Saturday, December 7, 2013

what is the percentage of a woman having twins and triplets?

how to get pregnant with twins or triplets on 33 weeks pregnant with twins.
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Ok, I am pregnant for the first time(5 going on 6months) and I want to know how possible it is to have twins or triplets.What is the percentage of a woman having twins and triplets being that my da was a twin and my boyfriends mom was a triplets? Being that it skipped both generations(my dad and my boyfriends mom). Preferably a doctor/ ob/gyn...

It is not true that propensity towards having multiples skips generations.

Identical twins are random so that anyone has the same chance of having identical twins, regardless of family history.

Fraternal twins or multiples means that the mother produces more than one egg per cycle. This trait can be passed from mother to daughter. Based on your history, you have the same chance of having multiples as anyone.

If you wish to have multiples, consult a reproductive endocrinologist. I am a mom of triplets.

How can I make it easier to have twins or triplets instead of a single birth?

Alison L

My husband and I want to get pregnant this year (in the fall.) What are the most effective ways to have twins or triplets without doing something far-fetched that could lead to like 5 kids?? :)

Besides assisted reproduction technology and transfering 2 or 3 embryos with IVF, there's very little you can do to significantly raise your odds. As for leading to 5 kids - fertility meds that make you hyper-ovulate are what put you at risk for super-multiples. IVF where you can control the number of embryos you transfer generally limits how many babies you end up with better. (Although even if you put in 2 embryos they COULD both split into 2 sets of identical twins.)

Two things that will SLIGHTLY raise your odds are eating agida yams (it has to be that type and you have to eat a lot and it is the peel so don't peel them) and waiting until you are between 35 and 39 years old. Some have also said having a pre-pregnancy diet high in dairy and animal protein but that pretty much describes 80% of the USA and the whole nation's twin rates aren't that high.

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Chance of getting pregnant naturally with LOW sperm count?

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Emily Jean

My husbands count is 1.7 million. Morphology and motility are pretty good. We're planning on doing in vitro, but until then we're just hoping it may happen naturally. What are the chances that it will happen? I can't find any hard numbers when I google search, and maybe the percentage doesn't exist. I'm just looking for some hope, though it is nice after trying for this long to be able to relax and know why we're not getting pregnant.

Hi Emily,

As you probably know, low sperm count is anything under 20 million sperm. I don't have a way of putting a number on your chances of conceiving, but I there are some things you can do to increase your husband's sperm count.

The Mayo Clinic recommends several supplements that have been shown âsome promiseâ for helping men produce more sperm, including:

* Vitamin C
* Zinc
* Selenium
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin B-12
* Asian ginseng

Here are some other tips that may improve your chances of getting pregnant.
- Increase how frequently you have sex. Increasing the frequency of sex may increase your sperm count.
- Use lubricants your doctor recommends. Some popular lubricants such as Astroglide, K-Y jelly, and saliva have been shown to reduce sperm mobility, which decreases your chances of conceiving.
- No cigarette smoking. Smoking has been linked to sperm abnormalities.
- No (or little) alcohol Alcohol has been shown to lower men's sperm concentration
- No marijuana. Smoking pot has been linked to abnormal sperm function.
- Regular exercise and eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Obesity is shown to lower menâs sperm count.

Best of luck to you and your husband!

Tips on getting pregnant with an irregular cycle and a tilted uterus?


We have miscarried twice and have had difficulty getting pregnant in the past. We were just hoping for some advice(real advice) on increasing our chances of pregnancy with an irregular cycle and a tilted uterus. Thank you so much for your time.

You know, I'm not quite sure I would be the one to answer your specific issue about the tilted uterus, but here is some advice that has worked for us (husband and I), and I like to share it with friends and people in needs who are trying to increase their chances of pregnancy when they have similar symtoms like yours.

