my periods are irregular. the first day of my last period was june 9th through the 13th. me and my husband are trying to have a baby..and i should've started my period by now but i haven' is it possible i can get pregnant right before my period is supposed to come?
Yes, and sperm lives for 5 day in the body:
The debate on whether or not a woman can get pregnant during her period has been going on for decades now. Just like every woman is different, so are her hormonal balances and hence her menstrual cycle. Though there are generalities on which some ground basics of menstruation and pregnancy can be formed, but eventually it all boils down to individual physiology. So, yes, you can get pregnant during your periods.
There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are usually low during periods, they exist for all women. During periods, the chances of pregnancy are comparatively lower at the onset of a womanâs period and increase just after her periods. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent. Lets understand how and when this can happen.
Ovulation and the Menstrual Cycle
During each menstrual cycle, a womanâs ovaries release an egg, or ovum. This process is called ovulation. Generally, this takes place on an average of about 14 days before the start of a womanâs monthly period. Even for women with regular periods, this timing or duration can vary from month to month. Sometimes, there may not be any ovulation at all but the woman may still have her bleeding. After ovulation the egg moves toward the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If there is a sperm available, with all the right conditions, here is where the process of fertilization may take place. An unfertilized egg may live for about 24 hours and if does not get fertilized during this duration, it will be shed during the next menstrual period, along with the uterine lining.
Due to the increasing stress levels, it is very common for women who are ovulating to experience some vaginal bleeding that can be unfortunately mistaken for a period. Other factors that may contribute to this are malnutrition or trauma to the cervix. In some women, ovulation can actually occur before the menstrual bleeding has stopped. In others it may occur within a few days after her period has finished. In both of these cases, having sex before the period or just after it has finished, can result in pregnancy.
Besides misleading vaginal bleeding, the ability of sperm to survive inside a womanâs body is also another reason why it is possible for a woman to get pregnant during her periods. Sperm can survive for an average of two or three days, inside a womanâs body under normal conditions. If they receive ideal circumstances, however, they may remain viable for up to five days. So if sperm are deposited early, such as during a womanâs period, they can hang around a few days, waiting until conditions are right for conception. A woman is most likely to become pregnant if sexual intercourse occurs just before or just after ovulation.
If you have had unprotected sex during your periods, the best idea is to take a home pregnancy test. These tests are easily available on the Internet and are very simple to use too. Within a few minutes you can know whether or not you are pregnant. If the home pregnancy test results show a negative, there is still a chance that you may be pregnant if you feel all the symptoms. In such a case a blood pregnancy test would be the best solution.
Yes, and sperm lives for 5 day in the body:
The debate on whether or not a woman can get pregnant during her period has been going on for decades now. Just like every woman is different, so are her hormonal balances and hence her menstrual cycle. Though there are generalities on which some ground basics of menstruation and pregnancy can be formed, but eventually it all boils down to individual physiology. So, yes, you can get pregnant during your periods.
There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are usually low during periods, they exist for all women. During periods, the chances of pregnancy are comparatively lower at the onset of a womanâs period and increase just after her periods. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent. Lets understand how and when this can happen.
Ovulation and the Menstrual Cycle
During each menstrual cycle, a womanâs ovaries release an egg, or ovum. This process is called ovulation. Generally, this takes place on an average of about 14 days before the start of a womanâs monthly period. Even for women with regular periods, this timing or duration can vary from month to month. Sometimes, there may not be any ovulation at all but the woman may still have her bleeding. After ovulation the egg moves toward the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If there is a sperm available, with all the right conditions, here is where the process of fertilization may take place. An unfertilized egg may live for about 24 hours and if does not get fertilized during this duration, it will be shed during the next menstrual period, along with the uterine lining.
Due to the increasing stress levels, it is very common for women who are ovulating to experience some vaginal bleeding that can be unfortunately mistaken for a period. Other factors that may contribute to this are malnutrition or trauma to the cervix. In some women, ovulation can actually occur before the menstrual bleeding has stopped. In others it may occur within a few days after her period has finished. In both of these cases, having sex before the period or just after it has finished, can result in pregnancy.
