Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pregnant with twins!???? Stressed!?


Okay ladies so now this is very confusing and fustrating! Last week i had an ultrasound at the hospital since i was there overnight and the tech told me babies weighed both 5lbs now today at my clinic the stupid techs there who are young and look dumb said one baby was almost 4lbs and the other was almost 6lbs thats absolutley stupid really!!! wgo would be more accurate? i dont know what to think (p.s at the clinic they always seem to struggle measuring my twins and the hospital never does)

Ok best thing to do is to go to the hospital your set up with to get any pregnancy appointments and ultrasounds and always try to get seen for appointments with your ob doctor you have set up so it'd be easy for him or her to know how you and the baby are doing and to keep track easier and better. Also if they don't seem professional enough to you or experienced enough you can try to schedule a appointment with someone else. It's twins and they do take up a lot of space and tend to move around sometimes in hard to see directions (even if it's just one it can be a issue sometimes). I suggest you always get seen were your set up to get seen with during your pregnancy and remember a pregnant woman should only get two ultrasounds during her pregnancy (one after 5 weeks and another after 20 weeks) cause any more is unsafe for you and the baby.

Oh and another thing try to keep your stress level down. I know it can be hard sometimes but it is the best thing for you and your baby right now.

pregnant with twins 18weeks +?


ok so this is my second pregnancy with identical twin girls and i wanted to know how was u felt,how quick ur stomache got,was it easy giving birth etc.just want to know ur story as im 18week + and my stomache has gone quite big and firm/hard but i havent really started to feel any kicks just flutters now and then..when will the propper movements start? if u want to share ur story i would be more happy to read any advice will help thankyou
thanks ladies i feel a little better reading ur stories and advice..i wguess i just have to be calm and relax and enjoy my twins..cant be worried all the time :) just hope the birth goes natural as i dont want c-section and hope they dont come out soon. by the way TINA .C when did u have ur girls? what week?

Hiya hun!
Glad to hear you're doing so well.
I started to show with the girls when I was about 22 weeks along and that's when I kinda started to feel them properly kick too. This was the stage when I couldn't sleep on my front anymore, it was uncomfortable 'cause they both seemed to kick MORE!!! And it got so annoying! lol. Can't really blame them though, I can imagine the lack of room they had as it was - without me squishing them too. I 1st felt them when I was 16 weeks, but it just felt like little flicks.
And I could never really tell which one was actually kicking me. lol
My younger twin was more active than her sister though.

I had severe morning sickness, so bad - I ended up losing half a stone. It lasted till I was about 6 months along. And even now, after 2 years of giving birth to them, I still can't stand to eat chicken wings! Or any kind of chicken that's still on the bone!

My labour and birth was very easy going, I had the epidural (of course! lol) I was only 3cm dilated when I cried for it. And I have to say how fantastic it was!!!
I tore a little bit when my 1st daughter came out (I needed stitches, but they healed after a week) 7 minutes later, my 2nd daughter was born. She came out not breathing, but they didn't bother to tell me that until they got her breathing again!
Even if one of my twins were breech, I still would have refused a c-section and gone for natural. As I wanted to be up and walking about. I couldn't really afford to sit and rest when I had 2 babies to look after. Obviously some people can't help having a c-section. But if you don't need it - don't have it.

But I want to say good luck to you, as I know how hard twins can be. Especially newborns. And as they were my 1st children, once I had my 3rd baby, I couldn't believe how easy it was to just deal with one! lol
But I know you have another child. The only advice I can really think of is (depending how old your child is) to try and get him/her involved with the twins as much as possible, just so he won't feel left out so much. Because you're going to be VERY busy with the twins once they're here.
Just try and get as much help from family and friends as possible. Otherwise you'll be dead on your feet. And I know how that feels - not nice!

