Saturday, January 4, 2014

Chances of getting pregnant with Mirena IUD?

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I was wondering what are the chances of getting pregnant with the mirena IUD implanted? Will it show up on a home pregnancy test? Its very dangerous if I get pregnant now because I am on coumadin(blood thinner) for blood clots in my leg and lung.

Your chances of getting pregnant on the Mirena are as effective as getting your tubes tied (99%). If you take a home pregnancy test while on the Mirena it WILL NOT come up positive just because of the hormones within Mirena. I had been on Mirena for four years before I had mine removed last week and it was absolutely wonderful-no worries!

How long does it take to get pregnant after removing the Mirena IUD?


I had the Mirena IUD removed on Aug 3rd & started my period Aug 9th. My husband & I are hopeing to get pregnant & were wondering if anyone else had the Mirena IUD removed in hopes of having a baby & how long did it take you to get pregnant after the removal? We have bought ovulation tests & everything but were just wondering if anyone else has gone through this process.

ugg, why isn't anyone answering your question? i'm curious too! lol. I just had my daughter in march (obviously) and had it put in at the beginning of may. but we are wanting to start trying for #2 around valentine's day, so I wanna know when I should take this out. If you started your period, I'm gonna guess you'll ovulate like you normally do, so around the 22-24. Good Luck!!!

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Is my wife to tall and thin to have a baby?

baby making process on Clipart image of a boy making cookies and mixing the batter.
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Q. Shes 28 and 6'2'' and weighs 145 or a bmi of 18.6 Do you think its safe for her to have a baby? She really wants one, but im also really tall so she would probably have a big baby and I'm afraid shes to delicate for the whole baby making process? What do you all think? She really wants a baby and so do I, but im just so afraid something could go wrong.

According to this website 18.6 is in the normal range although right at the bottom. So your wife is healthy from that perspective.

Some people are just very slim - a lot to do with their metabolism; and how much they eat has very little affect on them. A work colleague was always trying to put on some weight but couldn't. She was not nearly so tall as you wife but weighed less - and she had a baby without any problems.

If you are concerned then you both need to go and see your doctor and maybe an obstetrician about what to do and how to proceed. I can see no reason why you shouldn't try for a baby. The experts will tell you about any concerns and how to address them.

The best thing to do in the meantime is to eat well - lots of fruit and vegetables; drink lots of water - and exercise. It is important to have could muscle tone and be fit - all of this will make carrying a baby easier. If you need to put some weight on probably eat more protein but your doctor can direct you in that regard.

In terms of things going wrong - it is an unfortunate part of life, but no matter how perfect the circumstances, conditions etc things can always go wrong.

Just don't start assuming the worst and talk yourself out of one of the greatest joys in this world. Give yourself the best opportunity - good diet, exercise, healthy living, professional advice and positive thinking - and go for it.

All the very best.

How does incest cause birth defects in a child?

Blurry Ang

Just to clarify, I'm don't support such a disgusting act and I know it's illegal.

But I was wondering, how does that cause birth defects? It doesn't seem much different from the average baby-making process.


Genetics - Their DNA is too close

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Need to know how the Turkey Baster method works?

get pregnant turkey baster on Woman Attacks Her Wife With Turkey Baster Full of Sperm ...
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I want to have a baby but dont want the costly bills of the artficial insemination. I want to try the turkey baster method as my last option. Using the turkey baster method is it best to use the sperm as soon as it comes out or how long would I have after the sperm hits the air? Please, mature answers only!

I'm not a doctor or anything, just offering my opinion. I think it would be best if you use the sperm as soon as it comes out. Have your boyfriend or Husband, ejaculate into a condom or cup. Use the turkey baster to suck up the sperm and inject it inside you and squeeze all the sperm inside you. But make sure it's around the time you ovulating, so you'll have a greater chance to get pregnant.

Last week I had really intimate sex with a turkey baster?


Last week I had really intimate sex with a turkey baster full of horse semen, well it got lost in my vagina, now it hurts to pee and I have a really weird rash spreading across my thighs and butt crack, and every time I poop I can hear a horse neigh. AM I PREGNANT?

Yes. And you have horse chlamydia

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What is the best tips on getting pregnant?

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With my first pregnancy, I took fertility pills for about a month. I got pregnant shortly after, but miscarried. Then about a year later I got pregnant again, this time I went full term, and he is now 3. We are wanting another, but have been unsuccessful. I really don't want to try the fertility pills again. Any help would be appreciated.

I agree with all the tips about knowing when you are ovulating and time intercourse starting about 5 days before ovulation and including the day of. Also, drink a lot of water to increase cervical fluid, do not use KY jelly as lubricant, and if possible, try to have an orgasm after your partner as the contractions can help to "suck up" the sperm into the cervix.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you are on the pill, but don't use a condom?


I heard that you could still get pregnant even while on the pill. So I have been on the pill since I was 15 for medical reasons, now I am 20 and my bf and I had sex without a condom, but I am on the pill. I got scared and bought an EC pill the next morning. I enjoy sex without the condom, but I dont wanna keep buying EC pills.

First of all, the EC pill is NOT meant to be used for contraception, and you should only use it for exactly what it's called - an emergency. The high levels of hormones are not only unhealthy as they throw off your body's natural balance, but it can mess with your current daily birth control pill. Not to mention the side effects are rather unpleasant and it's quite expensive in some places.

When taken EXACTLY as you're supposed to, oral contraceptives are 99.7% effective. That's a near-perfect success rate. Since different studies get slightly different numbers, I won't state it as certain fact, but it's widely accepted in the medical community that when used properly, oral contraceptives have the highest success rate of any kind of birth control, excluding, of course, complete abstinence.

However, "typical use", which is how most women use the pill, has much lower numbers. Studies have shown anywhere from about 85% to 95% efficiency. However, if you make sure to put yourself in the percent of women who take it exactly as prescribed, you will be much closer to the 99.7% rate. You should ask your doctor about this, and ask them to let you know if you are doing everything right. However, I can tell you right now the basics: you need to take each pill at the EXACT same time every night. Do not be even an hour late if you can help it and NEVER miss a pill altogether. Every woman's body works differently, and when in your cycle you miss a pill is also a factor, but if you want to ensure those near-perfect success rates, you need to commit to this.

You also need to be sure to follow all the instructions about what not to mix that was given to you by your doctor and/or your pharmacist. If you aren't sure, ask, but certain medications can interact with birth control pills, lowering their effectiveness (although if you are on a medication that is a necessity, then obviously you will have to take this risk). Also, eating or drinking certain things (like grapefruit juice) when you take your daily pill can have an effect. For strict health reasons, you should not smoke while on the pill, but I am just listing here things to do with contraception.

If you already do those things, great, and I apologize for telling you things you already are aware of.

