Saturday, April 26, 2014

as any one gave their baby jar food before 6 months?

Jodie B

if so how old was your baby? did starting him/her on food before 6 months give them any problems?

I sure did, with both of mine. I fed my 1st baby cereal on a spoon at 4m followed by stage 1 and home prepared fruits and veggies always only introducing 1 new food per week to watch for allergy signs. With my 2nd, he was on Nutramigen and still ate every 2hrs at 3-4m. So I started putting some rice cereal in his bottle (yes I know thats a no-no). I used an ice pick to make the hole in the bottle just a tad larger. Ice picks work great & make a nice smooth hole, no edges to come off. I also used one of the feeder type bottles you can get at walgreens/walmart. Its made to put pureed foods in. My 1st, was eating from the table at 5m with not a tooth in her mouth. we used to say she could chew a steak with her gums. My 2nd, he was still eating stage 2 baby food at 12m. He just wasn't having it. He did not like the textured, chunkier foods. Now at 18m, he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The only prob I have had was with my 2nd, my son. He has food allergies, but that was from the start and not caused by introducing solids too early.

Also, neither one of my kids are overweight. They are both actually on the small side for their ages, but I was tiny when I was younger also. So I don't think that introducing solids too early actually causes overweight kids either.

Just starting baby food at 6 months?

Little Man

My son is 6 months old. He is exclusively breastfed right now and will be starting rice cereal next week and I have a few questions. I am not planning on switching him to formula.

Do you mix the cereal with breastmilk? How much (to start--I know you eventually thicken it)?

Do you pump milk first and then mix it?

Which meal do you first give solids (morning? noon? evening?)

At what point do you start adding more meals with solids?

When do you add fruits/veggies? (I know a common recommendation is to do veggies first)

Thanks in advance for all responses! I know there are a lot of questions, I am planning on asking my son's Pediatrician at his 6 mo appt. on Monday but would like to know what other mommies have done, especially if you have delayed solids until 6 months!

I use formula, not breastmilk, but it pretty much works the same...I started with a large tsp. of cereal and about 1/2 an ounce of formula. Thicken with a little more cereal if it's too runny. We started with breakfast so that we could monitor for allergic reactions for the remainder of the day.

There's really no hard fast rules about how to progress. After your baby has been on cereal for a week or two, then you can start ped. said greens first, but I've also heard the opposite: yellow first. A lot of people like to do two veggies first and then a fruit. If you are using Gerber/BeechNut/Delmonte, etc., then let your baby try all the Stage 1 foods before moving on to Stage 2. Make sure to give your baby 3-5 days between new foods so you can check for any allergies.

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My baby sister is not feeding well at all! Help!?


My baby is now almost 10 months. She was feeding so great from the bottle 6 months ago and then my mom took a month off work to stay with the baby. She got so used to breastfeeding that when she got back to work, she would not drink from the bottle. Now she is soooo tiny for her age!
Even though she should be drinking atleast 6 ounces every 4 hours or something she only drinks about 3.

When my mom is working we can only feed her with the bottle by sneaking it in her mouth while she's sleeping. My parents should have stopped her with breast feeding along time ago as someone suggested but they didnt. What do we do? She is so tiny! She wont drink milk from the bottle and she is not learning how to feed herself with the bottle as she should already be learning. Help!

I'm sorry sweetie, but no, she should not have stopped breastfeeding a long time ago. Breastfeeding is the healthiest and most natural way to feed a baby. Its the only way nature ever intended a baby to eat. The longer you breastfeed, the better it benefits your baby by lowering the risk of many cancers and illnesses later in life. I think you need to educate yourself a little more on breastfeeding basics and I'm not trying to be mean when I say that, but you're wrong about that part. Now as far as her being tiny for her age..that does not necessarily have anything to do with your mom breastfeeding her still. That doesn't even make sense. If she is drinking 3 ounces every 4 hours, then she should still be getting enough nutrition. You can safely breastfeed exclusively for the 1st year of your baby's life without even offering any food at all because breast milk has ALL the nutrition needed for an infant. She is doing something that is very common amond breast fed babies. They hate bottles. Which is perfectly understandable, because bottles are second nature. She is fine and as long as she's eating and growing, she is fine. She may be tiny, but that doesn't mean she's being starved. My friend had a baby Feb. 8th of 2007 and she was only 5 pounds 6 oz. and has been tiny ever since and there is nothing wrong with her at all. She's just a little peanut. All babies develop and grow differently. If she really was not growing enough, the doctor would have expressed those concerns with your mom. Just keep offering the bottle during the day as much as you can and keep offering simple table foods like cheerios, graham crackers, cut up veggies, etc and she will eventually start to feed herself. Although most babies at 10 months do feed themselves a little, not all babies do. Some babies are slower to start feeding skills than others. =)

baby cockatiels help wanted?



Answer's a bit late to be asking these questions. Raising cockatiels or any bird for that matter is a delicate issue.

When you say you have been told that you have to bring them out of the nest for handfeeding was this by the original owners of the pair? As in the parents will not raise babies past 2 weeks? Most cockatiel pairs that have had their babies taken from the nest at 2 weeks every time will not raise their babies past 2 weeks...they'll pluck them, starve them, or kill them. If that is the case then you have to pull them to handfeed. If they have raised clutches until weaning then you can leave them.

If you pull:

You need to learn to handfeed.

