I need sopme ideas of cheap, hand made gifts for myself to make a gift for a family member xpecting a baby boy. I like the idea of the hooded towels and the diaper cakes, also a diaper wreath would be great. I just need to know how to make them and what alll I will need. Thanks for all who can help!
I make diaper wreaths and cakes for a side job. It's pretty easy maybe not your first time but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad. It'll take you 2-3 hours.
For a three tier diaper cake you'll need:
Curling ribbon choose colors that are appropriate for the sex of the baby/theme of the shower or theme of the cake.
An empty cardboard tube for wrapping paper or paper towel.
A bottle 8 oz. filled with candies for mom such as kisses or candy corn
Either 2 receiving blankets and a decorative bib/burp rag or some pretty fabric ribbon (about 2 inches thick).
A few odds and ends to add to the cake. I always choose 4 wash cloths, a bar of johnson's soap, a baby brush and comb set, booties, socks, rattles, spoons, thermometer, nail clipper set (just small things to attach here and there.)
Something for the top like a small stuffed animal or toy. Remember that it will need to be tied down or safety pinned to some ribbon.
37 diapers size one or two.
Safety pins or diaper pins
A base such as a cardboard cake plate or a plastic plate even a pizza pan.
Start by using your paper towel sized cardboard tube. If you are sending the cake through the mail or transporting it you will want to hot glue the tube to the center of the plate. If not, set the plate aside and place the cake on it once done. unfold the first diaper leaving the tabs tucked the way they are originally and wrap it with the crotch of the diaper facing the tube VERY tightly all the way around the tube. Continue to do this with a total of 19 diapers for your bottom tier. It's always nice to have a second set of hands to help hold it together for you. Tie off with ribbon (I always tie 3 ribbons around the cake to ensure stability if the ribbon were to snap.) Cut your cardboard tube at about half the length of a diaper into the second tier. Place your bottle of candies on top of that, your second and top tier will hold it in place. Do the same wrapping and tying technique for the second tier using 14 diapers. Do the same wrapping and tying technique for your top tier using 4 diapers.
Now's the fun part! If you're using fabric ribbon, cut the lengths around the middle of each tier and secure tightly with safety pins. If you're using receiving blankets, fold your blanket in a triangle and then continue to fold it under until you've reached the size of the height of the diapers, wrap around your cake and fasten with safety pins. If you're using a bib on the top tier, fasten the neck band and place around the bottle that's sticking out of the top and then tie some curling ribbon around it on top and bottom to hold it into place. If you're using a burp rag for the top tier, just fold it to the size of the height of the diapers and safety pin it into place. Tuck your items into the ribbon, or tie them onto the cake, or tuck them inside your first layer of diapers, or you can pin washcloths and such onto your fabric ribbon. You can use the curling ribbon and make pretty curls to hide any ties or pins. Tie your stuffed animal or toy around the bottle sticking out of the top. add a few curling ribbons here and there to make it pretty and to hide any imperfections. Place onto plate.
I've also used mobiles in the center of the cake and let the arm come up about 3-4 inches from the top and the toys dangle over the cake.
For a diaper wreath:
Get a Styrofoam ring
curling ribbon
a package of diapers (amount varies by size of ring you get)
a toy or baby item for each diaper
Open your diaper up and place crotch side to the ring and tie both ends of diaper together and ring with curling ribbon. Add item to the curling ribbon. Continue to do this until ring is full.
You can dangle a stuffed animal or "baby sleeping" door hanger from the center of the ring if you like.
Diaper baby:
27 size one or two diapers
White curling ribbon.
1 outfit 3-6 months or 6-9 months
baby hat
either a bottle and a toy or two toys (something for the "baby" to hold in each hand)
might possibly need safety pins depending upon the size of the outfit, it may need rolled up a bit here and there and fastened.
Take your first diaper and open it up leaving the tabs the way they come and roll tightly. Roll your second diaper around it and continue to do so (very tightly!) with 15 diapers. Tie off around the outside in the center of the diapers with ribbon. Then tie a length of ribbon on each side of the diapers about 1/2 inch to the edge. You'll need these ribbons to secure your arms and legs. Set this piece aside.
Then take 8 more diapers and do the same for your "head" with the same wrapping and tying techniques. Make sure your ribbon is really tight.
Run a ribbon through the middle of the "body" (1st piece) and make sure it's even on both ends, run it up to where you will join the head and then run it through the center of the head and tie it tightly in the back of the body.
Now time to make your arms and legs...