Besides misleading vaginal bleeding, the ability of sperm to survive inside a womanâs body is also another reason why it is possible for a woman to get pregnant during her periods. Sperm can survive for an average of two or three days, inside a womanâs body under normal conditions. If they receive ideal circumstances, however, they may remain viable for up to five days. So if sperm are deposited early, such as during a womanâs period, they can hang around a few days, waiting until conditions are right for conception. A woman is most likely to become pregnant if sexual intercourse occurs just before or just after ovulation.
If you have had unprotected sex during your periods, the best idea is to take a home pregnancy test. These tests are easily available on the Internet and are very simple to use too. Within a few minutes you can know whether or not you are pregnant. If the home pregnancy test results show a negative, there is still a chance that you may be pregnant if you feel all the symptoms. In such a case a blood pregnancy test would be the best solution.
is it easier to get pregnant 4 days before a girls period?
Ok here the let down on April 18th me and my gf had unprotected sex bout 3 times, then the next day we had unprotected sex again, 4 days she goes on her period and she been getting upset easily and crying easily and as of today been having headaches, so my question is could these be early signs of being pregnant, ik women get moody during period but Idk bout the headache thing, and is it true its easier for a girl to get pregnant having sex 4 days before period?
Hi there,
If she has a 28 day monthly cycle then she is usually safe from pregnancy from the 18th to the 28th day, then her period starts again and for 5 days her body empties and prepares again for pregnancy.
Hoever for your info I will give you a list of the Early signs of pregnancy:-
Signs of Pregnancy
If you're extremely tuned in to your body's rhythms, you may begin to suspect you're pregnant soon after conception. But most women won't experience any early pregnancy symptoms until the fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, several days after conception. Others may notice no signs of pregnancy for weeks and begin to wonder "Am I pregnant?" only when they miss a period. Below is a list of some of the first signs of impending motherhood. You may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms of pregnancy:
1. Food cravings. Yes, it's a cliché, but food cravings sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. Don't rely on them as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is low on a particular nutrient), but if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period.
2. Darkening of your areolas. If the skin around your nipples gets darker, you may have successfully conceived, though this may also signal a hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
3. Implantation bleeding or cramping. 3. About eight days after ovulation, you may experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of a pink or brown colour, as well as some cramping. This is caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining. You might also see some spotting around the time you expect your period.
4. Frequent urination. Once the embryo implants and begins producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), you may find yourself going to the bathroom more often.
5. Fatigue. Feeling tired? No, make that exhausted. High levels of the hormone progesterone can make you feel as if you've run a marathon when all you've done is put in a day at the office. Fatigue is a hallmark of early pregnancy, though probably not a surefire symptom on its own.
6. Tender, swollen breasts. If you're pregnant, your breasts will probably become increasingly tender to the touch, similar to the way they feel before your period, only more so. Once your body grows accustomed to the hormone surge, the pain will subside.
7. Altered sense of taste. You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women say they have a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they cannot stand the taste of coffee, tea, or a food they usually like.
8. Morning sickness. If you're lucky, morning sickness won't hit you until a few weeks after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But as early as a couple of days following conception, you may begin feeling nauseated and queasy. And not just in the morning, either -- pregnancy-related nausea can be a problem morning, noon, or night.
9. A missed period. If you're usually pretty regular and your period is late, it's worth trying a pregnancy test. A missed period is the surest sign of pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age who usually has regular periods.
And finally...
10. A positive home pregnancy test. If you've waited to test until at least the first day of a missed period and a blue line appears in the test window, you're most likely to be in the family way. Make an appointment with your doctor to confirm
Of course you know what to do, don;t have unprotected sex - she should be on the pill and you should wear a condom OR you can discipline yourself and only have sex on the safe days - read the info below -
Based on a 28 day cycle
Periods - days 1 â 5 â no sex (bleeding)
Safe - days 6 â 9 â okay to have intercourse
Danger period - days 10 â 17 (when you should wear protection or abstain.
