Saturday, March 29, 2014

i want a 2 inch hamster what do i do to convince my parents to get it?


1.what gender male or female
2. what s a good name for a boy and a girl
3.what color of cage
4. what kind of food
5.and what toys
6.small or large ball
7.and how long do they live
8. how big of a cage

what kind of "2 inch hamster" do you mean? if you mean a dwarf hamster, then there are several different kinds of dwarfs, these pages can describe the differences about them:

to convince your parents of getting a hamster, try these tips:
-DON'T BEG! parents hate it with a passion, and honestly, it gets you nowhere, you need to prove your responsibility to them
-don't fight with your parents, if you tend to get into fights a lot, learn to pick your fights, and try not to fight at all
-offer to do more help or chores, don't make it obvious that you are doing it just for the hamster, but just be helpful if needed
-get better grades, if you grades aren't exactly what your parents hope, then try to do better in that class, make a deal with them if u do better in a certain class, then you can get a hamster
-do you research and create a presentation! they like to see that you know what you are doing, and that they don't need to take care of it because you will "get bored" with it
-it can be costly, create a table with prices about the hamster, food, bedding, etc, and present it to your parents, also offer to pay for some of it so they are not hung up on the fact its expensive, or ask if you can work off the money
-be more mature around the house, do things when asked, do all your homework before its late, clean up after yourself, etc

1. i would say to get a male hamster, males tend to be friendlier, plus i don't like females for a few reasons:
1)they can be pregnant when bought because of gender confusion
2)they go into heat every 4 days, and sometimes this can make them smell REALLY awful
3)they can be more temperamental than male hamsters, and sometimes can lead to biting more often
but you should always go based on their behavior in the store, if a male is biting and a female isn't, then obviously take the female, itâs more about their personality

2. there are just too many names to list! these sites are good for hamster names:
my favorites names are amber, bella, bandit, bubbles, cheerios, chomper, cuddles, domino, fang, giggles, nibble, pancake, squeakers, taco, trogdor, zeke, boo, and anxious

3. the color of the cage is of no importance, hamsters wouldn't notice the difference anyway, it is the type and quality of the cage that really matters, hereâs a link to an answer that describes it:;_ylt=AipfB9HjDnF26tNmbXA1qXrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071116202916AA8NyxQ

4. hamsters need a diet of pellets and seeds, because seeds are just like candy to hamsters, and they can get very fat very quickly with just seeds, i personally like kaytee and vitakraft, people say they have had problems with kaytee, but i never had, still, i like vitakraft foods the most, their treats are good too

5. hamsters don't need a ton of toys, but if you would like to get your hamster an array of toys besides the hamster wheel (which should always be available in its cage):
-toilet paper tubes, they love to chew them, use them as nests, or run through them! don't use paper towel tubes because the glue that holds them together can sometimes be harmful
-a hamster ball, most hamster just love running about in these once they get the hang of it, some can go really fast! plus it provides a safe barrier if you have other pets in your house
-a play pen, you can either buy one or make one, to make one, just use books, boxes, or anything you like to cut off a certain area in your room for a hamster to roam about in, put other toys in the playpen for fun! plus itâs a great way to interact with your hammy, a playpen from that can be purchased looks like this:
-hide away, my one hamster loved her hide-aways, dwarfs likes them more than syrians, she would run about them, climb on them, and of course sleep in them, they are a toy for the hamster to just jump about on and stay active

6. you can't go by "small" or "large" there are actual diameters on the ball that you should go by, but honestly, there are pictures on the box that say for syrians or dwarfs, if you are looking for a 2" hamster, then get the smallest size possible, it you get a large ball thatâs made for syrians, they can have a problem trying to push the ball, and may just sit there because they can't move it

7. different dwarfs live for different ages, on the chart i gave a link to above, it lists them, but ill list them here too:
campbells- 1.5-2 years
winter whites- 1.5-2 years
russian- 3-3.5 years
chinese-2-3 years

8. as also states above, the bigger, the better, most dwarfs are very active, and they love to run around in their wheel and around the cage, the only thing that needs to watched out for is if you get a wire cage, the wire spacing on a dwarf cage MUST be smaller than 0.5 of an inch, if any bigger, the hamster can get through the bars and escape

email me if you have more questions

*Help*Ectopic Pregnancy & lost of left tube ?


My husband and I are trying to get pregnant... It's been 4 years since we had an Ectopic pregnancy, where I was 13wks and the baby was in my tube. Emergency Surgery was the only way because the baby had popped my tube. My husband and I are scared because obviously we don't want to go through that again. My question is for the last year we have tried again with no luck. Plus I'm getting pressure pain from the lower right hand side of my pubic area (which hurts worse while emptying my bladder) any ideas any advice

Oh man! I am so sorry. My mother had an ectopic and said it was the worst pain! I can't imagine at 13 weeks. What a blessing to be alive!

Okay so I definitely understand your reservations and concerns. I remember how absolutely terrified i was when I got pregnant after an early loss. Thankfully at 17 weeks I was able to give it to God and start to enjoy my pregnancy. The cramping and excess watery discharge had me very worried though. I had it tested to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid.

So, I'm not sure what the pressure is that you're feeling. Have you been checked to see if there are any cycts or polyps? Thats what came to my mind. Since you are having pain when you pee I'd definitely get checked for a UTI or bladder infection. Just rule out a couple things. They can do a trans-vaginal to check for cysts and of course a urine test for a UTI check.

It can be a lot of stress TTC and I have friends that tried for 4 yrs. Then they adopted a boy and started TTC again. Within the first month my friend was pregnant! I had been TTC myself and doing a lot of research and charting. Ok, SO I was a bit obsessed. It was my second and not that easy.
I checked into pre-seed lube and suggested she use it. I don't know what worked she also ordered some fertili tea for her husband. But something worked! She called me first cause she couldn't believe she was actually pregnant! :)

These are the tips I gave her and used myself:

1. Take your vitamins you and your hubby. Prenatals can be taken (you) prior to conception. You need to have the 400 mcg of folic acid every day anyway and definitely when TTC as it helps prevent spinal issues in bubs. Sometimes vitamins aid in conception as you are getting what you need to be healthy.
2. Refrain or reduce alcohol and caffeine (both) studies show that both can reduce fertility.
3. Have hubby wear boxer or boxer briefs. Keep the boys at the right temp. Also he needs to stay out of hot tubs and hot showers/ baths.
4. Make love every day or every other day. You can do the baby dance every couple days if he is suspect of a lower sperm count. Only once a day though. So they have a chance to replenish.
5. You can lay with your bottom raised for at least 20 min after to encourage the swimmers lol. I really don't know if this helps but I did it. It seemed like not as much came back out.
6. Don't use any lube when making love. Most lubricants arent sperm friendly. But, the pre-seed is designed to mimic our own fertile EWCM. The doc told me this. Our own arrousal fluid is sufficient but if you feel dry get a sperm friendly one.
7. Have a serving of whole milk a day. My doc said that women that had 8 0z or cup of whole milk or whole milk yogurt conceived faster than those that didn't! I had some Nancy's Natural yogurt every day with honey and frozen berries. I noticed I was producing a lot more CM.
8. Most of all enjoy yourselves! TTC can get crazy and guys don;t do well under pressure. I'm sure you know, it can also sap the romance out of your marriage. Really go on dates and keep or get the romance back. Stress can reduce fertility. Stay encouraged and laugh. Laughter has been proven to reduce stress:)

Best of luck and blessings :) Maybe that pain is ovulation? Just check what you can. Control those things you can and enjoy your husband:)
By the way, my mother had that tube removed when she had her ectopic just like you. SHe went on to have several more babies :) This last time she even had her tube tied and 6 yrs later was pregnant lol. Surprise!