Now that's explained:

Even if you follow everything in the most perfect way...there's still that .3% where nature wins out. Which is why it's ALWAYS a good idea to use a backup method of contraception, and condoms are a great choice for most couples. If you want peace of mind, you should talk to your doctor to make sure you are taking your prescription exactly as you're supposed to, and also use a backup method. I'm not sure how long you've been sexually active, but from what you said, it sounds like not very long. (I apologize if I'm wrong and you already know the following info, but I'm trying to explain as clearly as possible and not make assumptions about what you might or might not know.) The feel of a condom might take some time to get used to, and there are also all different types of condoms you can explore that might make it better for you both, including the non-latex options.

The condom is, in most cases, you best choice for a backup but if you and your partner have serious problems with it, you can always also look into one of the less common forms of birth control. However, these are not nearly as effective, but as it's just a backup, as long as you're vigilant regarding your primary method (in this case, oral contraceptives), that's not too much of an issue. To name a few examples, there is the female condom, diaphragm, IUD and natural family planning. You can also try different types of lubricants (although just a warning, these mess with your vagina's natural pH and can sometimes cause or make you more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis), which include ones that enhance sensation which might also help you enjoy sex with a condom.

There is also the additional, well-known reason for why you should also be using condoms: STDs. If you are NOT in a monogamous relationship, you should be using them no matter what, and even if you are and you are both completely clean, it's still a good idea.

Your regular doctor, or your OBGYN, or local sexual health clinic such as a Planned Parenthood can help you with all these things and help you decide what is best for you. But please, do not continue using the EC pill on a regular basis as contraception. Honestly, even if you were taking your birth control pill as a "typical user", your risk of pregnancy was still was greatly reduced and it's a bit of an overreaction. You should take it, for example, if you missed a pill and your doctor says it's necessary, or you were using condoms as a sole form of birth control and the condom broke.

And it may not be my place to say this, but if pregnancy is that terrifying to you, maybe you should reevaluate your current relationship and your decisions regarding sex. You have to accept that no matter what you do, there is ALWAYS a chance you might get pregnant, and you have to take that responsibility each time you have intercourse. I'm glad to know you ARE taking precautions and doing what you're supposed to, but I've never heard of anyone who uses EC as a form of birth control when they're ALREADY using something else. Unless there's something you didn't mention, you didn't miss a pill or anything, so why did you get so scared the next morning about being pregnant, so much so you ran out and got Emergency Contraception? (That's rhetorical, by the way - before I get a bunch of posters yelling at me for asking such a personal question.)

I hope this helps, and remember, no one on here, even if they ARE real doctors, can give you medical advice over the internet, so please always talk to a doctor about health concerns.

P.S. I started writing this before there were any other answers, if others have responded while I was writing this, I apologize if I repeated anything they said.

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Any advice on liposuction on the abdomen and tummy tucks?

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Hi! I had a tummy tuck and hip liposuction done last Tuesday (July 11th) and I am VERY HAPPY with the results and my recovery...and I had it done in Connecticut, not INDIA! (Like some person has been promoting all over Yahoo Answers.)

Couple of things to think of. I was an excellent candidate because I had a twin pregnancy 3 years ago and ALL of my doctor's agreed that no diet or exercise would EVER get rid of my over-distended was just too over stretched. So, talk to doctor's and see if they feel you can remove your "excess" more naturally first, or if a tummy tuck is right for you. See at least 2 doctors. is expensive, and the recovery time totally depends on how "healthy/physically fit" you are before the surgery. My doctor has been amazed at how well I have been doing, but I have heard of some people who have needed SEVERAL weeks to really recover. You will have some temporary "drains" put in you to help remove some of the post-surgery fluids, you'll have to wear a girdle for several weeks, and you will be hunched over for awhile, so PLAN ON A GOOD 2 to 3 WEEKS OFF OF WORK! And you will need help at home, too.

Finally, you need to understand that neither a tummy tuck or liposuction is really a method of weight loss. They both are intended to help "remold" your body. I had about 3.5 pounds removed from my tummy, and just a little over 1 pound off of the hips (total), but it made a MAJOR difference in my shape. If you do have a tummy tuck or liposuction, understand that you will have to work at maintaining your new shape...and you should not plan on getting pregnant AFTER a tummy tuck.

Hope this helps...good luck with whatever method you choose to help you get where you want to be!

Me and my husband wanting to have a twin babies, how can we make a twin babies? is there a way?


i've been trough a two ceasarian labor, and i have this last chance to get pregnant,, me and my husband wanting a big family, that's why we are desperately wanting to have a twin babies, please help me yahoo friends. Some says it's genetics, enheritance, that's one thing im sad about, because we dont have any relatives that had a twin babies,, my question again is there's a way we can make a twin babies? please answer me.. and how? thanks..

Sorry, but there is just no way of making something like that happen, even if you do have a family history. There are some things that make you more likely to have twins, but you can't make those factors happen either. Here is what can affect your chances:
1) if you (not your husband) have a family history of fraternal (non-identical) twins. It could mean that you may have inherited a tendency to release more than one egg at ovulation. It doesn't sound like this is the case, but then not all naturally concieved twins come from those with a family history.
2) you are older (over 35s have an increased chance due to ovulation being more erratic as we near the end of our childbearing years)
3) you are having fertility treatment that may cause you to release more than one egg, or are undergoing IVF where two or more embryos are implanted into your womb and they both survive. Again, having multiple embryos implanted doesn't mean any will survive either.
4) You are from a particular area in Africa - I think it is Nigeria, but don't hold me to it - where the population has an above-average incidence of twins.

Identical twins just happen. Science can tell us how they happen, but now why, although there is a theory that folic acid has something to do with it. I don't think so, as the incidence of identical twins has not increased even though women take more folic acid in their diets these days. I have Identical twins. They are truly special and I really wish for you to share the experience, but the reality is that one in 80 births is a naturally concieved twin. It could happen, and it is much better odds than winning the lottery, but it is more likely than not that it won't happen. I'll just pray for you to have a healthy pregnancy and that God will bless you. And after saying all that, I have to tell you that I never thought it would happen to me, and it did. So it might happen to you.

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What is the best way to conceive twins?

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Q. I've wanted twins since I was a very little girl, and I don't want to get pregnant unless I have twins. Is there some way I can know if I can conceive twins?
Twins in my family skip three generations, and I am the third generation. I guess that's why I'm so bent on having twins.
What is ttc?

yams and lots of em for up to 2 years before ttc and just keep eating them .. there is a tribe that's main staple diet is yams and they have 80% twins.. good luck ..

No one is quite sure why, but the Yoruba tribe in West Africa has the highest rate of twinning in the world. A study concluded that the mother's diet was the cause, being high in cassava, a type of yam or sweet potato. The peelings of this vegetable are thought to contain a chemical that causes hyperovulation. In addition, a 2006 study found that women who consume dairy are five times as likely to have twins.

