Saturday, May 17, 2014

how can you be pregnant without knowing?


ive heard of people who get pregnant and only put on a little bit of weight and still get their periods. how can this happen?

I was one of those people who never believed it possible to be pregnant without knowing it until it happened to me. My first 3 children were born when I was young, in my 20's. They were all planned pregnancies so I anticipated waiting for the missed period and was attuned to my body just waiting for changes. After our 3rd baby was born, I was only 26 so my husband and I decided since we weren't 100% sure if we'd have any more we wouldn't do anything permanent yet. I took birth control pills reliably and with great success for 11 years when I began to have some odd stomach pain whenever I ate anything. No nausea or vomiting or diarrhea, just pain. I discovered that toast and soup caused the least amount of pain or heartburn, another thing that I began having that was odd since I'd never had that before. I lost some weight due to my unusual eating habits which didn't hurt my feelings since I'd added some pounds over the years. My yearly physical appointment was approaching and I was baffled when my period was lighter and shorter than normal. I figured whatever was wrong with my stomach was messing with my period now. At my physical my doctor thought I may have developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome and that was causing my stomach problems. Then she proceeded to do my pelvic exam. It is never comforting when your doctor gets a puzzled look on her face. She told me my cervix felt as though I were pregnant. We had a good chuckle over the thought, but she said we'd have to do some tests to find out what was wrong with me. Because it was easiest to rule it out, we started with peeing in a cup to do a pregnancy test. I nearly fell naked off the exam table when the nurse returned with a positive result. I was in shock and my doctor was convinced it had to be a false positive so she brought in the Doopler heartbeat monitor. We both were speechless as we listened to a perfect little baby heartbeat clear as a bell. I had been having periods so we had no idea how far along I was. The ultrasound showed I was 17 weeks along! I couldn't believe it (and can sometimes barely believe it even now) that I was that far along and had no idea at all. I had periods because of the hormones in the Pill. I had not missed any pills nor taken any medications that would have interferred with the Pill's effectiveness nor had any vomiting or diarrhea. My doctor's only explanation was "the Pill isn't 100% effective and I guess you must be the lucky 1%". Ultimately everything related to pregnancy and periods is controlled by hormones and sometime hormones do some really weird things.

How to get pregnant without him knowing?

madison cl

Okay so I told my bf that I'm pregnant and he was very excited well two days later I found out that it was a false positive. How do I get pregnant without him knowing that I'm trying?

so every ones telling you the rite thing to do is talk with him about this and tell him, i agree with them. BUT if you really want to get pregnant without him knowing have sex with him again and let him c*m in you and do it again and again till you are pregnant.. your excuse can be, "because im pregnant im really horny a lot!" hahaha your a funny one but..trying to get pregnant without him knowing

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Scientifically, how do you get pregnant with twins boy girl?


I just found out my cousin is expecting is a boy and the other is a girl. I'm just wondering how you get pregnant with boy girl twins?
Is this really rare? Is this genetic? Does that mean his wife dropped like 2 eggs instead o one?

yes, two eggs were fertilised - they are non-identical twins. you can of course get non-identical twins of the same sex too. identical twins are the same sex as one egg splits into two so they are genetically the same.

17 weeks pregnant with twin girls*!?

Bonnie Rus

I wanted to know any of the symptoms that twin pregnancys have. I am 17 weeks pregnant with twins who have different placentas. I was wondering if anyone who knew what to expect, like more backache more pooping or anything; and when should i contact my doctor if i have a queston?

Congrats! I have twin boys that are 2. I really didn't notice any differences except morning sickness. I was sick with the twins until about the fourth month. Other than that, nothing really. You just get bigger faster and just plain bigger!!! Which made my back hurt worse but that was to be expected. As far as contacting your doc, anytime!! As you know, twins are considered a high rich pregnancy. Good luck and contact me if you have any questions about twins!! They are so much fun!!

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Any tips to make my baby feel better?