It can be fun (and expensive!) buying 2 of everything. But I'll tell what item I did not need and which I think is a waste of money & space. A moses basket!
I personally wouldn't bother. Not only do they grow out of it in a few months, which you'll then have to get rid of them (or store them away, which ever you want) some babies have a problem with going from moses basket to cot. And I don't think it's worth the hassle - well, double the hassle in your case! lol
Both my daughters went in a cotbed, 1st day I brought them home from hospital. They slept side by side, until they got too big - by which point I kind of top & tailed them (feet at each end of the cotbed) and then once they too big for that (which was when they reached about 6 months old) I put them in their own cotbeds, in their own room.
I did have trouble with them for a few days, as it was new to them, but they soon settled.

I'll stop now, otherwise I'll just keep rabbiting on! lol
Best wishes to you!

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can fat people get pregnant quickly?


I'm 5'3 and 170 pounds. We just started TTC and I'm really excited to become pregnant but have been reading it's harder to get pregnant if your overweight. Has anyone overwieght gotten pregnant within the 1st month of trying?

I have been "overweight" my entire life and have conceived both of my children the first month of TTC.

EDIT: I wanted to add, just because the doctors "think" you are overweight does not mean that their "ideal" weight for you is what is "ideal" for your body. I am 5'6" and weigh 190lbs (not pregnant) one Nurse Practitioner said I needed to weigh 125lbs to 135lbs, my body is not built to weigh that much. I would look disgusting. The skinniest I have ever been in my adult life was when I was 18 right before I got pregnant with my daughter at 176lbs.

getting pregnant quickly?


this might be a stupid question, but, i'll ask anyways. I'm getting off the pill in March and we're going to start trying for our first baby. My husband is trying to loose a little weight and we're both trying to get fitter. We're also eating healthier and we dont smoke or drink. I'm also taking pregnancy multivitamins. I just wanted to know if theres anyway of increasing our chances of falling pregnant sooner once im off the pill? Also, last time i went off it, i finished it when my period was about to start, and my natural cycle just continued around the same time as when i was on the pill. I'm 24 and he's 30. Thanks!

Good Luck to you. It cant be determined. Every individual is different. There is no set rules.

But you time your baby dance by either an Ovulation kit or Charting Basal Body Temperature to determine your fertility window. Do not over exercise or stress yourself with either excess physical activity or mentaly.

25% of the women get pregnant within a month of TTC, 60% within 6 months and 95% within a year if the women is under 35 years of age. you have a great chance. :)

Baby Dust !!!

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Tips on getting pregnant?


Ive been trying to get pregnant for 4months now...I know it doesnt seem like a long time (BUT FOR ME IT IS!!) Im starting to worry...and tips..? I heard folic acid is great!.. i have a 28 day cycle some months and sometimes i have a 30 day cycle......

1) Start taking Pre natal
2) Drink Green Tea every day
3) sorry, TMI : BD in classic missionary position while you get your knees closer to your chest allowing him to penetrate deeper.
4) BD every other day from CD 8 to CD 18.
5) Buy an ovulation prediction kit just to ensure you are ovulating regularly.
6) Sto smoking and drinking alcohol, both of you
7) Let him have folic acid rich food like spinach, walnuts and banana
8) Cut down on caffiene too and do not stress body or mind. Do not worry about conception, it will happen when it has to. Stress will hinder the conception process.

Good luck and baby dust!!

Tips on getting pregnant?


I'm really trying to get pregnant, what are tips on getting pregnant? How do I figure out when I'm most likely to be able to get pregnant?

Just keep on having sex. Try to every other day. Do not make it into a chore though as it won't be fun and will feel like your just having sex for the sake of it. which should be a special time for you and your partner.
Even though some people say you can only get pregnant when you ovulate I still have sex when ever but just making sure I do more when I am ovulating, especially on the 5 days leading up to ovulation. After your partner has done his part don't rush to the toilet and wipe his sperm out. Stay in bed and prop your pelvis/bum area on a pillow so your raised up and stay there for 20 mins or more. I tend to put a towel under me after the pillow and go to sleep so its in me for a good 7 to 8 hours.
If your keep stressing about it then it won't happy. Relax and be happy :)
I'm using a app on my ipad to let me know when I'm ovulating. Its probs not 100% acurate but I'm it says I'm in the 5 days leading up to ovulation and I can feel cramps in my left side and getting stringy like discharge which is another sign of ovulation so I'm guessing its right.