Items needed:

10 cc/ml medicine syringe -----pet store, feed store, pharmacy

kaytee exact handfeeding formula----pet store

brooder----I make home made ones. I use a 10 gallon fish tank, heating pad that has a way to turn off the automatic off option. Sit aquarium on heating pad, fill with 2-3 inches pine shavings (no cedar...only pine, oats, or aspen...medium-large shavings), lay a paper towel over the shavings for easy cleaning, and a digital themostat. Keep temp at 89-94 f. If it is too hot move aquirium half way off of the heating pad. To keep heat in cover with a towel but leave a small opening for air. You can use the towel to regulate the heat as well.

digital themometer---walmart?? I get my of the dollar general for $3

You know there is alot you need to research and this should have been done way before you actually had babies. If I were you I would try to leave the babies with the parents to raise them until you have done your home work.

You need to learn to hand feed and honestly baby cockatiels are somewhat difficult to handfeed. Some basic rules:

always put syringe at the birds left side of beak...your right.

formula temp 101-105 (others will say only to 101 but I have found that 105 is safe and really reduces risk of sour crop)

formula should be consistancy of runny applesauce

Pull them at 12-14 days at this time they can go to 4 feedings per day
7am, 12 pm, 6pm, 12 pm 6-8 cc's

1.5 weeks later change to 3 feedings
7 am, 1pm, 7 pm and they will take about 8-10 cc's

1.5 weeks reduce to 2 feedings 7 am, 7 pm 15 cc's

1.5-2 weeks
1 feeding 15 cc's in the evening until they are weaned or refuse food.

During about the 5th week they will begin to fledge and will go on a small diet where they will refuse some feedings. Keep offering even when they refuse. Once they lose their crop weight they will begin to eat again.

Once they are fully feathered you can move them to a fledging cage. That means a cage with a grid at the bottom so that they can walk on it and a perch sat very low to the floor say maybe an inch off of it so that they can learn to perch. You'll need to allow them to fledge when they are ready. Cover all windows and mirrors, turn off all fans, close toilets, cover buckets, etc.

You've got alot of learning to do in just a short time. Very irresponsible if you ask me. Start researching immediately before you cost these fledgings their life. Also remove the box from your parents when you remove the babies so that don't lay again so soon. It is very unhealthy and can kill the hen if she lays too often.

Search cockatiels on google and research:

ADDED: You can visit a vet OR your local pet store (not petsmart) a privately owned store that deals in birds and ask them to teach you to handfeed. Handfeeding them and handling them tames them. If you just want them tame but don't want to handfeed then when they are about 2 weeks old you can go into the nestbox and take them out for a bit and handle them every day a few times per day and that will keep them tame. When picking up small chicks make sure that you do not press on their full crops as it will make them regurgitate and can also choke them.

MORE ADDED: Just read some of your past questions. Where you asked about baby cockatiels dying. You are going to have to pull these babies because the parents will not raise them past 2 weeks. They are used to having their babies pulled. If this is a brand new pair then just let nature take it's course and leave the babies. Cockatiel parents get better with each clutch. They are slow learners it takes them sometimes 2 or 3 clutches before they get the hang of it. But, if you got these breeders from someone else then they are just not used to raising babies past 2 weeks and will always kill them at about that time. You need to contact a pet shop and ask for help or see if they will take the babies for you. If you are an adult ...shame on you for being so irresponsible. If you are a child then shame on your parents. This really irks me.

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Baby rat making noise--Normal or not?


I just bought a baby rat and I'm concerned about some noises he makes. He makes some noises when he little squeaky noises...but they're only audible when he in sitting on my shoulder near my ear. Also, when he is in his cage, he makes a sound like a sneeze, but it doesn't happen when he is outside the cage. It isn't a constant noise, but does happen more than twice a day. I bought a pack of bedding at Weis that had "Rat" on the list of animals suitable for using the bedding, so I wonder if the bedding is the culprit if it is listed at a rat-compatible bedding. I am currently in a living arrangement in which 2 smokers live with me on the weekends. I had thought that the smoke had something to do with it, but he is still making the noise. Should I move the cage outside on the weekends as long as I keep it in the shade? He is in a glass cage now since he might fit through the wires on a wire cage, as instructed by the pet store. Is this noise normal or should I be concerned?
Also, will having a pet rat attract wild rats into the house? We had problems with rats earlier, and I wonder if we might have them again.
There is no drainage of the eyes or whatever else might drain when a rat is very sick. He is very lively when he is awake. I also want to feed him a good diet, but am having a hard time finding "rat" food. Is there some other rodent food I could use as a substitute, like hamster or guinnea pig food?

Normal rats do not make noise when they breathe, and usually don't make much noise at all unless they are in pain or play-fighting with another rat. It sounds like your rat has the beginnings of a respiratory infection. Nothing much to worry about at this point, but it can quickly get worse if things do not improve.

I don't know what kind of bedding you are talking about, but pine as well as cedar are not good for rats. Recycled paper products such as Carefresh and Yesterdays News are acceptable, as well as aspen wood.

Your glass cage may also be exacerbating things. The glass walls don't allow proper ventilation and urine odors can quickly build up and add to the irritation in the lungs. If he is only in there because he will fit through the bars of a wire cage, make sure you clean it every 2 days at least. No matter the size of the rat, they won't fit through the bars on a cage with 1/2" bar spacing.

The smoke could definitely be bothering him. Rats have very sensitive respiratory systems and anything like that in the air can set off an infection. Rats have a bacteria called mycoplasma pulmonis which is normally kept in check but when the rat is stressed by illness or other factors this bacteria can overgrow and cause a respiratory infection. At this stage your rat doesn't seem too dire, so a round of antibiotics will probably fix him right up. You'll have to take him to a vet for an exam to receive the proper drug and dosage.

Having him around won't attract wild rats, the only thing that does is having food accessible for them. If your food is up and out of the way and cannot be accessed easily you shouldn't get any wild rats coming in to the house.

