Saturday, January 11, 2014

What are the tips to get pregnant?

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Hi. I just want to know what are the tips to get pregnant. Me and my partner have been together for 2 years and 3 months now. I have been with pills when we just started out but for 1 year and plus now I have never used contraceptives.

Could you give me some tips in which I can get pregnant?

this may sound really dumb, but eating ice cream might boost your fertility.

my husband read about eating the ice cream and so i was eating ice cream snickers bars and two weeks later i was pregnant. at the same time, my sister wanted to have a baby. i told her about the ice cream theory and she started eating ice cream, and two weeks after, she got pregnant. i had my healthy baby boy in april, and 17 days later, she had her baby girl =)

try the ice cream. not only is it worth it to try and have the baby, but you can eat ice cream without feeling so guilty.

Tips on getting pregnant with a boy?


I'm trying to have a baby and we have sex almost everyday unprotected obviously, I took a little survey thing that calculated when I will be ovulating and if its correct I'm currently ovulating. My question is any tips or remedies to increase my chances on getting pregnant or different positions? Looking for only positive feedback from mothers or mothers to be! Thanks you(: I really want a son!

the chance to have to boy is the exact chance to have a girl. im no biologist but i guess the only way to do something about it is to repress chromosome Y which is your decision to mess with.

by the way, we are 3 brothers and only one of us was planned.

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Is it wrong that i'm an african american man but i dont want my future kids full black but mixed?

baby making for kids on Lovely Kiss for my sweet baby brother - Sisterly love and care ...
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Because mixed babies make the best looking kids when their mixed with anything but full black. Black and white, Black and asian, Black and hispanic the kids are amazing. I'm looking for either a white, asian or hispanic wife to help me! I'm i being racist? I have a good job and own a home to raise my future kids and want to give them a good life!

Well maybe a little bit, but at yourself.
Mixed Race babies are cute though, also can make life easier.

How to make a preteen move in with parents on sims freeplay?


I made a family, they have a daughter who is a preteen. I had yet to get the updated version ( on my iPad) and It wouldn't allow me to move an entire family. My friend suggested I have the parents get a divorce and move one parent to the new house, then have them re-marry. I followed through with it. And it worked out well . Except for one problem. The daughter is now living in the old house by herself while her parents are living in a new house.

I wanted to move the family to the new house that was occupied by another sim that is currently moved to an old house that is going to be demolished. So now the daughter is living in the old house ( that I wanted the other sim to live in ) the other sim is living in an empty unfurnished abandoned house and the parents don't live with their baby.

I tried making the kid become best friends with the mom but she has a limited amount of things they can say to people and " ask to move in " is not one of them.

Please help XO
This all happened while before I got the updated version

Well you messed up in divorcing them. What you could have done was build a new house, or make sure a house was completely empty (no one living there) and then go to town map, tap on the house, and select the option to move family into that house. The sim occupying that new house should have been moved first, then the family. Now I guess you can try to get the parents to move back to the house with the daughter. You might have to divorce them again though. Hope this helps =D

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Friday, January 10, 2014

How long can you go without eating when pregnant with twins?

how to have get pregnant with twins on 20 Weeks Pregnant with twins
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Just out of curiosity, I am pregnant with twins, 20 weeks along. I am eating and this does not pertain to me I was just actually very curious how many days or so someone carrying twins could go without much food or water.

a few hours probably. any more than that is probably unhealthy.

What are my chances of becoming pregnant with twins?

She's A

What are the chances of me becoming pregnant with twins? My husbands side of the family has had twins since his great grandmother. But his mom didnt have twins she had two boys which im married to one and the other is 2 years younger. So does the man determine the sex and if you have multiples? Or does it have to run on both sides?

if it runs on the mother's side there are more chances of twins, father's side does not count as much#

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

I have endometriosis. what are the chances I won't be able to have children?

get pregnant with endometriosis on Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis - What is Endometriosis?
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I am 22 years old and have confirmed endometriosis. I had surgery for it about 4-5 months ago but I don't feel like its gone cause I still have all the same symptoms. I won't have medical insurance until the end of September and I'm getting married in October. My whole life all I've wanted to be "when I grew up" was a mom and now that i'm getting married I'm afraid I won't be able to have children. I've read all about how I may get cancer or need a hysterectomy or all these other awful things and I was just curious what are the real chances that I won't be able to have kids or that I'll get cancer or something? How hard it is it to get pregnant with endometriosis? My dr said I won't have any problems but after reading everything I'm not sure if i'm convinced.

If you have recurrent symptoms, it was not properly treated.

While Endometriosis can turn malignant, that is the exception, not the norm.

Hysterectomy is not a cure for Endo and is not a valid first-line treatment option.

While Endo is the leading cause of primary and secondary female infertility, there is no reason to assume that with proper treatment, you cannot conceive. Studies show that surgical removal (such as through excision - â patients travel there from around the world) can and does increase fertility, even in stage III and IV patients. Careful and meticulous excision surgery can not only help resolve symptoms for the long-term, but can also drastically improve infertility. The aforementioned Center has a better than 50% success rate in their stage 4 Endo-related infertility patients, and 75% in their stage III patients, after Endo has been treated and removed (phenomenal, considering that rates for ablation, vaporization, etc. are far lower).