-Monitoring one's body signs for ovulation, then having lovemaking on the days when this occurs.
-There a variety of different brands of commercial gadgets for monitoring your ovulation and fertility levels readily available, and they all work somewhat differently. (The book I talked about...I actually including a link if you're interested, goes into more detail for you).
-You and your partner can monitor these signs to figure out if you are fertile, after which engage in lovemaking on these days. This is the fastest way to get pregnant naturally along with many others the book mentioned that we also used...
-Once your vaginal mucus becomes less thick, you are getting closer to

Hope that helps!

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Can you fill me in on the last episode of Zoey 101?

did chase get zoey pregnant on ... Ur Favorite Person From Zoey 101? - Poll | Get More Polls at Quizilla
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O.k...Jamie Lynn Spears gets pregnant awhile back in real life and has a baby. I assume that the producers had to pull the plug on the show cause she's like in Middle School on the show. Did they ever have a "final" episode? What happened? Where did the characters all wind up? Thanks!

She came back. Everyone was happy. Chase and her confessed their undying love. The end.

Will there be Zoey 101 episodes after Chasing Zoey?


I know Jamie-lynn had her baby, but her mom is taking care of it and they filmed season 4 anyway. I don't need a million answers about her being pregnant and stuff like that. I just want some honest to the point answers, i'm not trying to be rude. Please tell me where you got your info.

According to the offcial website of Viacom, Nickelodeon's parent company, "Zoey 101" ended production last spring. There is no more.

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Can my girlfriend get pregnant in a hot tub?

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My girlfriend and i were hanging out in her hot tub with the jets on and it heated up. She started to give me a hand job. We did not finish but i was wondering if she could get pregnant from being in there while i might of had the pre seamen. Please help, she is a little late on her period we think but she has bloating, stomach cramps and she is very tired.

serious people? there is no way that she could be pregnant when you didn't cum AND you were in the hot tub with all those chemicals. if the chemicals kill bacteria and stuff why they heck would it not kill sperm? even if you had expelled some pre-cum there is no way she would get pregnant. i can't believe people would even suggest she test for pregnancy.

if she didn't have intercourse there is no way in *ell she is pregnant.

Is it possible to get a girl pregnant in a hot tub?


My little brother was messing around with his girlfriend in our hot tub. He said he had sex with her but she isnt ovulating, and he didnt think he ejaculated. Is it possible that she could get pregnant.

No it's not possible. Lol

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Friday, December 6, 2013

How long will it take for for dairy to pass through me to my nursing baby?

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Dairy seems to make my baby gassy, but I am craving this new chocolate raspberry thing from Sonic. If I eat it, how long until it gets passed to her?

Babies with a dairy sensitivity are usually reacting to the milk protein. I suppose it would be passed into your milk within several hours, but milk proteins can stay in your system up to a couple of weeks, which is why elimination diets of that length are suggested when trying to determine food sensitivities. Dairy is not one of the foods that passes in and out quickly. It usually wouldn't be a one off type of reaction, so if you haven't been eliminating dairy for the most part, the gassiness might be attributable to something else. For the sake of skipping the chocolate raspberry thing or a less gassy baby, I'd pick the less gassy baby. Either that or just get one and have one bit just to taste it.

What are some simple foods to make for a wedding?


A dear church friend of mine is getting married for the third time (she's lived a troubled life before she found Jesus). Since it is a small, simple wedding (about 15 guests) I told her I would make the food. I am planning on making a pesto dip and a seafood pasta dish. What are some other ideas?

Ok, so perhaps this is "third time's the charm"! Best wishes to your friend. And, speaking of friends, what a nice one you are to cater the event! Here are some ideas you might enjoy:

