Tuesday, June 24, 2014

SEX tips AND proposal QUESTIONS ten POINTS guaranteed ?


I am on my girlfriend's yahoo answers so I will have to delete this fast, so answer quick. (long answers are the best though)
We have been dating for 1 and 1/2 years. She is 7 months pregnant and I love her with all my heart. I want to propose but she wants the whole big wedding,big ring,big proposal thing. We dont have the most money but how can I propose in a big way and she wants a tiffany ring. HELP! After I propose I want to have so good romantic sex. What can I do??? She is pregnant so it is difficult. I want to propose before the baby comes. Help??!!

Tiffany has rings in wide price ranges. They have beautiful Engadget rings made of sterling silver instead of white gold with a real diamond stone. it is only a few hundred dollars compared to the gold rings. Equally pretty in my opinion. I am sure she would love it. You could tell her that you wanted to make sure she gets a real Tiffany ring and preferred to get the silver version instead of buying a gold ring by some random maker. Then tell her that one day when you can afford it you will get her something else more expensive. Have flowers, propose to her, express your love to her and tell her she is beautiful. Kiss her tummy, go down on her and drive her wild and hot with love and adoration... make sure she is super turned on both physical and emotional

Any parenting tips? advice?


Okay so I am currently pregnant with my 1St child and I Do have a ways to go (about 6 months) but as I get closer I really get a bit more nervous. I know I'll be a good mother though. So any good parenting tips or advice for me and my husband? Any subject any tip any topic. Lay it on me. I want to be as prepared as I possibly can be. Thanks so much!

If you're having a boy make sure that when you're changing their diaper you have something covering their private parts so they don't pee on you!

Accept help when people offer it! When your baby is sleeping, thats when you should sleep, otherwise you'll never sleep. You'll need more diapers than you think, but only buy one package of newborn sized diapers because they grow out of them very fast!

When it comes to caring for your baby, trust your instincts. Bond with your baby! Lots of skin-to-skin contact. Watch out for Over-stimulation.

oh and you should also buy baby clothes at Yard sales, good will, etc. It will save a fortune and your baby will only wear that outfit a few times until he grows out of it. Good Luck! :)

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Monday, June 23, 2014

36 weeks - EXTREME pain?

oh yeah

Earlier today, I had a slip (didn't fall), got checked by the doc, was monitored, everything was ok, have some spotting (likely from the cervical check), took a warm bath to ease some pain, took a Tylenol but am still in EXTREME pain in my nethers. I mean, just sitting/lying down, walking is excruciating and Tylenol isn't doing anything. What else can I do? I'll try the bath again tonight but other than that, Tylenol is useless. Any help?

P.S. The pain is in my bones, the pelvic region and now has spread to my back and down my thighs. No contractions and the baby is still moving every now and then.
I meant, 35 weeks. My bad!

if the baby is moving as he/she did before the baby should be fine if you stop feeling the baby move you should call your doctor or go to the ER to make sure its ok. but if the pain is really bad than you should still call your doctor and be seen so you can be sure hun

Question about birth weight, and health of babies born before 37 weeks.?


OK so I am asking because I have had some complications come up with my blood pressure and was diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension today- it is very possible to turn into preeclampsia because my protein levels are above average however not enough to diagnose pre-e. in a 24 hr. urinalysis less than 150 is normal and anything more than 300 is mild preeclamsia- mine was 224

I will be 30 weeks on friday, I have been put on bed rest and weekly appointments as well as an ultrasound on friday to make sure that our little girl is developing as she should.

The Dr. told me that our goal right now is to get to 34-36 weeks and then they may induce depending on the situation with my blood pressure and the progress of preeclampsia. He also informed me that they will most likely not allow me to go all the way to my due date and would likely be induced by 38 weeks.

I am just trying to get information about premature birth- I would love everything to be natural but I am accepting things as they come and acknowledge that Dr.s are doing this for the safety of not only me but my baby as well.