Good luck

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Do these names sound okay for triplet boys?

We just found out today we're having IDENTICAL triplet boys! Luckily, my husband and I had three or four names already picked out. I just wanted to make sure they sounded okay. I am American (we live in London) and my husband is English

Our names are

If you like another name better, would you please suggest it? I want to keep it in the 6-letter, ending in "er" category.

My husband is weird and likes the name Amello (Uh-mel-oh) if we don't settle on Dexter. What do you think about that name? Apparently, it was the name of his grandfather...

To the person who says you can't know if they're identical in the womb, you've never had triplets, i'm assuming? I went to the dr. and they share a placenta and a sack. So, yes you can know.

Dexter reminds me of the cartoon from years ago about the geeky mad scientist kid.
Jasper sounds like a big black labrador...probably because it was the name of a dog i knew. i find it horrid for a child.
Oliver is wonderful.
Amello is awful.

what about Angelo? Antonio?

Okay i don't like playing devil's advocate here people..but identical triplets ARE possible-

Identical triplets or quadruplets are very rare and result when the original fertilized egg splits and then one of the resultant cells splits again (for triplets) or, even more rarely, a further split occurs (for quadruplets). Alternatively the original fertilized egg can split twice (to produce four embryos) and all four may survive, to produce identical quadruplets, or one of the embryos may not survive and result in triplets.

There has been one documented case when 12 fetuses were conceived naturally! And no, not all the fetuses survived, but the conception of them was entierly possible. Some woman have 2 uteruses and one woman was pregnant...twice! the babies were born prematurely from her 2 uterus.
it's VERY rare, but these things happen.
conception is an odd thing, and can result in very, VERY strange wonders.
rare it may be but it is not outside the realm of possibility.

Do i believe THIS answerer?

because 1. they JUST made this account, a clear Troll trait.
2. because they have never asked a question before this

could i be wrong, sure....but the odds that someone with a rare set of identical triplets would rush to make an account on yahoo answers to post questions about it.
sorry...just not convinced.

Any advice on liposuction on the abdomen and tummy tucks?


Hi! I had a tummy tuck and hip liposuction done last Tuesday (July 11th) and I am VERY HAPPY with the results and my recovery...and I had it done in Connecticut, not INDIA! (Like some person has been promoting all over Yahoo Answers.)

Couple of things to think of. I was an excellent candidate because I had a twin pregnancy 3 years ago and ALL of my doctor's agreed that no diet or exercise would EVER get rid of my over-distended was just too over stretched. So, talk to doctor's and see if they feel you can remove your "excess" more naturally first, or if a tummy tuck is right for you. See at least 2 doctors. is expensive, and the recovery time totally depends on how "healthy/physically fit" you are before the surgery. My doctor has been amazed at how well I have been doing, but I have heard of some people who have needed SEVERAL weeks to really recover. You will have some temporary "drains" put in you to help remove some of the post-surgery fluids, you'll have to wear a girdle for several weeks, and you will be hunched over for awhile, so PLAN ON A GOOD 2 to 3 WEEKS OFF OF WORK! And you will need help at home, too.

Finally, you need to understand that neither a tummy tuck or liposuction is really a method of weight loss. They both are intended to help "remold" your body. I had about 3.5 pounds removed from my tummy, and just a little over 1 pound off of the hips (total), but it made a MAJOR difference in my shape. If you do have a tummy tuck or liposuction, understand that you will have to work at maintaining your new shape...and you should not plan on getting pregnant AFTER a tummy tuck.

Hope this helps...good luck with whatever method you choose to help you get where you want to be!

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Friday, May 23, 2014

baby and yogurt?