Careful excision and removal of Endo can treat the infertility instead of just going through all the expensive protocols without even trying to remove the disease. As far as vaporization, ablation, and other superficial surgical removals, the rates are far from 50-75% success and the disease will still be present to go on and cause symptoms.

Drug therapy like Lupron has never been shown to reduce infertility, and while alternative/homeopathic therapies can be helpful for some women in alleviating some of the painful symptoms associated with the disease, there have not been any evidence-based studies detailing any positive impact of herbal therapies, etc. on fertility rates either.

Your best bet is to seek the assistance of a true specialist who can meticulously remove the disease, thereby conferring the best possible benefits for pregnancy. A specialist will also be better suited to help you should IVF protocols become necessary down the road as well. Good luck and best wishes.

The father of my baby is asking me to get rid of it?

Rhiann Con

I am 6 weeks pregnant, i have endometriosis and PCOS and was told that i'd never be able to fall pregnant naturally and that i would have to have fertility drugs. The father is my ex bf and he has walked away from it all, saying that if i don't terminate, that i will never get a chance to be with him again. I could never ever kill my baby, but i love him so much :'(

Any and all single mums out there... How did you cope? Was it hard doing it alone?

Well, I know you are in pain, but the idea that he would "threaten" you with "never having the chance to be with him again" is ridiculous. What arrogance. Wow, and miss out on spending the rest of your life with someone who readily kills their own children? Are you actually missing out on that much?

Stop thinking with your heart. That is what your brain is for. And clearly, your heart is misinformed.

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What's the youngest age a baby can get pyloric stenosis?

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Great Time

I was just wondering if a baby one or two days old could get pyloric stenosis. Is this possible or do you have to be older?

It's believed that babies are not born with it. Pyloric stenosis is caused by a progressive thickening of the pylorus after birth, so it takes a little time to show up. Most infants who develop symptoms of pyloric stenosis are usually between 3-5 weeks. (Not sure I agree with this).

It's also believed there's a connection with mothers who took the antibiotic erythromycin at the end of pregnancy or during breastfeeding that may have caused the thickening of the muscles of the pylorus. (In our case, I HAD been on this antibiotic towards the end of my pg).

Our newborn daughter began to have the projectile vomiting on her 6th day of life. She could not keep the breast milk down, losing weight rapidly, and having painful stomach contractions. Scary time for us. She'd lost 4lbs! We had to take her in every 2 days for a weigh in to monitor her. Her pediatrician diagnosed severe acid reflux (due to these symptoms developing in her first week of life) & excessive gas. We were advised to try "natural" methods first. Massaging the tummy & abdomen. Mylicon drops- that helped some. We tried the homeopathic option of gripe water. The gripe water helped a LOT to ease the painful stomach contractions but still we had projectile vomiting thru her mouth and nose. After vomiting our baby was still hungry yet afraid to nurse. Our pediatrician put her on medication. She was on 2 types of medication- one I recall was Axid & other a special compound mix that only one pharmacy in our town could make for us. The medication along with us giving 2.5oz feedings, carefully birping, always keeping her upright, and propping her angled up when laying her- helped significantly. We were able to stablelize her weight.

The condition persisted and she was kept on the meds. By then, our pediatrician was suspecting pyloric stenosis. Since we had the vomiting under control and gas minimized, our doctor asked if we wanted to allow our baby to outgrow the condition. Had her condition not kept improving, our next step would have been the "barium swallow" test. Luckily, the projectile vomiting was tapering down from after every feeding to maybe 1-2 a week. Our baby was so much happier and not in pain anymore so we chose to hold off on the procedure. This whole exhausting process took about 6 1/2 months (my aunt a R.N. & my mom rotated nights at our home to help care for our baby girl). Right at 7 mo. all symptoms disappeared. We were able to take her off the meds, mylicon, and gripe water.

Hope my sharing our experience helps!

p.s We found out (after the fact) the we could've had an ultrasound done right away to check for the thickening of the pylorus. Don't know why our pedi-doc didn't recommend that. I personally feel our baby outgrew the GERD and may have just had a slight case of pyloric stenosis that resolved itself.

What Dont They Tell You About Child Birth?


Like most first time mothers i've read all the books and magazines about having a baby but when I hear other mothers talk about thier experinces giving birth it never sounds as easy as the books. (and ALWAYS sounds messier and more embarressing). What are some things that the books dont tell you about giving birth?

There are 101 different things that they don't tell you about childbirth. It's not because they're not nice, it's just because they probably don't want to get into that much detail and also because they don't want you to stress over things you can't control anyway.