There really is no substitute for rat food, I'm afraid. You'll want a good quality lab block where the first ingredient isn't corn and the protein content isn't too high. If you are in the United States, you can order several different good quality brands over the internet such as Harlan Teklad, Oxbow Regal Rat, and Mazuri (I don't have the links right now but if you do a google search you should be able to find them). I can't afford the shipping on Harlan myself but I buy a 25lb bag of Mazuri for $30 including shipping and it lasts me forever.

I hope that helps you, good luck with your rat!

Baby Cockatiel is constantly making noise?

Q. I have this baby cockatiel that is about 2 months old and he (or she) keeps making this noise:

what does this mean? I've only had it for less than a week. Also, they told me to feed it the baby food the previous owners kept feeding it, but it doesn't eat it, instead it goes for adult food but doesn't eat much of that anyway, it just starts eating these little pellet things we have in the bottom of the cage to keep the poop when it falls from smelling bad. Also, it doesn't drink water. How do i help this?
by baby food I mean this yellowish powder you mix with lukewarm water. I really don't know what its called.

Hi. It looks to me like your baby cockatiel wants to be fed. The bobbing and whining are typical begging behavior for a baby bird. Did you get him/her from a breeder? I think you need to contact the breeder/person you got it from. What else do you have to feed it other than 'baby food'. What is the baby food?

Sounds like what you have is baby bird formula. Formula needs to be warm but not hot. You really need a food thermometer to get the right temperature. You should do your own research on the right temperature as I am not a breeder or experienced hand feeder and I absolutely don't want to give you bad information. You can try spoon feeding. If you have not hand fed with a syringe before or been properly trained I don't recommend it as it can be tricky and if you do it wrong you can injure or even kill the baby bird. (formula can get in the baby birds lungs). That's why I say try to use a spoon. A baby bird usually won't touch cold formula. If it is too hot it can burn them. I would really recommend contacting whoever you got the bird from. Sometimes when baby birds are under stress they revert back to wanting to be hand fed. If you have formula then the baby probably still requires formula and the baby is in jeopardy if you aren't trained to feed it properly. Please call whoever you got the bird from and see if they will continue to hand feed or show you how to do it properly. Good Luck.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Could i have gotten pregnant tonight?

Q. my son is almost 6 months old and is being breastfed, i havent gotten my period yet but earlier today i noticed i had some egg white looking, stretchy cervical mucus. im not sure if that meant i was ovulating or not. and tonight me and my husband had unprotected sex, he pulled out before he came and he was only able to go about halfway inside me because it hurt too much for me cause im so dry down there cause of breastfeeding lol, but could i get pregnant this way?

You will ovulate before you have a period so hard to say when that will be. I've heard breastfeeding hormones keep you from ovulating but since I work for WIC I can tell you that is not always true, unless all our BF women are telling stories. As for your partner pulling out, it is certainly not a great way to avoid pregnancy. You can get pregnant from his pre-cum and the sperm in that can easily swim their way further inside you. If you don't want to get pregnant again this soon you should use protection and maybe go ahead and get the morning after pill at the drug store just to be safe for this time.

What are the chances of me getting pregnant tonight?

Q. I have been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years now. We have always had protected sex ever since I gave him my virginity. I love him so much, and plan to marry him but I'm only 19 and don't want any babies till at least 4 years. But I want to give my boyfriend a special treat tonight. I want to let him make love to me bareback, we have done it once or twice but only for a couple strokes. this time I want to go ahead and let him come inside of me. I was on my period all weekend and today is "day 6" of my period but I am just having very light spotting today. What are the chances of me getting pregnant? I usually have a long cycle like 35 to 45 days and I want tonight to be special<3 Neither of us have any STD's so that won't be an issue.

Do not rely on timing as a method of preventing pregnancy.

My periods were 100% regular and my partner and I tried for 2 years to get pregnant by timing on ovulation dates and we never did get pregnant and even doctors could not tell me why. Then randomly one month, after we had stopped trying, we thought it was ok to have sex on the last day of my period and we even used contraceptive film (those little squares of spermicide you put inside), and wellll, I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant right now! And we did not have sex any other day that month (we were both working extra hours, in the middle of moving, and life was crazy busy). The female body is VERY unpredictable and mysterious, lol.

Even "a few strokes" can get you pregnant as men have precum that you can not always see or feel... remember sperm are microscopic so it does not take much for them to get out and into your body!

I know its hard when you want it to be special, but if you are not on the pill or other birth control, don't take that chance or you may end up with a child you cannot care for. Just think of it this way... do you want one special day that will likely just pass into nonremembrance within a few months or do you want 9 months of pregnancy and a lifetime with a child when you are not ready? I know it sucks, but I would advise waiting until you figure out an option for birth control if you can!

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TWINS Babies?????????

Moody O

Having Twins. Need advice?????
My Girlfriend and I just found out today we are having twins. We are 16 years old. I know we shouldnât be having kids. But we are good parents our other 2 kids are happy and healthy. We are living with my parents. We have taken parenting classes. The one instructor comes to our house once and a while to see how we are doing. She canât believe how well we are doing. Our oldest child is 3 years old. She is a sweetie. We just had a baby 2 months and 26 days ago. I work full time she works part time. We both go to school but right now we have tutors coming to our house. So we can stay home.

I really want to be honest we had sex less then a week after we had our baby girl. I told my parents they are not really happy. My parents are supportive they love me my girl friend and there grandchildren. But they only finically support my girlfriend and I. We have to pay for our children. My parents help a little. That helps. To be honest being a father has made me a better person. I know that I made mistakes. At least I am taking care of my kids and girlfriend. I have insurance for my kids and my girlfriend and I feed them. They are treated right. My girl friend and I are married but the only people that know are our parents.