My ten month old has a cold, she's never been sick so this is new to me! She has no temperature or diarrhea or vomiting. Just a runny nose. I know to give her lots of fluids and rest (and cuddles!). I was wondering if any one has any other tips or home remedies to make her feel better?

Try a little of the vicks baby rub on the chest. That would help her breathe better. Make sure that you use her aspirator frequently to clean out all the congestion. Johnson's baby products offer a soap to add into water or simply bathe baby with that helps with congestion. Its recommened for babies with a cold.

Good luck and hope she gets to feeling better!

Any Tips or Tricks to making your own baby food?

Q. I've got a couple books, but I'm looking for the little tips and tricks that the books don't tell you. That only an experienced mommy would know! Thanks in advance.
I'm not looking to "make a buck" I want to hear peoples tips on how to make it easier.

Oh yes! I make all of my daughter's foods. It's rewarding, but it was also a lot of trial and error.

1.) Don't make giant batches of anything until you know for sure that your baby likes it. I had a whole tray full of peas that I had steamed, pureed, portioned and frozen before discovering that she can't stand peas.

2.) Make it fresh and serve it on the spot as much as possible. I relied too heavily on the freezer at first and it wasn't much of a time saver. It took up half of my freezer space, the stupid containers always popped open and the food got freezer burn and I never remembered to pull it out to thaw the morning of. Now I just roast up a giant sweet potato once a week (which makes about 3 servings), puree it up and serve her some on the spot, then refridgerate the rest in a tupperware which lasts the next couple of days. My husband and I will incorporate peas into one meal a week and then set some aside without seasoning to blend up for her. Same with steamed carrots and yellow squash.

3.) Take advantage of foods that require no prep (like avocado and banana) which you can just mash and serve on the spot.

4.) Know what's worth making and what's okay to buy. I always keep a big jar of unsweetened applesauce in the fridge (which I buy) just in case I haven't had time to make anything else.

5.) Once your baby has mastered purees and starts to get teeth, you can start leaving it in bigger chunks or finger sized pieces which helps make the transition to table foods easier. Jarred food stays in thin, puree form all the way through the stages, so many babies who eat from jars struggle with textures as they get older.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

can you get pregnant from pre-ejaculation (pre-cum)?


It may be that i'm just really paranoid about it or it could be serious.

2 days ago i was having unprotected sex with my girl, i usually always wear a condom but this time i didn't. I get really paranoid when i don't have one because of my past experiences. so as we're doing it i stop about 3 minutes in realizing i should have one. as i pull out i notice some clear fluid at the tip. i'm pretty sure i did not come, and i was no where close to my climax. is there any chance she could be or of gotten pregnant?

also i had been drinking, therefore peeing alot, so im thinking there was no way it could of contained any sperm? please give me some advice or opinions. just no lectures please..i know what i should of done in the first place.

thank youuuu!!! (:
thank you all, plan b it isss. and lesson learned.

YES, she can get pregnant; NEVER EVER have unprotected sex!

Could the force of ejaculation affect me getting pregnant?


Me and my boyfriend have been trying for a baby for about 3 months and haven't had any luck as of yet. He has a very weak ejaculation force, it just seems to trickle out no matter how long it has been since we last had sex. I was wondering if this could mean it doesn't go in deep enough to fertilize the egg, as we are both young and healthy and can't think of it being anything else.
If it's not this, could anyone give us some tips to help us along?
Thank you for any help =]


You guys are a super cute couple and will sure make some pretty lil' babies!

Anyway, you asked for help, not compliments, so ~

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where you're on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Watch a favorite show, make him rub your feet, do anything to try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible. You love him, it's his "stuff", why not keep it?

When you do get up (maybe you took a nice nap?), try not to pee right away. Maybe your bladder could be empty before sex which means sex only after you pee? How do you feel about being thirsty all day? That's why he should be rubbing your feet!

Your question about the "force of his ejaculation." Not really. What's more important is his boys ability to swim and his having enough strong swimmers with the right shaped heads. Yeah, his boys have to have the right shaped heads. Don't ask.