1) Have a History
Do twins run in your family? If you have a mother, brother, sister, uncle or long lost cousin with multiples, you may wonder if you'll have them too. Sometimes twinning is hereditary, it's true. However, only fraternal (dizygotic twins are influenced by heredity, and then only in some cases. If your mother or maternal grandmother was or had fraternal twins, you might have inherited a gene for hyperovulation, increasing your chances of conceiving twins also.

Grow or Gain Weight
A recent study published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology correlates the rise in multiple birth rates with rising rates of obesity. Research found that mothers with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higer were significantly more likely to have twins. Again, this statistic only holds true for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. The research also showed that women of above-average height were also more likely to have multiples.

3) Wait Until You're Older
Older mothers are more likely to conceive twins than their younger counterparts. It's thought that the body accelerates ovulation as the biological clock starts ticking faster. Seventeen percent of mothers over age 45 have multiples. Wait five more years and the odds rise to one in nine!

4) Have More Twins
Once you have had a multiple pregnancy, you are significantly more likely to conceive -- and deliver -- twins again! Some estimates suggest that mothers of twins are four times more likely to have twins again than a woman who has never been pregnant, or who only had a singleton.

6) Seek Fertility Assistance
Reproductive technology has dramatically increased the multiple birth rate. Drugs that stimualate ovulation can lead to a multiple pregnancy, but multiples can also result from invitro fertilization. It's not just that multiple embryos are implanted in the mother, but there is also an unexplained increase in the number of monozygotic twins among IVF patients. No ethical doctor would provide treatment if it wasn't warranted, so fertility assistance should only be sought out when necessary.

7) Have A Big Family
The more kids you have, the more likely you are to conceive twins in a subsequent pregnancy. No one knows the magic limit that triggers a multiple pregnancy, so you'll just have to keep trying until it happens.

Most people think that you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding, that the process of lactating keeps a woman from ovulating. However, plenty of mothers of twins can disprove that theory. Some research has supported the theory that the chance of twins or multiples is increased if a woman conceives while breastfeeding

9) Get Pregnant On the Pill
Birth control pills are usually thought to be 99.9 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. However, that .01 percent often results in a double whammy -- multiples. Sometimes pregnancy occurs when the pill isn't taken consistently; in other cases, the hormonal mix of a particular drug type simply doesn't provide enough coverage to completely prevent ovulation. In either case, playing around with hormones can lead to hyperovulation, increasing the chances of multiples.

10) Just Get Lucky!
Many parents of multiples don't meet any of the classic criteria, yet find themselves doubly blessed. Monozygotic twins are particularly mysterious; no one is exactly certain what causes an egg to split after conception, producing identical twins. The bottom line is that there truly isn't a whole lot an individual can do to influence their chances of having twins; sometimes you just get lucky!

What is the smallest that a person can be to conceive twins that are healthy?


Is there a limit to the size a women can be to conceive twins?

Haven't you seen Little People Big World..

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Friday, January 3, 2014

How can I increase my chances of having a girl?

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I've heard there's ways to increase the chances of conceiving a boy or girl but I have this thing that makes slightly harder for me to get pregnant naturally.
I have a ovary problem that causes me to skip periods and the only way I can have a normal period is if I take birth control because the birth control helps regulate your period.
I think my doctor said it would be hard for me to get pregnant naturally it was awhile ago so I may have to ask her what she said again to be sure.
When I get financially stable I'm thinking of getting artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
I've heard there's ways to control if you conceive a boy or girl naturally but I'm just curious are there ways to increase your chances of having a boy or girl through artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization?
Or is there something I could do to increase my chances during pregnancy?
Also what's the difference between artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization?
It's still going to be awhile before I can make plans for this because like I said I need to get financially stable first.

You can do gender selection IVF but it is going to cost you a whole bunch more then regular IVF (which is already $10,000+ a month).

There actually are no ways to increase the chances of having one gender over another during natural conception as there are around 40,000,000 sperm released (both X and Y sperm) and only one of those actually fertilizes the egg (see how impossible it to affect it!).

And no, there is nothing you can do once pregnant to change the gender as it is solely based on which sperm fertilizes the egg first.

Artificial insemination is where you get the sperm put into a tube and they release it up against your cervix to give you the best chance of conceiving. (conceiving without sex)

IVF is where they remove the egg follicle and use the sperm and then put the fertilized egg back into your uterus to give you the best chance they can of conceiving. (conceiving outside of the body)

There is nothing wrong with asking, I hope I answer at least part of your questions!

What options do I have after having my tubes tied 7 years ago...and now want another baby?


I had my second child 7 years ago and since I was recently divorced wanted to get my tubes tied. I recently got the medical report and they tied them both twice and cut them. I am wondering what options I have (if any) to reverse this or what the odds are of getting pregnant naturally. I have read many different things about this but wonder if anyone knows more than what I have found out. I am getting married again and he has no kids so we want to know what our options are. Thanks!

Your options would include:

1. Having reversal surgery. (Very expensive, rarely covered by insurance, and not always successful.)

2. Having IVF to bypass the cut tubes. (Also costly, not covered by insurance, and low success rates.)

3. Use a gestational carrier/surrogate. (Same as above.)

If you're interested in reversal, you'll need to talk to the doc who did it, and probably get a referral to someone who specializes in this sort of procedure.

Good luck.

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what is this song that I keep hearing. I really like it?

baby making music tumblr on click on the image above to listen to the whole music)
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I want to dance (to dance) in the night. I am not ashamed to say it. I love making love to you baby, love making love to you baby. It is kind of like a hip hop song. It is sung half by a girl and I think pit bull is in it or something in the other half. Google has been un able to help. Its a new song that just started playing on the radio

here you go spread the word about this music on facebook, twitter , tumblr etc !

How do I become famous?

Davonte Me

I would like to become famous because it would make my life better and the money would help me take care of my family. PLEASE email me!

I don't know how old you are, but I'll assume you're a teenager.

Broaden your talents. Take up some computer programming classes. Maybe youâll be the next Bill Gates. Learn about computers and technology and how it all works.
Learn a few instruments. Pianoâs pretty easy to learn without lessons. Just get some learnerâs books and sheet music online. After that, you should learn a few more, like guitar, drums, violin, trumpet, celloâ¦there are many choices.
Take singing, acting, and dance classes/lessons. Get deep into the arts.
Audition for the musical at your school or a community center.

Aim REALLY hard to get into an arts college.

Set up a Youtube account. Invest in a good video camera.
Start a webshow by yourself or with a friend.
For inspiration, look at fluffeetalks, communitychannel, smosh, ilikeweylie, shane dawson, dave days, nigahiga, ray william johnson⦠But donât copy anyoneâs style. Youâll look like a poser.
Have little signature things you do in each video, like a catchphrase, handshake, or dance move.