1. Cheese and fruit platter: Brie, Spanish Manchega, Cambozola, Gouda with crisp green grapes, raspberries, ripe figs, artisan crackers and sliced baguette.
2. Bacon Cream Cheese Pinwheels: Using crescent roll dough from a can, seal all edges and form a rectangle. Blend 8 ozs softened cream cheese with 3 T chopped green onion, 3 slices cooked, crumbled bacon, 3 T sour cream and 1/3 package Knorrs dried vegetable soup mix. Spread the cream cheese mixture on the dough and roll up jelly roll style. Place seam side down on greased cookie sheet and score the dough in 8 - 10 areas. Bake until puffed and golden. Slice and serve.
3. Baked ham to slice and serve as sandwiches. Serve with mini orange muffins and cream cheese.
4. Cucumber slices topped with goat cheese and smoked salmon. Garnish with a dill sprig.
5. Salads: spinach or baby lettuce with sliced ripe pears, gorganzola, candied walnuts and a champagne vinagrette; pasta salad with feta, red bell pepper, chopped green onion, sliced black olives, cubed salami, and an Italian vinagrette; red potato salad with dill, chopped celery, chopped sweet pickle and a dijon/ mayo dressing; fresh fruit with a cream cheese and marshmallow dipping sauce.
6. Salami rollups: thin slices of genoa salami or sopressata spread with herb cream cheese and wrapped around a tiny cornichon. Secure with toothpicks.
7. Dessert buffet: cupcakes, brownie bites, oatmeal cookies, lemon tarts, pecan pie bites.

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How do you have a succesful party in The Sims Life Stories?

making baby food sims 3 on Sims 3 for Nintendo DS |
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Danielle P

I am doing Riley's story shes pregnant so i have to have a house shower baby warming party. The people have to have a "good time" but i cant get pasts "not bad". Just some tips or hint would be very helpful!


I had trouble there to, here's what you need to make sure is happening...

1. Mickey MUST be wearing a suit

2. You should probably buy a new stereo, that will help to

3. Make sure you have a buffet table and BE SURE TO PUT FOOD ON IT

4. Your main characters, Riley and Mickey, have to be completely focused on the party and nothing else

5. Have Mickey ask someone to dance (this is where the stereo plays in). This will get people to start dancing and enjoying the party more.

6. Repeat step five, except use a dart board instead.

7. If you have a lot of money,t hen get a plasma TV and video game system and get your guests to play that as well.

If you can do most of these things, your party will be a big success


How are Sims (2 or 3) and Second Life the same?? How are they different?


I've played The Sims 2 and 3, but I never played Second Life. I want to know if they are similar, and how they are similar, as well as how they are different.

There are some similarities, but also vast differences between the two.

First and foremost, The Sims is a game. Your task is to make your Sims (characters) happy (or miserable if that floats your boat) and secure future generations of Sims. You can take control of any of the resident sims in your neighbourhood. Whilst your first generation of sims begin as adults, future generations go from babies to toddlers, then to children, teens, young adults (with the university expansion pack), adults and finally elderly - and ultimately, death. Kids and teens need to balance their lives between school and home life, so they need to do homework and have fun. Once in adulthood they need a job to earn the money to buy food, clothes and to upgrade their houses and their contents. All Sims need company, affection, food and sleep. In all aspects, The Sims (any version) is a 'life simulation game' that you play on your own.

Second Life (SL) reflects The Sims in some aspects - primarily, an avatar which looks like a Sim, which you can dress and control how you wish. However, in SL, you only get to control one avatar (unless you make alternative accounts). All the other 'people' you see around you are controlled by other people. Just because you may want to do something to or with another avatar you meet, it doesn't mean you automatically can. Hugging or dancing with another avatar requires their consent. Also, you can't just erect a home anywhere you like in SL - you need to buy or rent the land you wish to build on. The same goes for most of the clothes or other things you will want for your avatar - you need to buy them.

What it comes down to is this: With The Sims, you pay for the core game and any expansions you want. After that, there is no further charge for using the game and you can play away to your heart's content. However, you are limited to the items that are available in the game and it's expansions. In SL, you join as a resident for free and you will also find plenty of free items to use. However, better items cost money, and for that you will need to use real money to by SL currency. The upside to this is that because everything you see for sale in SL is created by residents, there is an unending and continually updated amount of things you can choose from and you have much more freedom with how your avatar looks. Goods for sale in SL vary in quality, from the truly ghastly, to the jaw-droppingly incredible.