We are taking a brake from having a sex. I am nervous and I am happy about having another child. I love being a dad. I know I can afford another child. I donât waste money. I put my change everyday into my change jar. Every month my bank account is always positive. My GF puts her money she earns into the same account. We got a lot of money from her great grandpa and ma. That is in another account we have not touch that money yet.

My girlfriend loves being a mom. She is a good mom. She is a better mom then her mom. Her mom who abandon her, her sister, and brother at there grandparents. My GF is excited about having another baby. I am excited do. Our kids are healthy. We put our kids needs first. Please no rude comments I am taking care of my kids they are happy and healthy. To be honest we are happier now. We love being parents. Yes we are young. We are waiting a long time before we have sex again.

My questions are. Please donât be mean. I am nervous.

My girlfriend does not want to go to college any ideas on that? I respect her
decision. She wants to be a stay home mom.

Are we crazy for wanting to keep the babies?

How can someone get pageant again after just having a baby?

What is life like with twins?

Should I start preparing for the twins? What stuff should I get know.

I think you should keep the babies you'll do great!
Don't worry you'll both be fine being parents again its great to have kids. You'll be up most of the night but your probably used to that.
Nobody expects you to not make mistakes your human. Just wait a while to have more kids like when you are out of school. Tell your gf to think about going to school and tell her that she would be missing out on a chance in a lifetime.

Does dropping a baby result in crazy adults?

Q. sometimes people say "I think you were dropped too many times as a baby" if they think somebody is crazy/weird/dumb or has some other problem.

Does this belief have a basis in reality?

"Dropping a baby" can be 2 inches or 2 feet, on a pillow or on the sidewalk. It can cause brain malfunction if a baby is dropped on its head. If you had a brain injury, you'd know it by now - so I'd ignore these rude comments. You're not crazy/weird/dumb - you're unique! Also know that people who make comments like that often do so because they are intimidated and/or insecure.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Have any of you become pregnant from pre ejaculation?

confused g

I am curious as to how many people have gotten pregnant from pre ejaculation.

Pre-ejaculatory fluid CAN DEFINITELY get you pregnant.

A lot of people don't realise that Procom contains active sperm and active sperm get you pregnant. When a man ejaculates he releases thousands of sperm at a time and it only takes ONE sperm to make a baby. Sperm are like tadpoles. Once they are released and come into contact with a vagina or during sex, they will swim upwards until they reach the egg and fertilise it.

So yes you can definitely get pregnant from Procom. A lot of men do not know when they have released Procom because it has no colour of smell. Pre *** is released when the man becomes sexually excited and before he is going to ejaculate and also after he ejaculates. Sometimes you can notice Procom on the end of the mans penis because it can be sticky or look shiny. But it IS clear fluid and hard to see so don't rely on a man saying he hasn't presumed because he wont know.

I say it's far more common than people think!

Possible to be pregnant with pre-ejaculation?

Q. My girlfriend and I were dry humping and I ejaculated in my pants.So I went to go clean myself up.But then we got intimate and took our pants off.I was going to insert but she told me to stop and the tip of my penis only touched her vagina.She said she was wet and I don't know if I pre-ejaculated or was just dry.She said it felt like I went in but at the time I didn't feel anything.I know I didn't ejaculate.Could it come out without any feeling?.Can pre-ejaculation cause pregnacy?Could she possibly get pregnant from this?

Pre-ejaculation can cause pregnancy. Any semen which enters the vagina can result in pregnancy. It is probably unlikely if you weren't inside her but if you have semen on your penis and you rub this against her vagina or have any contact with her vagina then there is a chance this could get inside her and she could get pregnant. If you are not 100% sure the only thing you can do is wait. If this happened less than 72 hours ago she could take the morning after pill. Has she thought about birth control? As this is useful for situations like this as everyone knows how people sometimes get caught in the moment.

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15 and pregnant with twins...?

Q. I am 15 and 12 weeks pregnant with twins.. I have never been so scared in my life please dont judge me because you dont know my story.. But i was wondering will my babies be okay even though im only 15 and im so little? I just am so confused with it all and have so many questions . Will my babies survive? i just dont know to many people that have had twins at 15..

Being pregnant with twins at 15 is a high risk pregnancy.
All you can do is try your best to stay healthy and try not to be stressed out.
Also see your Dr. regularly like your supposed to.
Your Dr. is really the only one that can keep you up to date on how the babies are doing.
Best of luck to you!

I am 28 and pregnant with twins.?

Q. I have 2 other kids, a 2 yr old and 3yr old.
now i am 28 yrs old and pregnant with twins
wat is going to happen during this pregnancy?
I mean wat will be different from the other 2!

im pregnant with twins too!

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Why would a 3 to 4 week old baby guinea pig be yelling out with a high pitched sqweek?

Q. I have a new 3 to 4 week old baby guinea pig that will not let me put it down. She woke me up tonight about 2:30am and its now 3:18am and I have not been able to put her back without her making a hight piched sqweeking sound. Now i cant have her doing this becuase of the tiem of night night it is. What can I do to get her to let me put her down and her not to make a fuss about it.

She has watter, food and hay and a clean cage (well I cleaned it yesterday)
And I have no idea were its mother is as it was just given to me a few days ago and this is the first time its done this.

Your baby was separated WAY TOO EARLY. If you can put her in another room at night it will help you but it will ultimately help her. If you run to her aid when ever she squeals she wont stop because she will know that all she has to do for attention. you may also want to buy a sleeping pouch for her so she can be a little more independent in comforting herself. sleeping sacks or beds might help her feel like she isn't completely alone. I have bred guinea pigs, they are suppose to stay with the mom for at least 9 weeks sometimes even 12 (luckily not for food purposes she can eat regular food and drink water) just so they arnt depressed. If you do not know this yogurt treats are not good for guinea pigs (even though they are sold as treats it makes them fat) but the amount of un natural dairy product and sugar will make a baby VERY SICK!