Mix it up. Donât just do one thing. Do a combination of comedy sketches, commenting on current events, or just funny situations that happen in life, makeup tutorials, Food-Network-style cooking shows, yourself singing or playing instruments. Get Garage Band or something and make covers of songs using your singing and musical abilities.
Be controversial! Everyone likes controversy. Look at the ratings Family Guy and South Park get. (But donât go as far as they do.) Offend a few people, but maybe stay away from racism, that can get pretty touchy. Make dead baby jokes, blonde jokes, ginger jokes, woman-get-back-in-the-kitchen jokes. Etc etc etc.
But also show yourself as a good person. Do community service and charity-type work.

Start a Tumblr. Make it really interesting. Have a theme, like black-and-white, or vintage, or beauty, or tropical colors. Follow a LOT of people â most will usually follow you back.
Advertise your Youtube channel on facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc. Add a lot of people on facebook, if you donât mind adding strangers. Beg your family and friends to show off your videos, haha.
Maybe put posters and cards up about your webshow on bulletin boards, street poles, store windows, school walls, workplaces...
If anyone comments on your videos, message them. Ask them what you could do better and ask them to show your videos to their friends.
Go on omegle and advertise your Youtube videos. Anyone on there probably has nothing better to do anyway.

Once youâre pretty famous on Youtube, sell merchandise online about your show.

If you get famous on youtube, audition for TV shows and movies. If Ian and Anthony from Smosh auditioned for a TV show, theyâd probably get a role.
Or be a stunt double! That's a good way to get a start.

And keep it up with the computer programming. Steve Jobs was successful until the day he died. But where is Aaron Carter now?

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What does it mean when someone havea retroverted uterus?

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What are the side effects of having a retroverted uterus? Can I still get pregnant?


A retroverted uterus is the name given to a uterus that is tilted backwards inside of the pelvis. Normally, women are born with a uterus that is located in a straight up and down position inside of the pelvis, or with a uterus that tips slightly forwards, towards the stomach. However, some women have a uterus that tilts backwards, pointing towards the spine. Commonly referred to as a tipped uterus, this condition affects more than 20% of women worldwide. Generally associated with no health complications, a retroverted uterus can occasionally cause painful symptoms or signal an underlying health disorder.

What Causes a Retroverted Uterus?

In the vast majority of women with retroverted uteruses, causes are completely genetic. Many women are simply born with a uterus that is tipped in this position, and this is entirely normal. However, certain factors can cause a uterus that is in a normal placement to become retroverted. These causes include:

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the uterus becomes enlarged and the ligaments that hold the uterus in place become weakened. As a result, many women find that their uterus becomes retroverted after they have delivered their babies.
Menopause: During menopause, estrogen levels drop rapidly in women. As with pregnancy, this can cause the ligaments that hold the uterus in place to weaken, allowing it to slip into a retroverted position.
Reproductive Health Problems: Certain reproductive health issues, including pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis, can cause the uterus to tilt backwards. This is because these illnesses can lead to scar tissue formation on the inside of the abdomen, forcing the uterus out of position.

What are the Symptoms of a Retroverted Uterus?

Generally, the majority of women suffering from a retroverted uterus experience no symptoms. However, if symptoms do present, the two most commonly-occurring symptoms include:

pain during sexual intercourse, particularly vaginal intercourse (dyspareunia)
pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea)

This pain and discomfort is the result of pressure that the retroverted uterus places on the rectum and the ligaments around the tailbone.

Rare symptoms associated with a retroverted uterus include:

lower back pain
increased number of urinary tract infections
pain while using tampons
fertility difficulties

Diagnosing a Retroverted Uterus

If you are experiencing symptoms of a retroverted uterus, you may want to make an appointment with your health care provider for an examination. By performing a few simple tests, your health care provider can easily diagnose the condition. Diagnosis usually consists of:

a pelvic exam
an abdominal ultrasound

Occasionally, it is difficult to differentiate a retroverted uterus from a pelvic tumor. In this case, your health care provider may have to perform a rectovaginal exam.

Are There Any Health Complications Associated with a Retroverted Uterus?

Few women with retroverted uteruses experience health complications as a result of their condition. However, sometimes a retroverted uterus can be a warning sign of another underlying reproductive issue, including pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis. Be sure to contact your health care provider if you are experiencing:

severe abdominal or pelvic pain
irregular menstrual periods
irregular ovulation or infertility

If left untreated, these conditions can have dangerous effects on your reproductive organs and overall health.

Will A Retroverted Uterus Affect Fertility?

Many women who have a retroverted uterus worry that it will affect their future fertility. However, this condition does not appear to affect conception in any way, and most women with retroverted uteruses will go on to experience healthy pregnancies. If you are experiencing difficulties getting pregnant, it could be a sign of an underlying reproductive problem. Be sure to contact your health care provider for assistance.

Treatment for A Retroverted Uterus

If your retroverted uterus is causing you a lot of pain or discomfort, you may want to consider treatment for the condition. Treatment options include:

Exercises: Women can perform knee-to-chest exercise in order to encourage the uterus to slip back into its proper place. Unfortunately, this tends to be a temporary solution for the problem.
Pessaries: A pessary is a plastic device that is worn inside of the vagina. It helps to support the uterus in the proper position. However, these devices can only be worn in the short term because of the risk for developing a vaginal infection.
Surgery: Surgery for a retroverted uterus is available. Known as the UPLIFT procedure, this procedure works to reposition the uterus by cutting and shortening the ligaments that support it. UPLIFT is a laparoscopic surgery that is performed with the aid of a small camera.

I need getting pregnant again after having a baby tips!?


I had a little girl about 9 months ago and I want another. My husband and I (he will be next month anyway) Have a very stable life and want another baby. I have been trying for 7 months and still no luck. I am a full time stay at home mom. Do any mom or dads out there have any tips? (oh and we had to try for like a year and a half to get pregnant the first time) Thank you! =]

if you chart your cycle it will help as you will know when you ovulate.
each cycle you only have a 6day time scale to have sex in order to get pregnant,
4days before ovulation the day of ovulation and very unlikely but possibly day after ovulation. ( this is because sperm live up to 5days in a woman and an egg only 1day)
^^ link about ovulation sticks. you can buy them cheap off amazon. they detect a surge in LH which happens just before you ovulate so you know when to have sex.
^^^ link about charting temperature.
if you take your temperature each morning you will see a rise in temp after you ovulate.

you can also chart cervical mucus. when you are fertile you will have watery or "egg white" cervical mucus that sperm can swim through easily.
cervical position is also handy.
when fertile your cervix will tuck up high and it will go soft. then tip will also seem more open than usual... all to allow sperm access.
if you google any of these you will get loads of info.
you can also try a type of root concentrate called soya isoflavone - it tricks your body into producing more hormones so you will ovulate earlier/stronger/later/multiple eggs depending on when you take it.