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Tips on how to get pregnant after pill?


I was taking the Levora birth control pill. its on e of those pills that you only have to take your sugar pills every 3 months.

I had only taken 1 full month and almost 2 weeks of the 2nd month and i decided to stop taking it because my fiancee and I want to concieve.

can anyone who KNOWS for sure give me some tips?? here are a few questions I would like answers to :

1. ive been off the pill for almost 2 weeks, can I even get pregnant right now?
2. if not, when will i start to ovulate
3. when will my next period come since i messed up my shedule?

Thank you all for the asnwers:)

I know FOR SURE that there aren't any hard-and-fast answers to any of those questions. This is not an exact science.

1. Theoretically you can get pregnant right now. It's possible to get pregnant after missing two pills, so it's certainly possible to get pregnant after missing 14.

2. No way to know when your first post-pill ovulation will occur. It might have already happened, or it may be yet to come.

3. No way to tell. I would have thought you'd have had a withdrawal bleed within a few days of stopping the pill.

Tips to get pregnant?


My boyfriend & I just last month decided to start a family. We are now trying to get pregnant. What are some helpful tips and tricks for conceiving? Also, when's the most accurate time to take a pregnancy test?

track ovulation. thats key your only fertile for about two days out of the entire month.
ovulation typically occurs 14 days after the first day of your period.
have sex alot 2 days before ovulation during ovulation and even a couple days after that way if you ovulate early or late you will still get pregnant. they say to cut out smoking for him to start wearing boxers to take pre-natal pills 3 months before TTC. Getting pregnant could take a while. you have about a 20% chance each cycle while most couples concieve in a year. ALTHOUGH i got pregnant with my son in two months my daughter in two months and im 10 weeks pregnant and got pregnant the first month of trying to concieve. good luck. oh and you can take first response pregnancy test 6 days before your expected period. and EPT 5 days before your missed period! but to be really sure take it the day you missed your period. i just couldnt wait so i always tested early.

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Baby makes weird breathing this normal...?


I have a doctor appointment with my ped. tomorrow but was just wondering about this weird breathing sound my son is making... I know that it is not normal because my family members are used to being around babies a lot and they have never heard it before and are quite worried...He is 1 month old by the way and has done it ever sence i can remember, he does it on ly a few times a day, not all the time... The times he does it is when he is starting to get frustrated... when he starts flayling around... It is like a high pitched sound like what it sounds like when you are trying to take a deep breath but your airway is blocked... he does it over and over and starts to cry because it agrivates him... The ways you can make it go away is by picking him up and patting him on his back or by giving him his pacifier...(weird but it works by calming him down) It kind of sounds like he is congested pretty bad if you were to just hear him, but this isnt it because he has done it since birth and if you put your hand on his back it isnt congested... He has already been congested once for a few days, but this isnt that. I was wondering if this could also be the reason for him spitting up... It is kind of random, and usually when he is laying on his back... a few times a day it is alot, but other times it is hardly anything... He willb e laying on his back and i will see a stream of spit up come flowing out of his mouth randomly... but only a few times a day... Its hard to describe how much spit up it is but sometimes is about the size of my hand... I wanted to know if this is normal also... Please help, any advice is welcome! thanks, Katie

babies CAN make wheezing weird noises when they are that young that have nothing to do with congestion or breathing problems. my daughter still makes strange noises when breathing and shes 5 months old. it has to do with the muscles and the structures in the airway... they aren't developed enough or strong yet, so when they breath, it rattles a little and makes what sounds like congestion and wheezing. thats not to say that there might not be something wrong with your baby, may be that he's sick too. all i mean is that it also can be perfectly fine. ignore the totally rude answers you may get from people, because for some reason harassment like this is tolerated on this website sometimes, but i'm sure for mentioning other answers i'll get reported. if you are truly concerned then waiting until tomorrow isn't a great idea, but there is most likely nothing to be overly concerned about at this point. babies sometimes spit up, sometimes it seems like a lot but liquid always looks like a lot more than it really is. take a teaspoon of liquid and throw it on the counter and you'll be able to see how much more it looks like. thats also a good way to judge how much you baby spits up. the spitting up and the sounds might not be related at all.

i'm just telling you some things for you to keep in mind. always worry about your baby, err on the side of concern. but what you're saying isn't always a catastrophe and in fact can be completely normal. if your baby isn't feverish, is eating somewhat normal, is pooping and peeing correctly, and isn't otherwise sick or in pain, then chances are, things are okay. at the doctor make sure to severely express your concern, and i'm sure they will take a lot of time to check out everything you are worried about. good luck with your baby

Baby breathing Verry Hard !!!?


i dont know what to do the babys 12 days old and breathes verry hard in her sleep...

i tryed to do that 60 breathes in 1 min it looks like shes breathing more fast then that ???what do i do???
shes fine no symptoms at all..

she was at the drs office a few days a go he listened to her lungs said everythings ok...

just as long as she dont breath more then 60 times a min and i think she is im not sure

When my daughter was first born I remember being absolutely terrified of SIDS and hearing my daughter's erratic breathing as a newborn, to the point where I would gently lay my hand on her chest in the middle of the night to make sure she was breathing (she slept through the night from day1). Newborn babies have erratic breathing, it's just their tiny bodies trying to adjust to being outside of the womb environment. As long as the baby is nice and pink and not blue around the lips and the erratic breathing is only happening during sleep then the baby is probably ok. Just to be on the safe side I would call your pediatrician, they usually have after hours where they will have an on call nurse or doctor who can answer your questions. It may make you feel better to have the reassurance of a nurse or doctor. Also some hospitals will have a 24/7 baby line where new parents can ask questions about their baby or breastfeeding.

Here is a quote from a website I found:
" Babies tend to breathe with an irregular pattern of fairly rapid shallow breaths, followed by several seconds of no visible respiration. This is referred to as periodic breathing. It is normal, and does not signify true apnea. It is caused by an immature breathing regulation center in the newborn's brain. This phenomenon specifically does not involve any color change - the baby stays pink. Touching your baby gently will stimulate him to breathe again, but this is not necessary."

Good luck and congratulations on your new baby!!