So my questions are. . .
What week did you deliver in?
How much did the baby weigh?
How was the health- NICU Stay??
How long were both of you in the Hospital and did the baby get to go home with you?
what are the long term health issues you have had to deal with?

Thank you ahead of time:)

ps do you think there is a link between higher birth weight and less time spent in the hospital?

In case you don't feel like reading everything I wrote, here's the most important part--get "The Premature Baby Book" by Dr. Sears. It is a lifesaver.

--I delivered my son at 34 weeks.
--He weighed 4lbs, 12oz. The normal range at 34 weeks is 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 lbs, and boys tend to be slightly heavier.
--He was healthy in all ways, but didn't yet have the suck-swallow-breathe reflex, which means he couldn't breast (of bottle) feed. This tends to kick in around 36 weeks for boys, a couple weeks earlier for girls. Because of this, he had to be tube-fed (called 'gavage') and (painfully slowly) taught to eat. He was in the NICU for 13 days.
--I stayed in the hospital 3 days, so I had to go home w/o my baby. It was hard, but the next two weeks were the worst--leaving him each night in the care of others was so upsetting. I spent as much time as possible there.
--Long term, nothing major, but his development lags behind full-term babies, so even now at 13 months, I am CONSTANTLY explaining to people why he hits his milestones later than their child of the same age. People always think he's younger than he is and it's frustrtaing, cause some people act like there must be something wrong, or they try to make me feel better as if they think I must be upset that he's behind. But he's exacly where he should be--six weeks behind a full-term baby. I look forward to when he's at an age where it's no longer evident that he's behind so I can stop explainng and getting questioned.
--During the first few months, preemies can be A LOT more demanding than the average baby. They sleep more, but it is in shorter spurts, so you will sleep very, very little. It's hard to put into words the extreme sleep deprivation. I actually hallucinated at one point because of it. They can be crankier and gassier because their bodies aren't really ready to be accepting milk yet. This can last many months (about 6 for us). Your baby will not be able to go out much, especially during the flu season in his/her first year, but also during the first 3 months you practically have to become a hermit. Since a full-term baby is supposed to stay inside and not among crowds until 6 weeks, it's 6 weeks PLUS however many weeks your preemie was early. Every little thing can be a sign of something more serious with a preemie because they are more likely to come down with, well, just about everything, so even at seemingly-minor signs, you may have to take the baby to the ER. Your baby will need to be bundled up, including a hat, until they hit 7 lbs, and possibly will still have unusually low temp. readings that can be scary.
I'm not trying to scare you at all. Just prepare you. But on the other side, you and your preemie will have an intense bond because they need such close attention, monitoring, and care, and unlike full-ter babies, you get no 4 or 5 hours to sleep while they do. You will be with your baby all the time. I HIGHLY recomend you keep your preemie as close as possible. They thrive with 'kangaroo care,' meaning skin-to-skin contact, and the SIDS risk is higher with preemies, so you want them sleeping as close as safely possible (check into bedside co-sleepers, or at least keep him/her in a bassinet right beside you).

And one more thing--this is YOUR baby. NICU nurses can be possesive. If you see ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable, like a nurse handling or bathing your baby in a way you feel is not gentle enough, SPEAK UP. You can, for example, say you don't want anyone but you and the baby's father to bathe him/her. You will forever regret it if you don't speak up.

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im try to get pregnant is it safe to continue my asthma med?


i have not been back to the doctor to tell her we are trying now but im worried if i get pregnant this month is my asthma med gonna affect the baby? im on asthmanex and allegra everyday and preventile when needed? if they hurt the baby what am i gonna do my asthma is getting worse since we moved to san diego?

you need to call your dr. my daughter is pregnant and has asthma her doctor said all she wants her to take is zyrtec and albuterol inhaler. good luck and get your flu shot.

Has anyone tried the Rite Aid Cetirizine for allergies? Its supposed to be like Zyrtec.?