It's a good idea to have his sperm count checked. Oh my goodness, I can hear him now "There's nothing wrong with my boys!" Sure, nobody is implying that there is but today they have over the counter sperm check kits that sell for under $40 so why not? The test checks # of sperm, which is ONE of the factors necessary for viable sperm.

You should do something specific to check your ovulation cycle as well, I mean you should REALLY know when you're ovulating since all the sperm in the world won't matter if you're not ovulating at the time.

There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant. Most couples get pregnant within a year. If you don't get pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

That's all folks! Hope I helped and good luck. How exciting is this, huh? Ciao!

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How to get pregnant ?


Okay so I have the implant and I want to get pregnant well me and my boyfriend want a baby
So is there anyway I can get pregnant and still have the bar in while conceiving

Getting pregnant while having the implant in could easily lead to a miscarriage. You would have to find out you were pregnant asap and have it removed, or it could harm you and / or the baby.

If you watch teen mom, Leah had mirena put in, which is pretty much the same thing, when she got pregnant and ended up miscarrying.

But to answer your question about how to get pregnant:
The best way to get pregnant is to track you BBT. (basal body temperature.) This is where you check you temp every morning when you first wake up. Keep a pad and pen next to your bed, & when you take ur temp write it down. The normal BBT of a morning is between 94 and 96 degrees. If you track your temps for about 2 weeks and they are between those two numbers, and then randomly jumps up higher to 96-98 degrees, it means you are ovulating! This is the BEST time to have sex. Have sex that day, and the day following. Keep tracking your temps after sex. If your temps stay up between 96 and 98 until around your period is due, it is almost always a clear sign you are pregnant! This is what we did both times, and both times I got pregnant within 2 months!

I also recommend on the days u ovulate and have sex, to prop your butt up on a pillow after, and put your feet in the air up against the wall like an "L" the bottom of the L is your butt on the pillow, the other side of the L is your legs against the wall in the air. This helps the sperm get to the egg better and makes sure none of the sperm leaks out of you by accident.

Could I get pregnant?? I had a miscarriage two months ago?!?


I had a miscarriage two months ago but had protected sex so I already got my two normal This month I´ve been having unprotected sex...could I get pregnant easily or not???

NOTE: I miscarried at 12.5 weeks, baby died at 9 weeks.

I am so sorry for your loss :( I have had 2 as well so I feel your pain. It is absolutely possible that you are pregnant or can get pregnant weeks after your m/c or D&C. Did your doctors monitor your levels to make sure that they went back to zero? Some times HCG can hang around in the body and could give you a false positive on your pregnancy test. When are you due for AF? I would make sure your levels have gone back to zero. (your doctor really should have done that)

Fingers crossed for you


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Can you get pregnant on Birth control?

Q. Ive been taking birth control pills for only two months, they're supposed to really kick in when ive been taking them for three. I don't use condoms with my boyfriend and ive been having all the signs of early pregnancy except for a missed period its not supposed to come till somtime this week. I don't want to get a pregnancy test or not let anyone know except for my boyfriend that I might be. He hopes so. How can I find out? Can I get pregnant on birth control?

I was on birth control when I go pregnant, and I took the pill everyday.

Chances of getting pregnant on birth control?

Q. I'm on a birth control pill and I take it correctly. I never miss a day and I take it at the same time everyday. I'm scared of getting pregnant so I never let my boyfriend finish inside of me. What are the chances of getting pregnant with using birth control?

If you are using it correctly birth control is 98% affective. So u have a 2% chance of getting pregnant.

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What can I do to get me ready for basketball?


I want to try out for my JV high school basketball team. Last year, in middle school I made first cut and then missed last cut. :/ There were two cuts. And I believe 25/60 kids made first cut.

I admit I am a good bench player not a starter. I am 5'10 and I'm 15. I have nice post up moves, a nice mid-range shot, I make around 30% of the 3's I shoot and I have alright handles. I have a nice shot overall and want to know what I can do to improve my chances of making the team. Any drills, exercises?
Ohhh, and I'm quick, fast, jump pretty high (touch the back of the rim), and have great defense (my best skill). I think I would play SF.
Ohhh, and I'm quick, fast, jump pretty high (touch the back of the rim), and have great defense (my best skill). I think I would play SF.

