby, he'll be outta there and on to the next girl who doesn't come with so much responsibility.

Making homemade baby food?

Leah's Mom

My pediatrician suggested waiting until she eats veggies that aren't as sweet so she's not just going for the sweet stuff, then offering things like sweet potatoes and apples and whatever. Does anyone else out there make baby food? How do I do it? I have a really small food processor but how much water do I add, and also I saw on that avocado is a good first food, any experiences with that?

I make my own baby food. It is really easy. Here is a book I recommend, Top 100 Baby Purees by Annabel Karmel. I use a blender. If I am going to feed him a sweet fruit, like an apple, I mix it with rice cereal. I have fed him avocado. He likes it. The amount of water you add depends on your baby and the texture she likes. Here are 2 recipes from Karmel's book.

A no-cook recipe for avocados. 1/2 small avocado, 1/2 small banana, 1 to 2 tablespoon your baby's usual milk. Mash the avocado together with the banana and milk.

First vegetable puree. 4-6 medium carrots, peeled and chopped. Put the carrots in a steamer over boiling water. Cook for 15-20 minutes until tender. Drain the carrots and place in a blender, adding some of the water from the bottom of the steamer, then puree until smooth. The amount of liquid you add really depends on your baby.

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Tips on getting pregnant with a tilted uterus?


I've read that having a tilted uterus does not make it harder to get pregnant but I've also read and heard that it does make it harder to concieve. And in my case, I think that it does make it more difficult to get pregnant. So do any of you know any good tips on getting pregnant with a tilted uterus? Other than the normal things. And thank you so much for the feedback.â¥

I have a tilted uterus too and my Gyno says it has no effect on you getting pregnant at all. (and trust me I have asked her like 50 times) I wouldn't worry about your titled uterus, you will get pregnant all in due time...good luck baby dust

Tips on getting pregnant with an irregular cycle and a tilted uterus?


We have miscarried twice and have had difficulty getting pregnant in the past. We were just hoping for some advice(real advice) on increasing our chances of pregnancy with an irregular cycle and a tilted uterus. Thank you so much for your time.

You know, I'm not quite sure I would be the one to answer your specific issue about the tilted uterus, but here is some advice that has worked for us (husband and I), and I like to share it with friends and people in needs who are trying to increase their chances of pregnancy when they have similar symtoms like yours.

-Monitoring one's body signs for ovulation, then having lovemaking on the days when this occurs.
-There a variety of different brands of commercial gadgets for monitoring your ovulation and fertility levels readily available, and they all work somewhat differently. (The book I talked about...I actually including a link if you're interested, goes into more detail for you).
-You and your partner can monitor these signs to figure out if you are fertile, after which engage in lovemaking on these days. This is the fastest way to get pregnant naturally along with many others the book mentioned that we also used...
-Once your vaginal mucus becomes less thick, you are getting closer to

Hope that helps!

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tips on getting pregnant.?


i've read everything its not like i'm going into this blind but everytime it doesn't work its just devistating. what are some extra things i can do

please no dumb or mean answers this is hard for me

I had the same problem. I was trying for a kids for like 3 years straight and so I decided to get myself investigated to see whether or not i could have children and if there was something wrong with me?

On September 1 I had an ultrasound to look for anything harmful and on the 3rd of that same month they found 27 cysts on my ovaries and my doctor then told me that I couldn't have kids and I would need to have IVF done, blah blah. and i'm only 20!

I told myself in August to stop trying, to stop wanting, and to just think about life for once and not think about falling pregnant and because I was in the right frame of my mind and my body was ready, I finally got pregnant. *I was already pregnant at the time the doctor said I couldn't have kids too!

I think give yourself at least three months of not trying and just doing your normal life and say to yourself that your not ready for a kid yet, cos I did that too and then boom!

anywy. I wish you all the best of luck, also talk to the doctor about how long you've been trying blah, blah, because if it's over 2 years it could mean that there may be a problem or something..

Best of luck..

EDIT: If you have depression this may be causing the stress on your body. Try to relax, smile and love your life not hate it, cos if you want to have a baby then you need to be strong no matter how sad or bad you may feel

Tips for getting pregnant?

Q. This is my 4th month of trying. I got my period yesterday-- 3 days late. Of course, my husband and I both assumed I was pregnant =(

1.) Will my next period be 28 days from when this one actually came? Or 28 days from when it was due (last sunday).

2.) Anything we can do/use/take that will boost our odds?
... we've been "having sex just to enjoy it" (not for procreation) for the past 2 months. I've been trying to stay relaxed about it. It's not working. I asked if there is anything we can do to help. Thanks.
I do have a 228 day cycle. This was the only time in my life that it was late.
* I do have a 28 day cycle. this is the only time in my life it's been late.

I know exactly how you feel, not knowing if and when it will happen. Have you gone to a fertility doctor? I know they usually do not see you until you have been trying for a year. We tried for a year, then I saw a fertility doctor, she put me on meds and shots, and after 4 months of that I was pregnant. (25 weeks and expecting a baby girl! It will happen for you too!) Anyway, something that is VERY helpful whether or not you are seeing a fertility specialist is charting your basal body temperature in the morning before you wake up. There is a book called Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler, and trust me it is well worth your money. It explains exactly how to chart your temperatures, and other tips on how to boost your fertility. Good luck, I hope you are blessed soon!

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Can you get pregnant 3 days before ovulation?


My husband and I had unprotected sex 2 days ago and according to one of those apps my most fertile day is tomorrow, I know those aren't completely accurate but it does a good job predicting. So how likely is it for me to get pregnant? And have any of you women gotten pregnant a couple days before you were supposed to ovulate?

They say that if you have sex a few days before you ovulate that it is possible to get pregnant because the sperm lives for 72+ hours.

Can you get pregnant 5 days before ovulation?


My fiancé and I had sex and he came in me. I checked my CM 5 days later and it was very stretchy and EW looking. I didn't notice it the next day which was Friday so we had unprotected sex again. Could I have gotten pregnant? Oh yeah I'm on Clomid to get pregnant.

If I read your question correctly, you said had sex 5 days before ovulation, and then again one day after ovulation. In this case, you are highly unlikely to get pregnant from your first intercourse, as your fertile period runs from 3 days before ovulation to 2 days after ovulation. However, it is possible for you to get pregnant from your second intercourse, as that falls within your fertile period.

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Pregnant with twins?


I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I'm having an ultrasound tomorrow. I'm just wondering how soon I can find out if I'm having twins or just one, I did IVF

Hopefully you will know tomorrow! I did IVF, too and had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks - at that point we could see both sacs and the fetal pole. It was AMAZING!

Congrats on your pregnancy and best wishes tomorrow!

pregnant with twins question?


I just found out today that I am 6 weeks/6 days pregnant with twins. Only one is measuring only 6 weeks. The Dr. had a really hard time getting a view at the 2nd so she's not positive on the second's 6 weeks measurement.

She said that the 2nd has a 70% chance as of now. Is there anyone that has been there and done that this early with these kind of measurements.

Husband and I are happy with whatever happens. We know that everything happens for a reason and if we have just one, there was a reason. But if we're blessed with 2, we're just plain blessed!