Does it make you drowsy? I need it but I wont take it if it makes me drowsy

Cetirizine is the generic for Zyrtec (meaning made by different company but contains the same medication (other ingredients and processing of the drug may be different). When Zyrtec became over the counter and it was allowed for other companies to manufacture the drug, store brands of cetirizine came out. It can make you drowsy; read the label carefully. There are various versions - a -D and for different hours of relief.

I used to take Zyrtec, for several years (stopped in 2003 when I was pregnant with my son). It worked great at first but lost efficacy over time for me. I have tons of food allergies and other (dust etc) but I just avoid instead of taking drugs since I can.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

can u get pregnant on ur period?


i had sex on my period, i started my period on may 15th, i had sex on the 18th and my period stopped on the 19th. just wanna know if i can get pregnant on my period casue the condum broke

Crissy !
Women can get pregnant while on their period. If you ovulate for example on days 8 through 10 of your cycle, you may get pregnant âwhile on your periodâ meaning if you have intercourse after day 5 of your cycle, when you may still be bleeding.
This is more common in women with shorter cycles. Having a period will not âwashâ sperm from the cervix or prevent pregnancy if your body releases a mature egg at ovulation.
You may find it more difficult to detect cervical mucous changes while on your period. Some women have fertile cervical mucous that starts on or around the time of their period without realizing it because they are bleeding.
For more visit free website
and know about first sign of pregnancy, pregnancy information, symptoms of pregnancy. If the results says that you are not pregnant still you can have a lot of info here about how to get pregnant fast and about baby gender selection

pregnant on your period?


Hey, I am on the pill and have been for three years, but I was wondering if you can get pregnant while on your period??? And are the odds different depending on what day it is while on your period? Like is it easier to get pregnant on the last day?


You can get pregnant on your period but it's not likely.

I don't know which day is more likely. I think the last couple of days because I think the way you get pregnant is because sperm lives in the vagina for a few days and then you ovulate a few days after your period and conception takes place. I've heard one theory that the egg hasn't been flushed out yet - in which case the first day of the period makes more sense for the theory. (I have my doubts about this theory because I would have thought that once the period has started it can't be stopped and the egg would still go out.)

On the pill though you are not likely to get pregnant and you should be covered for the whole time, even when you are taking the sugar pills and bleeding.

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how can i make in home food for my 6 months old baby?


now my baby girl is six months old..she don't like bottle feed so i give her peure....i want she eat fresh food which is made in home.. can you help me..?

Most fruits and veggies can simply be steamed or baked, then pureed in a food processor, chopper, or with a mixer. Good foods are sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, avocados, and bananas. (The last two don't need to be cooked at all--just mashed.) There's a book called Super Baby Foods that you may want to check out. It's all about making your own baby food, complete with recipes, and how to prepare pretty much any fruit or vegetable for your baby.

as any one gave their baby jar food before 6 months?

Jodie B

if so how old was your baby? did starting him/her on food before 6 months give them any problems?

I sure did, with both of mine. I fed my 1st baby cereal on a spoon at 4m followed by stage 1 and home prepared fruits and veggies always only introducing 1 new food per week to watch for allergy signs. With my 2nd, he was on Nutramigen and still ate every 2hrs at 3-4m. So I started putting some rice cereal in his bottle (yes I know thats a no-no). I used an ice pick to make the hole in the bottle just a tad larger. Ice picks work great & make a nice smooth hole, no edges to come off. I also used one of the feeder type bottles you can get at walgreens/walmart. Its made to put pureed foods in. My 1st, was eating from the table at 5m with not a tooth in her mouth. we used to say she could chew a steak with her gums. My 2nd, he was still eating stage 2 baby food at 12m. He just wasn't having it. He did not like the textured, chunkier foods. Now at 18m, he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The only prob I have had was with my 2nd, my son. He has food allergies, but that was from the start and not caused by introducing solids too early.

Also, neither one of my kids are overweight. They are both actually on the small side for their ages, but I was tiny when I was younger also. So I don't think that introducing solids too early actually causes overweight kids either.

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Any good tips on getting pregnant?