Unfold one diaper and roll it length wise crotch in REALLY tightly. Tie it SEVERAL times every 1/4 inch or so all the way up the roll. Do this with four diapers.
To attach them to your baby, hold them up to the body and decide how far you want them to protrude. Generally mine hang off the back about an inch or so. Run some ribbon through one of your tied ribbons on your arm or leg and then run through one of the ribbons on the body and tie tightly. Do that for all four limbs.
Now you can carefully dress your baby in his or her outfit be careful of those arms and legs. Add his or her hat, maybe some booties. Put the pacifier in the center of the head where a baby's mouth might be. Use the ribbon to tie his or her toys in their hands or bottle. You may need to adjust his clothing now to keep it in place properly.
For hooded towels you can buy some regular bath towels in whatever color you like. Fold one corner into a triangle about the size of a baby's head but a bit bigger. Turn the edge of the triangle under and sew a hem so it's no longer a triangle but more like a straight edge. Now you can sew the "triangle" together along the edges of the towel. For decorative purposes you can sew some buttons along the edge of the newly made hood or use some iron on patches or cross stitch or embroider his name.
I don't know how well I explained it all, it's 2 AM and the words are kinda blurring together. So if you have any questions feel free to email me at ineverunderstand2200@yahoo.com
I've provided my myspace link to my business myspace page if you want photo ideas or anything you can look there to see maybe what I'm talking about. Good luck with it and congrats to the new parents. I pray for a quick delivery of a healthy little boy!
I make diaper wreaths and cakes for a side job. It's pretty easy maybe not your first time but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad. It'll take you 2-3 hours.
For a three tier diaper cake you'll need:
Curling ribbon choose colors that are appropriate for the sex of the baby/theme of the shower or theme of the cake.
An empty cardboard tube for wrapping paper or paper towel.
A bottle 8 oz. filled with candies for mom such as kisses or candy corn
Either 2 receiving blankets and a decorative bib/burp rag or some pretty fabric ribbon (about 2 inches thick).
A few odds and ends to add to the cake. I always choose 4 wash cloths, a bar of johnson's soap, a baby brush and comb set, booties, socks, rattles, spoons, thermometer, nail clipper set (just small things to attach here and there.)
Something for the top like a small stuffed animal or toy. Remember that it will need to be tied down or safety pinned to some ribbon.
37 diapers size one or two.
Safety pins or diaper pins
A base such as a cardboard cake plate or a plastic plate even a pizza pan.
Start by using your paper towel sized cardboard tube. If you are sending the cake through the mail or transporting it you will want to hot glue the tube to the center of the plate. If not, set the plate aside and place the cake on it once done. unfold the first diaper leaving the tabs tucked the way they are originally and wrap it with the crotch of the diaper facing the tube VERY tightly all the way around the tube. Continue to do this with a total of 19 diapers for your bottom tier. It's always nice to have a second set of hands to help hold it together for you. Tie off with ribbon (I always tie 3 ribbons around the cake to ensure stability if the ribbon were to snap.) Cut your cardboard tube at about half the length of a diaper into the second tier. Place your bottle of candies on top of that, your second and top tier will hold it in place. Do the same wrapping and tying technique for the second tier using 14 diapers. Do the same wrapping and tying technique for your top tier using 4 diapers.
Now's the fun part! If you're using fabric ribbon, cut the lengths around the middle of each tier and secure tightly with safety pins. If you're using receiving blankets, fold your blanket in a triangle and then continue to fold it under until you've reached the size of the height of the diapers, wrap around your cake and fasten with safety pins. If you're using a bib on the top tier, fasten the neck band and place around the bottle that's sticking out of the top and then tie some curling ribbon around it on top and bottom to hold it into place. If you're using a burp rag for the top tier, just fold it to the size of the height of the diapers and safety pin it into place. Tuck your items into the ribbon, or tie them onto the cake, or tuck them inside your first layer of diapers, or you can pin washcloths and such onto your fabric ribbon. You can use the curling ribbon and make pretty curls to hide any ties or pins. Tie your stuffed animal or toy around the bottle sticking out of the top. add a few curling ribbons here and there to make it pretty and to hide any imperfections. Place onto plate.
I've also used mobiles in the center of the cake and let the arm come up about 3-4 inches from the top and the toys dangle over the cake.
For a diaper wreath:
Get a Styrofoam ring
curling ribbon
a package of diapers (amount varies by size of ring you get)
a toy or baby item for each diaper
Open your diaper up and place crotch side to the ring and tie both ends of diaper together and ring with curling ribbon. Add item to the curling ribbon. Continue to do this until ring is full.