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Breastfed baby, help!?


I thought breastfeeding was supposed to be better on a babys tummy, but my 9-day old is breastfed and he spits up ALOT and poops constantly and when he poops he cries and wines and makes terrible faces like it hurts. When he poops, its a huge fart that sounds wet and he farts all the time.. This happen with anyone else??

Hi there honey and Congratulations on having the love and wisdom to be breastfeeding your precious baby! Your decision says some very wonderful things about you!
Breastfed babies do have numerous bowel movements, that is not abnormal.
I am not sure why he seems to be uncomfortable when he has a bowel movement though. You may want to try to help him get into a more comfortable position. Place him up over your shoulder and put your hand under his feet. Sometimes letting him brace his feet against something will do the trick. Some babies just seem to have a bit more trouble than others.
With at least one of my babies he fussed so much and seemed to be having such a difficult time that the doctor suggested inserting an infant glycerine suppository. Just the pressure from the suppository somehow does the trick. One doctor explained it to me by saying that the breastfed babies bowel movement is so soft that it does not put enough pressure on the correct muscles to aid in expelling the bm. That is why the suppository works. I have talked to mothers who used a rectal thermometer and had the same results. You know tho, at 9 days your little guy is brand new to all this stuff! He has only been doing this for such a short time! He may just need a little time to get better at it!
As far as passing gas, it is possible that your baby is gulping a lot. Does he gulp and swallow fast when your milk lets down? Some babies will let go when your milk lets down and others just gulp and guzzle! You might want to try burping him a bit more than you have been. Normally breastfed babies do not really need to be burped at all but maybe that would help your little guy. I would try it. Also, that may be why he is spitting up. Is he just eating in a big hurry? Every baby is different and that could be the problem. Try gently taking the baby off your breast when your milk lets down. Have a soft towel ready to catch the overflow ( or even a cup if you want to save it) and then put your baby back to your breast when the let down has stopped. Also, some babies require very gentle handling when they are nursing. Too vigorous burping can bring up a feeding that would have other wise stayed down. Just be very gentle and don't move the baby suddenly at all. If you feel that the baby actually lost most of his feeding feel free to nurse him again after a little while. Maybe smaller feedings more often would help your problem.
In any case you can rest assured that it is nothing is really wrong. You are giving your baby the very, very best that you could give him. Other than the gift of life itself there is nothing more important that you could be doing for your baby.
If you don't already have it, the book that is published by the La Leche League is a must for every breastfeeding mother! It is "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding". It is such a wonderful book! I recently had to buy another one as I had literally "read mine to pieces!". It is SO well worth the $18 and you will never be sorry you got it. It covers every problem that you could every imagine.
Good luck to you. You are doing a wonderful job. In all the years that I have been involved with breastfeeding mothers I have NEVER known one that was not a wonderful mother! It is just a given. If you love your baby enough to breastfeed him, you are going to be a fantastic mother. Your son is a lucky little guy to have such an intelligent, loving, well informed mother.
Love and Blessings
Lady Trinity~ BTW, I do want to just mention that an occasional baby that spits up frequently will be suspected of having gastroesophageal reflux (GER). I doubt that is what your baby has and even if it is you will want to continue with breastfeeding, just smaller more frequent meals. You can do some research about that (make sure you do your research on a website that is pro-breastfeeding other wise the info will not be applicable). I only mention it because I felt that I would not be covering all the possibilities if I did not. You might want to mention it to your pediatrician also. At 9 days old I don't think it is a real concern.

Does this sound normal for 22 weeks?

Bryson's M

Last night I woke up every hour with terrible lower back pain and lower abdomen pain. I don't have any discharge or bleeding or anything and I can feel my baby boy kicking, is he just moving around a lot. The pain was so bad I couldn't go back to sleep! I'm only about 6 months I didn't think i'd feel this at 6 months. I'm fine during the day it's only when I sleep.

When you sleep you maybe laying wrong and making baby uncomfortable, that's their way of letting you know. It may also be that baby has nights and days mixed up.

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Does anyone know any cute and funny jokes???if so please share.Id really appreciated it thank you!!!
Please none that are dirty or vulgar please.

ok i havent read these in a while i just rememberd i had them so im not sure if they are nasty or not but here u go ;)

Blond Jokes

Horrific Accident
A blonde had just totaled her car in a horrific accident. Miraculously, she managed to pry herself from the wreckage without a scratch and was applying fresh lipstick when the state trooper arrived.
"My God!" the trooper gasped. "Your car looks like an accordion that was stomped on by an elephant. Are you OK ma'am?"
"Yes, officer, I'm just fine" the blonde chirped.
"Well, how in the world did this happen?" the officer asked as he surveyed the wrecked car.
"Officer, it was the strangest thing!" the blonde began. I was driving along this road when from out of nowhere this TREE pops up in front of me. So I swerved to the right, and there was another tree! I swerved to the left and there was ANOTHER tree! I served to the right and there was another tree! I swerved to the left and there was ...."
"Uh, ma'am", the officer said, cutting her off, "There isn't a tree on this road for 30 miles. That was your air freshener swinging back and forth."
Dumb Blonde on a Rowboat
There was a dumb blonde out on a rowboat one day in the middle of a wheat field. Then another dumb blonde drives by and yells to the one in a rowboat, "It's people like you that give us a bad name!! And if I could swim I would go out there to kick your butt!!!
Game Of Intelligence
There was a blonde who found herself sitting next to a Lawyer on an airplane. The lawyer just kept bugging the blonde wanting her to play a game of intelligence. Finally, the lawyer offered her 10 to 1 odds, and said every time the blonde could not answer one of his questions, she owed him $5, but every time he could not answer hers, he'd give her $50.00. The lawyer figured he could not lose, and the blonde reluctantly accepted.

The lawyer first asked, "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?"

Without saying a word the blonde handed him $5. then the blonde asked, "What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?"

Well, the lawyer looked puzzled. He took several hours, looking up everything he could on his laptop and even placing numerous air-to-ground phone calls trying to find the answer. Finally, angry and frustrated, he gave up and paid the blonde $50.00

The blonde put the $50 into her purse without comment, but the lawyer insisted, "What is the answer to your question?"

Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.

Q. why did the blonde jump the chain lain-link fence?
A. to see what was on the other side

Redneck Jokes

Top 10 Reasons to Know You're a Redneck

1. Your dog rides in your truck more than your wife.
2. You wear specific hats to farm sales, livestock auctions, customer appreciation suppers, and vacations.
3. You have ever had to wash off in the backyard with a garden hose before your wife would let you in the house.
4. You've never thrown away a 5-gallon bucket.
5. You can remember the fertilizer rate, seed population, herbicide rate and yields on a farm you rented 10 years ago, but cannot recall your wife's birthday.
6. You have used a velvet leaf plant as toilet paper.
7. You have driven off the road while examining your neighbors crops.
8. You have borrowed gravel from the county road to fill potholes in your driveway.
9. You have buried a dog and cried like a baby.
10. You've used the same knife to make bull calves steers and peel apples.