I also saw someone suggest you get another female guinea pig to keep her company DO NOT DO THAT the other female will kill her (unless you find another baby her age which just endangers another baby).

Baby making squealing noise in sleep?

Q. My daughter is 5 months old and on 2-3 occasions she has squealed in her sleep like she breaths in really fast for a split second but she still stays asleep and doesn't seem fazed at all by it, Could she be dreaming?

The sound is high pitched

Possibly. If the noise bothers you, put a pillow under her head to elevate it.

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Is there a way of knowing if you're fertile without getting pregnant?


I've used the pill for contraception for the past 5yrs but have recently stopped taking it. Over the years there were several chances when I could've got pregnant but didn't.
Is there a way of knowing if I'm able to conceive without getting pregnant?

First of all, there is a way to know you are fertile before getting pregnant. In fact, we had been suffering from infertility even after we dropped off contraception some years back.

We had been searching for answers and finally after some trials and errors we finally determine some fertile moments....

Let me share it with you...

How can you tell if you are most fertile?

Just before you ovulate, your body produces an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH for short). This is known as the "LH surge". Fertility sticks (also called ovulation sticks or ovulation tests) can detect this LH surge in your urine.

If the LH surge is detected, you are likely to ovulate in the next 2 days and this is the best time to try for a baby. Fertility sticks are a simple and accurate way of telling when you are most fertile, but can be costly.

As well as the LH surge, your body produces other signs when you are fertile. Recording your basal body temperature (BBT) every day using a fertility thermometer can also tell you when you are likely to ovulate.

Your BBT is your temperature first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up. When you ovulate, your body produces a hormone called progesterone, which causes a slight rise in your BBT that remains until your next period.

If the fertility thermometer detects a rise in your temperature, this means you have probably ovulated and will be most fertile for the next 1-2 days. Charting your BBT is inexpensive, but since the temperature change is so small, it can be difficult to detect so you may miss when you ovulate.

Do you know when is the best time to have sex in order to achieve conception?

The best time is when you are at your most fertile. You are most fertile during the 2 days after you ovulate (release an egg) - for most women with a regular 28-day cycle, this will be around 14 days after the start of their last period.

After having sex, the sperm can survive up to 5 days inside your body, it is still possible to become pregnant if you have sex on either side of this 2-day window, but it is less likely.

If your cycle is shorter or longer than 28 days, or it is irregular, it may be difficult for you to predict when you are at your most fertile. Even if you have a regular cycle, you won't know precisely when you are going to ovulate. However, there are a number of methods that can help you detect when you are likely to be most fertile.

Another change in your body that can help predict when you are likely to ovulate is a change in your vaginal mucus. When you are about to ovulate, the mucus becomes clear and stretchy, like the texture of raw egg whites.

This is actually to make the vagina more receptive to sperm when you are at your most fertile. You can test the consistency of your vaginal mucus using your fingers or a tissue.

While this method won't cost you anything, it can be unreliable, as changes in the vaginal mucus may be caused by other factors such as certain medicines and infections.

Your body can tell you a lot about when you are fertile, as long as you know what to look for. Each of these methods can be used on its own or together to help you conceive - and there's no harm in trying them all.

I hope these tips can be useful to you in getting pregnant fast. For the moment, you can still go to your doctor in conjunction with these tips. Also, try to avoid pregnancy programs given by so-called "gurus" and use some of these tips above.

This is just my humble opinion....................

Tips for getting pregnant with PCOS without fertility meds. Please only answer if you know?

Q. I have PCOS and have been TTC for 2 years now. I have tried clomid for 3 cycles, the highest dosage was 100 mg. I then went for ultrasounds after taking the clomid and every time everything came back fine, that I was ovulating. My hubby has been checked and nothing is wrong there. But still no baby. I did have to take provera for a year, every 3 months I wouldn't have a period I would take provera to bring it on. I recently lost 22 pounds and that with the help from taking the provera has regulated my cycle. I might go every other month, but i'm at least getting my periods on my own now. So just curious if any one out there also has PCOS and was able to conceive without meds, and how you did it or what helped? I know weight loss, like I said I have been working on that, but anything else?

I have pcos also, I have manged to have one sucessful birth at 27 weeks very very premature and now he is a beautiful six year old!!!!! I did have a MC back in August at 10 weeks, I currently just got off of Provera and now waiting on cycle day 5 for clomid. Ok so back to the point :) I am going to recommend taking two natural supplements:

Red Rasberry Leaf Tea and Vitex aka Chaste Berry

If I was more consistent with both I prob would not be doing the Provera/Clomid mix, however when I would miss my menstrual cycle for three months or so I would start taking Vitex tea and bam back on track. Please please try these, sometimes I honestly believe the natural way is the way to go.