I just wanted to know of others out there with similar situations. Please tell me the good and the bad.

I conceived my twins through IVF, so I had a scan at 6 weeks too. We had implanted 2 embryos and I just knew straight away that they had both taken and we were going to have twins. Anyway, when I went to have the scan, the doctor could only get a clear reading of one of the embryos and wasn't sure if the second one had survived or not. In the end, he said it looked like we only had one baby. I just knew in my heart that there was two babies there and I remember thinking to myself 'stupid doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. There IS two babies. I'm having twins!'

When we went back for another scan a few weeks onwards, he confirmed that there indeed was two babies yay!

I'd like to commend you on your attitude towards your situation, but I know that you will feel some sort of loss if for some reason you do lose one of your babies so please stay strong but remember that it will be ok to grieve your loss and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!

Also, at this stage of pregnancy, the babies are only the tiniest dot on the screen and they will be able to measure more acurately etc as they grow larger in the following weeks. One could just be smaller for its age - remember they will be individuals!

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I just thought you might like to hear about a similar situation which turned out positive.

Good Luck!!

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Period while pregnant?


I'm 4 weeks pregnant tested before period. My period should strt on tuesday. I have some symtoms sometimes more sometimes less. I was wondering how was it with u. did you get your period and if yes did it look different. I'm afraid i will get my period and misscarieg. And we wont that baby so much. I know it always a chence for that along the pregnancy. I live healthy take prenatals and try to do everything right the worst is that fear. My mom also miscariage with the first baby in 2nd month. I was trying to make dr app but they said the dr will see me in 7th week so i will wait till april 15. But its so hard. I dont want to paranoid but i think i am already. Just let me know how was it with u and how u were dealing with that fear. it's my first pregnancy.Thank U;)

You do not get a period when you are pregnant. Women can experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy that can easily be mistaken for a period, but simply by definition you can not have a period at the same time you are pregnant. The hormones that cause a period are different than the hormones that help maintain a pregnancy. Sometimes bleeding during pregnancy goes unexplained and you go on to have a healthy full term pregnancy and sometimes the bleeding is serious. In either case you will only stress yourself out by worrying about it. Try to let yourself relax. I have had one early miscarriage, two late term miscarriages at 16 weeks and 18 weeks, and I gave birth at 22 weeks to a baby girl who did not survive because she was too early. It is scary, and every time I get pregnant again I think, I can't do this again, what if it happens again, how will I handle it? But if you concentrate on all the bad things that could go wrong you won't let yourself focus on the good things. When you get to your appointment be sure to ask about what you can do to give you the best chance at a healthy pregnancy. You are already doing everything in your power.

False test while already pregnant?

Q. Has anyone got a few positive pregnancy tests (blood or home)
and about a month later taken afew more and both were negative?

because I was pregnant (november), started bleeding, thought it was a miscarriage.....tried again (to conceive) the month after, took 2 tests but wasn't pregnant... and now i have almost all the pregnancy symptoms except sore breasts....
it's not all in my head either.. i actually completely gave up until i started getting these symptoms... i even have the line going down my stomach from my belly button.....
could it be possible that im still pregnant?
this was in November......or could i have got pregnant last month and just had my period?... it did only last 3 days

With your situation and with the tests being so different i would recommend a blood test to find out for sure what is going on. You could still be pregnant and if you are you should be seeing a Dr or you could be newly pregnant or not pregnant at all and having a false pregnancy so I would just call the Dr and get an appt for a bloodtest and go from there

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Can I have sex with a 50 year old woman and not have to worry getting her pregnant?


I'm 26 years old and about to have sex with a 50 year old woman.I was wondering with a woman this age,aren't her chances of becoming pregnant pretty slim?I was wondering if there is really much point in wearing a condom.How fertile can a woman be at 50 years old?

If she bleeds she can breed. Never assume a 50 year old can't get pregnant cause they most certainly can if she still gets a period.

if you are a 50 year old woman and a man put it in and pulled out. can she get pregnant?

Pretty Gur

my mom's friend is 50 years old and she didn't exactly have sex. the man put it in and pulled out after one min bcuz he said he had to cum. so far she has missed her period by a month. can she be pregnant or is it premenopause??
first of all to all u rude ppl i asked a question so to stick to the question and dont insult me. my mom's friend is asking my mom for advice so i'm asking you guys. no rude comments plzzz!! and thanx to the 1 person who did answer the right way

Yes, she can get pregnant off pre-ejaculation. I know a woman who is 54 that just gave birth.

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Rap song ....?


Can anyone give me a rap song that would be good to put on my myspace profile something about being happy i found the one for me or something like that .
Songs like Make Me Better - Fabolous .

Baby Don't Go - Fabolous

how to write a rap song?

Q. for those of you who write your lyrics, how do you go about it? do you pick a beat first and try and match lyrics to it or do you just write from your heart and find music later? i'm not really interested in getting into the industry or anything like that. i just have a lot on my mind and i was curious as to how you guys do it. any advice would be greatly appreciated. also, i realize that a lot of you reading this question may not like rap and will probably tell me something along the lines of "it's garbage". well my advice to you is shut the fuck up and take your opinions elsewhere.

Here's How To Rap Like Weezy F Baby - It's A Joke So Don't Take It Seriously....Even Though It Does Kinda Work

1. Pick a Verb. Preferably a verb about running away from the law or from an assailant. I.E. Duck, Run, Dodge or maybe Stop, Drop or Roll. Lilâ Wayne LOVES stopping, dropping and rolling. Not that thereâs anything wrong with that.

2. Connnect the verb to some sort of simile. This is crucial. Every single Lilâ Wayne line must contain some sort of relatively obvious simile. So maybe you can âduck like Scrooge.â âRun like a bloody nose.â Or even âDodge like Kansas.â You can do metaphors but try to steer away from doing this too often, lest people think that you are a different ghost-writer. That is bad. Also for bonus points talk about how âsweetâ you are. Lilâ Wayne loves talking about being sweet like a Tahitian Treat or some other delicacy high in sucrose.

3. Mention âSlanging Keys.â This is crucial to establish street cred. Donât pay attention to the fact that Lilâ Wayneâs been famous since 12 and the only thing he knows about slanginâ is that he speaks with it. After all, if you donât talk drugs how else can you impress the translucent Dairy Queen-white music critics. This way they can also compare you to the Wire. (Just remember to connect all that âslanging keysâ talk with a simile).

4. Declare that you are Weezy F. Baby. This will tell listeners who you are. Sure, they probably already know, but adding The âFâ in the middle of the name uncertainly adds to Wayneâs level of class. It makes him seem like F. Scott Fitzgerald. Exactly like F. Scott Fitzgerald. Whatever you do, donât attempt to ascertain what the âFâ stands for. That my friends is a slippery slope. And whatever you do, donât think about what the âFâ stands for while looking at a picture of Wayne and Baby making out.

5. Talk about hustling. Music critics love hustling. Presumably, they are devotees to the energetic style of basketball popularized by players like Ben Wallace, Kurt Rambis and Mark Madsen. This will make them feel at home. If thereâs anything music writers know about, itâs hustling.