I help take care of a woman's 2 9 year old adopted sons (from her husbands previous marriage). She is a stay at home mom and her husband works out of state 4 days a week. She has a 2 month old baby.
She recently just started feeding him the yobaby yogurt with the rice cereal on the bottom.
I'm pretty sure he is WAY too young for that. The cows milk protein is too harsh for his digestive tract and he doesn't even have teeth yet. He was also born 1 month early, so he isn't as developed as most 2 month olds.
Since he started eating it he has had diarhea and gastric problems and she keeps feeding it to him.
Is there any way I can kindly mention that it could be caused by the yogurt? I'm not a parent, but I am a dietician. I just don't want her to feel like I am trying to do her parenting for her. This is her first baby since the sons were 3 when she adopted them, so she's never taken care of infants before.
I don't want to seem rude.
Too put it frankly, her husband is an a$$ hole. He has never treated me nicely and he is controlling and rude. I wouldn't talk to him if my life depended on it. If he didn't work in a different state I wouldn't be able to stand working there.

just mention it say I'm not trying to tell you what to do but maybe the baby is a little young for yogurt now you should wait till he is 6months old and yes tell her that to much dairy to early can make baby's intestines bleed just mention it she may not have anyone to ask about things like this no one it a perfect parent just nudge her in the right direction

how do i make my baby eat?


That depends....

How old is your baby, and what are you trying to feed it? And why do you need to "make" it eat?

For newborns being breastfed:

Gently stroke the cheek nearest your body to stimulate the rooting reflex. Then tickle the upper and lower lips with your nipple until it opens WIDE. Insert your nipple into the lower part of the mouth, making sure baby takes ALL of the areola (dark colored area).

Sometimes it helps to squeeze a few drops onto their lips, so they get the idea.

For newborns on bottle:
Similar procedures. Again, having a little on the end of the nipple helps them get the idea. As with the breast, encourage them to take most of the nipple into their mouth. (This helps with oral development.)

For babis 6 mos. & older starting solids:
NEVER feed solids (including baby cereal) to a child younger than six months. If your pediatrician recommends it, ask them why they disagree with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and if they can't give you a decent answer, go with the experts (the AAP).

Mix a small amount of cereal with (breast)milk or water -- you want a thin consistency for the first few feedings, and thicker for progressive feedings. Put some on the spoon, and place it in Baby's mouth, removing the spoon with an upward motion (so the contents get wiped against Baby's upper teeth/gums). Don't try to feed more than a tablespoon at once, and don't worry if not much gets in. You're just trying to get them used to the new taste and texture.

For older children still:
Self-feeding! I'm met a number of moms who complain their baby won't eat, when the real issue is that Baby wants control, and Mom is still trying to spoon-feed. If your baby's been eating soft foods (baby cereal, smashed avacado, applesauce, whole-milk yogurt, etc) for a while, try them on finger-foods. Cheerios is a popular choice. So are frozen veggies (peas, carrots, etc).

Place some in the high-chair tray, and let Baby play.

For older kids still, who have developed bad food habits:
"I can't get my toddler to eat veggies!" How often have I heard this? Here are some tricks:

Make one-dish meals. It makes selective-eating more work than its worth.
Try a new presentation. Many kids, for example, can't resist something offered to them on chopsticks.
Forbidden foods are sweeter. If Baby watches Mommy & Daddy eating broccoli (which Baby just rejected), and they won't let Baby have any... well, it'll only take a meal or two (maybe less) before Baby is trying to steal the forbidden broccoli! Give it a try!

And if you're worried that your baby just isn't eating ENOUGH.... you probably don't have anything to worry about. For the first year of life, their primary source of nutrients is still milk (or formula, which is a far inferior source). Also, between 1 & 2, weight gain slows way down, while they grow into the weight they've already got.

Offer your child healthy foods every few hours throughout the day. When they're hungry, they'll eat. When they're not, they won't. (Eating when not hungry is a huge contributor to childhood obesity.)

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Fertility Drug:how effective to get pregnant with twins?

I was told I have polycystic ovary..and I'll have hard time to conceive again.
And my obgyne told me if I really wanted to have kids againshel have to put me on fertility drug.
Sounds great since I got two kids already:1 girl and 1boy.
I'm excited!!!

if you have trouble conceiving, you should be grateful for one healthy baby, not wanting twins... conception is a miracle even with only one baby!!! multiple births can cause a whole lot of problems. its likely you will get pregnant, and multiple births are common.