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Q. Tell me anything about them!
I think I'm having twins, but no one will answer my dang questions! I NEED any info, stories, whatever!
Ok...lemme rephrase that...


lol ok well i have 3year old boy/girl twins,
i split with there dad when pregnant so was very hard work! lol
pregnancy can be tough,just rest as much as possible,and be prepared as may go early? hough after being told this a hundread times i waswell ready by about 32 weeks bags packed and went all the way to 38weeks so seemed a long long wait! lol,had a c secion and all was fine,they weighed 6"7 and 7"2 so quite big for twins! youl prob get the choice how you want to deliver as twins,and its still possible to do natural if choose hat way many say its better.
theres more of a risk as could be early maybe spending some time in special care? so be a little prepared for that as could be tiny,but as i say not always.
when there tiny feeding,would definatly reccomend feeding both together-can be done,youl get hang of it!-as otherwise if do in turn,your whole day will just be feeding! so always except any help to! dont feel bad your only human and going to be knackered! cat naps always a good idea whenever possible! or making the most of any vsitors popping round to have a quick soak in the bath etc while they watch your little darlings!
the first few weeks monhs will prob fly by,by endless feeding whinding! untill,its best to get in some routine,especially with 2,as if just feed on demand youl prob be all over the place! lol
(its amaing though how doing everything twice really does just come naturally!-i promise youl friends will prob watch you in amazement,juggling both,but will be natural to you!)
sleeping mine slept in same cot for good few months,so only had to but one to begin with,wasnt untill they could start shuffling around and disturb each other i put them in 2 cots,
also on the first outings i made the most while small,instead of lugging around the huge double buggy,used a stroller for one and had the other in a baby carrier,obviously not straight away as was nice to have both in buggy looking all cute,and enjoying the comments,people stopping you andcooing "ahh are they twins?" wich i bet youl get alot! and be proud and enjoy,why not youve carried them around for 40weeks,with all the backache etc,so deserved! lol and soon wears off when come them moments when them moments of despair when there both wailing,and its more like "her comes double trouble" and the admiring smiles from strangers turn into sympathy smiles! lol though of course-its all worth it! hehe
so yea it will be full on action and no walk in the park,just enjoy every little peacefull moment you get with them,cause youl be that extra bit busy youl find that time will fly that extra bit quicker to and wonder where its gone! as i say mine are 3 now-thats where the fun really beggins! and you wish they were tiny babies again! hehe joke,hope have helped feel free to contact if wanna ask anything,and congratulations!

Pregnant with twins?

In need of

Hi all, I went for my first sonogram y'day (at 17w 2 d) and found to my surprise that we are having twin boys!!!! What a moment it was!! Twins don't run in our families (neither mine nor my hubby's) and the kids were conceived naturally!! We still can't believe we are having twins.
I just want to know if there is anything special / extra I need to do to take care of myself and the babies? I read many articles on the internet, but they are too scary. Since no one in our families has experience with twins, we cannot ask any of their inputs!! Any moms out there who had twins and can help me out? What should I eat, what should I do, how should I care for me and my babies?

floradix and alfalfa are great, definitely.
i'd just make sure to have everything ready a little early, and to have a support group ready for you when those little ones come. people to clean around the house, cook, and maybe even plan on a babymoon... just time where you relax and recover and enjoy your new babies, as stress free as possible and to help adjust them and you into this new life.
i always reccomend mothering magazine for any mother... but specifically mothers with twins because they have some pretty amazing and empowering articles and pictures of mommies with their twins. their website is and i know my outlook has drastically changed for the better on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and parenting for the better.
if you want to see an amazing birth video of twins here is it... i can't believe it. it's peaceful, and not all crazy dramatic rushing etc. there are a bunch on
oh and ps get lots of good sleep whenever you can! ;)

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can i get pregnant 10 days before my period is due?

Q. i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend 10 days before my period is due and he ejaculated alittle bit in side me and then pulled, is there a chance that i could get pregnant, since its not one of my fertile days ?

How do you KNOW it wasn't one of your fertile days? Most women don't bother with temping or charting their ovulation until they're trying to GET pregnant, not keep from getting that way. You could have a 10-day or shorter luteal phase and still get pregnant.

20-25% chance.

can you get pregnant 10 days before period?


The way you phrased the question is odd. Whether or not you're pregnant would determine if you are about to have a period in 10 days.

If you are pregnant, typically you would have a fertilized egg that has not yet implanted 10 days before your expected period. If you conceived 14 days before your period and it is now 10 days before your period, then yes, you can be pregnant 10 days before your period.

If your question is asking whether or not you can still conceive if you are EXPECTING your period 10 days from the date of intercourse, then probably not. Most women have a 12 day leutal phase between ovulation (which is when an egg can be fertilized) and their period. You probably have already ovulated if your period is due in 10 days and women cannot get pregnant after they have ovulated.

If you are not prepared to raise a child, get on birth control or use a condom EVERY time no matter what.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

my baby making weird noises?

Heather Ni

he is 8 months and just makes weird noises, sometimes he screams in werid ways, sometimes he grinds sort of, he grudes alot, is this normal?
sorry i meant grunting

From what Ive read and heard..this is the time when they start realizing all the different sounds and noises they can make... but not so sure what kind of noises he is if it really troubles you, or if he continues doing the, for longer than a week, or while sleeping..I ouwld say call your doctor....

Baby making noises in sleep?

Q. Our baby daughter is 6 weeks old and is a very active sleeper. She moves, kicks, grunts, shakes her head and sometimes has a hard time falling asleep. We believe it's because of her gas/tummy issues.

I have read that's pretty normal but one thing concerns us. Sometimes she makes a squeaky noise as if she is trying to breath trough her mouth but is unable to. I know babies are not supposed to breath trough their mouth.

She does not appear to have breathing issues and doesn't make the noise when she is awake. She only makes it sometimes when she is asleep. More often in the first hour to two hours when falling asleep and in the morning.

Answers from parents much appreciated!

I am a first time mom of a 4 month old.

The more they grow the better they breath. Believe it or not, they are "learning" how to breath and it may be very weird at times.

Regarding gas, I have used Gripe Water, which is a natural mix of herbs that helps colic, and helps with that "wet burp" sound.

I also give her tummy massages (check youtube for Baby Shantala) and that relieves a lot of the gas too.

Even though I breastfeed, I gently burp her with a clockwise back massage even before feeding her, because any air in the tummy that does not come out may pass to intestines and be more uncomfortable as gas.