6. Talk about Baby. Call him your Daddy. Forget the fact that heâs not actually your Daddy. Forget the fact that the majority of people that call other men âdaddyâ are prostitutes. Itâs unimportant. Mention something that Baby told you. Maybe that he told you âthese b*tches is b*tches.â Or that he told you to âTurn around and stick out.â (Maybe, he was just quoting Sir-Mix-A-Lot.) Ignore the fact that you call a man named âBaby,â âDaddy.â Letâs just chalk that up to being a New Orleans thing.

7. Make some sort of obvious pop culture technology reference. Talk about IPods. Or Myspace. Or gigabytes. Something remotely technological. It will show that Wayne is not completely retarded (just partially) and might have actually read a newspaper once or twice. Which clearly means he is a genius.

8. Talk about how poorly you treat women. Perhaps you can claim how youâll ânever love a b*tch.â Or how youâll ânever give a ho a damn thing.â The more misogynistic the better. This will definitely do much to steer people away from those nasty âgayâ rumors.

9. Apropos to nothing, make some sort of remark about Hurricane Katrina. No need to bother making it have anything to do with the rest of the verse. After all, never underestimate white liberal guilt. Any sort of name-dropping will make white liberals feel bad and they will forget the fact that Wayne is a multi-millionaire and anoint him the voice of the people. Also, be sure to make wild ridiculous conspiracy theories like claiming that you heard George Bush blew up the levees. The more absurd the better. Go for it.

10. Proclaim yourself the âGreatest Rapper Alive.â Forget the Fact that Wayne would be lucky to be included in a list of the Top 20 rappers working right now. Most music critics havenât listened to Hip Hop Made Before 1999 anyway (other than Public Enemy). If you proclaim yourself the greatest, you will be the greatest. Or at least people will be foolish enough to buy this canard.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

too young to be pregnant 9 months?


Stray came to me skinny and starving. I was told she is 9 months old. Now she is getting fatter. Her belly especially. Her nipples are getting more pronounced. I am starting to think that she is pregnant. Isn't she too young? She is scheduled for a spaying this Thursday. What if she is pregnant? Can they still spay her and would they abort the pregnancy?

It's certainly younger than ideal (since she probably got pregnant at 8 months or under) but it's not so dangerous as if she were a few months younger. It's sort of borderline. Cats do have successful pregnancies at this age. However, a young mother is more likely to have complications, maybe stillborn kittens or she may be too small and need a c-section. She can also be not mature enough mentally and end up refusing to raise the kittens in which case they have to be bottle fed every 2 hours round the clock for the first 2-3 weeks. then every 4 hours.

Yes they can spay her while pregnant. By definition it aborts the pregnancy because it removes the uterus including any fetuses. If she is a small slender girl it may be a better choice than the risk of complications during parturition
However some vets will not do a spay-abortion past a certain point in the pregnancy. But vets at shelters usually will because they see the results of so many homeless cats. Why not call the vet and tell them she's showing signs she's pregnant , find out if they would do a spay-abortion, and maybe you can bring her in and they can tell you what they think about health risks of the pregnancy

Pregnant 3 months after a C-Section!?

No Name

Me and the husband had our baby girl 3 months ago, I think I'm pregnant again! This wasn't supposed to happen! Our birth control method failed I do believe!!! I don't believe in abortion, so I won't get one, but what does this mean for me it being so soon after surgery?! Please no rude comments!

I got pregnant unexpectedly six months after my C-section. I'm now 16 weeks along. While it's not recommended to get pregnant so soon, there likely won't be any complications. My OB is not worried and has even said that it may be possible for me to do a VBAC. I'm not sure if that would apply to you as your babies would only be 12 months apart but you can always ask if you are, in fact, pregnant.

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what are some "baby making" music?

i like old school music like 112, ginuwine, silk, usher (back in the days)
yall get the taste
can you name me some love making music ;) thanks

Invented Sex- Trey Songz ft Drake
Number One (Sex)- R Kelly ft Keri Hilson
Sex Me- R Kelly
Make It Last Forever- Keith Sweat
Sex Me - R Kelly
Nice & Slow - Usher
Pony - Ginuwine
Sex With You- Marques Houston
PDA We Just Don't Care- John Legend
I Love You- Faith Evans
My Love- Joe
Sexy Love- Ne-Yo
Bed- J Holiday
Let's Get Lifted Again- John Legend
For The Love of You- Whitney Houston
Feelin' On Yo Booty- R Kelly
Turn Me On- Cocorosie
So Anxious- Ginuwine
Wey You- Chante Moore
Sexy Love- Ne-Yo
Bump N Grind- R Kelly
Wey You- Chante Moore
Love Won't Let Me Wait- Major Harrris
For The Love Of You- Whitney Houston
Stay Gold- Stevie Wonder
Slow Jamz- Usher
Between The Sheets- The Isley Brothers
Rock The Boat- Aaliyah
The Way That I Love You- Ashanti
My Love, Sweet Love- Patti LaBelle
Kissing You- Faith Evans
And I Gave My Love To You- Sonja Mari
I'll Make Love To You - Boyz II Men
The Sweetest Love- Robin Thicke
Sexy Can I- Ray J
Honey- Erykah Badu
These Are The Times- Dry Hill
Let's Get Lifted Again- John Legend
Slow Jams- Usher
Takes Time To Love - Trey Songz
Wait For You Forever - Mishon
Love Music - Chris Brown
My Boo - Usher
Stuttering - Mario
Before and After - Corey Williams
Touch My Hand - David Archuleta
Yours To Hold - Skillet
For You To Notice - Dashboard Confessionals
Calling You - Blue October
My Love- The Dream ft Mariah Carey
Just Like Me- Jamie Foxx ft T.I.
With You- Chris Brown
My Life Would Suck Without You- Kelly Clarkson
Amazing- Ciara ft Young Jeezy
Thinking Of You- Katy Perry
Lovely- Case
I Need A Girl- Trey Songz
Chocolate High- India.Arie ft Musiq Soulchild
Once In A Lifetime- Monica
Missing You- Levar Thomas
I Gotta Know- Nelly Furtado
Just A Kiss- Mishon
Keep On Loving Me- Cassie ft The Dream
Make Me Believe- Angel Taylor
My Swag On- Keri Hilson
What's My Name - Bryan McKnight
Birthday Sex- Jeremih
Scratch- Tonite ft Musiq Soulchild
Don't Forget- Demi Lovato
Love Story- Taylor Swift
Till (Your Legs Start Shakin')- Sleepy Brown
Between The Sheets- The Isley Brothers
Love Won't Let Me Wait- Major Harris
These Are The Times- Dru Hill
Love You Gently- Usher
Slow- Jamie Foxx
In My Veins- Jesse McCartney
Makin' Good Love- Avant
15 mintues- Mario
Butta Love- Next
Take You Down- Chris Brown
We Should Be- Trey Songz
Leave It All Up To You- Pretty Ricky
None of Your Friends Business- Ginuwine
Say Yes- Lil Corey
Slow Jamz- Usher
My Wish- Rascal Flatts
Whatcha Think About That- ***** Cat Dolls ft Missy Elliott
Everlasting Love- Tony Terry
Walking On The Moon- The Dream
Imma Put It On Her- Day 26
Not Anymore- Letoya
Birthday Sex- Jeremih
I Love Her- Marques Houston ft Jim Jones
Never Ever- Ciara
Amazing - Kanye West ft John Legend
Last Chance- Ginuwine
I Trust You- James Fortune ft Fiya
Love You Gently- Usher
Slow- Jamie Foxx
In My Veins- Jesse McCartney
Makin' Good Love- Avant
15 mintues- Mario
Butta Love- Next
Take You Down- Chris Brown
We Should Be- Trey Songz
Leave It All Up To You- Pretty Ricky
None of Your Friends Business- Ginuwine
Say Yes- Lil Corey
That Was Then- Lalah Hathaway
Long Distance- Brandy
Kool- Chanj
Someday- DJ Deckstream ft T-Boz
So Much To Say- Rob Murat
What You Do- Chrisette Michel ft John Legend
You Complete Me- Keyshia Cole
Sweet Dreams- Beyonce
Nasty Song- Lil Ru
Jodeci - Freakin' You- Jodeci
Trina & Plies- I Gotta Problem- Trina & Plies-
50 Candles- Boyz II Men
Lingerie- Pleasure P
Let It Flow- Toni Braxton
Red Light Special- TLC
I Belong To You- Rome
Honey Love- R Kelly
Lay Down- Shiro
You- Athena Cage
First You Said- Assorted Flavors
Make it Last Forever- Nobody
Put Your Loving Through the Test- Keith Sweat
They Don't Know- Jon B
He Can't Love You- Jagged Edge
Tell Me- Bobby Valentino
Let's Get Married- Jagged Edge
Feel the Same Way I Do- Destiny's Child
Put A Little Umph In It- Jagged Edge
Freakin' Me- Jamie Foxx
Playhouse-Pretty Ricky
Honey-Pretty Ricky
You- Lloyd
Angel- Amanda Perez
Tear It Up- Young Jeezy
Stay- Pretty Ricky