Pregnant with Twins?

Amanda J

I just found out yesterday that I am carrying twins (7 weeks along). What are some things I should know? This was totally unexpected. Never been on fertility drugs or ANYTHING!

You don't have to be on fertility drugs to be pregnant with more then one child. You don't need to know anything different, just do the same as you would being pregnant with one. Its the same things.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

How are twins conceived?


I know that once the sperm enters the egg no other sperm can get in but how our twins concieved is two eggs.

There are two types of twins -- monozygotic (usually called "identical") and dizygotic (called "fraternal"). It sounds like your twins are dizygotic: two of your eggs matured and were released by your Fallopian tubes, then were fertilized by two separate sperm. These fertilized eggs developed into two embryos. Because the twins result from separate pairs of egg and sperm, they will not be identical.

FYI -- monozygotic twins occur when a single zygote (fertilized egg) splits after fertilization. Because the twins come from the same egg and sperm, they will be identical (have the same genetic makeup).

A rare case of monozygotic twins are "polar twins," which occur when a single egg splits in two and the two halves are fertilized by two separate sperm. These twins share identical DNA from the mother, but since the two sperm are different, they will not be identical -- although they will be more genetically similar than fraternal twins.

I want to conceive twins!?


did you conceive twins and did you do anything special?
I heard that if you double up on iron and folic acid you are more likely to conceive twins. I read this on a medical web site.
for one thing, twins do run in my family.... and for another, you can choose the sex of your baby. Its all determined by the position you have sex in, whether you have an orgasm or not, and a specific vitamin cocktail. it worked for me.

You don't just conceive twins . . . some women are at a higher risk for twins due to a gene that causes them to ovulate more than one egg. This is usually a family trait on the mother's side.

Outside of that, women over 35, overweight and/or women with a diet high in yams and/or dairy for whatever reason have a higher CHANCE for twins.

Fertility treatments also put you at a higher risk for twins . . . overall, 3% of all births are a multiple birth, There are things that may increase your chances but there are no guarantees.

I was blessed with twins after going through IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and lucked out when both stuck . . . it was a long painful, stressful experience having to go through infertility . . . but in the end, we truly were lucky but having to deal with an inability to conceive on your own, medications, injections, side effects etc . . . is not the ideal way to have children.

Good luck!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

my baby making weird noises?

Heather Ni

he is 8 months and just makes weird noises, sometimes he screams in werid ways, sometimes he grinds sort of, he grudes alot, is this normal?
sorry i meant grunting

From what Ive read and heard..this is the time when they start realizing all the different sounds and noises they can make... but not so sure what kind of noises he is if it really troubles you, or if he continues doing the, for longer than a week, or while sleeping..I ouwld say call your doctor....

Baby making noises in sleep?


Our baby daughter is 6 weeks old and is a very active sleeper. She moves, kicks, grunts, shakes her head and sometimes has a hard time falling asleep. We believe it's because of her gas/tummy issues.

I have read that's pretty normal but one thing concerns us. Sometimes she makes a squeaky noise as if she is trying to breath trough her mouth but is unable to. I know babies are not supposed to breath trough their mouth.

She does not appear to have breathing issues and doesn't make the noise when she is awake. She only makes it sometimes when she is asleep. More often in the first hour to two hours when falling asleep and in the morning.

Answers from parents much appreciated!

I am a first time mom of a 4 month old.

The more they grow the better they breath. Believe it or not, they are "learning" how to breath and it may be very weird at times.

Regarding gas, I have used Gripe Water, which is a natural mix of herbs that helps colic, and helps with that "wet burp" sound.

I also give her tummy massages (check youtube for Baby Shantala) and that relieves a lot of the gas too.

Even though I breastfeed, I gently burp her with a clockwise back massage even before feeding her, because any air in the tummy that does not come out may pass to intestines and be more uncomfortable as gas.

Trust your instincts, no one knows your baby better than you do.
Congratulations on your baby.