Trust your instincts, no one knows your baby better than you do.
Congratulations on your baby.

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Q. Ok so my 5 month old cat maggie is pregnant. Im worried about her being so young but "nature takes care of their animals well" one person said. I am currently feeding her kitten food. She is about 4 weeks into her pregnancy. I need to know what else i can do to make sure she will have a safe healthy pregnancy. Will there be dangers? please tell me everything you know about 5 month old pregnant cats and what to do!


So...I like how close to no one answering this question took the time to consider that the kitten is FIVE MONTHS OLD and probably just wasnt ready to get spayed yet...most vets wont do it till the kitten is at least 6 months old. And I LOVE how whenever anyone on this site has any questions about their cats being pregnant, I see the same people derading them for wanting kittens. Yeah, there are kittens and dogs and many other animals in shelters, sad sad. Does that mean that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD has to stop breeding?? No. It doesn't. BACK THE HECK OFF!!

...anyway, as long as you take her to vet regularly you should be fine. Nature DOES take its course...rarely will an animal come into heat before its ready to have babies, and a cat cannot get pregnant unless she's already been in heat. Its the same as human girls. Can't get pregnant before menstration. As for cats not knowing how to take care of babies without being taught...don't worry about that. I had ..a barn cat that I bottle-fed because her mother was a moron, and this cat turned out to be the greatest little kitty-mom ever. It's all in the nature of the cat. I wouldn't panic too much. Let the vet tell you what needs done, rather than listen to people who obviously don't believe in outside breeders...

I'm ovulating! Tips to help me get pregnant this month!(:?

Q. My man and I have had unprotected sex for two years straight, we weren't trying to have a child we were being dumb teens thinking we weren't going to get prego well we didn't thank god cause were not ready but now we want to try and have a baby but Im feeling down because if I didn't get prego in the last three years of us dating why would I now? I have a lot of scar tissue from surgury that causes painful periods and my periods are slightly off every month and have been short the last two times I took a ovulation test today that says im ovulating I haven't been taking them just today I was wondering because I have been really wet for like five days and I haven't been horny which is usually the only time I get wet down there. So any advice or concerns for me please help me out and any tips that helped you to get prego are appreciated!

If you are having trouble becoming pregnant or you keep having miss carriages then you should check out They have a book you can get on becoming pregnant within 1-2 months and how to keep it healthy. I and my Wife went through years of struggling to bear a child with no success and doctors told her she should adopt. She refused and wanted to leave something in this world that came from her. After we started following the book I swear to god after about a month and a half she tested positive and now a year later Iâm here celebrating my sons first birthday and canât be more proud of it. Iâm glad to hold my son in my arms every day and wouldnât know where Iâd be if it wasnât for him. Anyways I hope you succeed in your pregnancy and wish you the very best.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2 week old making weird noises?


is it normal for 2 week old babies to make weird noises? Also how did everyone stop worry them self sick about SIDS?

Yes, 2 week olds huff and puff and gasp and grunt and generally sound as if they were purposely trying to make a new mom mad with anxiety.

In terms of worrying about SIDS, you don't really stop. This is one of the reasons new moms look stressed out all the time.

Does my baby have sleep apnea?

brianne f

He's two months old and he snorts like he's congested in his nose. he does sweat while he sleeps. He can't hold a pacifier in his mouth for longer than 15 seconds and he will only sleep or like ten minutes at a time then he wakes up like he startled and makes this wierd noise like he's gasping for air but he doesn't open his mouth. I want to take him to a specialist but I'm on Medicaid. Is there any other option I can take?where do I go from here? Moms how did you know your little one had sleep apnea

Hello Brianne,

It looks like your baby has sleep apnea.
Until you can go to a sleep specialist, you need to be careful with the baby (and I'm sure you are).

Babies under one year of age are in danger if they have sleep apnea. There is a syndrome, called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome which is an unexplained and fatal syndrome that affects infants. Scientist believe that sleep apnea is one of the cause of death in infants.

But you can do something until you go to a sleep specialist. As I said, you need to pay attention with your baby.

There are some preventive measures that can protect your baby from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

- breastfeeding

- always putting the baby to sleep on its back or side, and never on its stomach.

- avoid smoking in the home and near the baby.

- removing fluffy bedding and toys who can suffocate the baby

- using a firm bedding or a pacifier

- learning CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

- using alarm devices that can detect when a baby stops breathing (apnea monitor)

- talking with a pediatric sleep specialist if you think your baby may be at risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

I hope this will help you, and your baby will be fine. Take care!

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anyone pregnant from Clomid?

ttc number

I was on the depo for 6 months we have been ttc for three month he said one more month and he will step in and give me the clomid witch I go back next month. But he didn't tell me anything about it yet. I just would like to know more . 1. I hear you can have twins is this true and did it happen to you? 2. how long did it take for you to become pregnant with you started taking it? . 3. how did you have to take it do you take it every day like birth control pill or just when you are on your period how ? 4. what is your advise being on it ,

I got pregnant on my 3rd round/month of clomid, 1st month using a digital ovulation monitor. I miscarried, but I had miscarried before clomid too.
Clomid can sometimes hyperstimulate your ovaries which can cause more than 1 egg to mature, which can lead to twins, but its unlikely and even if you do ovulate 2 eggs, it doesnt mean you will have twins as both eggs might not be fertilized.
You take it either day 3-7 or day 5-9, whichever your dr. prescribes it so no, its not like having to remember a birth control pill every day.
If you decide to take it, make sure your dr. gives you progesterone too as clomid can thin the lining of your uterus over time (3-4 mos) and can make a poor lining for implantation which can result in miscarriage.

Increase our chances on twins!?