Do you make love or have S.E.X?


Make love, baby :)

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Could I be pregnant with twins?


I went for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks & they found two sacs, but I have went back for about 3 ultrasounds and all they see is one baby. I went to the ER Sunday and they picked up two different heartbeats, but the nurse couldn't give me a ultrasound and check because the doctor wasn't there. I haven't had a ultrasound since I was almost 18 weeks and I have felt my baby move in so many different angles at the same time & I have already gained about 35-40 pounds, Are they a possibilty that I could be pregnant with twins?
My next ultrasound is march 19th. Which is in 2 weeks.

well i would yes there is a very strong possibility for twins!!!
I am 7 weeks right now with twins and have already gained 5 pounds :(
I have had 2 ultrasounds first showed two sacs one very very small compared to the other, it was hard to see, then second ultrasound on tue showed again one big sac with baby and heartbeat and a very very small one underneath with a baby and heartbeat. I just think one is behind the other and that is why it is hard to see on ultrasound, especially since I did see the baby and a heartbeat with the second just not much fluid and a very tiny sac but again I just think it is being hidden in there.

When is your next ultrasound?
Hopefully one has moved into a better position to see both, but I really think you have twins! Congrats! Im still in the freaked out stage and so much shock!!! I am going from 1 3yr old kid to 3 ahhhhhh. Im not due though until Oct so I have some time to come to terms with the idea!

Pregnant With Twins?

nikki r

From experience, did any of you that had twins, know you were pregnant with them before you had a sonogram? If so, how were your symptoms? I know I've heard the symptoms from a single pregnancy are a little different than that of a twin pregnancy. Like more nausea with twins & everything. And is it possible to get pregnant with twins without having twins run in the family or anything?

ive just found out im pregnant with twins due to an early ultrasound. For some unkown reason i kept dreaming i was having twins, My hormone levels were really high, My stomach is extremely swollen and ive been eating a lot more i havent had any sickness atall so you cant really go by that on my son i was sick morning noon and nite. twins are not always heridatory identical twins do not run in the family im having twins that share the same sac these are always the same sex. Twins that run in the family are fraternal twins which have separate sacs these can be boy/girl or same sex

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What tips are there to getting pregnant?!?


Okay, so i know HOW to get pregnant, but me and my husband have been trying every month since january to have a baby, & for some reason it's just not clicking. I didn't feel like it'd take this long, but i know sometimes the stars have to be aligned for it to happen. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or knowledge they can give me so I can feel better about this.

Hello Amanda , the best way you can get pregnant easier is to calculate your ovulation days, buy a Clearblue 20 digital test at Wal-Mart , CVS , Walgreens or even online if you want. Test yourself everyday after your menstrual cycle ends, for example if your period last 5 days, you start testing on day 6 and so on, you do this and a happy face will appear for sure between day 10 to day 14 of your cycle, and that day you have unprotected sex, I used the one with the 3 options, the blank face O , the flashing happy face , and the Happy face NOT flashing (meaning your about to ovulate during the next 24 hours) .
Trust me the best way to get pregnant is to have sex during those 2 days of ovulation, Clear blue will tell you which ones are your 2 days if you test everyday until you have a happy face you stop using it and start all over the next month if you don't get pregnant .
Good luck and baby dust =)



My husband I had a miscarriage fixing to be a year ago on the 29 of this month! And we are trying to conceive again! Any tips on getting pregnant sooner? We have been tryin since and haven't conceived yet. We have not done all the tests and stuff though.

My very best tip is, don't try. Stop contraception and Just have sex whenever it takes your fantasy(excuse the pun). If you worry about ovulation dates and thermometers etc, then it will take longer and be more stress full. Also just make sure your both healthy, cut down on alcohol and if you smoke stop. get hubby to wear loose fitting boxers. Do this and i think it will happen sooner rather than later. good luck.

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Baby making music Ideas?

That's right folks. I am in search of creating the ULTIMATE mood music playlist. So far I have:

Otis Redding- These Arms of Mine
Solomon Burke - Cry to Me
Five Satins - In the Still of the Night
Righteous Brother's - Unchained Melody

Three of the four are from Dirty Dancing.. (love that soundtrack!), but I'm up for any newer stuff too. Any suggestions will be GREAT!

Novel - Take Over -

J. Rice Ft. Erin Rice - A Million Ways -

Novel - State Of Loneliness -

Any NEW R&B Music???


Can anyone list some new R&B songs from Pretty Ricky, Trey Songz, Usher, and R Kelly... Please :) My bf wants me to make him a CD and i don't really listen to any of these artists. So if you know any good songs by them could you list them thank you!!