Well if you played in high school do this

Get some stats from a website for your position from players in nba know from high school then compare them to yours


I am going to play shootng gaurd if I make it to NBA and I want to be really good lets compare me to someone really good like kobe.

30.8 points, 12 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 4.0 steals, 3.8 blocked shots per game

got from

I have 26.5 ppg, 16 rebounds, 5 assists, 6 steals, 2.5 blocks, so based on these stats I can prolly make it to a college team.

Then once you get to college and play do the same thing.

All I did to find the stats were go on and type "(Players name) high school stats" then I searched a little for what I was looking for.

Now you might be rusty so join a league at a park, then get your stats and do that above, make sure your amazing before you even think about getting to nba

Also europe is a lot easier to get into, they sometimes have tryous in america, just google any of your questions, any of them.

defense is a big part of the game, so here are some training tips.

To work on your defense do defensive slides, this is very good and you don't need a lot of space to do it, this sounds a little much but if you have a room that is like 10 feet from wall to wall, defensive slide from one end to another 50 times for a week, then 60, all the way until you get to 100, then you do 100 a day every week.

Another gigantic part of defense is jumping, If you are playing against a team that is on average a foot taller than you, the only way you can stop them from dropping the ball in the basket is defense, and youcan't play defense if they shoot over you so you gotta jump.

To jump high do 50 calf raises a day and 50 squats a day, it will improve your jumping. when that gets easy put some weights in your hands and do them. When you get to jumping high, you can smack anyone dumb enough to try shooting on you.

Another big thing is agility, a lot of people try to trick you by leaving the ball out and when you go for it, they go the other way, now I have great agility so when people try that on me I snag that like stealing candy from a baby. For agility take some tennis balls and go up by a wall, now throw one ball agianst the wall one way, and another ball on the other side, then grab the ball before it hits the ground and throw it back, it sounds easy but when your throwing one, and grabbing the other it can get confusing.

And speed is another big part, if your not fast and you stick tight d, they will go around you, so just gain some speed.

On defense always stay low, cuz you can move quick and also keep your arms out, so when they dribble around you can slide with the and maybe steal the ball.

I hope this helps and if it dosn't

and do this drill for shooting

Here are the steps.

1. Stand 3 feet away from basket.
2. do beef in order
2.a. Balance, make feet shoulder width apart and make sure you feel balanced
2.b. Elbow, make an L shape with you elbow, and hold ball like you are going to shoot, remember to put your ring finger and your index finger (not middle, index finger) on the seams of the ball to get the most rotation.
2.c. Eyes look at the basket, vision the ball going right over the basket and shoot the ball, just so it goes over the front of the rim.
2.d. Follow through, keep your arm in the air and wrist bent until the ball hits the floor.
3. Do this for about 20 min before every game, practice etc., every time you make 10 in a row take a step back, if you miss even once, go back to the beginning.

The point of this drill is to practice perfect, perfect, perfect form. I don;t know what you do, but if you go in there shooting from the free throw line and trying to make 3's right away, you will have an off day, now sure it's normal to have an off few days like your having, but if you practice this drill before, you will never have an off day, I guarantee.

well for dribbleing do this
Take 2 balls and dribble with them, AT THE SAME TIME. Then walk with the 2 balls once you get used to being stationary. Then start running while you dribble with 2 balls, then add these moves in order after you master one move to the other, crossover(cross both balls over from each hand to other) through legs(put both balls between legs), behind back, one high one low, one fast pace and one at slow pace. after you master all of these do these drills with one ball.

Run dribbling and switching hands after every dribble. Then go between your legs, then behind back , through opponents legs. And one thing that held me back from dribbling good was not doing these moves in fun games, i wud be scared ppl wud laugh if i messed up, but then i didn't care and got better that way, and watch the and 1 t.v. show, the have awsome dribbleing moves. and remember the are quick explosive moves, if you not fast enough, you will get the ball stolen, good luck.