If you really want to know, these are the things that I found out about child birth that no one happened to mention to me:

*Yes, you will probably poo during childbirth. Most women do-though most women don't actually *know* they did because the doctor doesn't exactly make an announcement. It usually happens while you're pushing and they (and you) are pretty occupied at that moment. Can you imagine a doctor looking up from delivering your baby and saying "Hey, I know you're busy, but I just wanted to let everyone know that you just pooed in my hand!".....yeah, that don't do that. The nurse just wipes it up and that's the end of it. If you didn't get an enema (which they don't routinely give anymore) and you have eaten in the last 48 hours, it's safe to assume you will poo. It's not a big deal though, because in the scheme of things coming out of your body during and directly after labor that is by far one of the *least* gross things.

*Speaking of things coming out while you're in labor, there is a pretty strong possibility that you will vomit too. Having things coming out of both ends at the same time is dreadful, but it's all apart of the miracle of childbirth.

*Even though you have poo and vomit spontaneously popping out, your pee probably won't. It is a fairly routine thing now days for hospitals to insist that you use a catheter during labor (not during pushing) and afterwards, especially if you get an epidural. That means they have to stick a tube up into your bladder and then "help you" pee. This, surprisingly, is actually *BETTER* than if they try to get you to use a bed pan, because if you try to use a bed pan you will miss and (really) regret it.

*When your baby is born (more likely than not) their head will look like a bruised football. That's just from pushing and is totally normal. There are babies whose heads come out round and adorable looking, but those are few and far between. It's okay though-chances are you were planning to have them wear a hat home anyway.

*After you're done having the baby you still have to push-because you now have to "birth" the placenta. It is super fun (really, really not). The main thing here is *DON'T LOOK!!!!* The placenta is extremely nasty looking in and of itself, but after they get it out they actually have to examine it and a part of that is cutting it open and....well let's just say that if you didn't barf while you were in labor you probably will at that moment.

*Beware of "afterbirth". They call it afterbirth, but that's just the nice name for "HOLY CRAP IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE SLAUGHTERED A PIG IN MY UNDERWEAR". Be prepared for your bathroom to look like the scene of a grizzly murder-because not only are you bleeding but you will probably be so sore and non-bendy that your aim is less than beautiful. And taking a bath for the first time after labor may look like the scene in scary movies where they take the girl's kidney out and leave her in the bloody water....that's normal, even if it is creepy, and you can always just take a shower. They will give you ginormous elephant pads (that are like bricks) to wear when you're not in the bath.....however, unless you have underwear that doubles as a circus tent, you probably don't have underwear big enough to hold this they will give you a meshy thing that looks like a hair net and tell you that it's underwear. Go with's the only way to keep the pad on.

*All stitches itch. ALL STITCHES. EVERYWHERE. If you are the lucky recipient of an episiotomy or a rip/tear, you will find yourself running to the bathroom not just to pee but also for the privacy to itch yourself without people thinking that you've got the crotch rot. It's a double edged sword though, because you can *try* to make yourself less itchy, but touching anywhere below your belly button will probably produce firey pain. USE THE EPPI BOTTLE! They'll give you a little thing that looks like a catchup bottle that you can fill with warm water specifically for you to use as a....uh...."refreshener". This will also help with the itching.

These are just the things I could think of quick off the top of my head. See? You probably didn't *really* want to know all that....that's why no one tells you. Childbirth is a grizzly experience not for the faint of heart, but the end result (your baby) is so gorgeous and wonderful that it really makes the rest of the stuff seem like no big deal.

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Any good natural ways to get pregnant with twins?

how to get pregnant with twins the natural way on How to Get Pregnant With Twins The Natural Way? | Twins Foundation ...
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did you try any method to get pregnant with twins? i know there is not much to do but at least we could try it...
please don't mention IVF
any thing to do to produce 2 eggs in 1 cycle?

I don't think that there are any natural methods to produce twins. Of course there's always fertility pills, but this only causes fraternal twins and not identical.

What is the probability of having a natural delivery?


I am pregnant with twins and I would really love to have a natural birth. How probable is this?

I think it depends on your pain tolerance and how long it takes your body to get ready. Women have done it for along time so it is def possible. I was all for the epideral lol, but then I read that I may have complications breast feeding after the Epi. May have to try natural myself now too;)

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to become pregnant when your significant other may be infertile?

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My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year now and we're ready for a little one. He has been told in the past that there's a chance he may be infertile. Due to some work issues he doesn't right now have medial insurance so we can't find out for sure. We have sex almost every other day if not every day. I'm currently taking prenatal vitamins because I read it's good to start taking before, during and after so I thought it may have helped, which so far it hasn't. For the past 2 months I've had 3 regular periods and this last one which occurred on Christmas Day was different. It was a couple spots with a brownish tink and only last for like 2 minutes. When we have sex we make sure it's in a position where when he comes gravity keeps the sperm inside. I'm not sure what else to try or anything. So any tips or dice anything please help. Thank you!