Backwoods High Tech

Backup - What you do when you run across a skunk in the woods.
Bug - The reason you give for calling in sick.
Byte - What your pitbull done to cousin Jethro.
Chip - Pasture muffins that you try not to step in.
Terminal - Time to call the undertaker.
Crash - When you go to Junior's party uninvited.
Digital - The art of counting on your fingers.
Diskette - Female Disco dancer.
Fax - What you lie about to the IRS.
Hacker - Uncle Leroy after 32 years of smoking.
Hardcopy - Picture looked at when selecting tattoos.
Internet - Where cafeteria workers put their hair.
Keyboard - Where you hang the keys to the John Deere.
Mac - Big Bubba's favorite fast food.
Megahertz - How your head feels after 17 beers.
Modem - What you do when the grass gets too high.
Mouse Pad - Where Mickey and Minnie live.
Network - Scooping up a big fish before it breaks the line.
ROM - Where the pope lives.
Screen - Keeps mosquitoes off the porch.
Serial Port - A red wine you drink with breakfast.
Superconductor - Amtrak's Employee of the year.
SCSI (pronounced scuzzi) - What you call your week-old underwear.

If twenty or more of the following apply, you should seek professional help.
You might be a redneck if...
1.More than one living relative is named after a southern civil war general.
2.Your front porch collapses and more than six dogs are killed.
3.Your home has more miles on it than your car.
4.You think that potted meat on a saltine is an hors d'ouerve.
5.There is a stuffed opossum anywhere in your house.
6.You consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper high-quality entertainment.
7.Fewer than half of your cars run.
8.Your mother doesn't remove the Marlboro from her lips before telling the State Trooper to kiss her butt.
9.The primary color of your car is "bondo".
10.You stand under the misteletoe at christmas and wait for Granny and cousin Sue-Ellen to walk by.
11.Your family tree doesn't fork.
12.Your hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling fan.
13.Your mother has been involved in a fistfight at a high school sports event.
14.You've ever barbecued Spam on the grill.
15.The best way to keep things cold is to leave'em in the shade.
16.The neighbors started a petition over your Christmas lights.
17.Your brother-in-law is your uncle.
18.You have refused to watch the Academy Awards since "Smokey and the Bandit" was snubbed for best picture.
19.Your only condiment on the dining room table is the economy size bottle of ketchup.
20.The rear tires on your car are at least twice as wide as the front ones.
21.You consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading.
22.You prominently display a gift you bought at Graceland.
23.You use the term `over yonder' more than once a month.
24.The diploma hanging in your den contains the words "Trucking Institute".
25.Your mother keeps a spit cup on the ironing board.
26.You've ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
27.Your favorite christmas present, was a painting on black velvet.
28.You think that Dom Perignon is a mafia leader.
29.You think that beef jerky and Moon Pies are two of the major food groups.
30.You think that Campho-Phenique is a miracle drug.
31.You have more than two brothers named Bubba or Junior.
32.Your father encourages you to quit school because Larry has an opening on the lube rack.
33.You think a Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy.
34.You think that the styrofoam cooler is the greatest invention of all time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

not pregnant yet why?


me and my husband have been trying to conceive for the past 6 months and nothing has happened. i have tried having sex the day before and after my period and a few days before to like a week and a half before, i even had sex on my period because that happened to me when i got pregnant my first time. plz give suggestions!!

There are many factors that can contribute to your not being able to conceive right away.
Are you overweight or underweight?
Do you eat healthy? What about exercise?
Are you under a lot of stress?

Here are a few tips that can help you conceive a little quicker (hopefully)

*Start charting your cycles. Go buy a Basal Body Thermometer from Walmart for about $10. Wake up at the same time each morning and take your temperature either vaginally or orally before you get out of bed, talk, eat, etc... Then make a chart on and you will quickly be able to pinpoint ovulation, which is when you should be having sex.

*Know the RIGHT times to have sex. It sounds like you aren't having sex at the right time. You want to have sex at ovulation (an average woman ovulates on CD 14) and a few days before as well. Having sex right after your period and right before will not accomplish a thing. You are not fertile during that time.

*Start keeping track of your cervical mucus. When you have stretchy mucus that looks like raw egg whites is when you are the most fertile. If you don't produce enough or any at all try buying a sperm friendly lubricant called Pre-Seed. Do NOT use normal lubricants as they have the tendency to kill sperm.

*Take vitamins, especially B-50 Complex vitamins. One of the reasons I have had trouble conceiving is because I have a short luteal phase. The luteal phase is the days following ovulation before your period. I have a 28 day cycle and ovulate around CD 18 so my LP is only 10 days. 12-14 day LP is considered ideal. If you have a short LP (or even if you don't know) try taking B vitamins because they will lengthen your LP.

*Try avoiding positions standing up or woman on top. Instead try having your DH ejaculate in you doggy style or while he is on top. After he is finished try elevating your hips or laying down for 5-10 minutes to let the little swimmers get up there.

If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me an email. I know ttc is such a hard process, hang in there! Lots of baby dust to ya!

Pregnant, infected navel ring?

Q. I'm 22 weeks pregnant and I've had my navel pierced for about 2 years now. My body reacts well to piercings and I've never had any problems with my piercing until now. I've been trying to take it out for weeks since I'm pregnant now but the first time I tried taking it out I noticed a lump with puss where the piercing was, so I put it back in. Now it's gotten much worse (red, swollen, painful), and I know you should never take out the ring when it's infected because it traps the infection. And tips or advice for how to get rid of the infection fast? I have the salt the piercing place gave me but how often do I use it? Also what soap should I use and how often? I just want it to heal as quickly as possible so I can take the ring out and so it doesn't harm my baby in any way.

Take a tablespoon of lemon juice & crush an Aspirin tablet into the lemon juice. let it sit for 5 mins (it wont work otherwise). Rub the lemon juice/aspirin around the piercing (go around the top ball once or twice & then do the same for the bottom ball. close to the hole) do this 1xday for 7-10 days :)

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My husband I had a miscarriage fixing to be a year ago on the 29 of this month! And we are trying to conceive again! Any tips on getting pregnant sooner? We have been tryin since and haven't conceived yet. We have not done all the tests and stuff though.

My very best tip is, don't try. Stop contraception and Just have sex whenever it takes your fantasy(excuse the pun). If you worry about ovulation dates and thermometers etc, then it will take longer and be more stress full. Also just make sure your both healthy, cut down on alcohol and if you smoke stop. get hubby to wear loose fitting boxers. Do this and i think it will happen sooner rather than later. good luck.

ANy tips on getting pregnant??

Justin is

my husband and i have been trying for a baby lately. No luck after 2 months. Any tips?? I dont have a regular menstration cycle so i cant count anything. I have had 2 miscarriages along time ago. I really want to make this happen soon. Im taking vitamins, stopped drinking and exercising regularly! But unfortunately nothings happened....