Some new good R&B music :

Usher - Just Be

Trey Songz - Hard

R Kelly-Text Me

H-Town Knockin Your Heels Remix Feat. Jodeci & Pretty Ricky

Chris Brown - They Say

Trey Songz - I Wanna Rock (Remix)

Trina feat. Diddy & Keri Hilson - Million Dollar Girl

Jagged Edge - You Look Good With Me

Trina feat Lady Gaga - Let Them Hoes Fight

Jennifer Lopez - Everybody's Girl

Usher - There Goes My Baby
Kat DeLuna - A Change (Tribute To Haiti)
Mario Winans - The Pain
Lloyd - Baby Don't Do It
Joe - Get Down
Rihanna - Redemption Song
Macy Gray - Money (Feat. AlBe Back)
Mariah Carey Feat. Ne-Yo - Angel's Cry Remix
Kat DeLuna Feat. Akon - Push
Keri Hilson Feat. Ne-Yo - Ready To Fall
Rihanna Feat. Lil' Kim And Dutchie - Hard Remix
Lloyd - Get A Room
Mariah Carey Feat. Trey Songz - Inseparable Remix
Sammie - Put It On My Tab Feat. Trey Songz
Usher - Oh My Gosh
Madonna Feat. Justin Timberlake - Across The Sky
Trina - Hard (Remix) (Feat. Nisha Rockstarr)
Christina Milian - I'm Sexy
Trey Songz - Hard Remix
Omarion Feat. Tank - On My Grind
Lloyd Banks Feat. Tony Yayo - No Escape
Nicki Minaj - Girlfriend
Cassie Feat. Nicki Minaj - **** U Silly
Juelz Santana Feat. Lil' Wayne - Home Run (Snippet)
Ne-Yo - Yo New Man
Jamie Foxx - Quit Your Job
Mary J. Blige & Marley Marl - I Am (Marley Marl Remix)
Ne-Yo - I Come First
Jason Derulo - She Flys Me Away (Feat Nemesis)
Usher - Foolin' Around
Omar Cruz - iParty (Feat Ya Boy)
Nicki Minaj - Your Love
Drake - Successful (Unreleased Verse)
Joe - When The Light Goes Off
Melanie Fiona Feat. Corte Ellis - It Kills Me Remix
Usher - There Goes My Baby
Avery Storm - I Close My Eyes
Usher - Get In My Car (Feat. Yo Gotti)
Mariah Carey - Up To My Face (Feat. Nicki Minaj)
Destiny's Child - Twirk
Michael Jackson Feat. Lenny Kravitz - Another Day
Usher - Take That
Monica - Everything (To Me)
Destiny's Child - Life Like This
Sean Paul Feat. Chino - Buy You A Round
Usher - So Many Girls
Trey Songz Feat. Teairra Mari And Fabolous - Say Aah Remix
R. Kelly - One Day On This Earth
Mary J. Blige - Brand New
Juelz Santana Feat. Lil' Wayne - Move The Damn Thing
Chris Brown - Chase Our Love
Ginuwine - Superstar
Raheem DeVaughn - Best Kept Secret
Mary J. Blige - Closer
Dru Hill - Love MD
Ne-Yo - Bedroom Walkin'
Beyonce - Black Culture
Ciara - Secret
Jason Derulo - Tonight
Ginuwine - Crazy
Beyonce feat. Range - Waiting Remix
Day26 Feat. Jermaine Dupri - Like This
Jamie Foxx Feat. Lil' Wayne - Straight To The Dance Floor
J. Holiday - Love Lockdown
Ne-Yo - Fix Me Up
Jason Derulo - Sleep Walkin'
Monica - One In A Lifetime
Jason Derulo - Sky's The Limit
Nicole Scherzinger Feat. Pharrell - I M.I.S.S. U
Ne-Yo - Like It, Love It
Alicia Keys Feat. Raekwon, CNN, And Styles P - Empire State Of Mind Remix
Ne-Yo - She's A Problem
Babyface - One Good Thing
Jamie Foxx Feat. Tank - Marching On
Robin Thicke Feat Ludacris - Sex Therapy (Remix)
Tyrese - Put Up With Me
Chrisette Michele - Unconditional (Feat. Freeway And Tek (Of Smif N Wessun)
Cassie - Right Time
Mary J. Blige - Each Tear
Alicia Keys - Almost There
Mary J. Blige - Kitchen
Ginuwine - Next Door
Bobby Valentino - Stillettos And A Tee
Alicia Keys - Heaven's Door
Maxwell Feat. Nas - Help Somebody
R Kelly ft Keri Hilson Number One

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Pregnant with acne, safe home remedy to get rid of them?


I am 16 1/2 weeks pregnant. I have always washed my face in the morning and evening. But recently I have noticed little tiny black heads and acne all over my face. I cover them up with make-up. But was curious if there is any home remedy to help get rid of them. What do you all do about them?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant and have the same problem, my doctor said it will go away at 20 weeks and not to worry, ur body is producing alot of blood for u and the baby and hormones, so naturally ur skin will change! Hang in there!!

Home remedies to self Induce while pregnant?


I just had a quick question. Are there any home remedies that are supposed to help with the baby being born early, except sex of course. My husband graduates basic training for the military the day I am supposed to have the baby and my doctor is not going to induce me until a week later and I want to go to his graduation?? Thank you

oh hun dont take the baby to the graduation omg

its hot crowded and its benches u sit on like in a stadium and ppl are so loud a newborn couldnt handle it i took my daughter 4 months old at that time and some lady almost knocked the carseat she was in off b/c she was jumping yelling about her son...(not to mention she cried through the whole thing and the car was 100 miles away and no where to feed her during the ceremony.)

if you will have the baby before then have a babysitter it would be better..

try walking drinks lots of water:)
and congrads

edit- and what the guy/girl said below me is right labor wont come on your due date (its only an estimate)so just relax. most women at induced 41wks + a doctor cannot force you to be induced so just go to the ceremony pregnant it will be much easier on you trust me.:)

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Monday, March 10, 2014

any tips on getting pregnant?

Kelly Arms

my boyfriend and i have decided we would like to try and get pregnant. i was just wondering if anyone has any legitimate advice, such as diet or vitamins or just any general information on ovulation open for any advice

have sex at the time of ovulation which is around day 14 of your menstrual cycle.avoid straddling your partner as this means semen will leak out, and that you place a small pillow under your hips after intercourse. This means your cervix rests in the pool of semen for around 20 minutes and allows the sperm time to swim up through the cervix.Get your body ready for a baby by getting to your optimum weight (speak to your GP to find out what this is) as being over or underweight can affect the regularity of your periods and inhibit ovulation. If you carry too much weight around the stomach it can affect your hormone balance and impair fertility.If you aren't already taking some form of regular exercise - get into the habit now.Regular exercise can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.You should stop smoking and limit your alcohol intake to increase your chances of getting pregnant.Smoking robs the body of essential nutrients for fertility including zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. It increases levels of toxic substances like cadmium and lead in the blood. If you smoke you're more likely to have lower levels of vital fertility hormones and it will take you longer to conceive.take care with over-the counter and prescribed drugs. Avoid ibuprofen; Roaccutane, an anti-acne treatment; certain antibiotics - if you're about to be prescribed these tell your doctor that you're planning a pregnancy; antihistamines, which can interfere with cervical mucus; diuretics which can dry the cervix.Take folic acid supplements at least three months before you even try to conceive to reduce the risk of the baby developing neural tube defects, which leads to conditions such as spina bifida. It's difficult to consume the recommended level of folic acid through food alone which is why taking a single daily supplement of 400ug folic acid is a simple way for women to protect their unborn babies.Men should make sure that their testes are not too hot as this can kill sperm. They should avoid hot baths, tight-fitting underwear and jeans, and using a portable computer balanced on the lap as all these things raise scrotal temperature.take a vitamin E, C and zinc supplement to enhance sperm number and quality, but she believes vitamin supplements are unnecessary for women as long as they are following a healthy balanced diet which is low in fat and has plenty of fruit and vegetables.If you're living a hectic life, deciding to try for a baby should be a cue to slow down. You won't be able to live at such a frantic pace once you're pregnant so put changes in place now.Make sure you eat plenty of protein. Daily portions of meat, poultry, fish and dairy improves egg production. It's best to avoid soya as it has mild contraceptive properties. Caffeine should also be on your banned list - more than one cup of coffee a day can increase the time it takes to conceive by up to 50% - so try switching to herbal teas.should also drink around two litres of water daily, and think about taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Look for a specially formulated pre-pregnancy supplement. It should contain zinc, which is vital for maintaining a healthy menstrual cycle; and selenium which boosts fertility levels. Try to cut down on flavourings and additives, especially aspartame and monosodium glutamate. Go for fresh meat, fish and vegetables rather than processed ready-meals, and healthy snacks like fruit and nuts rather than chocolate and crisps. Your partner should also drink at least two litres of water a day as semen is largely made up of water. He should also have a healthy diet and take a vitamin and mineral supplement.