Actually having sex that much may be lowerin his sperm count so wait a couple days. Next make sure he is wearing loose cotton underwear like boxers to help keep up sperm count. And I have heard this as a tried and true, stop thinking of wanting to be pregnant and trying so hard. You will become pregnant when the time is right (maybe after you guys get married may cause a baby) and stressing about it causes a higher chance of no conception. Just have fun with it and spice it up do something different and maybe crazy! Don't be trying so hard just to get pregnant, do it for fun an not for an actual reason. Good luck!

Can a girl get pregnant from sperm in a bathtub?


Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant from sperm in a bathtub after it's been sitting for 24 hours and the waters been changed?

Are you serious? no, it's absolutely impossible, even if it was the same water a few minutes afterwards they would be dead.

EDIT: Sperm CAN live for a few days, kept inside the womb, at blood temperature and a suitable nourishing environment, not in dirty bath tub water at god knows what temperature probably containing soap, what nonsense, read my source!

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Do most women get pregnant by accident?

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Chut!Je me

Most of them did not purposely did sex to get pregnant?They did not plan to have baby.
Most women get pregnant, at age 30?

My first 3 pregnancies were 100% planned

My 4th was not planned and resulted in babies number 4/5 - twin girls

I think most women do plan out their pregnancies but birth control can fail, condoms can break resulting in an unplanned pregnancy

Would something be wrong with the baby if I were pregnant at this height & weight?

whoaa now.

I weigh 111 pounds, and I'm 5'8". If I were pregnant, would anything go wrong with the baby?

I eat normally, or you could say a lot, but I don't really gain weight. It usually goes up/down about 3 pounds, but recently I've lost 10 pounds (not purposely).

I had the same issue. At 6 weeks with twins I was 5'2 (which obviously did not change lol) and I weighed 83lbs. I have always eaten normally and healthier than most but my BMI was very low. The doctor explained to me that the danger with a low BMI is expressed in a J curve which basically means that if you BMI is too low your risk of illness including heart related aliments is higher at a low BMI closer to normal than it would be for someone over weight. Anywho, the end result was that 1. I was considered a high risk pregnancy which meant that I had to see a OB which specializes in high risk pregnancy (and she was AWESOME and I am glad I got to see her) and 2. I have to gain more weight in the first trimester than most. Which was no problem since I was preggers and I wanted to eat everything in sight lol ;) but I lost the weight very quickly and in a healthy way. now two beautiful baby girls and 10 months later...My body looks better than it has ever looked my BMI is much closer to healthy than it was before and I love my perfectly healthy usually happy ;) babies

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How long does it take for baby red eared sliders to grow?

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I have a baby RES that's only an inch and i bought it illegally in China Town Chicago for 8 dollars. Im pretty damn sure that it was captured from a local pond or lake. now how long will it take to grow to 4 or 5 inches? and Is it ok to use fish flakes as a temporary food till I get the turtle flake it wont it the baby aquatic food I bought

Depending on the diet it has and the size of the tank it is in, your slider will most likely reach that size in the next 3-4 years. Fish Flakes will NOT work because it is a very inadequate source of protein for the slider, and everything it misses (Which will be a lot) will just pollute the water. You can try Floating Turtle Pellets but I have never used them so I don't exactly know how well the slider would accept them.

Feeder Guppies and eventually Feeder Minnows would be the best possible live food for it, coupled with an introduction of some greens like Lettuce or Zucchini. You can also feed it bits of UNcooked shrimp or other shellfish.

Remember to keep its water clean and make sure it has plenty of access to dry land to avoid food infections.

Can I have some food or recipe suggestions for my 10 month old?


I make my son's food and I feel he is probably getting bored of the same foods I keep repeating. He has apples with oatmeal, peaches with yoghurt, and then for dinner either pasta or rice with broccoli, peas, carrots, or asparagus. He is allergic to bananas and avocado. Does anyone know some cool alternatives to mix it up? The only two meats he has had are chicken and hamburger.

These are the foods that I feed my 8 1/2 month old son:

Honeydew Melon

Butternut Squash
Sweet Potato


I make all of my son's food too... here is a great website, that has a list of all the safe foods (it also gives great information on their nutritional value... as well as the allergy family they are related to) and it has really good recipes for every fruit and veggie on their list... several recipes as a matter of fact.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moms of twins: When did you start gaining weight during your pregnancy?

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Q. and how much did you gain during the entire pregnancy? I am almost 12 weeks pregnant with twins and have lost two pounds. I guess because I don't feel very hungry and I feel full very quickly. Just wondering about what time I will start to put on weight? Thanks!

During the first trimester, you should gain about 2-5 pounds. I'm 13 weeks with just one, and have gained 2 pounds. After the 13th week, you should gain a pound a week, more for twins. You should eat lots of small meals throughout the day. Protein shakes could help as well. It is important for you to be gaining weight. You definitely should not be losing weight!

What are some things to expect with twins?

