baby making machine 14 kids image
conservatives think parts of the constitution are subject to change how about change the 2nd amendment to what the the founding fathers intended....muskets instead of handguns and machine guns that would cut down on gun related violence.
You are living in fantasyland.
You foolish Radical Extreme Leftists do not have the support that you need to change the second amendment. Otherwise you would have eliminated the second amendment long ago.
the second amendment essentially recognizes the god given right of every American Citizen to protect him or herself from criminals.
Essentially firearms in the hands of American citizens are the best protection against morally degenerate criminals and the crime that is caused by morally degenerate criminals.
Deaths caused by firearms are minisule compared with the deaths that are caused by automobiles.
If you were seriously concerned about deaths, you would be complaining about the deaths that are caused by automobiles as your first priority.
However the reason that you complain about guns rather than automobiles is because you have a hidden agenda of the radical extreme left and that is to make Americans dependent.
One of the ways to make Americans dependent is to take awayu the ability of Americans to defend themselves against criminals.
With respect to the issue of the 14th Amendment which will be changed in the ner future, the 14th amendment is being abused by criminal illegal aliens to drop a kid in the United States of America to create an anchor baby that is used to bring in hordes of illegal aliens.
that is not what the 14th amendment was intended for.
You silly Radical Extreme Leftists merely see the 14th amendment as a way to get large numbers of criminal illegal aliens into The United States of America who can then be used to vote in your morally degenerate, vile evil Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.
The United States of America is too precious to turn over to a bunch of corrupt, incompetent morally degenerate Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.
(Edit) I see that another Radical Extreme Lefitst, Burce deliverered a brain dead load of false and defamatory Radical Extreme leftist propagqanda regarding the reasons for the attacks by The Muslim Terrorists on September 11, 2001.
Bruce knows nothing of The Middle East and is merely repeating the brain dead nitwit propaganda of The Radical Extreme Left.
to counter the brain dead nonsense of Bruce I will give you some of the history of The Middle East and the real resons why the Muslim Terrorists attacked the United States of America on september 11, 2001.
First you need to know about a Muslim Terrorist named Haj Amin al Husseini.
Haj Amin al Husseini was the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem back in the 1930s.
Haj Amin al Husseini wanted to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East but did not have the power to do so.
Haj Amin al Husseini did manage to get thousands of Jewish People killed by illiterate and ignorant Muslim Terrorists, by faking a photograph of a Jewish Flag on
The Dome of The Rock.
The dome of The Rock is a supposed Muslim Holy site (it is not but the Muslim Terrorists claim the The Dome of the rock is one of their holy sites).
however when Haj Amin al Husseini wanted the thuggish, ignorant Muslim Terrorists to kill Jewiosh people, haj Amin al Husseini would fake a photograph of the jewish Flag on The dome of The Rock and the stupid, illiterate, ignorant Muslim Terrorists would riot and murder thousands of Jewish People at a time.
But that was not good enough for Haj Amin al Husseini.
Haj Amin al Husseini met Adolf Hitler in the 1930s and made an alliance with Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East.
During World War II Haj Amin al Husseini was a guest of Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS in Germany.
Adolf Hitler was so impressed with Haj Amin al Husseini that Adolf Hitler put Haj Amin al Husseini in command of a Waffen SS Unit.
Under the command of Haj Amin al Husseini that Waffen SS Unit murdered all of the jewish People in Bosnia.
After World War II Haj Amin al Husseini returned to The Middle East and created a large number of schools to teach foolish young Muslim boys a mixture of NAZISM and Islam that was created by Haj Amin al Husseini when he was a guest of Adlolf Hitler and the NAZIS during World War II.
Today we call this mixture of Islam and NAZISM "Radical Islam"
Several of Haj Amin al Husseini's foolish students went on to form their own Muslim Terrorist OPrganizations.
those Muslim Terrorist organizations that were formed by students of Haj Amin al Husseini include but are not limited to Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida.
Al Qaida decalred war on the United States of America many years ago.
It was only when Al Qakida made the attacks on the world Trade Center Towers on september 11, 2001 that we took Al Qaida seriously.
The stupid Radical Extreme Leftists have attempted to rewriote history to make it appear as if the attacks on 9/11/2001 were the fault of United States foreign policy.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The Attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in Haj Amin al Husseini and NAZISM in the Middle Ast that is left over from World War II.