O and here are some sites
watch the last ones definatly, pistol pete was the greatest, and watch college and highschool games, they are fundemental

Look man I really want anyone that I can help go big and this won't be easy, but if you make it, and follow these drills can you please thank me on T.V.
I heard you grew up in a rough life, so I really want this to happen for you, as you can see I gave all the info I could, so you go out there and show them you can do it and when you make it thank everyone who said you couldn't, so they feel bad when they hear it.

I want to play basket ball but my parents say no?

Q. I'm in sixth grade
I'm pretty good in gym and on the weekends with my friends I asked my mom she said try out for the school next year I don't want to embarrass my self in front of the kids who play travel or bin playing for a while my brother plays two sports and I only play travel soccer I just want to try inter mural basket ball thanks so much
I love playing and my friends say its fun please help I would love to practice and get better
I practice on the three foot baby one In our basement

Honestly, practicing in the gym is nothing like playing real basketball. There's no pressure on you and nobody is defending you while you shoot or dribble. Also, it doesn't matter if you practice on a 3 foot hoop because real hoops are 10 feet tall. Big difference. Go to an actual gym to practice shooting around. If you want to play basketball and make the team and you have never played before you will need to do a couple things:

1. Have thick skin (don't be too sensitive or get your feelings hurt easily). If you don't make the team there's always next year and the year after that. There's nothing worse than crying or getting sad, especially in front of your teammates and coach. You need to be mentally tough. If the other kids on the team have had more experience than you, they will probably be better but that doesn't mean anything and don't let it get you down because if you make the team and keep practicing you will be as good as them. Also, you need to be physically tough because basketball is a contact sport and you will get roughed up. You might get elbowed in the face, pushed, smacked, and you will get TONS of floor burns and bruises. Don't be afraid to aggressive and dive for loose balls and grab quick rebounds.

2. Practice your fundamentals. (Good ball control, shooting form, free throws, elbow shots, layups, etc. Don't try to show off and do some fancy move because coaches don't care about that and most don't like it.) You can never have too much practice of fundamentals. Coaches will want a player who has SOLID fundamentals.

3. Get in shape. Start running a lot and get into pretty good shape because there is nothing worse than being the last kid to finish suicides or be too tired to keep up with fast-paced drills.

4. Familiarize yourself with basketball terms so you won't be lost when the coach is rushing to explain something.
For example:
-Help side
-On the line, up the line
-Point Guard
-Man to man defense
-3, 2 zone defense
-2, 3 zone defense
-Box out
-Personal Foul
-Technical Foul
-Loose ball Foul (Over the back)
-Over and back
-Double dribble
-3 second violation
-Out of bounds
-Cherry pick
-Pick and roll
-Give and go
There are lots more but because you're in 6th grade you will probably see these the most. (Sorry if you already knew the terms but I didn't know how much you knew about basketball because you said you never played before)

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don;t have experience. I'm in 8th grade and it was my very first year and I made the team. I don't know what you mean by intramural but try out for school. Good luck and if you have anymore questions about basketball I can help you out. (:

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Any music suggestions?


I'm completely sick of today's club banging music. It seems like most music today is just made to be played in clubs. I need some help finding new artists, because it's getting harder and harder to find GOOD music these days. My favorite genres of music are r&b/soul and hip-hop. I love old school music, and I like to listen to artists like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and Donny Hathaway. I also love music from the 90's and early 00's. I love listening to artists like Lauryn Hill, Aaliyah, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Common, 2Pac, Nas, Biggie, Slum Village, and others. More recently I've discovered the music of Allen Stone, Ayomari & Tiron, and Elle Varner. I love these artists because even though they're contemporary artists, they still have an old school vibe, and they're music doesn't suck. So basically I'm more into old school music than today's crap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not a big fan of artists like Maroon 5. Some of there old stuff was good, but now they're all pop and not enough soul. Not that I don't like pop, just not today's pop, anyway.
I love Michael Jackson, but I'm looking for new artists. Stuff I haven't heard before. But definitely, suggestions for artists like him that are able to make good pop music, that is still soulful.