Q. I'm going to be a first time mom and I recently found out I'm pregnant with twins. Any tips / pointers will be greatly appreciated.

it;ll be a lot of work. if you have them in the same feeding schedule, you may find short breaks during the day. if you dont, youll find that you;re always feeding someone.

there will be a lot crying and you have to get used to it. sometimes they will cry one at a time and when you're succesful at making that baby cry, the other one starts to cry. and sometimes you have crying in stereo,

youll have to thing :"assembly line"... one or the other always has to wait his/her turn.

in order to survive when they both want to be picked up at the same time, you;ll get creative to fullfil both their needs..and you will learn quickly

one will always wake up the other... but if they are in the same schedule, you;ll find that this is sometimes agood thing.

twins play with each as they grow up, you can leave them occupied on the floor so that you can grab something to eat!

they are a lot fun... parents love to stare at their babies, but with twins, it's a lot more fun to watch them interract with each other

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What is the pill that doctors give to help the baby attach in ur uterus?

how to get pregnant with twins with ivf on Twins, They are Amazing | Healthmad
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I had never heard of something like that. My friend told me that her doctor was giving her some pills so that the baby could "have a better position in her belly". She was pregnant with twins through IVF treatment but lost one of the twins. She later accused the doctor for the miscarriage because of the pills he had been putting her on. Are those pills special one following IVF treatment because I am totally unaware of those pills. Many thanks.

Estrace and progesterone are used to build and thicken the lining. Progesterone is not a pill but comes in the form of patches, suppositories, and injections. Medrol is a steroid that is anti-inflammatory to assist pre-embryo implantation but not all clinics believe it helps. The is probably the pill she mentioned. These are just medications used to try and help with implantation but there really is no pill that guarantees implantation. If there were, there wouldnât be so many failed IVF cycles. Some clinics are using something called âembryo glueâ that helps the embryos stick but it is not known to increase odds to conceive. These medications are used by clinics all over the world and are safe. Your friendâs miscarriage was not caused by the pills. Most likely she miscarried because her baby was chromosomally abnormal. Plus, why would she only miscarry one if it were the pills? If these pills caused miscarriages clinics would not use them.

Is it safe to keep on taking progestrone shots throughout the whole pregnancy?Any adverse effect on baby?


I am 23 weeks pregnant with twins. It's an IVF pregnancy and have been expriencing constant spotting for the past 10 days. I am put on progesntrone shots daily and have been for the past 23 weeks. The doctor wants me to continue on that till end of pregnancy.. I hear that exxessive progestrone has got negative effects on the fetus,, it this true?

I read around alot, and some women actually have to be on it during the whole pregnancy, or can actually lose the babies. No matter how far along they are.. One of our clients at my job also had IVF, and progesterone during her pregnancy. Her twins are now 6 months, and adorable. Doctors know more than any of us. Plus.. if this was putting your babies at risk, and they never informend you, this is the biggest lawsuit ever. So.. the doctor would of told you about it a long time ago. GOOD LUCK :)

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Things to know before you get pregnant?

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sandra m

My long-term boyfriend and I are planning on getting pregnant next year. I will be 29 years old. I've had 2 previous missed miscarriages. The dr did testing on the last baby, it was a boy and he was genetically healthy. I plan on talking to the dr probably in the next few months. Im trying to find tips on things to do before getting pregnant. Anyone have any tips?

In response to onlyme21, yes, taking prenatal vitamins can help, although one of the main reasons for taking them is that the child is sucking all the vitamins and nutrients out of your body, so in order to make sure the child gets all the good things they need, you have to make sure you keep up with yourself. If you're low on iron, the baby won't get enough, so he or she will pull what they need from you leaving you depleted and more than likely, sick.

Things to do before getting pregnant, if you're talking about trying to make sure you don't miscarry, research spices, and foods to stay away from, keep a very close eye on your medicine intake(what you're taking, how much you're taking, etc.), have your doctor check how your vitamin levels are doing and make sure you're getting enough of anything you may be low on, things like that, in general, make sure you are healthy before even considering trying.

As for general things to do, I didn't do this personally, but I know several women who did, start to change your diet before you get pregnant. When you're pregnant, you have to watch what you eat (not too much processed meats, very little tuna, etc. There's a long list of things.) and it's much easier to adjust if you cut all of that out of your diet, or at least cut down on it, before you get pregnant. Don't smoke(duh). Don't drink excessively. A glass of wine on occasion won't hurt anything, but do not overdo it.

All of that being said, I wish you good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an e-mail at

Have a great day,

P.S. If you're wondering, yes I have been pregnant, my son is a year and a half old and I am seven months pregnant with a little girl.

Is there a way to increase the chances of getting pregnant with twin boys?


Me and my husband have a two year old daughter, and we'd really like twin boys. We're still deciding if this is the right time to get pregnant or not; but if we do is there anything we can do? I don't mean any of that crazy medical crap, just any odd little tips or ticks? We'll obviously love the baby or babies no matter what they would be but, we figure whats the harm in trying to increase the chances of twin boys.

Yams, a type of sweet potato, have been linked with multiple births. A tribe in Africa whose diet consists mostly of yams was recently found to have exceptionally high rates of twins and multiple births. Yams are thought to contain chemicals that stimulate hyperovulation, increasing your chances of conceiving twins.