can you get pregnant without a man?


I have had no sexual contact/intimacy/intercourse at all with a man in any way but I have masturbated by inserting a q tip in and out. I got my period in the beginning of March and it lasted for a week. Yesterday, I got some brown stuff when I wiped after peeing but there was nothing but my wee in the toilet. The next day (today) I went to the toilet and I got a lot of dark brown substance in the toilet when I peed and when I looked at my underwear, I saw that my period pad had a lot of blood. I heard that Brown discharge is a sign of pregnancy? Also, do you get periods when your pregnant?

You're not pregnant!

You may have rubbed your cervix with the q tip which has broken a few blood vessels causing the bleeding or its your period

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When did you start feeding your baby rice cereal?

Mrs. Evans

Just wondering. My son is 3 1/2 months old and my cousin just gave us some oatmeal and mixed grain cereal. I can't remember...can they have it at 4 or 6 months? Also if you gave it to your baby earlier than that, how did they react? Did they like it? Thanks.....
He's exclusively breastfed

Pureed baby food is 'unnatural'
She said children should be fed only with breast or formula milk for six months, then weaned onto solids to improve control over how much they ate.

This could prevent babies becoming picky about food.


Solids best

After six months, Mrs Rapley said babies were capable of taking food into their mouths and chewing it.

Therefore, feeding them pureed food at this time could delay the development of chewing skills.

Instead, she said, they should be given milk and solid pieces of food which they could chew.

Mrs Rapley argued that babies fed pureed food had little control over how much food they ate, thus rendering them vulnerable to constipation, and running a risk that they would react by becoming fussy eaters later in life.

She blamed the food industry for convincing parents that they should give children pureed food.

She said: "Sound scientific research and government advice now agree that there is no longer any window of a baby's development in which they need something more than milk and less than solids."
The babies who participated in the research were allowed to begin at four months. But they were not able to feed themselves before six months. Some of the younger babies picked food up and took it to their mouths; some even chewed it, but none swallowed it. Their own development decided for them when the time was right. Part of the reason for this study was to show (based on a theory of self-feeding) that babies are not ready for solid food before six months. It seems that we have spent all these years working out that six months is the right age and babies have known it all along!

It seems reasonable to predict that if parents choose to provide babies with the opportunity to pick up and eat solid food from birth they will still not be able to do it until around six months. The principle is the same as putting a newborn baby on the floor to play: he is being provided with the opportunity to walk but will not do so until about one year â because his own development stops him. But: everything depends on the baby being in control. Food must not be put into his mouth for him. Since it is very tempting to do this, it is probably safer to recommend that babies should not be given the opportunity to eat solid food before six months.
Many parents worry about babies choking. However, there is good reason to believe that babies are at less risk of choking if they are in control of what goes into their mouth than if they are spoon fed. This is because babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have learnt to chew. And they do not develop the ability to chew until after they have developed the ability to reach out and grab things. Thus, a very young baby cannot easily put himself at risk because he cannot get the food into his mouth in the first place. On the other hand, the action used to suck food off a spoon tends to take the food straight to the back of the mouth, causing the baby to gag. This means that spoon feeding has its own potential to lead to choking â and makes one wonder about the safety of giving lumpy foods off a spoon.

Why not cereal?
Take rice cereal, for example. Under conventional American wisdom, it's the best first food. But Butte says iron-rich meat â often one of the last foods American parents introduce â would be a better choice.

Dr. David Ludwig of Children's Hospital Boston, a specialist in pediatric nutrition, says some studies suggest rice and other highly processed grain cereals actually could be among the worst foods for infants.

"These foods are in a certain sense no different from adding sugar to formula. They digest very rapidly in the body into sugar, raising blood sugar and insulin levels" and could contribute to later health problems, including obesity, he says.

The lack of variety in the American approach also could be a problem. Exposing infants to more foods may help them adapt to different foods later, which Ludwig says may be key to getting older children to eat healthier.
Cereal is not at all necessary, particularly the baby cereals. Regular (whole grain) oatmeal is more nutritious for your baby.
The truth is, there is nothing special about these foods that makes them better to start out with. Babies don't actually even need rice cereal
Meat provides additional protein, zinc, B-vitamins, and other nutrients which may be in short supply when the decrease in breast milk occurs. A recent study from Sweden suggests that when infants are given substantial amounts of cereal, it may lead to low concentrations of zinc and reduced calcium absorption (Persson 1998). Dr. Nancy Krebs has shared preliminary results from a large infant growth study suggesting that breastfed infants who received pureed or strained meat as a primary weaning food beginning at four to five months, grow at a slightly faster rate. Dr. Krebs' premise is that inadequate protein or zinc from complementary foods may limit the growth of some breastfed infants during the weaning period. Both protein and zinc levels were consistently higher in the diets of the infants who received meat (Krebs 1998). Thus the custom of providing large amounts of cereal products and excluding meat products before seven months of age may not meet the nutritional needs of all breastfed infants.
Meat has also been recommended as an excellent source of iron in infancy. Heme iron (the form of iron found in meat) is better absorbed than iron from plant sources. In addition, the protein in meat helps the baby more easily absorb the iron from other foods. Two recent studies (Makrides 1998; Engelmann 1998) have examined iron status in breastfed infants who received meat earlier in the weaning period. These studies indicate that while there is not a measurable change in breastfed babies' iron stores when they receive an increased amount of meat (or iron), the levels of hemoglobin circulating in the blood stream do increase when babies receive meat as one of their first foods.
Finally, respect the tiny, still-developing digestive system of your infant. Babies have limited enzyme production, which is necessary for the digestion of foods. In fact, it takes up to 28 months, just around the time when molar teeth are fully developed, for the big-gun carbohydrate enzymes (namely amylase) to fully kick into gear. Foods like cereals, grains and breads are very challenging for little ones to digest. Thus, these foods should be some of the last to be introduced. (One carbohydrate enzyme a baby's small intestine does produce is lactase, for the digestion of lactose in milk.1)