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Pregnant With Twins?

nikki r

From experience, did any of you that had twins, know you were pregnant with them before you had a sonogram? If so, how were your symptoms? I know I've heard the symptoms from a single pregnancy are a little different than that of a twin pregnancy. Like more nausea with twins & everything. And is it possible to get pregnant with twins without having twins run in the family or anything?

ive just found out im pregnant with twins due to an early ultrasound. For some unkown reason i kept dreaming i was having twins, My hormone levels were really high, My stomach is extremely swollen and ive been eating a lot more i havent had any sickness atall so you cant really go by that on my son i was sick morning noon and nite. twins are not always heridatory identical twins do not run in the family im having twins that share the same sac these are always the same sex. Twins that run in the family are fraternal twins which have separate sacs these can be boy/girl or same sex

Anyone have any ideas to help get pregnant with twins?


I was wondering if there were any wise tells about how to get pregnant with multiples? What can you do to increase your odds of having twins?

Many people wonder what it takes to have twins, triplets or more. While having multiples is a gift and a blessing, there are some common factors that increase the chances of conceiving twins.

-Have a History: Do twins run in your family? If you have a mother, brother, sister, uncle or long lost cousin with multiples, you may wonder if you'll have them too. Sometimes twinning is hereditary, it's true. However, only fraternal (dizygotic twins are influenced by heredity, and then only in some cases. If your mother or maternal grandmother was or had fraternal twins, you might have inherited a gene for hyperovulation, increasing your chances of conceiving twins also.

-Grow or Gain Weight: A recent study published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology correlates the rise in multiple birth rates with rising rates of obesity. Research found that mothers with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higer were significantly more likely to have twins. Again, this statistic only holds true for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. The research also showed that women of above-average height were also more likely to have multiples.

-Wait Until You're Older: Older mothers are more likely to conceive twins than their younger counterparts. It's thought that the body accelerates ovulation as the biological clock starts ticking faster. Seventeen percent of mothers over age 45 have multiples. Wait five more years and the odds rise to one in nine!

-Eat More Yummy Yams: No one is quite sure why, but the Yoruba tribe in West Africa has the highest rate of twinning in the world. A study concluded that the mother's diet was the cause, being high in cassava, a type of yam or sweet potato. The peelings of this vegetable are thought to contain a chemical that causes hyperovulation.

-Seek Ferttility Assistance: Reproductive technology has dramatically increased the multiple birth rate. Drugs that stimualate ovulation can lead to a multiple pregnancy, but multiples can also result from invitro fertilization. It's not just that multiple embryos are implanted in the mother, but there is also an unexplained increase in the number of monozygotic twins among IVF patients. No ethical doctor would provide treatment if it wasn't warranted, so fertility assistance should only be sought out when necessary.

-Have A Big Family: The more kids you have, the more likely you are to conceive twins in a subsequent pregnancy. No one knows the magic limit that triggers a multiple pregnancy, so you'll just have to keep trying until it happens.

-Conceive While Breastfeeding: Most people think that you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding, that the process of lactating keeps a woman from ovulating. However, plenty of mothers of twins can disprove that theory. Some research has supported the theory that the chance of twins or multiples is increased if a woman conceives while breastfeeding.

-Get Pregnant On the Pill: Birth control pills are usually thought to be 99.9 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. However, that .01 percent often results in a double whammy -- multiples. Sometimes pregnancy occurs when the pill isn't taken consistently; in other cases, the hormonal mix of a particular drug type simply doesn't provide enough coverage to completely prevent ovulation. In either case, playing around with hormones can lead to hyperovulation, increasing the chances of multiples.

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pregnant with twins????


When I was 11 weeks pregnant I had a vaginal sonogram. The doctor saw one sac with one baby. Is it possible that I could have another sac above that one and they just couldnt see it with the vaginal sonogram?? Twins and triplets run in my side of the family along with my husbands side. Im 18 weeks pregnant now and Im HUGE! My stomach is already covered in stretch marks. My mother is a nurse and she keeps talking about how much my stomach has grown! I have LOTS of cramping and always tired. The doctor keeps saying my baby is very low. Could it be because there is another baby on top of that baby pushing it down? I go in next Monday (dec. 4th) for my second sonogram but I was just wondering what yall thought?????