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How long did it take to get pregnant using clomid?

get pregnant pcos on How To Get Pregnant With Pcos :: Tips How To Get Pregnant With Pcos
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I am taking clomid to help me get pregnant due to PCOS. I was just wanting some feedback from anyone else who has taken it. How many rounds did you have to do? And what were your side effects? I have had the most painful constipation as a side effect, has anyone else experienced that?

I don't have PCOS-I have unexplained secondary infertility. I took Clomid for 4 months, but during month four it quit working for me. Doc said some women become "immune" to it. I switched to Femara and got pregnant cycle 1.

I also know someone who got pregnant first cycle on Clomid, with PCOS, and she got twins.

Soooo....everyone is different, I guess.

Good luck-baby dust!

How long after stopping birth control does it take for a woman to get pregnant?


I've decided to stop birth control but am wondering how long it will be before I'll be able to get pregnant. I have PCOS so I already know it's going to be tough. Any tips would be welcome!

seconds! my 3rd baby was conceived just 2 days after stopping. I was so worried because you should wait for the body to clear of toxins. but he ended up fine, beautiful and perfect. you can even get pregnant ON the pill if you ar taking antibiotics at the same time. one cancels out the other.

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How do you become a vampire, an alien, a zombie, and a werewolf in The Sims 2?

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I have The Sims 2, and I want to know how to make a vampire, a zombie, an alien, and a werewolf so I can can make my town more unique. Please answer if you know how to make any of these creatures. Thanks!

To become a vampire you need the nightlife expansion pack. Once you start the game, wait until it is night time and get a ride down to a community lot. And look for gray colored, oddly dressed Sims with fangs. Befriend them and build a high relationship with them. Sooner or later, he or she will bite you. After a brief transformation, you are officially a vampire.

To become a zombie you need the university expansion pack. You have to have a dead Sim on the lot. An alive Sim on the same lot has to work in the Paranormal job career track. Once they reach the top of their career (I think that's right.), they will get a career reward called the Resurrect-O-Nomitron. You will be given a choice of how much you will pay to bring the dead Sim back. Children can only come back perfectly or not at all, not as zombies.
~ 1 - 987: Resurrection fails, all money is lost.
~ 988 - 4127: Sim return as a Zombie, with needs not met and upset with the Sim who resurrected them to a Zombie. They will haunt the Sim who brought them back. Most of the skills they previously had, are lost, along with their personality. They are given a standard Zombie personality.
~ 4128 - 8512: Sims return with reverse personalities (EX: Sims who were active when alive, will be lazy when a zombie.) and lost skill points.
~ 8513 - 10000: Sim returns exactly as they left, with their personality and skill points intact.

To become an alien, all you need is the base game. Have a male sim be abducted by aliens by using the telescope at night, a lot. When he comes back, if he throws up then he is pregnant with an alien baby. Eventually the baby will be born as an alien and grow up. If you already know a full grown alien, you can have a sim woohoo with them and the baby could also be alien.

To become a werewolf, you need the seasons expansion pack. Put your sim on a lot with plenty of trees and if possible, toddlers and children too. A dark brown dog with yellow eyes will come at night. Interact with the dog and befriend it. Once you are good enough friends, the dog will "nibble" your sim. Now every night, that sim will turn into a werewolf.

You can also create a servo (robot) if you have the open for business expansion pack, it acts somewhat like a sim. Buy the robot making station in electronic...miscellaneous. Use it until you get the gold robotics badge. You can now build a servo which costs $3000 and takes about 8 hours to build.

You can also have plantsims if you have the seasons expansion pack. Create a large garden with fruit trees and do not build a greenhouse or place lady bugs. The garden will start to get covered in bugs. After you have sprayed bugs 50 times, your sim will turn into a plantsim.

Finally, if you have the apartment life expansion pack, you can become a witch/ warlock. Become friends with the head witch, they will look either really good or really evil. Once you have befriended them to at least 50 points, there should be an option to Ask... then select Show me the path... Then you can use spells and be a witch.

Hopefully that was what you were looking for and more. Have fun!

Do you know a great horror film that will make me poop my pants?

Amber T

I am looking for a fantastic horror or thriller film that will make me afraid to sleep tonight. Nothing stupid and super low budget but something really good. Any ideas?

I would say the scariest movies I've ever seen are:
1) The Shining (1980)
2) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
3) The Exorcist (1973)
4) Rosemary's Baby (1968)
5) Night of the Living Dead (1968)

There's something about a lot of late 60's & 70's horror movies that I find genuinely scary. The scariest films I've seen in the last couple of years is A Tale of Two Sisters.