^^^ all about soya isoflavones.

breast feeding can sometimes stop women from getting preg but i know women that have gotten preg.

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How to only have one baby on sims 2?

how to get pregnant with twins on the sims 2 on The Sims 2 - Male Teen giving birth to twins
how to get pregnant with twins on the sims 2 image


I have all the expansion packs on sims 2 and I used the aspiration rewards and was being retarded and used super fertility so that I had twins but I want to try again but the twins were hard for me is there a cheat so I only have one?? Please help! Thanks!

With the super fertility you still have the possibility to have only one child, but if you don't want to task that risk I know two things that you can do.

1. Adopt a child

2. This involves using "cheats" but it does work - I've used it many many times.

When you're on the lot with your sims push ctrl,shift,c all together. A bar at the top of your screen should appear. Type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" after you turned that on type exit on into the bar. (The bar should disappear)

Click on the sim you want to become pregnant while holding down shift - there should be a bunch of options you can click on for you're sim to do. Click on the tab spawn then you will see tombstone of L and D. Click on it and a tombstone will appear. Click on the tombstone and then click more to see "make my sim pregnant with.." and choose the sim you want. I'm pretty sure this will only give you one baby.

I hope this helps! :)

How do you make a sim have twins on sims 2?


I have sims 2 and i really want to make my sim have twins. I asked my friend and she said to type into the cheat box "forcetwins" but i have tried it many times and it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it might be because i have a mac. My friend also said make them eat cheesecake but i'm unable to make it and i have full cooking skills! PLEASE help!!!

I recognize this because I've had the same problem: ctrl+shift+c and then "forcetwins" doesn't work!

do you have any expansion packs?
Because if you do, you should try this:

> press ctrl + shift + c
> Enter this code: "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true"
> Get your sim pregnant (or use this cheat to get him/her pregnant)
> When your sim is pregnant, hold shift while pressing on him/her, and if everything is going right, you should see "forcetwins" between the options.
> Click it.

I'm very sure of this, because I do it every time I want twins.
I'm not sure wether it'll work out if you don't have any expansion packs though.

Good luck!

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Tips to get pregnant quickly? With twins.... PLEASE ANSWER!!?

tips to get pregnant quickly with twins on Gauri and Hiten are twice as happy - Times Of India
tips to get pregnant quickly with twins image


So my husband and I are wanted to start ttc our 3rd baby. I am 275 pounds, in the process of losing weight. Using weight watchers. I had to have my two other children by c-section. I just want to know what I can do to try and get pregnant really fast. I am on birth control pills right now. I also want to see what I can do to try and get twins. Please any GOOD and NICE advice is greatly appreciated!

I would say losing the extra weight would be your first step honey, and I mean that in the nicest way possible!! It isnt good for you or baby if you are over weight, and it causes more of a chance of c section. 2 c sections is risky, I wouldnt risk a third.

As for trying for twins, there isnt much you can do for that. As far as I know there is no way to make yourself pregnant with twins. Though women who use fertility treatments tend to get pregnant with multiples.

Yet again I say try to lose some weight first, but here are some tips for pregnancy..

-BBT charting/ovulation testing

-1 cup of green tea daily + prenatal vitamin

-81mg of aspirin daily (no more than 81mg)

Good luck and sticky baby dusts <3

What are some cheat codes for The Sims 3 on PS3?


Copy & Paste LOL - click the link! cuz i coudnt fit all info

â¢Cheat mode

Once your family is in a house or location, pause the game, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, and it will say that Spoot is now available under "Decor Miscellaneous". Place him on your lot, and all cheats will become available. Note: Using cheats will disable challenges and trophies. However, you will be given the option to save your neighborhood before enabling cheats so you can resume the game later without cheats enabled.

â¢Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.

â¢Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.

â¢Increasing chance to have baby boys
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.

â¢Increasing chance to have baby girls
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl.

â¢Increasing chance for multiple babies
To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.

â¢Ghost baby
Set one of your female Sim's traits to Kleptomaniac. Go to the graveyard, and have the Sim steal male remains. On the second day after putting the male remains in your home, a ghost will appear at 11:00 p.m. and disappear at 4:00 a.m. It will appear every other day. Socialize with the ghost every night it appears. When you become best friends with the ghost, it will begin appearing every night. Get the "Fertility" reward. Confess your attraction to the ghost. Ask to snuggle on the bed, and kiss him. Try for a baby every night until you start throwing up. You will now have a ghost baby that you can control.

â¢Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.

â¢Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.

â¢Quickly advance age
Use the following trick to change your Sim's age (toddler, child, teen, etc.) quickly. Buy a birthday cake from the grocery store, and place it somewhere on your lot. Click the cake, and select "Have Birthday". Then, choose the Sim to be aged. This is a good method to get past the baby stage.

â¢Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.

â¢Changing your name
To easily change your name, go to the map, and find City Hall. It should give you an option to change your name during the day between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

â¢Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

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Can you make a rag style quilt with ultra cuddle fabric?

making baby quilts video on Using a free Amy Butler Pattern, I produced this Baby Quilt for the ...
making baby quilts video image
Q. I made a rag style quilt using 100% cotton fabric for the front and ultra cuddle fabric as the backing. It made a beautiful soft quilt and the edges are super soft BUT, will it ever stop shedding/shredding and will it hold up? Did i pick the wrong material for a quilt with raw edges? I'm a novice at sewing

Not the best choice for a rag style quilt as the clipped edges will continue to disintegrate.

You might use it as a backing and cotton for the top.

One of these videos may offer an alternative or ideas for using the cuddle fabric -,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d94601b42ea2995c

What are some good hobbies to take up?


As summer is approaching, I would really love to try something new. Does anyone have any suggestions? And please try to limit the sports suggestions.