# For the average couple, having sex once per day provides the best chance of getting pregnant.
# To optimize your chances of getting pregnant, after your partner ejaculates, remain on your on your back with your hips elevated for 20-30 minutes.
# The woman-on-top position is not great for pregnancy, since ejaculate may flow out.

# Most women have a 15 to 25 percent chance of getting pregnant during their cycle.
# Nearly 50 percent of couples conceive during the first 3 months.
# About 75 percent of couples conceive during the first 6 months.
# Up to 90 percent of couples conceive during the first year.

Good luck

This is worth a try:
Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT)

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Culturally speaking is this baby making music?

Dark Chilr

no baby making music is boys II men, day26,etc

What can i make with baby food?


My baby is ten months and refuses to be fed or even eat baby food. Is there anything i can do with all of this food i got from WIC?

You can use oatmeal or baby rice cereal with the baby food to make teething biscuits. You can make them in all different shapes and the baby can feed his or her self. YouTube homemade teething biscuits to find recipes. Hope this helped :) I wish you and your baby the best

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I want to play basket ball but my parents say no?

Q. I'm in sixth grade
I'm pretty good in gym and on the weekends with my friends I asked my mom she said try out for the school next year I don't want to embarrass my self in front of the kids who play travel or bin playing for a while my brother plays two sports and I only play travel soccer I just want to try inter mural basket ball thanks so much
I love playing and my friends say its fun please help I would love to practice and get better
I practice on the three foot baby one In our basement

Honestly, practicing in the gym is nothing like playing real basketball. There's no pressure on you and nobody is defending you while you shoot or dribble. Also, it doesn't matter if you practice on a 3 foot hoop because real hoops are 10 feet tall. Big difference. Go to an actual gym to practice shooting around. If you want to play basketball and make the team and you have never played before you will need to do a couple things:

1. Have thick skin (don't be too sensitive or get your feelings hurt easily). If you don't make the team there's always next year and the year after that. There's nothing worse than crying or getting sad, especially in front of your teammates and coach. You need to be mentally tough. If the other kids on the team have had more experience than you, they will probably be better but that doesn't mean anything and don't let it get you down because if you make the team and keep practicing you will be as good as them. Also, you need to be physically tough because basketball is a contact sport and you will get roughed up. You might get elbowed in the face, pushed, smacked, and you will get TONS of floor burns and bruises. Don't be afraid to aggressive and dive for loose balls and grab quick rebounds.

2. Practice your fundamentals. (Good ball control, shooting form, free throws, elbow shots, layups, etc. Don't try to show off and do some fancy move because coaches don't care about that and most don't like it.) You can never have too much practice of fundamentals. Coaches will want a player who has SOLID fundamentals.

3. Get in shape. Start running a lot and get into pretty good shape because there is nothing worse than being the last kid to finish suicides or be too tired to keep up with fast-paced drills.

4. Familiarize yourself with basketball terms so you won't be lost when the coach is rushing to explain something.
For example:
-Help side
-On the line, up the line
-Point Guard
-Man to man defense
-3, 2 zone defense
-2, 3 zone defense
-Box out
-Personal Foul
-Technical Foul
-Loose ball Foul (Over the back)
-Over and back
-Double dribble
-3 second violation
-Out of bounds
-Cherry pick
-Pick and roll
-Give and go
There are lots more but because you're in 6th grade you will probably see these the most. (Sorry if you already knew the terms but I didn't know how much you knew about basketball because you said you never played before)

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don;t have experience. I'm in 8th grade and it was my very first year and I made the team. I don't know what you mean by intramural but try out for school. Good luck and if you have anymore questions about basketball I can help you out. (:

Shortest Player on 6th grd. basketball team?

Q. I am 4 ft 9 and i'm the 2nd shortest person on my team. There are 10 players and 4 to 3 5 ft tall girls who make fast baskets. 2 of the girls are the coaches daughter. I try to get the ball but they never pass they just keep make em and make em! I was the best in b-ball games. i made most of the shots, but last year i switched schools and now im soooooooo short and notmakeing baskets. How can i go back to being GREAT!???????????

hmm it rlly afffects u havin the coaches daughter on the team. i mean if they are ballhogs the coach should get mad. but in that case they say "Good job Baby!"
I had the same problem as u once when i too was in 6th grad ewith me being in 8th grade now. Ok 1st thing 1st if you shot is off then practice makes perfect i mean sure i was the talles player in my team but back then i was the slow C wo couldnt make any jump shots. I tried my very best tryingf over 40 differnt jump shot styles.
even from diifernt posistions they dont have to be the same style i mean i have a differnt 3 point jumper from my baseline jumper. Next If u are small you my friend have the same problem as tony parker or chris paul. but they are athletic driving into lanes, taking 3 pointers, and mid range jumpshots are important too. now for the part where they never pass it to u what u need to do is earn respect. become friends with them or in practice show them u r the Best At b-ball! earning respect for ur teammates is very important. VERY Important. Well thats all i got for u if u have any questions email me at

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how do i make my baby eat?


That depends....

How old is your baby, and what are you trying to feed it? And why do you need to "make" it eat?

For newborns being breastfed:

Gently stroke the cheek nearest your body to stimulate the rooting reflex. Then tickle the upper and lower lips with your nipple until it opens WIDE. Insert your nipple into the lower part of the mouth, making sure baby takes ALL of the areola (dark colored area).

Sometimes it helps to squeeze a few drops onto their lips, so they get the idea.

For newborns on bottle:
Similar procedures. Again, having a little on the end of the nipple helps them get the idea. As with the breast, encourage them to take most of the nipple into their mouth. (This helps with oral development.)

For babis 6 mos. & older starting solids:
NEVER feed solids (including baby cereal) to a child younger than six months. If your pediatrician recommends it, ask them why they disagree with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and if they can't give you a decent answer, go with the experts (the AAP).

Mix a small amount of cereal with (breast)milk or water -- you want a thin consistency for the first few feedings, and thicker for progressive feedings. Put some on the spoon, and place it in Baby's mouth, removing the spoon with an upward motion (so the contents get wiped against Baby's upper teeth/gums). Don't try to feed more than a tablespoon at once, and don't worry if not much gets in. You're just trying to get them used to the new taste and texture.

For older children still:
Self-feeding! I'm met a number of moms who complain their baby won't eat, when the real issue is that Baby wants control, and Mom is still trying to spoon-feed. If your baby's been eating soft foods (baby cereal, smashed avacado, applesauce, whole-milk yogurt, etc) for a while, try them on finger-foods. Cheerios is a popular choice. So are frozen veggies (peas, carrots, etc).

Place some in the high-chair tray, and let Baby play.