You can dangle a stuffed animal or "baby sleeping" door hanger from the center of the ring if you like.
Diaper baby:
27 size one or two diapers
White curling ribbon.
1 outfit 3-6 months or 6-9 months
baby hat
either a bottle and a toy or two toys (something for the "baby" to hold in each hand)
might possibly need safety pins depending upon the size of the outfit, it may need rolled up a bit here and there and fastened.
Take your first diaper and open it up leaving the tabs the way they come and roll tightly. Roll your second diaper around it and continue to do so (very tightly!) with 15 diapers. Tie off around the outside in the center of the diapers with ribbon. Then tie a length of ribbon on each side of the diapers about 1/2 inch to the edge. You'll need these ribbons to secure your arms and legs. Set this piece aside.
Then take 8 more diapers and do the same for your "head" with the same wrapping and tying techniques. Make sure your ribbon is really tight.
Run a ribbon through the middle of the "body" (1st piece) and make sure it's even on both ends, run it up to where you will join the head and then run it through the center of the head and tie it tightly in the back of the body.
Now time to make your arms and legs...
Unfold one diaper and roll it length wise crotch in REALLY tightly. Tie it SEVERAL times every 1/4 inch or so all the way up the roll. Do this with four diapers.
To attach them to your baby, hold them up to the body and decide how far you want them to protrude. Generally mine hang off the back about an inch or so. Run some ribbon through one of your tied ribbons on your arm or leg and then run through one of the ribbons on the body and tie tightly. Do that for all four limbs.
Now you can carefully dress your baby in his or her outfit be careful of those arms and legs. Add his or her hat, maybe some booties. Put the pacifier in the center of the head where a baby's mouth might be. Use the ribbon to tie his or her toys in their hands or bottle. You may need to adjust his clothing now to keep it in place properly.
For hooded towels you can buy some regular bath towels in whatever color you like. Fold one corner into a triangle about the size of a baby's head but a bit bigger. Turn the edge of the triangle under and sew a hem so it's no longer a triangle but more like a straight edge. Now you can sew the "triangle" together along the edges of the towel. For decorative purposes you can sew some buttons along the edge of the newly made hood or use some iron on patches or cross stitch or embroider his name.
I don't know how well I explained it all, it's 2 AM and the words are kinda blurring together. So if you have any questions feel free to email me at ineverunderstand2200@yahoo.com
I've provided my myspace link to my business myspace page if you want photo ideas or anything you can look there to see maybe what I'm talking about. Good luck with it and congrats to the new parents. I pray for a quick delivery of a healthy little boy!
Baby scrapbook ideas?

proud Moth
I am due with my first child in 2 weeks and I want to make an awesome scrapbook for her to see when she grows up. I was hoping that some of you who have made scrapbooks could give me some ideas. My husbands sister is making me a really cute scrapbook, I just have to fill the pages. I need help coming up with titles and page ideas. Feel free to give any advice and ideas the questions below are just some of the things I need ideas on. Any advice will be appreciated, and I will give Best Answer to the most descriptive answer. Thank you all so much!
1. What kind of things did you put in your baby's scrapbook?
2. What kind of pictures should I take of her?
3. Are there any websites that I can get ideas from, and not just a bunch of pictures of scrapbook pages?
4. Are there any items I should save of hers to put in the scrapbook?
5. Also, I was thinking about making a cute little box and saving a few things that she grows out of, what should I put in it?
6. Any other baby scrapbook ideas?
Again thank you all very much!
Congratulations on the pending birth of your first baby :) I trust all will go well.
Your scrapbook will be very special and precious as it will be about your own little baby. You will probably find all kinds of reasons to take pictures of her once she arrives, but these ideas may help:.
1. What kind of things did you put in your baby's scrapbook? - 'pre' birth photos and pages - pictures of your ultrasound, of you pregnant (I didn't remember to take a pic of me when I was pregnant and always regretted it), 'glamour' photos of you and baby's Dad looking happy and scrap about how excited/happy you are that the baby is coming. Talk about different names you are considering and their meaning. Take photos of the room you have prepared that is waiting for baby.
Some people have photos taken of the birth itself.
Once baby is born, have a friend take pictures of you both in hospital together. Maybe take a photo of your Dr or favourite nurse/midwife.
Keep memorabilia to scrap - a copy of her birth notice, the card on her baby crib in the hospital if you stay there, the wrist band she may wear in the hospital, growth charts, bits of ribbon from gifts, buttons from her first outfits, even scrap the first bib she wears (once she is completely done with it!)