Not all of these are scary, but here's my top 100 horror movies list:

my top 5
1) The Shining (the 1980 original)
2) Rosemary's Baby
3) The Haunting (the 1963 original)
4) Psycho (the 1960 original)
5) Night Of The Living Dead (the 1968 original)

the rest in alphabetical order:
Afraid Of The Dark
American Psycho
An American Werewolf In London
Amityville Horror (the 1979 original)
Antichrist (2009)
The Bird With The Crystal Plumage
The Black Cat (1934)
Blair Witch Project
The Brood
Burn Witch Burn aka Night Of The Eagle
Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari
Carnival Of Souls
The Changeling (not to be confused with Changeling, two totally different movies)
The Cremator
Dawn Of The Dead (the 1978 original)
Dead Snow
Devil's Backbone
Diabolique (the 1955 original)
Die, Monster, Die!
Don't Look Now
Dr. Phibes Rises Again
Drag Me To Hell
Event Horizon
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
The Exorcist
Eyes Without A Face
The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1960 version)
Fear(s) Of The Dark
The Fly (the David Cronenberg remake)
From Hell
Ganja & Hess
Hour Of The Wolf
House Of The Devil
House On Haunted Hill (the 1959 original)
The Howling
The Hunger (not to be confused with Hunger, two totally different movies)
In The Mouth Of Madness
The Innocents
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956)
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)
Kill, Baby...Kill!
Last Man On Earth
Legend Of Hell House
Let The Right One In
The Mummy (1932)
Nosferatu (FW Murnau's original)
Nosferatu (Werner Herzog remake)
The Old Dark House
The Omen (the 1976 original)
The Others
The Orphanage
Peeping Tom
Phantom Of The Opera (1925 silent version)
Planet Terror
Possession (1981, not to be confused with the Gwenyth Paltrow movie of the same name)
Profondo Rosso
The Ring (the US remake, although the Japanese original is great too)
Scream Blacula Scream
Scream Of Fear
The Sentinel (1977)
Session 9
Shadow Of The Vampire
Silence Of The Lambs
Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton version)
Spider Baby or The Maddest Story Ever Told
The Strangers
A Tale Of Two Sisters
The Tenant (1976)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the 1974 original)
The Thing (John Carpenter's remake, although the original The Thing From Another World is great too)
Wicker Man (the 1973 original)

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Tips for keeping up with milk supply when someone has PCOS?

how to get pregnant with twins pcos on Twin Delivery Day - 38 weeks, 1 day pregnant
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Q. I'm a recently widowed/single mom, and I need some help. My son is 9 years old, and I'm 14 weeks pregnant with twins. My son was born 6 weeks early, and my milk didn't come in until he was 10 days old. Try as I might I was never able to get him to latch on. So I pumped, and gave him bottle. A weeks into pumping, my milk supply completely disappeared, due to PCOS. I took all kinds of supplements, and my milk never came back. I felt like a failure. I really want to breast feed these babies, and I don't to feel like a failure again. I would greatly appeciate any help that I can get. Thanks.

If they latch on it should be smooth sailing. For the first 6 weeks don't pump or anything, just feed on demand and on-cue. Round-the-clock if need be. Especially for the first week or so so you know your milk comes in properly. Don't use any bottles, just let them be feeding. If they're hungry they'll suck properly and trigger your body to make more milk. For growth spurts, they'll probably demand more feeds than usual, and you could be back to round-the-clock feeds for a while, but it should only be for a little while, then your body will start making enough milk for them. Feed often, the more often the better. It's having your breasts emptied of milk that triggers you to make more as well as the suckling. Having them as twins could be a bonus with tandem feeding, so they feed from both breasts at once. That's known to increase your supply. After about 6 weeks, you could pump after they've finished feeding just to check they are emptied, or if they've been not really suckling before they ended the feed they might not completely empty you, and it's just an extra way of getting a good suckle. Trust in your body. You're made for this. has a lot of help.

What are the chances of me getting pregnant with my medical conditions?


I have polycystic ovary syndrome, protein s deficiency and Iâm also RH negative. I have not gone to the doctor yet, just wondering what my chances are of getting pregnant and staying pregnant and delivering a healthy baby. I'm not planning on it right now, but just wondering and preparing for the future.

Well, I have PCOS and I was put on Metformin to help with that and I now have twins. My mother was RH negative and I think that they had to give her a shot of something to make her body compatible to carry babies, she had 3 with no problem. I don't know much about protein s deficiency so I can't help you there, but I don't see why you cannot have children. Good luck in the future!

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why do guys consider giving birth to a baby as porn?

baby making goat sounds on There it is on the right. THIS IS WHY HURRICANES ARE ALWAYS TRYING TO ...
baby making goat sounds image


my friends say it makes them horny when they watch woman give birth to a baby. i know it considers showing their vagina and stuff but i mean its not a turn on. watching the damn baby come out all bloody and slimy.. sorry for the disturbance.

Just sounds like a bit of immaturity. Or they are just trying to get your goat, sounds like they got it.

why did my goat give birth to 3 dead babies?

Kayli Cham

I don't understand what could of happened to them but they were all 3 huge babies and they had big teeth also. The first baby was deformed looking and was born with is head against his shoulder and came out neck first. This was the does first time to kid. But also before we got her the lady that owned her before had to aboard her last kids because she got breed by a boer billy. Does anyone know what could have happened?