The Sims has set goals for you to achieve and that game plan is roughly the same for every Sim you create and control. In SL there are no set tasks to perform. Just like in real life, you make choices and do things because you want to do them. On the surface, this may seem incredibly boring, but if you have a little imagination you can do anything you want to in SL. SL is a vast virtual world community and people have already set up many activities there. At the most basic level, you can just chat with people. You can also go dancing in virtual clubs (with real world DJs streaming music into SL - and most take song requests) or to live music shows. You can go to see virtual world ballet performances: join a sailing club and compete in yacht races; visit virtual theme parks and enjoy the rides; go horse riding, car racing or cycling; you can become a cheerleader or a member of a football team; go on shopping sprees; go on a date; get married; have virtual sex, or just explore places. There are many themed role-playing groups in SL covering every time period or topic you could imagine.

If you want to try The Sims, you pretty much have to take the plunge and buy the core game at least. If you want to try SL, it's totally free and you never have to spend any money unless you want to.

And the biggest difference? Well The Sims is very definitely a game. Second Life is whatever you want it to be. Many residents get a bit antsy if you refer to SL as a game, but it really depends on what you want to do in SL. If you want to just play games, such as role-playing, in SL, then it's a game! If you want to make friends and chat, it's a virtual 3D chat-room. If you want to study things or build 3D buildings or sculptures, it's a tool. If you want to make things and sell them, it's a job. If you want to find love, then it's a dating service. For me - more than anything - it's a place where I meet people from all over the world with similar music tastes to mine and we get together and share our passion for music.

Having been an avid Sims player before discovering SL, I can say that both have their pros and cons, but of the two, I much prefer SL. In fact, after discovering SL over 4 years ago, I stopped playing The Sims and have never returned to it even once.

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Could you ride a horse while pregnant?


No I am not pregnant. It is just a question I have thought for a longwhile (: (The rider pregnant not the horse)


I rode my Arabian up until the 7th month or so of my pregnancy, by which time my clothes weren't fitting and it was getting pretty uncomfortable to ride.

I went through this issue when the same question was asked on the Horseracing section, for some reason, and one of the other answerers went through this thing about how she was a RN and I was lucky not to lose my baby, that people who loved their babies wouldn't even dream of riding while pregnant, etc., etc. Some people have really strong feelings about this issue, so you may get some really opinionated answers.

When I found out I was pregnant, I did some research into the issue, and I found out a couple of things.

First, the knee-jerk reaction of the medical profession is to tell pregnant women to stop riding. 9,999 doctors and nurses out of 10,000 will tell you: don't ride.

...But when you ask them on what basis they make that recommendation, and whether they themselves have any familiarity with the physical demands of horseback riding, you will get a deer-in-the-headlights stare, because they cannot cite any literature that indicates that women who engage in horseback riding on the flat, not including high-risk activities like racing or working with green horses, are at increased risk of miscarriage simply because of horseback riding.

I went into detailed literature search. Among other things, I looked into whether there was any data to indicate that women in nomadic societies, who would routinely have to ride some kind of animal during pregnancies, were known to have an increased incidence of miscarriage. What I found was that there is nothing in the literature that indicates that. Further, when you consider that prior to industrialization (pre-1850's), virtually all women in history were in situations where they might have to ride horses (or be driven in horse-drawn vehicles, which didn't have good shock absorption, over very bad roads, which ammounted to the same thing), you have to realize that if horseback riding caused miscarriages, there would be a lot of information about that which would have carried over in the literature and would be readily searchable. There just isn't anything like that.

Generally, people who advise women not to ride when they're pregnant cite a supposed increased risk of miscarriage brough on either by the "jolting" of the horse's motion, or increased pressure of the fetus on the cervix brought about by the position of sitting on a horse. When you look at those hypotheses, you can quickly dismiss them. As all of us who ride know, when you are a proficient rider, you are not subject to severe jolting, because the flexion of the various joints takes up the shock and when you sit to the horse's gaits, your body moves with the motion of the horse's back. You aren't bouncing around. (If your equitation is so poor that you're bouncing enough to cause significant jolting, you aren't a proficient rider.)

Further, there is nothing about the position of sitting astride a horse that subjects the cervix to extraordinary stress or forces. It just isn't true.