For older kids still, who have developed bad food habits:
"I can't get my toddler to eat veggies!" How often have I heard this? Here are some tricks:

Make one-dish meals. It makes selective-eating more work than its worth.
Try a new presentation. Many kids, for example, can't resist something offered to them on chopsticks.
Forbidden foods are sweeter. If Baby watches Mommy & Daddy eating broccoli (which Baby just rejected), and they won't let Baby have any... well, it'll only take a meal or two (maybe less) before Baby is trying to steal the forbidden broccoli! Give it a try!

And if you're worried that your baby just isn't eating ENOUGH.... you probably don't have anything to worry about. For the first year of life, their primary source of nutrients is still milk (or formula, which is a far inferior source). Also, between 1 & 2, weight gain slows way down, while they grow into the weight they've already got.

Offer your child healthy foods every few hours throughout the day. When they're hungry, they'll eat. When they're not, they won't. (Eating when not hungry is a huge contributor to childhood obesity.)

What age can babies have yogurt?


Just curious. Gerber sells those yogurt bites and my SO wants to buy them. I would rather buy real yogurt, but wondered when she can have it.
That's what I thought: Junk food for babies!

9 months. They make yogurt for babies called "yo baby" but I give my son dannon activia.

PS everybody that says not to give cows milk for one year if ever is so right! I totally agree - but if you make a small exception for a yogurt a day your baby will be fine!

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17 and pregnant help!!!?

bf's babyg

I'm 17 turning 18 in a month and I'm pregnant how do I tell my parents!!!?? Plz helpp!! Their going thru a hard tkme in their marriage too.. a baby will devastate them

Honestly, telling them youre pregnant may bring them a little closer together. Being a mother myself, my husband and I always joke about our daughter coming to us one day telling us shes pregnant and stuff... I think if our marriage were going through a hard time, and our daughter came to use saying she was pregnant, it would give me and my husband flash backs to the good ol days where we would joke around about stuff like this, and then be like.. wow.. its really happening... idk THATS JUST ME. When I told my mom I was pregnant, all she said was "are you sure how do you know?" and I said "well I took 2 tests and both say positive" and I handed her the tests.. and she said "well... f*ck.. I guess were going to have a baby, BUT YOURE FINISHING YOUR SENIOR YEAR!" lol.. She was kind of mad at first, but she got over it and loves my daughter more than anything and she actually tells me all of the time how proud she is of me and how happy she is I have my daughter and stuff. NEVER imagined my mom being this way as she was a VERY VERY strict mother growing up. I was horrified to have to tell her I was pregnant.. But all teen moms thinks their parents will kill them.. but when its actually happening to you.. its no where near as bad as you think. After I showed my mom the first ultrasound, she immediately fell in love with ht baby and ALWAYS asked me how I was doing or if I needed anything, and she would always rub lotion on my belly for me and stuff :) She even through me a surprise baby shower! & this is all coming from the woman who used to ground me for 2 weeks for every "B" I got on a report card, and ground me for a MONTH for every "C" I got. Very very strict mommy. & my dad and mom were divorced before I got pregnant and HATED each other, but ever since I first got pregnant, they have been talking more. I dont think their getting back together any time soon lol But its nice to see them getting a long for a change :)

pregnant at 17, and needing some advice.?


i just found out i am pregnant. i took 4 HPT's and all positive. i know im keeping the baby, because of personal reasons. my boyfriend is 16, (17 in may) and i will be 18 in july. the baby would be due around my birthday. i missed my period on november 8th, so i assume its been around 4 or 5 weeks. im going to planned parenthood on wed, to get another test and some info. ive only been with my boyfriend for 5 months, which is scary. he says he wont leave, but he doesnt think he can raise a kid, but doesnt want to abandon me. hes losing it. but he still loves me and cares just the same. i dont have a job yet, but im doing my G.E.D and possibly getting a good job at my local hospital. i live with my grandma because my parents and i dont get along at all. my stepdad is 32 and my mom 36. so they were young. im not sure how they would take it... thats the info.

i was wondering...

1) how to tell my parents. and my grandma most importantly. (shes supporting me with her social security and retirement, shes 57. and its tough for us. im not sure how id ever tell her)

2) can i keep my doctor visit private for awhile even if im on my parents insurance?

3) how to prepare being 17, what i can do now to get ready and such.

4) any other wise info.

thanks, and please no hurtful comments, i just want advice.

Im 17 and pregnant to beleive me i know what your going threw.
1. the hardest thing i had to do was to tell mymom i was pregnant, there is no easy way to do it you just need to tell them. cause the longer you wait your just hurting yourself and your baby. prenatal care is very important especially since the age.
--you most likel wont be able to get a job because your pregnant and your gunna need time off. check out getting social security for yourself or welfare. can keep your doctors visits private but there very expensive. but if you want to keep it private just tell them you dont have insurance, my advice just tell them you need to find an OB that will deliver.

3.all you can do right now is wait and prepare yourself mentally, im 35wks and its just now hitting me. its a 9 month process you will adjust (i don't know how else to put it) of course what your going to need to do is apply the baby for medicade cause insurance for the baby is mucho important. apply for wic and TANF there welfaare programs that will help, one issue i ran into is when applying for these programs there going to want to prosue the dad for child support (if he isnt living with you) they wont start the process untill a year after the birth and if he isnt living with you all the cost that the gov. is paying for will go back to him. what i'm doing is haaving my mom take temp gardianship of my baby so she will be covered under her insurance and once either me or my bf have a steady job with insurance we will take full custody back.

4. good luck! its gunna be scary but its one of the most amazing things ever! what you really need is support from your familybecause it wont be easy, your family will be the most important thing to you. your not going to have a lot of friends to hang out with because your gunna get to the point were you can't go out and have fun with them, you'll be to tired or in pain. you will find out who your true friends are trough this process. and remember your man is younger then you ( pluss boys mature 3 years slower) so prepare yourself for the worst im not saying to expect it but its common for guys to bail when there teens. and If he sticks around and helps out then keep him around he's a good guy. try not to let your temper (it comes with the hormones) scare people away, i learned to just keep your mouth shut. :) again good luck :)

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I found a word in my jelly babies?


I got a pack of jelly babies and it came with one candy that was moulded in the shape of a word not a baby. I can make out the last five letters which are -GUNOY. Any idea what it was supposed to say?

Maybe it was jelly baby language for
"pls don't bite off my head"

That was your next move to rip it's head off

is green jelly bad for my baby?


well it wont poison your baby a taste would be ok for a treat , personally i wouldn't give my baby jelly the Sugar could rot your baby's teeth make your baby fat , and it doesn't contain any vitamins minerals or fibre , or anything important for baby growth.

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I need tips on trying to get pregnant?

Sarah R

My husband and I have bee trying for 6 months now, and it is so disappointing every time I start my period. It's not like there is a lack of sex happening here. Every once in a while it doesn't work out to have intercourse but for the most part we do it once a night, more on the weekends.:-) Does any one have any tips, maybe a vitamin that helps or sex positions that are better than others? I really want a baby.