Check out &

But I do like:

Elle Varner's CD
Frank Ocean's Channel Orange
Dwele's new CD
Tamia: Beautiful Surprise
Tweet: Proceed
Timontha James: Talking to myself
Timothy Bloom: Til The End of Time
Luke James: I want you
Monica: Without You
Vivian Green: Anything out there
Antoninee Dunn: Can't Forget
Emily King: Georgia, Down
KING: Supernatural Love, Hey, The Story (I ABSOLUTELY Love Hey)
Quadron: Day, Baby Be Mine
Marcus Canty: Won't Make A Fool out of me
Ravaugh Brown: Same ol' BS
Carolina Chocolate Drops: Knockin'
Bridget Kelly: Every Girl, White lies
Marsha Ambrosius: Late nights & early mornings, with you
Andreya Triana: Darker Than Blue
Quadron: Day
Lianne La Havas: Lost & Found
Gina Loring: Feeling Good, Color of our Love, What Happened to my love
Homecut & Corinne Bailey Rae: I Don't Even Know
Corinne Bailey Rae: Are You here, I would like to call it beauty, I'm losing you, I only have eyes for you
is this love, Young & Foolish
Jhene Aiko: Higher, Space Jam, My Mine, Growing Apart Too
Mya: Mr. Incredible
Nas: Daughters
Ne-Yo: Lazy Love, Best Thing I never knew I needed, set it off
Trey Songz: Without a woman
Passion: Lemonade, Already in Love
Pretty Willie: My Good Thing
Kevin Michael: It Don't Make Any difference to me
Daniel Merriweather: Getting Out
Goapele: Running, Cupcake, Play, Milk & Honey
JoiStaRR: Dehydrated, How do you feel, My Favorite, Thinking about you (cover), Nothing Even Matters cover with PJ Morton, Zebra Stripes
PJ Morton: Built For Love, Talking Forever, In A Box, No Ordinary Love, My Superstar
Miguel: Adorn, Sure Thing, Be My Vixen, All I want is you, Teach me, Quickie, Let's Just Be,
Solange Knowles: Stillness is the move, I Told You So, Favors, T.O.N.Y.
Van Hunt: Eyes Like Pearls

YOU NEED JESSE BOYKINS IN YOUR LIFE ASAP: Check out I Wish, Come to my room, Amorous, Zoner, Aaliyah's I care for you cover, Be All Truth, The Sea, Mystery of Iniquity

30 Seconds To Mars, Linkin Park, Black Lab Fans?


PLEASE, don't bother to tell me how much you think any of my bands suck. Music is art and we are ALL entitled to our own taste in art - what you like to listen to is your business. If your opinions are negative, don't bother to share them. Thanks!

I'm a music junkie (indie & alt rock are my faves) & I'm looking for new musicians or single song suggestions.
My music taste is very eclectic. About the only styles of music I don't like are Rap/Hip Hop (the closest to this that I can tolerate is a band like the 'Redlight Kings'), Country, and hard-core thrasher music. I prefer male singers (not too high-pitched voice, '10 Years' is a little high for me) and the only female singer I really like is 'Florence + the Machine' (I'll listen to Adele and Evenscenes if they're playing). I like musicians that mix it up: blend styles of music (rock, classic, techno, heavy, & even a little rap) and each song is different from the other (some bands - one song after another sounds like the other, the albums are like one long song with pauses every 4 minutes or so!). Also. I CANNOT stand word/lyric repetition (not only is Justin Beiber's voice annoying - how many freakin' times can you say - 'Oh, baby, baby' - or whatever it is he 'sings'?!?)
I am not necessarily looking for bands that sound like these because I don't know that there are bands who's music or voices SOUND like them. I'm just hoping for some new ideas within these styles/genres.