Babies do produce functional enzymes (pepsin and proteolytic enzymes) and digestive juices (hydrochloric acid in the stomach) that work on proteins and fats.12 This makes perfect sense since the milk from a healthy mother has 50-60 percent of its energy as fat, which is critical for growth, energy and development.13 In addition, the cholesterol in human milk supplies an infant with close to six times the amount most adults consume from food.13 In some cultures, a new mother is encouraged to eat six to ten eggs a day and almost ten ounces of chicken and pork for at least a month after birth. This fat-rich diet ensures her breast milk will contain adequate healthy fats.14
Thus, a baby's earliest solid foods should be mostly animal foods since his digestive system, although immature, is better equipped to supply enzymes for digestion of fats and proteins rather than carbohydrates.1 This explains why current research is pointing to meat (including nutrient-dense organ meat) as being a nourishing early weaning food.
The results indicate that in a group of healthy, well growing 12-month-old Swedish infants one-quarter is iron-depleted, although iron deficiency anaemia is rare, and one-third may be zinc-depleted. The high cereal intake of Swedish infants from 6 months of age may have limited the bioavailability of both iron and zinc from the diet.
Conclusions: These results confirm that meat as a complementary food for breast-fed infants can provide a rich source of dietary zinc that is well absorbed. The significant positive correlation between zinc intake and exchangeable zinc pool size suggests that increasing zinc intake positively affects metabolically available zinc.

(Veggie) mums who make homemade baby food?

What can I make for my almost 7 month old? We've exhausted purees! He's had a few stage 2 jars and is a lot happier with lumps and finger foods. We've made very mild vegetable curry, lentil chilli and cauliflower & broccoli cheese, which he's enjoyed (though he's not to keen on cheese).. stuck for ideas now.

Also, how can you recreate the textures of stage 2 jars? I tried mashing things like potatoes and bananas and he gagged and wouldn't eat either - yet he's fine with lumps!

We're not giving him meat... if he wants it, he can decide that when he's old enough.

Any ideas appreciated!
I've tried putting a handful of steamed veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans) on his highchair and he also has toast, pitta bread and rice cakes.

So it's fine to just stick with finger foods like that?

I really recommend that you stop pureeing his foods, its not necessary. He can eat what you eat, though I would recommend limiting non-fermented soy.

Lentils and beans are great? Do you eat eggs?

Have you tried baking chick peas? They are great baked.

Obviously ignore the foods you don't eat in the articles below.
After six months, Mrs Rapley said babies were capable of taking food into their mouths and chewing it.

Therefore, feeding them pureed food at this time could delay the development of chewing skills.

Instead, she said, they should be given milk and solid pieces of food which they could chew.

Mrs Rapley argued that babies fed pureed food had little control over how much food they ate, thus rendering them vulnerable to constipation, and running a risk that they would react by becoming fussy eaters later in life.

She blamed the food industry for convincing parents that they should give children pureed food.

She said: "Sound scientific research and government advice now agree that there is no longer any window of a baby's development in which they need something more than milk and less than solids."
Many parents worry about babies choking. However, there is good reason to believe that babies are at less risk of choking if they are in control of what goes into their mouth than if they are spoon fed. This is because babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have developed the ability to chew. And they do not develop the ability to chew until after they have developed the ability to reach out and grab things. The ability to pick up very small things develops later still. Thus, a very young baby cannot easily put himself at risk because he cannot get small pieces of food into his mouth. Spoon feeding, by contrast, encourages the baby to suck the food straight to the back of his mouth, potentially making choking more likely.


General principles of good nutrition for children apply equally to young babies who are managing their own introduction to solid foods. Thus, 'fast foods' and foods with added sugar and salt should be avoided. However, once a baby is over six months old there is no need (unless there is a family history of allergy or a known or suspected digestive disorder) to otherwise restrict the foods that the baby can be offered. Fruit and vegetables are ideal, with harder foods cooked lightly so that they are soft enough to be chewed. At first, meat is best offered as a large piece, to be explored and sucked; once the baby can manage to pick up and release fistfuls of food, minced meat works well. (Note: babies do not need teeth to bite and chew â gums do very well!)

There is no need to cut food into mouth-sized pieces. Indeed, this will make it difficult for a young baby to handle. A good guide to the size and shape needed is the size of the baby's fist, with one important extra factor to bear in mind: Young babies cannot open their fist on purpose to release things. This means that they do best with food that is chip-shaped or has a built-in 'handle' (like the stalk of a piece of broccoli). They can then chew the bit that is sticking out of their fist and drop the rest later â usually while reaching for the next interesting-looking piece. As their skills improve, less food will be dropped.
Don't Fear Fats!

Pediatric clinicians have known for some time that children fed low-fat and low-cholesterol diets fail to grow properly. After all, a majority of mother's milk is fat, much of it saturated fat. Children need high levels of fat throughout growth and development. Milk and animal fats give energy and also help children build muscle and bone.1 In addition, the animal fats provide vitamins A and D necessary for protein and mineral assimilation, normal growth and hormone production.27

Choose a variety of foods so your child gets a range of fats, but emphasize stable saturated fats, found in butter, meat and coconut oil, and monounsaturated fats, found in avocados and olive oil.
Yet experts say children over 6 months can handle most anything, with a few caveats: Be cautious if you have a family history of allergies; introduce one food at a time and watch for any problems; and make sure the food isn't a choking hazard.

Parents elsewhere in the world certainly take a more freewheeling approach, often starting babies on heartier, more flavorful fare â from meats in African countries to fish and radishes in Japan and artichokes and tomatoes in France.

The difference is cultural, not scientific, says Dr. Jatinder Bhatia

Is my goat pregnant, and if she is, will she kid soon.......please help!!!!?


I bought my miking doe Brandi on February 25th. The owner I bought her from said she was heavily pregnant, and she looked it, even though her udder was still small, however, I read that goats can bag up even after the kids are born. Anyway, when I brought her home, she started getting skinier, even though she was still plump. I presumed she was not pregnant, she has had kids before. Over the last month, she has been having small amounts of discharge, in the colours of brown, clear and white, and I put this down to heat. I took her to see my buck, and he was not interested in her at all, and he loves girls, even when they are not in heat. Our other pregnant doe, has also had discharge which Brandi has had, so I am wondering, is Brandi pregnant? Today, brandi seems quite different. When I went to see her, she seemed skinier, however, she looked very low to the ground. I waited, and Brandi urinated for literally 2 minutes, and I thought she had finished, she then urinated for another minute, and I have never seen a goat urinate for that long. Her udder is not filled at all, and I have never felt the kids kick, however, I never really tried to feel for long, however, on one occasion, I thought I felt a soft kick twice, which I felt under her stomach and I thought I felt something else on her right side. Brandi has her tail sticking straight out, she also raises her head and stares into space for ages, and her eyes always look very glassy eyed.
Do you think she is pregnant? How far along is she? Do you think she will kid soon? Do you think she comes into heat? Does she have an infection? What are the signs of labor in goats? How can you tell if a goat is pregnant? Does a goats temperature drop right before she kids?