I know sex is key. I just want to know what people did to help them get pregnant.

do u know when you ovulate? if not you'll need to figure out when you ovulate but not every women ovulates @ the normal 2 wks after the start of their cycle and even w/a regular cycle women can ovulate @ diff times every month. if you start to feeling very wet (watery/eggwhite CM) you're in your most fertile window so have sex! if you're having more and more creamy Cm then start having sex every other day. sperm stays in your cervix up to 6 days max in ideal conditions. i use fertilityfriend.com. it tracks BBT, cm, ur cervix and everything in between. it'll take 2 cycles to figure it out but at least it won't be a guessing game. it's a great tool! don't have sex every day as that lowers sperm count - every other day is good :) also if you do need to use lubricant make sure it's sperm friendly as most aren't. i use pre-seed :) try the digital OPK's so you get a smiley face instead of trying to figure out the colors. There are also products you can try on fairhavenhealth.com that helped me ï

Help getting pregnant?

Please give me lots off tips that can increase my chances off getting pregnant !

Hello Dear,

I'd like to add a few tips for you:

1) Don't use lubrication unless it is specially formulated to be "sperm friendly" when you are having sex. Most lubricants damage sperm. Even water and saliva can be counter productive to sperm motility.

2) Use Acupuncture. Recent research indicates it increases your fertility.

3) Start now. As we age our chance for getting pregnant decreases. So don't delay, and be aggressive.

4) Seek help from your doctor. If your periods are very irregular there may be hormonal problems that need to be addressed.

5) Don't use ibuprofen or acetaminophen or aspirin when you are trying to conceive. Studies have shown these can interfere with ovulation.

I hope these tips have been helpful. I tried to include a few that I wasn't aware of until I started trying to conceive and did some research. My best wishes to you for a successful and quick conception.

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How to make a baby Quilt?


Well, I've never really had any interest in quilting before but now that I'm a mummy I thought it would be quite cool to make a little quilt for my son.

So I thought I'd just make 2 little patchwork blankets of cotton squares, and stitch them together with some padding in the middle - just as a first attempt. I'd love to get into the 'fancy' stuff and techniques at some point in the future, but for now I just want to try something simple like that.

Do you think this stuff would be ok to put in the middle?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/4oz-polyester-wadding-1-7-67-metre-roll-quilting_W0QQitemZ170211175880QQihZ007QQcategoryZ3110QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 ?

I don't want to spend too much money at this point if possible because it's just a fun experiment for me to see how I find it and also I want it to be a 'light' quilt as the weather is getting warmer now.

I'd be really grateful for any opinions or advice on this?
Thank you! :)

I think 4-oz wadding/batting is a good weight for a baby quilt, but as I read the description, this one isn't specifically for quilting. Wadding for quilting is treated to prevent (or at least reduce) a problem called 'bearding' where the polyester fibers migrate (work their way through) the outside fabric - it's unsightly and eventually you lose all your wadding. I strongly suggest you stick to QUILT wadding. When I first started quilting almost 15 years ago, I didn't (I did all the typical 'beginner false economies'), and the baby quilts I made then have lost all their filling and are very sad. Here in the U.S., I can buy a packaged decent-quality quilt wadding in 36"x45" size for about $10 (sorry, I'm leaving you stuck with the conversion math!), and I think it's worth the money.
If you decide you can't do quilt wadding for some reason, then look for wadding that is either needle-punched, bonded, or has a scrim - these will be more durable. Congratulations and good luck.

i want to know how to make a quilt for a baby?

Q. i need a quilt that will fit a crib and directions on how to. the directions have to be clear. if you have some websites that would be great. thanx

How to Make a Baby Quilt

1. Cut 64 total 6"x6" squares. Use at least two or more different fabrics.

2. Arrange the 6" squares in rows with every other color. Put eight across and eight down.

3. Pick up the first row of eight and pin it together with a number one on it. Do the same for the other rows.

4. Now you are ready to sew each row. Sew all the squares together in row one and then do row 2, etc. Use a 1/4" seam.

5. After the rows are done, you are ready to sew the rows together.

6. Press seams toward the border. Layer and quilt by hand or machine.

7. You will need strips to use as borders. Cut strips 2 and 1/4" and the length of the quilt on all sides. Put right sides together and sew strips to quilt top. Turn under to wrong side and sew strips down by hand.