How to get Pregnant Faster â Top Ten Tips

1. Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.
2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.

wots the best wayto becum pregnant,positions?, any tips

Katie G

had been on the pill 6 years, im 21 come off and am now trying 4 a baby, is it normal that im not pregnant yet and any tips on how to become pregnant, thankyou

yeah its normal. i think my doc told me it takes 6 months or so for the pill to come completely out of your system. although i dont know if this is true because my friend became pregnant after missing the pill for one night - so she says anyway. i came off the pill to try for my second baby and we have been tryin for over a year :-( just keep tryin and tryin and tryin. try to do it around 11 day after your period finishes. have sex the day before, the day of and the day after you ovulate. putting a pillow under your hips after sex helps to make the semen move further inside you. i also heard your fella on top od doggy style helps, but i dont know if this is true. GOOD LUCK :-) x

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Baby Video - Makes Every Shot?


A couple years back I saw this video online of a baby sitting on a pool table, with what looked like a bunch of college kids standing around it. Every time they gave the baby a ball and he threw it, he would make it into a pocket. Any idea where I can find this video? Anyone seen it before? And YES, I've searched YouTube and still can't find it.

Here you go!

How to make a Video baby monitor?

i dont kno

Can someone please tell me how to make a video baby monitor? The only problem is i dont have any fancy gadgets, like an iphone or ipad or ianything! lol.
i have an extra laptop and i have an old webcam. could this work to make a video baby monitor??
i want to be able to connect to it somehow from my laptop that iam currently using, like skyp or something??
Iam very bad with computers lol
I understand what your saying and thats why i dont want to spend any money on this. But if i can figure out a way to do it with stuff i have laying around i would like to see him, and not have to sneak into his room to see him. ( because yes i will be going in to look at him, i have from day one and i dont think that will stop for quiet awhile)

I can't help you with any of the technical stuff, but I wanted to say that video baby monitors are quite useless. Its one of those baby items that is totally unnecessary.

What's important is that you *hear* your baby wake up and cry for you. Its not important to *see* your baby - after all, you will be very, VERY tired yourself. Its not like you'll be up all night watching your baby sleep.

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

i want to make my own baby food for my 5 month old daughter?


what exactly at this age can i give her and how do i do it like for ex bananas how do i pure them? do fruits have to be boiled first too??
i want to make sure i know what my baby is getting
to melissa this is just something i heard from someone on here. rude much!!!!!
im not cluless i am a working mother and by the way a very smart woman!! go f yourself!

I think it's a great idea, and at 5 months you can definitely start intoducing very plain pureed foods.

At 5 months, my daughter loved mashed bananas (which I did not boil) and avocado (ditto). My wife also did cook some veggies and then puree and put into jars in the fridge (I would use them within 48 hours). Her veggies of choice were squash, carrots, sweet potato and brocolli. Often she would even put a garlic clove in and my daughter ate it up (literally and figuratively)

You can get a food grinder if you like and keep it at the dinner table and grind up small amounts of plain fruits and veggies that come off your plate.

Alternately you can cook some of the firmer fruits and veggies so they are soft enough to be pureed.

Kudos for you for looking out for your baby's health and taking note of what goes into their body!


Don't listen to the dolt who critzicized you for wanting to boil. Some fruits and veggies obviously are not soft enough on their own to be given to a baby.

I would also not wait till they are teething, as some babies take a year to get their teeth, but can take pureed foods well before that.


Personally I would not add cows milk as some suggested. There's a potential allergy risk at that age, and is nutritionally un-necessary, especially if you're breast feeding.

Sorry "Wismom" but pasturized baby food in glass jars is less healthy than fresh food pureed right before it's eaten. Unless you're referring to organic foods that Gerber makes, pesticide levels would be no different, and of course the question asker could easily buy organic for her purpose. You sound like a rep for Gerber, but either way, lacking your namesake.

How do I make baby food for my 5 month old twins?

Q. I don't want to spend my money on the expensive baby foods in the supermarket. Please help me make my own food.

Good for you!!!

I loved the book Super Baby Food Diet. It has a guide of what foods can be introduced at what age and then it has recipes that are good all the way into adulthood. Your 5 month olds are probably just starting solids so you want to pick a food to be their first and then wait about 2 weeks before adding anything new. My people recommend started with rice cereal b/c there is almost no chance your children will have an allergy to it (be it is also nutritionally void). You can make your own by just cooking rice and then adding water and pureeing it, but rice cereal is the one thing that I'd suggest buying commecially b/c of the added iron.

Other great 1st baby foods are bananas (wait until it gets ripe and mash with a fork -- add water if you want to thin it out). Avocados (again, wait until it's nice and ripe and mash it up). Sweet potatoes -- cook in the microwave and again, mash it up or throw it in the food processor with some water.

Cooking baby food is SO easy. Again, I highly recommend the book Super Baby Food Diet. It walks you through everything.

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Help with my baby?


I have a twin boy and a girl. They are 5 weeks old. Since my boy was 2 weeks old, he's been making a "grunting sound" while he is sleeping and it has increased for the last few days. I talked to their doc but all she said was that it was normal. I don't agree with her since I haven't seen any newborn doing that. He makes that noise while sleeping. While making that noise he lifts his shoulders and his face turns red. Kind of like when you'r having a tough time with your bowl movements only louder. He does that very often and I am concerned. Can anyone tell me what it is. He doesn't seem to be in pain but he seems uncomfortable. Pls let me know if any of you experienced this with your babies. Thanks

I have heard babies make funny grunting noises in their sleep - most babies are kind of loud when sleeping.

If you have a video-camera I would record your son when he is doing it and take it into your doctor and show them. Then ask if that's normal. You can always get a second opinion if you really think the first dr is not taking you seriously.

Good luck!

Have you noticed how people smile and laugh when babies make pooping sounds and grunting faces?

Q. I guess they're not the ones who have to clean up the mess.
Are they laughing at the baby or the person responsible for cleaning up?

it's just 'cute' because we can't do it any more. Who in the world would think an adult (even wearing Depends) making grunting noises and funny red faces would think it is cute! >erg< Who'd wanna clean up that mess!

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Pregnant for 50 days, can" fly" ?

Q. need to fly oversea due to work, will the air presure dangerous
for pregnent lady, 50 days still a unstable stage, any advise?

You are safe to travel by plane up until the end portion of your last trimester as long as you and your pregnancy are healthy and the pregnancy is progressing normally.

I traveled internationally this summer while pregnant (still have the return trip to do). I left when I was 13 weeks and will return when I am around 30 weeks. I have also traveled internationally with my first two pregnancies (my children are now 7&5).

You should get a check-up from your doctor to make sure you are in fit enough health to fly. Most airlines will not require a note from your doctor this early on in your pregnancy, but it is always best to verify that beforehand.