Hi! I didn't find out until I was 21 weeks pregnant that i was having identical twins. Here's a few facts:

1. Vaginal ultrasound is the most reliable way to detect a twin pregnancy. Of course, there is always a chance that it was missed. Do you have any other exaggerated symptoms? With twins you have double the hormones so your symptoms will be exaggerated. I had horrible morning sickness well into the third trimester.

2. Identical twins are from one egg that splits randomly. Every pregnancy has a 1 in 250 chance of being identical twins. It sounds unlikely that you would be having identical twins if the doctor saw one sac/one baby.

3. Fraternal twins occur when the woman produces two eggs at once. Only the female's family history of twins is relevant because the male cannot make the female produce two eggs. AND, the family history is only relevant if they are spontaneous fraternal twins. (Not influenced by the use of fertility drugs.)

Honestly, it sounds like you probably aren't having twins. I had a friend who was pregnant at the same time as me but due a month later. We're similar height/weight/build but she was bigger than me for a while and she was just having one!

Congrats and good luck!

twin pregnant with twins or triplets?


is it more than likely if you were born a twin and when you get ready to get preganant are you going to have twins, triplets,quads etc,
omg muitiples thats alot of humans in you thats scary i just wanted to know i have about 4 or 5 years to wait for children i just wanted know ahead of time

Being a female fraternal twin increases the chance of having twins as long as she was conceived without fertility treatments. In general a person's chance of having twins is about 1 in 80 and it can jump as high as 1 in 17 if you are a female fraternal twin!

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Sims 3: Stop getting pregnant?


When I don't play my sims, they always seem to get pregnant. I have a lot of sims so obviously I can't keep track of them all the time. I don't want them to get pregnant, is there a way/hack to stop them from getting pregnant?
i don't want to delete my families because i've already spent my time making them and i like them. i just don't want them to get pregnant.

They made now to were the sims can get pregnant? That's funny. Try to keep them apart.

Get teen pregnant in sims 3?


Can I age up two teens, and get them to try for a baby, and then if she gets pregnant make them teens again by editing them in CAS. Would she be pregnant as a teen?

no. you cant go into CAS when a sim is pregnant and currently there arent any cheats to make sims pregnant.

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Monday, May 19, 2014



I was wondering if there was a way to tell if you were pregnant a week after incourse because...I have been gaining a little weight and my waist has gotten bigger...but I need to know now it might help me with the desicion to press charges or not because I was forced to have sex with one of my friends and he didn't use protection....can anyone help me out...also, I can't tell my granparent...because I am 17 and he was 20 and they wouldn't undertand or believe me anyone?
Also, I have been feeling sick today and I usually am pretty healty... Also, Sore breast and all...I am worried if I don't find out soon something might happen
thanks to you guys so far....the reason i didn't go to the police the first night because I was so scared and dint' know what do to....before the night I was a virgin but yeah..

You cannot tell one week after intercourse if u are pregnant. It usally takes about 6 weeks for symptoms (if any)to tell if u are pregnant....and if u want to charge him with rape, you should have reported it right away...any physical evidence that could have been left on you will have washed away. They need to do a rape kit to find out and now it might be harder to convict him as it will be your word against his

pregnant from an ovullation kit?

sharmin a

How long did it take to get pregnant on an ovulation kit!?
Iv been trying to conceive for 9 months now with no i decided to find out info on ovulation long did it take u to get pregnant while on it? im so worried took me 6 months to got pregnant with my daughter.any advice to improve my chance. i also had surgery 1 year ago for gall stones...could that be the reason im not getting pregnant?

Gall stones shouldn't have anything to do with it.

It can take 6-12 months when there's absolutely nothing wrong. If it's longer than that, consult with your doctor.

The ovulation kit is only a tool to help you pinpoint ovulation. It doesn't actually help you conceive.

Good luck!

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