Keep cards and notes you receive from friends and family.
2. What kind of pictures should I take of her?
Take pictures of her the moment you can. You may want to unwrap her and count all her fingers and toes so that would be an adorable picture. Take a photo of her next to a small toy that you can use in subsequent photos to show how she is growing. I took pictures every week and chose the best of them to put in my baby's scrapbook. Nearly all of them have the same little toy in them somewhere :)
Take photos of the first time she meets her grandparents, aunts, uncles and your best friends. Take one of you and your mother and grandmother holding her.
Take pictures of her 'firsts' - first bath, first smiles, first time she sits up by herself, first day she crawls and walks.
Catch her in moments of beauty and peace as well as when she is crying or laughing. Catch her in all her moods.
3. Are there any websites that I can get ideas from, and not just a bunch of pictures of scrapbook pages?
Here are some websites that may help:
4. Are there any items I should save of hers to put in the scrapbook?
I think I talked about these things in the first answer. You can keep things such as a lock of her hair, the first little socks/booties she wears, her first comb - anything small and flattish can be used in a scrapbook.
5. Also, I was thinking about making a cute little box and saving a few things that she grows out of, what should I put in it?
I kept a small box of the clothes I thought were absolutely adorable on her, her first shoes, pretty little dresses given to her by special people, and a couple of her first toys.
6. Any other baby scrapbook ideas?
You can make scrapbooks in the shape you want them. You can make small ones for your handbag, display ones with special photos in a chipboard album. use a magnetic board to display your latest album page before placing it in an album, make a couple of little digital albums with an online program and use them as gifts (you can order as many copies of a digital album as you like).
Just enjoy the fun of getting to know your daughter and keep your camera handy. There will be loads of lovely opportunities to photograph I am sure :)
Congratulations on the pending birth of your first baby :) I trust all will go well.
Your scrapbook will be very special and precious as it will be about your own little baby. You will probably find all kinds of reasons to take pictures of her once she arrives, but these ideas may help:.
1. What kind of things did you put in your baby's scrapbook? - 'pre' birth photos and pages - pictures of your ultrasound, of you pregnant (I didn't remember to take a pic of me when I was pregnant and always regretted it), 'glamour' photos of you and baby's Dad looking happy and scrap about how excited/happy you are that the baby is coming. Talk about different names you are considering and their meaning. Take photos of the room you have prepared that is waiting for baby.
Some people have photos taken of the birth itself.
Once baby is born, have a friend take pictures of you both in hospital together. Maybe take a photo of your Dr or favourite nurse/midwife.
Keep memorabilia to scrap - a copy of her birth notice, the card on her baby crib in the hospital if you stay there, the wrist band she may wear in the hospital, growth charts, bits of ribbon from gifts, buttons from her first outfits, even scrap the first bib she wears (once she is completely done with it!)
Keep cards and notes you receive from friends and family.
2. What kind of pictures should I take of her?
Take pictures of her the moment you can. You may want to unwrap her and count all her fingers and toes so that would be an adorable picture. Take a photo of her next to a small toy that you can use in subsequent photos to show how she is growing. I took pictures every week and chose the best of them to put in my baby's scrapbook. Nearly all of them have the same little toy in them somewhere :)
Take photos of the first time she meets her grandparents, aunts, uncles and your best friends. Take one of you and your mother and grandmother holding her.
Take pictures of her 'firsts' - first bath, first smiles, first time she sits up by herself, first day she crawls and walks.
Catch her in moments of beauty and peace as well as when she is crying or laughing. Catch her in all her moods.
3. Are there any websites that I can get ideas from, and not just a bunch of pictures of scrapbook pages?
Here are some websites that may help:
4. Are there any items I should save of hers to put in the scrapbook?
I think I talked about these things in the first answer. You can keep things such as a lock of her hair, the first little socks/booties she wears, her first comb - anything small and flattish can be used in a scrapbook.
5. Also, I was thinking about making a cute little box and saving a few things that she grows out of, what should I put in it?
I kept a small box of the clothes I thought were absolutely adorable on her, her first shoes, pretty little dresses given to her by special people, and a couple of her first toys.
6. Any other baby scrapbook ideas?
You can make scrapbooks in the shape you want them. You can make small ones for your handbag, display ones with special photos in a chipboard album. use a magnetic board to display your latest album page before placing it in an album, make a couple of little digital albums with an online program and use them as gifts (you can order as many copies of a digital album as you like).
Just enjoy the fun of getting to know your daughter and keep your camera handy. There will be loads of lovely opportunities to photograph I am sure :)
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