Gaurenteed 10 points for best answer.
Please help.

hello, I'm How-cast! here is some tips.
Goats and sheep sometimes look quite similar, and their pregnancy and gestation are similar. Both have their breeding seasons in early fall, and both give birth in spring, with gestation periods averaging around 150 days, though the exact gestation period varies from breed to breed. Goats and sheep both show early signs of pregnancy, but these aren't always easy to spot, and you may need help from your veterinarian. The easiest way to determine if a goat or sheep is pregnant is if she doesn't go into a heat cycle within about 3 weeks of having been bred. This is easier to determine if you know the last breeding date, but more difficult if the animal has been grazing freely with males.
A goat in estrus is more obvious than a sheep. A doe will wag her tail constantly, bleat as though she's in pain, become aggressive and even attempt to mount other females. Her milk production may decrease slightly. The vulvas of both goats and sheep (particularly those that have never been bred before) become slightly swollen during estrus and may look wet or dirty because of extra discharge. Does and ewes will be very interested in rams during estrus, which lasts 24 to 36 hours and should occur every 18 to 22 days.
Early Pregnancy Signs
# A sheep or goat that is pregnant will be calmer and have an increased appetite. After 12 weeks, the abdomen should begin to swell. This can be hard to notice in goats that already have round abdomens, so sometimes measuring the abdomen regularly after breeding can help. If, after 6 weeks, the diameter of the doe's abdomen has increased by more than an inch, she is probably pregnant.
Check by Hand
# The belly of a goat or sheep that is pregnant should feel different from that of one that is not. If pregnancy is suspected 6 weeks after breeding, gently poke the area in front of the udder with your fingers. A pregnant animal's belly will feel tighter (this technique takes some practice to develop). Later in the pregnancy, at around 3½ months, you should be able to feel fetal movement with your hands by pressing this area in front of the udder.
Milk Production
# If the ewe or doe is a milker, you will notice a sharp drop in milk production when the animal is pregnant. The udder may look flat, and milk may all but dry up. The udder will swell again in later stages of pregnancy (around 15 weeks) as the animal's body prepares to feed her young.
Pregnancy Tests
# If you're still not sure your animal is pregnant, there are blood and urine tests available to check. These tests should be given around 50 days gestation to be accurate, though your vet may have a test that can be given sooner. After 60 days gestation, an ultrasound can be performed on the animal to verify pregnancy. Ultrasounds are used more commonly on goats because their round abdomens make swelling hard to detect.

Could I be pregnant?


Me and my love have decided we want a baby we been trying i'm so anxious to find out... but my period should be til may june 24 25. but my boobs are swollen my bf has even notice the difference a couple of times i have felt dizzy and i have been peeing alo and more tired then usual but its hard for me to sleep at night... what do u think that chances are that im pregnant?

How can you tell if you're pregnant? The earliest way to know for sure is through a blood test. Four days after fertilization, the egg begins to produce a hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which can be detected in your blood and, a few days later, in a urine sample. However, some women notice symptoms even before they take a test. Although these aren't conclusive, you should definitely get tested if you experience any of the following:

1. Tender breasts: Many women report increased sensitivity, fullness, or heaviness within a few days. By two weeks after conception, your areolas (the pinkish or brown skin surrounding the nipples) may start to enlarge.

2. Spotting: Scantier than a period and sometimes mixed with a yellowish discharge, a small amount of bleeding may occur when the developing egg implants itself in your uterine wall.

3. Fatigue: Can't keep awake at work? If you feel tired even after a good night's sleep, your body may be going through the changes of early pregnancy.

4. Nausea: Don't think of it as "morning sickness," since it can strike at any time of the day or night. It might feel like a slight case of seasickness or a full-fledged stomach virus -- or you may not experience it at all.

5. Bloating: Many women mistake this early sign of pregnancy for PMS; the tip-off may come when your period doesn't arrive.

6. Increased urination: You may need to go to the bathroom more than usual, a symptom that will return in spades during your last trimester.

7. Stretching of pelvic ligaments: During the course of a normal pregnancy, the uterus will grow to about 1,000 times its prepregnant size (imagine a pear turning into a basketball). Some women feel their pelvic ligaments stretching to make room for this growth to occur.

8. Food cravings: If you suddenly find yourself ravenous for citrus fruits, red meat (even if you're a vegetarian), or potato chips, don't assume it's all in your head. Pregnant bodies may crave increased amounts of vitamin C, iron, and salt -- among other things -- even from the very beginning.

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

baby shower 101??


hi i am throwing a baby shower for my bff, woohoo, trying to be excited about this. i dont really do kids.. anyway, ive never done this before. i have been to showers before but i was much younger and didn't quite understand what the hell was going on haha. so advice, game ideas, im thinking finger foods but am not sure?? she isn't due till may so im thinking of throwing the party in march she finds out the sex of the baby on thurs. well hopefully. just yea i dont know ppl please help me!!!

im planning so far in advance b/c i am poor, haha, and will take me a while to set aside money, also she tells me her list of invites is small she doesn't really have a lot of friends so i want to make this really special for her!! thanks a bunch.

I have been to many baby showers and have caught some great ideas.
-another one i remembered, we call it feed the baby. have three teams of two. blindfold the six women, they are then given baby food (little gerber containers) and have to feed each others partner at the same time. whichever team finishes first wins a prize, or you can put a certain time limit and the one with the least food wins.

For decoration: put baby clothes of both genders hanging on the wall, pink and blue streamers, maybe some baby toys (rattles) also hanging on the walls.

For games: there is a game where the women are not supposed to cross their legs or arms. when the guests come, give the women pins. when ever another women sees someone with a pin crossing her legs or arms she gets to take one of her pins. the point of the game is to have the most pins by the end of the babyshower. if the pins are then given back to the players they were taken from (if wanted).
-also one game that ends up being a great one is where you get a teddy bear or a stuffed animal. you have to pass it around to all the guests and make them kiss it on a certain place(no repeats). then when everyone has had a turn they have to kiss the pregnant woman exactly where they kissed the teddy.
-another one includes toilet paper. you pass around toilet paper and have the guests cut paper long enough to make it go around the pregnant womans belly. you take turns measuring your toilet paper with the belly. the one closet wins a prize.

For food: desserts are always a plus...and it reminds people how babies are a sweet part in peoples lifes. n_n

Hope this helps and sorry that its so long.

why wont they make zoey 101 season 5 she doesnt have another baby does she?


Jamie Lynn Spears only has her daughter Maddie. They ended Zoey 101 with Season 4 after Jamie Lynn got pregnant with Maddie because they felt it was time to end the show with everyone happy and in a relationship, and finally have Zoey and Chase get together. The show is over for good and won't be coming back. I loved it too and miss it but it's over for good. Lisa Michelle x x lol x x

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How I make my baby face go away?


Baby Faces are cute . Love your baby face, while you have it.
Look at it this way, Would you rather have a nice babyface, or wrinkles???!

=) Hope that helps a little.
You wont have a babyface forever.

Baby face :(?

Dayle S

Im 15 Going on 16 boy and I look about 13 Im not fat Im really skinny but have baby cheeks and it makes me look younger. Any face excercises or anything that would help thin my face out?

its ok if you have a baby face it make you look cuter for the most part

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