Have you done any research on fescue toxicity in goats?
It is a real problem with many animals who eat fescue.
It is a fungus, an endophite that grows on the fescue that causes the problems.
Pregnant females will go past their due date, causing the babies to be much too large for safe birthing.
I feel that this may be your problem. You need to make sure you are not feeding fescue hay or fescue pasture to pregnant does.
Here is a link with more info.

I just noticed that this is posted under pregnancy and parenting. If this answer does not sound like the right one, you may get more answers in "Pets:

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Has anyone here had success using an Instead Cup to get pregnant?

get pregnant using turkey baster on WILDsound Feedback Film Festival - February 2007 Event
get pregnant using turkey baster image


Or using the 'turkey baster' method? I'd like to hear some stories! I am going to start trying with the Instead Cups and would like to hear some good news :)
They are mentrual cups yes, but alot of women are using them to get pregnant. Its a bit gross, but beats the alternative of not getting pregnant :)
And this isn't a 'we tried and failed' case. I already have a six year old daughter. Its more a personal issue, if you catch my drift :) So we are definitely trying!

I heard they do work I tried using them and couldn't seem to get them in right. But I heard a lot of stories of them working. Its worth a try!! Good luck.

Who plays Eggs in The Game episode called Turkey Basting B*tches?


Where Mel finds out Derwin's new girl (she looks like a model with short curly hair) is planning to use a turkey baster to get herself pregnant LOL

Nicole Pulliam

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What are some good tips on getting pregnant?

tips on getting pregnant for women on Pregnant pets and pregnant women have same needs | TopNews
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Keyah's Cr

We (my husband and myself) are hoping to concieve.. What are some of your tips on getting pregnant?

If you or your husband smoke, you need to quit. Smoking can significantly reduce fertility for both men and women, and it can also lower conception rates for couples. Smoking can reduce sperm counts, as well as affect the quality of sperm in men. As for women, it can make conception harder. However, there is still hope for smokers. Research has shown that men, who gave up smoking, experienced an increase in sperm count of up to 800%.

It may be the best time to modify your lifestyle in such a way, that you can reduce stress. Stressors will always be part of our lives, and although the links between stress and fertility are not yet clear, more and more doctors believe it exists. There are studies that have shown that women were able to conceive, after they had therapies aimed at reducing stress.

There is also a need to examine your diet. Research has shown that a lack of nutrients is common, among individuals who are having fertility problems. In particular, the study found out that couples having fertility problems had a lower intake of foods, which are rich in antioxidants. It may also help if you take vitamin supplements. A daily dose of 100 mg of Vitamin C can increase sperm counts up to 140%. Likewise, Vitamin E and selenium have been found to improve sperm motility.

It may help if you consult your doctor regarding certain nutrients and plants, which have been found to boost fertility for both men and women. Discuss with your doctor which supplements you can use to aid conception. There are already supplements that contain a combination of essential nutrients and even herbs, which can increase conception.

Obesity may also hamper a coupleâs desire to conceive. Thus, efforts at weight reducing are recommended. For some women, even reducing their daily caloric intake may improve fertility. Even as little as 5% of weight loss for women with polycystic ovarian disease, may encourage ovulation and pregnancy. Women with this condition donât usually ovulate, and they may have excessive male hormones, as well as insulin resistance.

What are some tips on helping to get pregnant?

Q. Other than intercourse, what are some tips to help get pregnant?
What dates are best and how do I know?
-Hi Mistress, I am 25 =)
-To the lady who is having a girl named makenna that is interesting I have a friend whose daughter named her girl the same but spelled McKenna.
-Thanks for the answers everyone =)

Well you figured out the most important part already (:

Some other tips are:

- Know your most fertile days. You can work this out with free ovulation calculators online. Try this one:
- Missionary position. Although there aren't any definitive studies to support this, lots of couples do find this position works best.
- Quit smoking, drinking and drugs. These all can greatly diminish your fertility and chances of getting pregnant.
- Become a healthy weight. Women that are overweight or underweight will both experience difficulties when trying to get pregnant, and more importantly, when you do become pregnant, the baby will be more healthy for it.
- Make the best of your man. Well you don't want all his best swimmers flushing down the toilet, do you? No masturbation mister! Also, make sure to save his sperm for when you're most fertile, otherwise his sperm count will be drastically reduced. Make absolutely sure that he's preserving his sperm for the times when your fertility is at its peak. And when you do have sex, be sexy! The more aroused he is, the more sperm he'll ejaculate, which will obviously increase your chances of conception.

All these tips should definitely go a long way towards helping you and your partner to conceive.

Also, have you decided what you'd like the sex to be? Little known fact: male sperm are weaker but swim faster, whereas female sperm are stronger but swim slower. How can we use this? Well, if you get him to ejaculate deep inside of you then you're more likely to have a boy, whereas if the tip of his penis head is barely in when he ejaculates then you're more likely to have a girl. This has been proven scientifically.

Hopefully I've helped. Good luck with getting pregnant - and raising it, because trust me, that's the hardest part! ^_^

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