Favorites (I like everything or almost everything by these musicians):
30 SECONDS TO MARS is my favorite band - I love their ability to write some ingenious lyrics and their ability to blend rock, punk, classic, etc. to make a truly unique, eclectic and yet recognizable sound.
LINKIN PARK - LOVE almost all their songs, just a few that I'm not crazy about
BLACK LAB - talk about eclectic (if you haven't heard of them, start with 'Anything', 'Remember', 'This Night' & 'Gates Of The Country')
Collective Soul
Snow Patrol
City Archaic
Civil Twilight
Ryan Star
3 Doors Down

Great (love most but not all their music)
Breaking Benjamin
Young The Giant
12 Stones
Remy Zero
Rush (Gavin Rossdale)

Good (love/like a few):
Five Finger Death Punch (love 'Far From Home')
My Chemical Romance (love 'Sing')
Moby ('Extreme Ways')
Young The Giant
Finger Eleven
A Day To Remember
Rise Against
Three Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin
The Script
The Fray
Arcade Fire
Blink 182
Kevin Rudolf's ('Let It Rock')

OK, but just don't click with me:
Angels & Airways (a litte to whiny for me)
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Avenged Sevenfold

Oldies but goodies:
INXS (original)
Depeche Mode
Peter Gabriel
Jesus Jones
The Who
Rolling Stones

Not crazy about (don't hate them, but really don't want to listen to them, sorry):
Owl City
Adelitas Way
Red Hot Chili Peppers

CANNOT stand:
Justin Beiber

I know I'm forgetting some!!!
I really appreciate all the positive comments so far. I'm stoked that there are people out their that share my taste in music. 90% of the time I mention the bands that I like to other people, their like "Who?"

To the one who would have married me if I hadn't ranked Avenged Sevenfold 'OK' : It's just one, and I didn't say I didn't like them, just not a top ranked favorite. And if I weren't already married, it might have been a match made in heaven! LOL!

Shout outs to my fellow Echelon (please join our Echelon page at!/pages/Echelon-New-England-30-Seconds-To-Mars-Fans-Unite/200618946624313 )

I knew I was forgetting some:
I CANNOT believe I forgot another fave: RINGSIDE - so AWESOME - ('Tired Of Being Sorry', 'Struggle', 'Dayglo', etc)!
Also like:
The Gaslight Anthem
Neon Trees
The Veils
Kings Of Leon (some

hey echelon sister! :DD your musical taste is a lot like mine, i have tumblr (the-road-so-far), follow me if you'd like (i'd follow back, just leave a message in my askbox!)

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I have PCOS, any tips on getting pregnant without Clomid (pills)?


I have PCOS (poly cystis ovarian syndrome), is there any sure way to get pregnant WITHOUT taking fertility pills? I have been married about 3 yrs, I have a 14 yr old stepson, and I want the feeling of being a BLOOD mommy if you know what I mean.

I have PCOS and did take clomid for 5 months! It did get me to ovulated but I went off that about 2 months ago and started taking herbs! I have ovulated one my own for the last two months! I have a few days left to see I am pregnant for this month! But here is a web site that really helped me! Good luck!!

Faster proven tips to getting pregnant?


Can anyone tell me some proven tips to getting pregnant fast??? Im on clomid 50mgs days 5-9 today is day5 im thinking bout trying the OPK but the doctor says sex every other day after day9 so i think if i jus follow that i should catch my o day so im not going to get the opk. Does anyone have any suggestions

I'm on my second round of Clomid (TTC for 16 months now for baby #1) and I totally understand. To help:

* Do not drink caffeine or ANY alcohol (partner should not either)
* Start taking prenatal vitamins
* Use Pre-Seed or another sperm-friendly lubricant to help the sperm find their way (as Clomid can reduce CM)
* No spit on either of your genitals - can kill the sperm!
* Always have him finish with him on top and you having a pillow under your bum so your hips are elevated. Stay there for minimum 15 minutes after sex is finished.

Just an FYI - I ovulated 9 days after my last Clomid pill so I had sex every other day from CD 7-16 and then on CD 17, 18, 19 and 20.

Good luck!

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