Those of us who grew up in the late 1960's-early 1970's, when the women's movement was just getting underway and many women were undertaking athletic activies like jogging will recognize that the same arguments against exercising while pregnant were advanced then. Women were told, in all seriousness, that if they jogged while pregnant, they were going to bounce so hard they would induce miscarriages. This myth was quickly debunked by a variety of studies.

Finally, the truth is that pregnancy is a much more robust condition than a lot of people would have you believe. One of the discussions I had was with a maternity nurse whose mother had been a nurse-midwife in London during WW II, and who had been involved in relief efforts in Europe immediately after WWII. What she told me: many women who were pregnant encountered unbelievably stressful conditons during the war, enduring bombardment in cities that were under attack, subjected to physical and emotional stresses that most of us can't even begin to imagine, had to endure hardships, privations, and engage in physical activities relating to evacuation and rescue operations. And most of these women were able to bring their pregnancies to term and give birth to normal children.

If you want to keep riding and are a proficient rider, as long as you avoid riding activities that put you at high risk of being thrown, you should be just fine. My daughter was born after an uneventful pregnancy and is now 16 and an honors student, dearly loved and the light of my life. And yes I rode for 7 months during pregnancy. And if I had to do it over, I wouldn't change a thing.

Whats the best way to fake a back injury so I can get a few days off of work with a doc's note?


No judgements....answer the question, no other comments needed its for a good cause

The most convincing way, I'm afraid, would be to do the following:

I'll just give you some points, and you can figure the rest out, easily:

The pain was sudden, and didn't seem related to any movement.. but you **WERE** standing, and reaching with that arm when it happened... but you weren't doing anything crazy...

The pain was like your entire insides - in that area seized up, like an internal charlie-horse.. no hot flashes or anything, just a jolt and PAIN following a half-second later..

You went to the floor incredibly fast, you don't even know exactly how you got there.. you didn't care much about the falling.. just that damned pain!

You were on the floor for like half an hour so, you really don't know...half-curled up like a baby...grabbing and squeezing - and holding - trying to fix the problem...

You couldn't move even the slightest bit, every little movement hurt, but you kept trying to find a position that was survivable - which you 'kinda' did... but you had to adjust every minute or so...

You kept trying to convince yourself of it just being a muscle spasm, but you couldn't find the muscle which makes/made you think it is/was more serious - like a kidney problem...

You could never seem to pin-down EXACTLY where the pain was, but you it seemed to be in the side, all the way from the spine, around parallel to the bottom of your rib.. but several inches below ( don't use those words, AT ALL, just POINT, and PINCH ( **BIG** pinches.. whole hand... )

You grabbed and squeezed ALL OVER the area... from spine to the love handles...

You are REALLY confused as to how it could be your back, it just doesn't seem right...

It must be something more serious, right?

Now, that you are at the doc., the pain has subsided a great deal, but the area feels 'warm' and achy.. kinda 'creaky' even - tight... But it still actually hurts like hell, and moving is still hindered.. you can't lay on your back comfortably... but on the opposite side, half-curled.

You are the doc now, not so much because of the pain you have now, but because of what you experienced.. you are really scared..

BTW, this experience would have really taken your energy from you, and this would be very visible on your face... you have to show that you are just wanting it all to be over, and you want to rest...

The pain, now, at the docs, seems to have some moments where it is going to happen again... You need to be able to lift things at work.. damn, didn't even think about work - heh, so much for the flat-screen this week.. f**k ( this last part.. has to be quiet, *almost* to yourself )...

That should buy you a good week or so, if you want to milk it for more. Be careful, however, don't make this a repeat.. What I have described is my episode of a severe muscle spasm in my back. It was caused, most likely, by a pinched nerve or nerve group, but can be caused just as easily from nothing more than an irritated muscle and a bad movement.

Mine was real. I won't judge...

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Will I get pregnant if I have retroverted uterus?

