Jodie B
if so how old was your baby? did starting him/her on food before 6 months give them any problems?
I sure did, with both of mine. I fed my 1st baby cereal on a spoon at 4m followed by stage 1 and home prepared fruits and veggies always only introducing 1 new food per week to watch for allergy signs. With my 2nd, he was on Nutramigen and still ate every 2hrs at 3-4m. So I started putting some rice cereal in his bottle (yes I know thats a no-no). I used an ice pick to make the hole in the bottle just a tad larger. Ice picks work great & make a nice smooth hole, no edges to come off. I also used one of the feeder type bottles you can get at walgreens/walmart. Its made to put pureed foods in. My 1st, was eating from the table at 5m with not a tooth in her mouth. we used to say she could chew a steak with her gums. My 2nd, he was still eating stage 2 baby food at 12m. He just wasn't having it. He did not like the textured, chunkier foods. Now at 18m, he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The only prob I have had was with my 2nd, my son. He has food allergies, but that was from the start and not caused by introducing solids too early.
Also, neither one of my kids are overweight. They are both actually on the small side for their ages, but I was tiny when I was younger also. So I don't think that introducing solids too early actually causes overweight kids either.
I sure did, with both of mine. I fed my 1st baby cereal on a spoon at 4m followed by stage 1 and home prepared fruits and veggies always only introducing 1 new food per week to watch for allergy signs. With my 2nd, he was on Nutramigen and still ate every 2hrs at 3-4m. So I started putting some rice cereal in his bottle (yes I know thats a no-no). I used an ice pick to make the hole in the bottle just a tad larger. Ice picks work great & make a nice smooth hole, no edges to come off. I also used one of the feeder type bottles you can get at walgreens/walmart. Its made to put pureed foods in. My 1st, was eating from the table at 5m with not a tooth in her mouth. we used to say she could chew a steak with her gums. My 2nd, he was still eating stage 2 baby food at 12m. He just wasn't having it. He did not like the textured, chunkier foods. Now at 18m, he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The only prob I have had was with my 2nd, my son. He has food allergies, but that was from the start and not caused by introducing solids too early.
Also, neither one of my kids are overweight. They are both actually on the small side for their ages, but I was tiny when I was younger also. So I don't think that introducing solids too early actually causes overweight kids either.
Just starting baby food at 6 months?
Little Man
My son is 6 months old. He is exclusively breastfed right now and will be starting rice cereal next week and I have a few questions. I am not planning on switching him to formula.
Do you mix the cereal with breastmilk? How much (to start--I know you eventually thicken it)?
Do you pump milk first and then mix it?
Which meal do you first give solids (morning? noon? evening?)
At what point do you start adding more meals with solids?
When do you add fruits/veggies? (I know a common recommendation is to do veggies first)
Thanks in advance for all responses! I know there are a lot of questions, I am planning on asking my son's Pediatrician at his 6 mo appt. on Monday but would like to know what other mommies have done, especially if you have delayed solids until 6 months!
I use formula, not breastmilk, but it pretty much works the same...I started with a large tsp. of cereal and about 1/2 an ounce of formula. Thicken with a little more cereal if it's too runny. We started with breakfast so that we could monitor for allergic reactions for the remainder of the day.
There's really no hard fast rules about how to progress. After your baby has been on cereal for a week or two, then you can start ped. said greens first, but I've also heard the opposite: yellow first. A lot of people like to do two veggies first and then a fruit. If you are using Gerber/BeechNut/Delmonte, etc., then let your baby try all the Stage 1 foods before moving on to Stage 2. Make sure to give your baby 3-5 days between new foods so you can check for any allergies.
I use formula, not breastmilk, but it pretty much works the same...I started with a large tsp. of cereal and about 1/2 an ounce of formula. Thicken with a little more cereal if it's too runny. We started with breakfast so that we could monitor for allergic reactions for the remainder of the day.
There's really no hard fast rules about how to progress. After your baby has been on cereal for a week or two, then you can start ped. said greens first, but I've also heard the opposite: yellow first. A lot of people like to do two veggies first and then a fruit. If you are using Gerber/BeechNut/Delmonte, etc., then let your baby try all the Stage 1 foods before moving on to Stage 2. Make sure to give your baby 3-5 days between new foods so you can check for any allergies.
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