2.Amateur Astronomy
3.Amateur Radio
11.Beach/Sun tanning
15.Becoming A Child Advocate
16.Bell Ringing
17.Belly Dancing
19.Bird watching
25.Body Building
26.Bonsai Tree
28.Brewing Beer
30.Bringing Food To The Disabled
31.Building A House For Habitat For Humanity
32.Building Dollhouses
33.Butterfly Watching
34.Button Collecting
37.Candle Making
39.Car Racing
40.Casino Gambling
41.Cave Diving
43.Church/church activities
44.Cigar Smoking
45.Cloud Watching
46.Coin Collecting
48.Collecting Antiques
49.Collecting Artwork
50.Compose music
51.Computer activities
54.Crafts (unspecified)
58.Crossword Puzzles
60.Diecast Collectibles
61.Digital Photography
65.Dumpster Diving
66.Eating out
67.Educational Courses
71.Exercise (aerobics, weights)
72.Fast cars
75.Four Wheeling
76.Freshwater Aquariums
77.Frisbee Golf - Frolf
80.Garage Saleing
83.Going to movies
85.Go Kart Racing
86.Grip Strength
88.Handwriting Analysis
89.Hang gliding
1.Home Brewing
2.Home Repair
3.Home Theater
4.Horse riding
5.Hot air ballooning
6.Hula Hooping
95.Jet Engines
96.Jewelry Making
97.Jigsaw Puzzles
99.Keep A Journal
101.Kite Boarding
104.Learn to Play Poker
105.Learning A Foreign Language
106.Learning An Instrument
107.Learning To Pilot A Plane
109.Listening to music
112.Making Model Cars
113.Matchstick Modeling
115.Metal Detecting
116.Model Rockets
117.Modeling Ships
120.Mountain Biking
121.Mountain Climbing
122.Musical Instruments
124.Owning An Antique Car
130.People Watching
134.Playing music
135.Playing team sports
142.R/C Boats
143.R/C Cars
144.R/C Helicopters
145.R/C Planes
147.Reading To The Elderly
149.Renting movies
150.Rescuing Abused Or Abandoned Animals
152.Rock Collecting
154.Rocking AIDS Babies
156.Saltwater Aquariums
158.Scuba Diving
160.Shark Fishing
161.Skeet Shooting
163.Singing In Choir
166.Sky Diving
168.Smoking Pipes
170.Soap Making
172.Socializing with friends/neighbors
174.Spending time with family/kids
175.Stamp Collecting
177.String Figures
178.Surf Fishing
180.Tea Tasting
182.Tesla Coils
185.Tombstone Rubbing
186.Tool Collecting
187.Toy Collecting
188.Train Collecting
191.Treasure Hunting
193.Tutoring Children
194.TV watching
195.Urban Exploration
196.Video Games
200.Watching sporting events
202.Wine Making
204.Working In A Food Pantry
205.Working on cars

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How many people get pregnant with twins shortly after going off the pill?

how much to get pregnant with twins on Twin Delivery Day - 38 weeks, 1 day pregnant
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I'm curious how many people got pregnant with twins or multiples the first month or so off the pill. I heard from my doctor that your chances of having twins or multiples (fraternal) increase when first going off the pill because you have a higher chance of releasing more than one egg. I wasn't sure if anyone knew the statistics, or anyone had this experience.

I actually got pregnant with twins while ON the pill....i just wasnt taking it right. Best thing I ever did, cause now I have 2 beatiful girls!

My doctor said that with me not taking it right, when it come time to ovulate, my system becoame "confused' and sometimes released more eggs than usual, and sometimes not enough. Well, just so happened it released extra that month!

When did you start to show when you were pregnant with twins?


I am 9 weeks pregnant with twins and this is my first pregnancy. I have no idea what to expect! I am a little nervous because I am fairly small (5'5" 115lbs). How big did you get?
I am excited but scared, and just curious to hear from others who've been through it.

I am 5'5" and was around 120 lbs when I got pregnant with my twins. They were a second pregnancy for me, so I definitely started showing earlier than with my singleton....I think I had a pretty good bump by around 12 weeks and ended up gaining a whopping 70 lbs or so in the end!!

I have a fun Twin Belly Gallery you can browse through to get a better idea of how big you might get at:

Best of luck!

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Would you work at Starbucks while pregnant?

tips on getting a job while pregnant on Pregnancy Stretch Marks - Prevent, Best Cream, Avoid, Tips to Get Rid ...
tips on getting a job while pregnant image


I hear Starbucks is high-stress (and all that standing and hot equipment makes me a tad nervous lol), but they offer great insurance plans and decent pay, right?

Any tips for getting chosen?

What's it like to work in Starbucks in general?

Thanks :)

I would, but it depends on how your pregnancy has been, wether youve felt well and if you think youd be up to it. Any place that you work at is obligated to do a health and safety assessment for you bein pregnant and make sure there are no risks to you or your unborn baby and this would involve making sure any tasks you do are safe aswell so i would say go for it :) although i wouldnt mention that your pregnant in the interview because even though legally you cant discriminate and not hire a pregnant woman many places wont hire you if hey know you will be going on maternity leave. You dont have to legally tell them until your 25 weeks so i would mention it after youve been offered the job :) but i had a friend who worked in starbucks and he seemed to enjoy it, be really upbeat and smiley and friendly cause its a very customer focused job and be very enthusiastic an you should be all good :) good luck!

How to tell my nervous husband that I might be pregnant?


So, there is a chance I could be pregnant. I don't want to take a test without my husband, but my dear hubby overreacts to news like this and gets really nervous. Right now his job is just terrible, and while I know that I can't 'wait for it to get better', I don't want to add more crap onto his plate unless it goes the right way.

Any tips for telling a nervous husband that you're pregnant?

Go out for a romantic dinner.. do something for him to take things off his mind.. and don't just flat out tell him you're pregnant because you might not be and you're being a good wife by not taking the test to see if you're pregnant without ur husband.. I think you just need to find a way to make him calm down and get things off his mind.. and you know talk about what's going to happen in the future.. like what do you think about having kids? or I feel like we're missing something... somethin like that.. and don't tell him while he's all stressed out about work.. just drop some hints and try to fin a way to make him relax and get his mind off of things.. hope this helped:)

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What are some tips to get pregnant quicker?

get pregnant calculator on You may be pregnant, and to be safe, you go to buy a pregnancy test ...
get pregnant calculator image

Marcus B

What are some tips to getting pregnant quicker? Lyk for example i've heard you can take certain cough medicanes that with thin down your cervix mucus, and things like eating more vitamin c? What works and what doesn't??

Mucinex works for thining your CM, also tracking your cycles will help as well. BBT or OPK's work great. is a great website, that explained a lot to me. Good luck...

What are the chances of getting pregnant?


I have been using an ovulation calculator for the last 6 months. According to the calendar, a person has 5 fertile days. I had unprotected sex on the second day, April 30 and my ovulation date is May 2. I want to know what are the average chances of conception. Thanks to anyone that can help! Please pray for me as I have been struggling with this problem.

You should really be "trying" BEFORE your fertile days. The sperm can live for awhile in there. That's the best situation, for the sperm to be waiting there for when the egg comes down. If the egg is released and then you are "trying", many times then you are too late. You have already been trying for 6 months. Provided that nothing is wrong with either of you, most people have success within a year. So you've already increased your odds right there. On the day you get your period is "day one". Keep counting the days and "try" every other day from day 10 to 17. If you don't have success in 6 more months, see your doctor. Good luck!

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

How many tries did it take you to get pregnant?

tips on getting pregnant second time on When is the Best Time to Get Pregnant | Pregnancy Tips
tips on getting pregnant second time image

How long did it take until you got pregnant? Any tips on conceiving?