Safe - days 18 â 28 â okay to have intercourse
That means 15 days in a 28 day cycle it is safe to have unprotected sex if you donât want to get pregnant.
If your normal length of a cycle is less 28 days then that usually means your danger period starts earlier eg. A cycle of 21 days and the danger period starts on 3rd day and finishes on 10th day
If your normal length of a cycle is MORE than 28 days then that usually means your danger period starts later eg. A cycle of 30 days and the danger period starts on 12th day and finishes on 19th day
I hope that has helped
regards Mike D
Hi there,
If she has a 28 day monthly cycle then she is usually safe from pregnancy from the 18th to the 28th day, then her period starts again and for 5 days her body empties and prepares again for pregnancy.
Hoever for your info I will give you a list of the Early signs of pregnancy:-
Signs of Pregnancy
If you're extremely tuned in to your body's rhythms, you may begin to suspect you're pregnant soon after conception. But most women won't experience any early pregnancy symptoms until the fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, several days after conception. Others may notice no signs of pregnancy for weeks and begin to wonder "Am I pregnant?" only when they miss a period. Below is a list of some of the first signs of impending motherhood. You may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms of pregnancy:
1. Food cravings. Yes, it's a cliché, but food cravings sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. Don't rely on them as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is low on a particular nutrient), but if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period.
2. Darkening of your areolas. If the skin around your nipples gets darker, you may have successfully conceived, though this may also signal a hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
3. Implantation bleeding or cramping. 3. About eight days after ovulation, you may experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of a pink or brown colour, as well as some cramping. This is caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining. You might also see some spotting around the time you expect your period.
4. Frequent urination. Once the embryo implants and begins producing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), you may find yourself going to the bathroom more often.
5. Fatigue. Feeling tired? No, make that exhausted. High levels of the hormone progesterone can make you feel as if you've run a marathon when all you've done is put in a day at the office. Fatigue is a hallmark of early pregnancy, though probably not a surefire symptom on its own.
6. Tender, swollen breasts. If you're pregnant, your breasts will probably become increasingly tender to the touch, similar to the way they feel before your period, only more so. Once your body grows accustomed to the hormone surge, the pain will subside.
7. Altered sense of taste. You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women say they have a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they cannot stand the taste of coffee, tea, or a food they usually like.
8. Morning sickness. If you're lucky, morning sickness won't hit you until a few weeks after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But as early as a couple of days following conception, you may begin feeling nauseated and queasy. And not just in the morning, either -- pregnancy-related nausea can be a problem morning, noon, or night.
9. A missed period. If you're usually pretty regular and your period is late, it's worth trying a pregnancy test. A missed period is the surest sign of pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age who usually has regular periods.
And finally...
10. A positive home pregnancy test. If you've waited to test until at least the first day of a missed period and a blue line appears in the test window, you're most likely to be in the family way. Make an appointment with your doctor to confirm
Of course you know what to do, don;t have unprotected sex - she should be on the pill and you should wear a condom OR you can discipline yourself and only have sex on the safe days - read the info below -
Based on a 28 day cycle
Periods - days 1 â 5 â no sex (bleeding)
Safe - days 6 â 9 â okay to have intercourse
Danger period - days 10 â 17 (when you should wear protection or abstain.
Safe - days 18 â 28 â okay to have intercourse
That means 15 days in a 28 day cycle it is safe to have unprotected sex if you donât want to get pregnant.
If your normal length of a cycle is less 28 days then that usually means your danger period starts earlier eg. A cycle of 21 days and the danger period starts on 3rd day and finishes on 10th day
If your normal length of a cycle is MORE than 28 days then that usually means your danger period starts later eg. A cycle of 30 days and the danger period starts on 12th day and finishes on 19th day
I hope that has helped
regards Mike D
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Title Post: can i get pregnant a few days before my period is due?
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