In fact th eattacks on 9/11/2001 are left over business from World War II
Haj Amin al Hussein should have bee charged as a War Criminal for the murder of all of the Jewish People in Bosnia during World War II.
Instead we permitted Haj Amin al Husseini to recruit and train large numbers of Muslim Terrorists to continue the NAZI aims of World War II.
Essentially the attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in German NAZISM and Muslim Terrorism of the 1930s.
The attacks by the Muslim Terrorists on 9/11/2001 had nothing to do with the foreign policy of The United States of America.
You are living in fantasyland.
You foolish Radical Extreme Leftists do not have the support that you need to change the second amendment. Otherwise you would have eliminated the second amendment long ago.
the second amendment essentially recognizes the god given right of every American Citizen to protect him or herself from criminals.
Essentially firearms in the hands of American citizens are the best protection against morally degenerate criminals and the crime that is caused by morally degenerate criminals.
Deaths caused by firearms are minisule compared with the deaths that are caused by automobiles.
If you were seriously concerned about deaths, you would be complaining about the deaths that are caused by automobiles as your first priority.
However the reason that you complain about guns rather than automobiles is because you have a hidden agenda of the radical extreme left and that is to make Americans dependent.
One of the ways to make Americans dependent is to take awayu the ability of Americans to defend themselves against criminals.
With respect to the issue of the 14th Amendment which will be changed in the ner future, the 14th amendment is being abused by criminal illegal aliens to drop a kid in the United States of America to create an anchor baby that is used to bring in hordes of illegal aliens.
that is not what the 14th amendment was intended for.
You silly Radical Extreme Leftists merely see the 14th amendment as a way to get large numbers of criminal illegal aliens into The United States of America who can then be used to vote in your morally degenerate, vile evil Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.
The United States of America is too precious to turn over to a bunch of corrupt, incompetent morally degenerate Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.
(Edit) I see that another Radical Extreme Lefitst, Burce deliverered a brain dead load of false and defamatory Radical Extreme leftist propagqanda regarding the reasons for the attacks by The Muslim Terrorists on September 11, 2001.
Bruce knows nothing of The Middle East and is merely repeating the brain dead nitwit propaganda of The Radical Extreme Left.
to counter the brain dead nonsense of Bruce I will give you some of the history of The Middle East and the real resons why the Muslim Terrorists attacked the United States of America on september 11, 2001.
First you need to know about a Muslim Terrorist named Haj Amin al Husseini.
Haj Amin al Husseini was the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem back in the 1930s.
Haj Amin al Husseini wanted to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East but did not have the power to do so.
Haj Amin al Husseini did manage to get thousands of Jewish People killed by illiterate and ignorant Muslim Terrorists, by faking a photograph of a Jewish Flag on
The Dome of The Rock.
The dome of The Rock is a supposed Muslim Holy site (it is not but the Muslim Terrorists claim the The Dome of the rock is one of their holy sites).
however when Haj Amin al Husseini wanted the thuggish, ignorant Muslim Terrorists to kill Jewiosh people, haj Amin al Husseini would fake a photograph of the jewish Flag on The dome of The Rock and the stupid, illiterate, ignorant Muslim Terrorists would riot and murder thousands of Jewish People at a time.
But that was not good enough for Haj Amin al Husseini.
Haj Amin al Husseini met Adolf Hitler in the 1930s and made an alliance with Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East.
During World War II Haj Amin al Husseini was a guest of Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS in Germany.
Adolf Hitler was so impressed with Haj Amin al Husseini that Adolf Hitler put Haj Amin al Husseini in command of a Waffen SS Unit.
Under the command of Haj Amin al Husseini that Waffen SS Unit murdered all of the jewish People in Bosnia.
After World War II Haj Amin al Husseini returned to The Middle East and created a large number of schools to teach foolish young Muslim boys a mixture of NAZISM and Islam that was created by Haj Amin al Husseini when he was a guest of Adlolf Hitler and the NAZIS during World War II.
Today we call this mixture of Islam and NAZISM "Radical Islam"
Several of Haj Amin al Husseini's foolish students went on to form their own Muslim Terrorist OPrganizations.
those Muslim Terrorist organizations that were formed by students of Haj Amin al Husseini include but are not limited to Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida.
Al Qaida decalred war on the United States of America many years ago.