I got pregnant on the first try, the first time. The second BFP didn't come until 2 years later. Sadly, both pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

The best advice I can give you is that timing is everything. The calendar method, and even OPKs aren't always a guarantee that your body will cooperate. If you aren't charting your basal body temperatures, I would highly recommend it. Charting will help you manage your cycles better and confirm that your sex timing was just right. I would also suggest that if you have perfect timing for 12 consecutive cycles and you're still not pregnant, go for basic fertility testing.

Good luck.

what are some good tips on getting rid of the belly bulge from having Kids?


I have had three kids was over weight after the second but started working out and lost over 75 pounds got pregnant again, only have ten pounds to loose but I have tried everything to tighten and tone that area i only weigh 133 at this moment want to get down 10 more pounds. Its just crazy and all pple say is get a tummy tuck well i don't have that kind of money so any advice or tips would be great thanks...

I know this sounds silly but the belly wrap. I have been using it since my second baby was born and my belly looks ALOT better. I didn't with my first and my belly looked awful. Its only five dollars at walmart and I used it so much that I have to replace it every couple of weeks. You should wear it during the day and especially when you work out. Some people where it all the time except in the shower, but I don't wear it at night.

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If many Asians are smart then how come Caucasian people invented all our modern technology?

baby making love mp3 on Achtung Baby!: It's you that I adore
baby making love mp3 image


I have to agree, some Asians are VERY smart in my school (especially Chinese and Japanese people)

But how come Caucasian people invented all of our modern technology (MP3 players, laptops, cellphones, cars, light bulbs, etc)

My mom says it's because in America people get more freedom and get to think and be creative.
And that back then in Asia many people were forced to think one way and many smart people were squashed out by monarchies.

**Smart answers only please!

Cell phone was not invented by a caucasian it was invented by Henry Sampson a black man.

YOU need to educate yourself and your mother:

air conditioning unit Frederick M. Jones July 12, 1949

almanac Benjamin Banneker Approx 1791

auto cut-off switch Granville T. Woods January 1, 1839

auto fishing devise G. Cook May 30, 1899

automatic gear shift Richard Spikes February 28, 1932

baby buggy W.H. Richardson June 18, 1899

bicycle frame L.R. Johnson October 10, 1899

biscuit cutter A.P. Ashbourne November 30, 1875

blood plasma bag Charles Drew Approx. 1945

cellular phone Henry T. Sampson July 6, 1971

chamber commode T. Elkins January 3, 1897

clothes dryer G. T. Sampson June 6, 1862

curtain rod S. R. Scratton November 30, 1889

curtain rod support William S. Grant August 4, 1896

door knob O. Dorsey December 10, 1878

door stop O. Dorsey December 10, 1878

dust pan Lawrence P. Ray August 3, 1897

egg beater Willie Johnson February 5, 1884

electric lampbulb Lewis Latimer March 21, 1882

elevator Alexander Miles October 11, 1867

eye protector P. Johnson November 2, 1880

fire escape ladder J. W. Winters May 7, 1878

fire extinguisher T. Marshall October 26, 1872

folding bed L. C. Bailey July 18, 1899

folding chair Brody & Surgwar June 11, 1889

fountain pen W. B. Purvis January 7, 1890

furniture caster O. A. Fisher 1878

gas mask Garrett Morgan October 13, 1914

golf tee T. Grant December 12, 1899

guitar Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886

hair brush Lydia O. Newman November 15, 18--

hand stamp Walter B. Purvis February 27 1883

horse shoe J. Ricks March 30, 1885

ice cream scooper A. L. Cralle February 2, 1897

improv. sugar making Norbet Rillieux December 10, 1846

insect-destroyer gun A. C. Richard February 28, 1899

ironing board Sarah Boone December 30, 1887

key chain F. J. Loudin January 9, 1894

lantern Michael C. Harvey August 19, 1884

lawn mower L. A. Burr May 19, 1889

lawn sprinkler J. W. Smith May 4, 1897

lemon squeezer J. Thomas White December 8, 1893

lock W. A. Martin July 23, 18--

lubricating cup Ellijah McCoy November 15, 1895

lunch pail James Robinson 1887

mail box Paul L. Downing October 27, 1891

mop Thomas W. Stewart June 11, 1893

motor Frederick M. Jones June 27, 1939

peanut butter George Washington Carver 1896

pencil sharpener J. L. Love November 23, 1897

phone transmitter Granville T. Woods December 2, 1884

record player arm Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819

refrigerator J. Standard June 14, 1891

riding saddles W. D. Davis October 6, 1895

rolling pin John W. Reed 1864

shampoo headrest C. O. Bailiff October 11, 1898

spark plug Edmond Berger February 2, 1839

stethoscope Imhotep Ancient Egypt

stove T. A. Carrington July 25, 1876

straightening comb Madam C. J. Walker Approx 1905

street sweeper Charles B. Brooks March 17, 1890

thermostat control Frederick M. Jones February 23, 1960

traffic light Garrett Morgan November 20, 1923

tricycle M. A. Cherry May 6, 1886

typewriter Burridge & Marshman April 7, 1885

What should I get my wife for Christmas?


My wife and I have been married since August 4th. She is 4 months pregnant, and is not big into jewelry, make-up, or perfume. She wants something to OPEN on Christmas morning, so gift certificates or a trip to a day spa or somethign like that are out of the question. She already has an MP3 player. Also, we've set a $100 limit for each other so we don't go financially overboard because of the baby on the way. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

When I was pregnant i the winter I really didn't want to go out much for very odd reasons (afraid of falling, didn't want to get sick, i was just a nervous wreck). My husband would still go out and I was fine with that but he did something really sweet for my birthday I think would make anyone melt....
Date Nite Basket this included
Fleece Blanket
NetFlix Subscription
Flowers (Roses)
Pajamas Small enough to fit me then but I was able to wear them throughout the pregnancy bc stretchy waistband
Slippers (they were moon so it was like I was wlaking on air)
and a Ring
also he included Date Nite Tickets so that when I wanted a date night i just gave him a ticket and it was on the calander


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What is the best wii game out right now?

3d baby making games online on Free Online Video | Free Online Video Songs | Free Online Video Games ...
3d baby making games online image


I have zelda:tp, metroid 3, brawl, and super mario strikers so don't list those please. I like rpgs. Multiplayer is good too. What would you suggest?

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy is one of the most impressive, engrossing games in recent memory -- and quite the contrast to the rest of this year's triple-A gaming crop, which tends toward the dark, the M-rated, and the first-person perspective. Gaming may be growing up (per se), but gamers will always appreciate beautifully polished gameplay and inventive design...even if it's sugarcoated with squeaky baby stars and a goofy cartoon of a hero. Galaxy proves that Mario matters just as much today as he did 25 years ago, and that makes him one of a kind in this medium. But don't play Galaxy simply because Mario is the timeless godfather of gaming. No, play Galaxy because it's fantastic.