Q. My husband and I want twins we all ready have a 4 year old daughter and 3 year old son. We both are extremely fertile and conceived them both with no help! So, getting pregnant no problem! But, we would like to know what are some of the options for conceiving twins? And so pricing if anyone knows! THANKS

You can't predict or induce twins. They just happen. Identical twins happen when the fertilized embryo splits and fraternal twins happen when 2 eggs are released from the ovary and both are fertilized with different sperm. You cannot force either circumstance to happen.

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best tips for getting pregnant?

Q. I am just wondering what everybody else thinks is most successful when trying to conceive? What can i be doing to improve my chances? Other than just timing it correctly

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.
Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.
Tip # 3. To get pregnant faster have sex before ovulation (not after).
Tip # 4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.
Tip # 5. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation.
Tip # 7. When trying to get pregnant, donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs.
Tip # 8. To get pregnant faster have enjoyable sex
Tip # 9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.
Tip # 10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
good luck baby dustttttttt

Any good tips on how to get pregnant?


My husband and I are ready to start our family and seem unable to get pregnant. I haven't had a period in a long time, not sure why, but I did some research and found it is still possible, very slim chance but possible to get pregnant. Any good tips you could give me?

How to get Pregnant Faster â Top Ten Tips

1. Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.
2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

what would make you feel like the most special woman ever?


What would make you feel like the most special woman in the world?

A special night all planned out with whatever I love to do. For me it might be a nice home cooked meal, maybe lay out on a blanket beneath the stars, one of those rose-petal baths, or a trail of rose petals leading somewhere special or to a surprise. Getting a proposal and a baby. I'm not quite sure really, it depends on the girl and what she likes.

I would like to hear about you wedding proposals, its always nice to hear how it went for some one else?

Q. like it says I want to hear how it was for you. I always love to hear how people were proposed to.
here's my story:

My proposal was last year on july 21, 2009. My boyfriend ( Now husband) Kevin called me at 9am and asked do you want to go to the beach today ? and me loving the beach said "do you even have to ask?" he laughed and said " Ill pick you up in 30 minutes oh and Liz and Mat are coming too" and at first I thought this is going to be a great day and then I thought"wait... Kevin hates the beach" he only goes on rare occasions and he's only asked me be for to go with him 2 times in the 3 years I was dating him so then I thought something was up. so he picked me up and we went to the beach . we got there and set up a spot then liz and mat came. then Kevin pulled Liz and Mat away for about 20 seconds but in that 20 seconds I saw Mat hug Kevin and Liz nearly fall. then I really thought something was going on. but we had a great day in the water and on the sand. but the whole day Kevin was kinda off. that I wasn't surprised about because he didn't like the beach. but he was still having fun to make me happy , boy I love that man . and at the end of the day we were sitting on our blanket , everyone was gone off the beach other then a couple people and mat and Liz. and me and Kevin were sitting holds each other watching the sun on the water and I kissed his cheek and said " I had a great day today , thank you. I love you." he turned to me and said " I love you too... so much.. from the momment I met you .. and the 3 years Ive been with you I feel like a changed man... all because of you... your perfect" I was shocked by his speach. I couldent really find anywords to say all that came our of my mouth was "Kevin..." he squezzed my hand and walked to his back pack and toke out a small box and he sat down beside me and slowly lifted the lid to the box and inside was the most beautful Blue sapphire ring ( Iam not into dimonds. I love sapphires, and blue is my favorit color... perfect) and Kevin said " I love you . and cant picture my life without you in it.. and I hope you feel the same... will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"
I dident know what to say ... I jumped on him and kissed him and said " I love you with all my heart and soul. yes Ill marry you because I dont want to live my life without you!"

and thats my story , whats yours?
oh and we got married on spetember 15 2009, best day of my life

How sweet i just cried like a baby. :)
My husband was going to as me to marry him on July 4th 2009, but he thought i knew about it because he had left an IM open from his friend and he thought i saw it. So a few days later. on June 20th he was in the kitchen talking to me about how his mom and ruined his dad's proposal. I was like wow thats sad. Then i noticed he was acting really funny. He was making ramen and looked at me and said Traci will you marry me. I was like Yes or course i will.
I know its not the most romantic way of him asking me, but i would of not had it any other way. He didnt have a ring, buut we got to pick on out together and that was every special for me. We got married January 8th 2010. :)

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

can skipping white birth control pills help with getting pregnant?

Q. I'm going to start IVFsoon. Dr. put me on birth control pills. When I called to schedule Hysteroscopy
the nurse told me to skip white pills to avoid getting my period. Hubby and I are having unprotected sex. Can I get pregnant? This is my first month. Now What?

No, you can't get pregnant while on birth control. I assume your doctor had a good reason to put you on them, since you will be starting IVF soon, but while you are on the pill you can't get pregnant. That is how it works.

The nurse was just giving you a friendly tip: getting your period while on birth control is just a way to mimic a natural cycle, it has no other function. There is no medical reason to get your period while on birth control. So you might as well NOT get your period. It's only a nuisance. And if you skip the white pills, you won't have to deal with that nuisance.

Condom leaked at the base, but on birth control. can i get pregnant?


I am on birth control, and have been taking it exactly on time.

My boyfriend and I had sex with a condom, but when he came, some leaked out (not the tip, but towards his balls) after we were done. but during sex, i wasn't going deep into him (I was on top).

I smelled that he got a little bit of *** on my underwear, but i cleaned myself asap and changed underwear.

can you get pregnant with a condom especially while on the birth control pill even though it leaked at the last bit at the base?

Um, if im not mistaken (im not), the whole point of birth control is to keep you from getting pregnant. So if your on birth control there is a very very small chance of you getting pregnant.

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