FAA Airline regulations state :

Obstetrical patients are free to fly, but pose a significant risk in later stages of precipitating delivery during flight. Pregnancy past 32 weeks should be carefully considered for restriction from flight and must be accompanied with an authorization note from a doctor. Those past 36 weeks should be prohibited from flying unless personally accompanied by their doctor. (Taken from my husbands flight security and survival manual & FAA site)

All airlines make up their own rules and regulations regarding pregnant women. Some do not restrict travel at all, no matter what stage of pregnancy a women is in, and others start to restrict at 7 months, although the majority restrict around 36 weeks.

Please note that while airline regulations do not prohibit flying while pregnant, and even if you brings a doctors note, the final decision is entirely up to the Captain (who will be informed by the gate crew of your status).

While traveling I advise you to keep your medical records, and the name and number of your doctor. You should also get the name and number of a doctor where you will be staying/visiting in case an emergency comes up.

To keep yourself safe and comfortable on the trip, follow these simple things:

*drink plenty of water
*avoid caffeine
*don't eat food that causes gas for at least one day before you travel (pressure builds up as you ascend through the altitudes and could cause pain)
*walk around as much as you can (up and down the aisles)
*stretch while sitting
*wear loose fitting clothing
*wear slip on shoes (your feet may swell)
*wear maternity support pantyhose or socks
*try to get an aisle seat or a front row seat for more leg room
*eat light foods
*eat small meals or snacks at frequent intervals rather than big heavy meals
*do not eat salt
*ask for a seat belt extender (depending on how big you are) and wear it just under your abdomen, or wear a normal seat belt just under your abdomen

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

maybe pregnant at age 50?

lil bit

Maybe I am Pregnant at age 50?
Like mentioned, I am a 50 year old sexually active female who still gets my period. My periods are irregular at times.....cycles are sometimes longer/shorter and periods sometimes heavier/lighter than usual. I am about 5 days late with period, breasts sore, vomited once, occasionally nauseaus, dizzy, more flatulence. But pregnancy tests x 2 were negative. Maybe I will wait another week and see???
Yes, definately thought about menopause - it's just the vomiting and breast tenderness is unusual.....both "out of the blue" If still negative pregnancy test in a week, will chalk it up to menopause.....thanks!

if you're pregnant, have the baby. why?
remember: an aborted kid goes to hell for 33 years. also, mother's chances of going into paradise are decreased.
so, if i were you, i'd have the baby.
don't worry about miscarriages. if the baby is not aborted on purpose, he/she goes to paradise.
also, read "Psalm 26" to calm down (link and instructions below).

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Any tips on getting pregnant?


Me and my love of my life have talked alot about having a baby, and we are ready to take that next step in our relationship, so for the last 2 months we havent been having all that much sex but when we do we just dont use protection, i was on the pill till about end of september, does that make it harder for you to get pregnant after you stop taking the pill? anyways any good tips?

I believe the first month or so after taking the pill its a little harder because the change of hormones in your body. I would suggest going to
It's an ovulation calculator and it will show you days that you could most likely get pregnant. Have sex within those days:) I used to use it to try to keep from getting pregnant so keep in mind it isn't always accurate!
You can just get your man to have sex those days and within a few months I bet you will get pregnant. Good luck!

tips for getting pregnant?

David C

me and my girlfriend have been trying to concieve for about a year now and and have had ZERO luck, not even a miscarraige.... we have tried almost everything (ovulation tests, only having sex once a week, having sex every other day, her laying in bed with her hips up for a while after wards) and im lost on what to do next... BUT my brother and sister in law had drunk sex a month ago and forgot to use a condom and she got pregnant that one time they didnt use protection, so im thinking should we just get S**T faced and have sex?? please help! thank you for any and all tips/info you may have!

Well first of all, i'd just like to say how happy it makes me to see a man be so committed to his girlfriend and wanting to start a family. Well done, and sorry for your bad luck so far. Here are some things that could help you out:

- Are you and your girlfriend on a good diet? The healthier your diet, the healthier your sperm and eggs. There are lots of special diets just for couples trying to conceive
- Like the one above, are you both getting as much exercise as possible?
- What position are you using? Research shows the most fertile positions are missionary and doggy.
- If you or your girlfriend smoke, now is the time to stop.
- Try and limit the amount of alcohol you drink to a minimum
- Try and have a positive outlook
- Have you gone to a doctor or fertility specialist? They can check to see if theres anything wrong with your sperm, or your girlfriends eggs/womb. Some can also make a tailor made plan to increase your chances

I wouldn't recommend getting drunk, it just seems strange people are picked to get pregnant when they don't plan it while others would die for one but are struggling. I've always wanted to be a mum, but wasn't planning to be one at fourteen, and certainly wasn't planning the dad to be a rapist. But thats how fate wanted it, and i've just had to grow up quicker than most so I can be the best mum possible when the twins arrive in September. I wish you all the luck in the world, and I'll be checking your page for baby pics!

Best of luck :-)

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Tips on getting pregnant?


My husband and I would like to have a baby. Are there any good "getting pregnant" tips you ladies can give me? We are using preseed and we have been having sex almost every day. Are there any specific positions that can help or an herb or something I can take that can help with fertility? Hoping to get pregnant soon. Baby Dust to you all.

Start taking ovulation tests 4 days after your next period goes off. Take 1 for 14 mornings straight every single morning before you eat or drink anything! The ones from the dollar store are very accurate. If your ovulation test is positive have sex in the missionary position! Lay there on your back with your legs in the air for at least 30 minutes. You should get pregnant within 12 months of trying 2 conceive! Please keep in mind that factors such as stress, being significantly overweight or significantly underweight, a poor diet, sleep deprivation, heavy smoking, heavy drinking, hormonal imbalances, reporoductive issues and being over 35 make it very difficult 2 conceive.

tips and tricks to get pregnant :)?


me and my fiance have recently lost our baby and decided we wanted to try again...but ovulation tests and calenders are not helping....hearing some suggestions from a friend of mine like to have my hips elevated after sex got me thinking...are there any other tricks like this that helped woman get pregnant? please help :)

k first off...having a miscarriage and getting prego again soon after does NOT mean you will have another miscarriage. In fact, it doesn't even raise your chances. I've asked 3 doctors this and they've all told me this. The reason the say to wait is just to give your body a rest. And also...all three doctors said wait 1-3 cycles. As far as personal mom had a miscarriage and got pregnant TWO WEEKS LATER and her baby is now a beautiful healthy 2 year old little girl. I just lost a baby also. It was a missed miscarriage--basically I was pregnant and at 15 weeks went in for a sonogram...nothing there. I'm going to try again this month.

One thing people offering advice always say is: sex sex sex...lots of it. That's actually a reason a lot of women take so long to concieve. Oddly enough, when trying to concieve...don't have TOO much sex. meaning, only have sex every other day. The reason is, (and Idk why) but having daily sex SLOW DOWN the sperm's mobility. And don't worry, you won't miss ovulation having sex every other day. You're fertile from 12-48 hours, and sperm also lives up to 2 days. :)

And also, it's best to do it missionary style, then yes, elevate your legs for 15-30 mins after. :)

good dust to both of us.

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