It was only when Al Qakida made the attacks on the world Trade Center Towers on september 11, 2001 that we took Al Qaida seriously.
The stupid Radical Extreme Leftists have attempted to rewriote history to make it appear as if the attacks on 9/11/2001 were the fault of United States foreign policy.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The Attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in Haj Amin al Husseini and NAZISM in the Middle Ast that is left over from World War II.
In fact th eattacks on 9/11/2001 are left over business from World War II
Haj Amin al Hussein should have bee charged as a War Criminal for the murder of all of the Jewish People in Bosnia during World War II.
Instead we permitted Haj Amin al Husseini to recruit and train large numbers of Muslim Terrorists to continue the NAZI aims of World War II.
Essentially the attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in German NAZISM and Muslim Terrorism of the 1930s.
The attacks by the Muslim Terrorists on 9/11/2001 had nothing to do with the foreign policy of The United States of America.
How could my 11 year old sister lose weight?
Well being the big sister I am I'm a little worried about my little sister. She's 11 and a half, she is 5 feet and 115 lbs. Her eating intake is fine, she almost NEVER eats cupcakes, cake, and chips. But she drinks Capri Sun's Roaring Waters throughout the day. She went to spend the summer with my aunt when she was 8 years old, and I guess that she picked on her weight and even put her on a DIET. Whoa! She told me all about how my aunt and her cousin made fun of her about it. She weighed around 80 pounds. I don't think it's right to put kids on a diet. Now this is not the end of it. When she turned 9, A kid called her fat at school and she came home crying and asked me for advice about it. I told her that she had to wait a few years before she hit puberty. (Because I was like her as a kid but then I became a healthy weight once I hit puberty). She most likely was going to lose weight. But she gains like 10 pounds every year. But my mom asked the doctor if she was in childhood obesity and she said no. She eats normal, healthy portions. Then one day sometime after she turned 11 (I think February of this year) she joined track at her school. She did it until about school ended (Jun. 14th)
When she was 6 years old, Our mom, herself, and I would walk around the neighborhood (Back when we used to live in a safe neighborhood) We moved a whole bunch of times throughout her life and they were never houses. We lived in apartments in dangerous neighborhoods (There were gunshots at 10 o'clock one night right across the street) So mom never allowed us kids outside. And back when she was 7 years old , '09, we ate out every night because she worked and she left us with our cousin who was 17, and didn't know how to use a stove. So my mom had to get us McDonald's on her 6 PM break. And there was no one else to watch us except for the 17 year old. I think that was her sudden gain of weight. She had me help her use the scale at home, and she was 52 lbs. she was 4'2 at the time. But when she turned 8, she got weighed at home again after the summer visit at 4'5(I think) (Nov. 2010) and she was like 78 lbs.! She ran to mom and cried and mom tried consoling her. Then my sister had a talk with me asking me what she can do (WE couldn't go outside) to lose weight. I was 10 going on 11 and was a little overweight myself. But she was conscious about her weight. My mom had a workout machine right in our apartment, and she wouldn't let us use it because she was watching it while our neighbor went on a business trip. Now at 11 and a half, she still cannot lose the weight even after limiting her sugar intake and doing track. Should I tell her to weight a few years until puberty, or should she lose weight. Sorry for making you read all of this. But she's been bugging me for an answer. Please save the negative comments.
P.S.: Our stove recently broke, So my mom is waiting until we can save money to buy a new one and so we live on frozen food and fast food. So what could I tell her?
(Being a helpful big sister)
(We get checkups in the same room (Don't know why)
Once again, No Negative comments.
-Kitty in the sink- Nope! I'm 13 and a half
Iâm sorry, but I stopped reading after your second line.
5 feet and 115 is perfect. Besides, at her age, she probably still has some baby fat.
Encourage her to eat healthy meals and make healthy choices, but she has NO need to lose ANY weight.
Donât transfer any body dysmorphia YOU may have onto your kid sister - and how old are you - 12?
Iâm sorry, but I stopped reading after your second line.
5 feet and 115 is perfect. Besides, at her age, she probably still has some baby fat.
Encourage her to eat healthy meals and make healthy choices, but she has NO need to lose ANY weight.
Donât transfer any body dysmorphia YOU may have onto your kid sister - and how old are you - 12?
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Title Post: since conservatives acknowledged that the constitution can change how about change the 2nd amendment?
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