Super Paper Mario

Mario's adventure begins shortly after Princess Peach is kidnapped for the umpteenth time. Count Bleck, a top-hatted madman, has abducted the poor princess, believing that a forced marriage between her and Bowser will generate a black hole that will devour the entire universe. Wow, and I thought all those marriage jokes were just jokes. But Mario has a secret weapon at his disposal, the Wii Remote, which holds the power to flip the game from 2-D to a quasi-3-D perspective. Everything in the game will transform to 3-D, except for characters, which remain in their paper-thin state. The combination of different perspectives Mario can explore makes for a very unique visual feel; it's also a vital tool to solve puzzles and bypass obstacles.

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart Wii comes with the intuitive Wii Wheel, which makes it easy for novices to compete against veterans, so no one is left in the dust. And with a broadband hookup to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, players can compete with up to 11 other drivers from around the world for racing dominance. The game includes 16 new courses and 16 classic courses from previous Mario Kart games. For the first time ever, players have the option of racing with either karts or motorbikes. Players can also hit the road as their personalized Mii caricatures in addition to the handful of classic Nintendo characters found in the game. True to the series, the game features tons of racing, plenty of power-ups and oodles of objects for players to use to slow down other drivers. And 10 battle arenas keep players busy between trips around the circuit. Mario Kart Wii supports four different control options: Wii Remote with or without the Wii Wheel, Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller combo, Classic Controller and even the Nintendo GameCube controller. So there's bound to be a configuration that fits everyone's style. Mario Kart Wii launches with a new channel added to the Wii Menu to enhance game play: The Mario Kart Wii Channel. This new channel builds on the online community of Wii owners and lets players compete in tournaments, and check worldwide rankings.

Shooter with Multi-Player:
The Conduit

The Conduit has great, highly customizable controls. It offers fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes, and has nice graphics.

Action Adventure RPG
Okami Wii Edition

If you liked The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, you will like Okami. Okami tells the story of a mythical sun god who sets out to restore a dismal world, decimating the forces of evil who stand in the way by commanding the elements and mythical abilities the deity possesses. Mixing Japanese folklore and a stunning traditional Japanese art style, players must utilize an inventive control scheme to overcome the challenges and evil that await. By enhancing the unique gameplay, visual style and story line of Okami with the control of the Wii Remote, it is sure to be the ultimate version of the game. Originally designed for the PS2 and released in 2006, Okami now comes alive in an entirely new way on the Wii with its visually stunning art style and beautiful scenic 3D levels that have the appearance and texture of paper scrolls brushed with watercolor-like calligraphy art. Throughout the vibrant and distinctive surroundings, players must use the Wii remote to interact with a dynamic world and cast of characters. The blend of stylized graphics, movements and unique gameplay will result in a rich and dynamic experience never seen before.

what are some games online i can play?

a k

that are actually fun and not puzzles or boring action games? fun games for girls or something cuz i have been to tons of websites and they all play the same games... any suggestions?

Try these,
Honeyz Web
Create your own girl and dress her, feed her, groom her, play games and create a look book!

Club Penguin
A kid-friendly virtual world where you, as a penguin, can waddle around and interact with other players. The game is free, but the dress-up feature is only for paid members.

A virtual fun town to explore! To customize your character make sure to click on "change character" after your character is born

Secret Builders
After creating your avatar you can explore the world of Secret Builders, do quests, keep a home and other tasks!

Create your Whuddletar and explore the fun, colorful Whuddleworld!

Planet Camzo
Play fun games and see superstars preform from all around the world

Be a chobot and explore the worlds,The better things are for citizens

Zanpo Virtual Cities
3d multi virtual cities where your goal is to build a block that will fit into one of the cities! Patience required!

You really have to be patient to earn your face parts here, but it is fun!

Babydow Virtual Baby
Adopt a virtual baby and take care of her until she is three years old! Sometimes difficult but very fun.
strange things like toys, clothes, pets and furniture!
Barbie Girls
Design your character and your own room, invite friends over and go shopping at the mall!

Spark City
You can customize your own character and choose and color clothes but the apartment is my favorite spot!

Garden Party World
Creates a character and grow your own garden where you can grow strange things like toys, clothes, pets and furniture!

Create a WeeMee avatar and have fun with her in WeeWorld!

Super Secret
Age your character from a ten year old to a teenager in this game. The more you play, the older you get and you can buy clothes and other stuff!

Small Worlds PG-13
A huge community where you design own avatar, dress it up and design your home. Go to the public spaces to hang out and chat with other users!

A large website with lots of fun dress-up and makeover activities to do, I recommend starting with exploring "My Boutiques", "Fashion Ave" and "Salon"!

Fortune Girls
Design your own fashion label, market and sell it!

Buil a yoobot with your face and make sure he or she stays healthy!

Elf Island
Dress your beautiful elf and decorate his or her house while doing good in the real world!

Style your NickSelf, create your own room and chat with friends.

Pixie Hollow Disney Fairies
Start by creating your own fairy, decorate her house and have fun with the other fairies!

Diva Chix
Dress and style your own diva, battle against other divas and have fun. I'm so hooked on this one!

Mokitown : home of the Mobile Kids
A City for kids. Chat, meet friends, play a tons of games and have fun!

My Diva Doll
Create your DivaDoll, shop and train her for a dream job in fashion or entertainment!

Play games and hang out while you learn to manage money. But be careful, just like in real life you can run out!

Zwinky Cuties
Dress you Zwinky Cutie, chat, make friends and play games! Cute graphics and fun games but the free account is very limited.

Dragon Fable PG-13
Build your character and battle monsters, find treasure, and much more!

Total Drama Island
Have fun with the characters from the Total Drama Island cartoon!

Primp Me iLook
Make your own avatars, select ready made outfits or make your own, talk to friends, write blogs and vote for other members.

Primp Me iToon
Same features as above, but here you can create an avatar that is more anime/cartoon version of you.

Student Survivor
Two games where your goal is to create a student and keep him or her alive and happy! You have to register if you want to save your game.

Happy Meal 3.O
Customize your avatar and your tree house, go on quests and have fun!

Show Jumping
Choose a color for the horse and clothes for the jockey, then start your training!

MoiPal PG-10 Java Applet
Create the Pal of your dreams with a home of your choice. Important: I have only tried the web version which is free!

The N PG-13
Several games, Avatar mall, The hook-up, Avatar prom and more!

An adventure with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasures to win! Very popular.

Meez PG-13
Create an animated 3D version of yourself and use it on blogs, websites and everywhere else on the Internet.

DressUpChallenge PG-13
Use the Makeover Creator to do dress ups and makeovers, enter challenges and vote on makeovers others have done. Lots of fun!

Stardoll MeDoll
Create your own MeDoll (to look like you or someone else), go shopping for clothes and accessories and meet friends.

Crash Village PG-13
Sign up your own character and help Crash Bandicoot fight evil villains!

Habbo PG-13
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