Hope you had fun making this easy baby quilt

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Pregnant with Second Child and not excited?


I'm 23 years old. I just had a baby via emergency c section almost 5 months ago. I found out I'm pregnant again (contraceptive method failed) and for some reason I don't feel the excitement I felt with my first pregnancy. I look at my son and I feel guilty because he is just a baby and he still needs my whole attention. My husband and I don't believe in abortion so I'm going to have the second baby, but i just don't know how to make my self feel better.

I completely know how you feel. I have three kids. My toddler had just turned 1 when I found out I was pregnant again. Seems like good enough space but I wasn't ready to be pregnant again. I'd just gotten my middle baby girl off the bottle. I felt just like you. She was still so young and it wasn't fair to her that another baby was going to come in and steal her spotlight. I thought I didn't care the first part of my pregnancy. I contemplated abortion though like you, my husband and I didn't believe in it. I ultimately decided to keep the baby but was sad cause I really wasn't excited. Then, I got a scare that made me realize that I did care. So much. They thought my baby could have down sydrome. I had an amnio and went through such an incredibly stressful ordeal. Was faced with the what ifs. What will I do if she has downs. My kids now know I'm pregnant, how will I explain why I'm not pregnant anymore if I chose to terminate the pregnancy. Then, if I chose to keep the baby, how would that change the dyanamic of my family's life. When the test came back that my baby was normal with no problems, I realized just how much I loved and wanted her. She didnt' ask to come here. God does everything in his timing. My baby is almost 1 now. Few more months. She's 9 months. She's the light of my life. Beautiful little me. Smile that is amazing. I wouldnt' change anything. I love watching her and my toddler get close. They love eachother. Laughing and playing together. And I realize that this was all a blessing in disguise. They will be best friends adn do everything together. It's wonderful. I'm blessed and I thank God for giving me my children. All of them. You will too.

Second hand smoke and pregnant?


Since I was 3 months pregnant I have been living in a house with a smoker. He only smokes in one room, but my room is across the hall and sometimes I can smell it in here. I usually put a rug in front of the door so smoke does not come in from underneath... will this little of second hand smoke harm my baby?

It literally floors me what kind of idiotic ideas people will believe. - Honestly, I wish sometimes secondhand smoke did kill, so all you self-obsessed freak jobs would die off and leave the smokers alone.

------------- The Largest study on Second Hand Smoke ever done by Enstrom
âNo significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.â

âEnstrom has defended the accuracy of his study against what he terms âillegitimate criticism by those who have attempted to suppress and discredit it.â". (Wikipedia)

------ Court rules that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is NOT a Class A carcinogen
âThere is evidence in the record supporting the accusation that EPA âcherry pickedâ its dataâ ⦠âEPA's excluding nearly half of the available studies directly conflicts with EPA's purported purpose for analyzing the epidemiological studies and conflicts with EPA's Risk Assessment Guidelinesâ (p. 72)

-------- OSHA will NOT regulate something thatâs NOT hazardous
âAir contaminants, limits employee exposure to several of the main chemical components found in tobacco smoke. In normal situations, exposures would not exceed these permissible exposure limits (PELs), and, as a matter of prosecutorial discretion, OSHA will not apply the General Duty Clause to ETS.â

Study about health & Smoking Bans â The National Bureau of Economic Research
âWorkplace bans are not associated with statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions for myocardial infarction or other diseases.â

âConclusions: Our results indicate no association between childhood exposure to ETS(environmental tobacco smoke) and lung cancer risk.â

Showtime television, "How the EPA, CDC, Lung Association, and etc." support their claims.

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