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Will I get pregnant If I have uplift or retroverted uterus. I have 2 kids ,now I want to concieve 3 rd one.On ultrasound report I came to know I have uplift uterue.Will I have 3 rd baby

I have a tipped uterus and am pregnant. My OB/GYN says it doesn't impact fertility.

how can i get pregnant with a tilted uterus?

Lexa Brian

so, i have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, and i seem to have no luck whatsoever.
i was told that i have a tilted uterus that's flipped backwards; not forwards like most women with tilted uterus'. i have tried everything that i've seen online, and nothings working. a couple people have told me that my uterus will flip on its own, others have told me that the male can somehow flip it during intercourse? i also heard that its much harder to get pregnant with a titled uterus and im not sure what else to do, im running out of options.
are there any tips that could help me get pregnant or increase my fertility? please and thankyou.

You have a retroverted uterus, which is quite common - about 20% of women have a retroverted uterus as a normal position. Some women have this positioning as a result of something else (scar tissue, tumor, etc). It does not cause any problems and does not require "flipping." Only in relatively rare circumstances would it be considered the cause of infertility (after all other causes were ruled out). If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year, then go to your doctor for an exam related to your reproductive health. There could well be another issue you are having, which is far more likely. If it has been less than a year, well, keep trying.

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If you have bad teeth is it hard to get Pregnant?

get pregnant 38 years old on Teen Moms Farrah Abraham Gets Plastic SurgeryAgain! | Lovelyish
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I work with very nice woman and she has been trying to have a baby for 7 years now. Her husband has been trying to help her go see a dentist for the past 10 years. I know she has some infected teeth for years. Plus some other teeth problem. I told her if you have bad teeth it hard to get Pregnant because of the infection. Now she wants info on it help.
I have been looking for info on teeth problem and getting Pregnant, any info would help. She is about 38 years old.

having bad teeth has nothing to do with getting pregnant, she needs to see a dentist asap.

If you have bad teeth is it hard to get Pregnant?


I work with very nice woman and she has been trying to have a baby for 7 years now. Her husband has been trying to help her go see a dentist for the past 10 years. I know she has some infected teeth for years. Plus some other teeth problem. I told her if you have bad teeth it hard to get Pregnant because of the infection. Now she wants info on it help.
I have been looking for info on teeth problem and getting Pregnant, any info would help. She is about 38 years old.

There is no known correlation with oral health and fertility. Perhaps you were thinking of the link between periodontal disease (gum disease) and premature low-birth weight babies. There are studies that suggest this but a direct cause-effect relationship has not been proven (yet).

It's also a good idea if your friend is trying to become pregnant to see the dentist first. Although cleanings and emergency procedures are done, it is generally recommended to avoid elective procedures during pregnancy.

Also, there are special hormone related oral conditions that may arise during pregnancy, such as: pregnancy gingivitis and pyogenic granuloma. The risks for these can be lowered by maintaining optimal oral health.

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When a child is playing at the table instead if eating what do you do?

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I asked this a while ago and it obviously wasnt clear.

I watch a 4 yr old boy and a 2 yr old girl.

The 4 yr old is very aware of table rules. His parents and I have the same table rules.
-No playing at the table.
-You can talk but no playing or goofing around.
-You must eat when at the table.
-2 warnings and you have to get down.

No matter what we do the oldest does not listen. He still plays at the table. Making animal noises, making sounds with his mouth, does not sit still, Distracts his sister while she is trying to eat,etc.... He doesn't play with his food , just plays instead of eating.

I give him a few warnings and then he has to get down or sit in the baby booster seat instead of sitting like a big kid.

This is not only just at the table. He just doesn't listen. Extremely bossy and whinny.

I know some of this is normal for a 4 yr old. He still needs to listen and do what he is told by me and his parents. We all talk to him about things and all use time outs.
I'm positive with him. I don't give to many rules at once. Don't think his parents would want him to race at the table. I've taught him it doesn't matter who finishes first. Ill think of something.
No morning snacks. Afternoon I only give them a snack of they ask. Has to be before 4pm.
He eventually eats most of his food. Just plays in between bites even though he knows he is not suppose to. If he is not eating ill tell him, you need to eat or get down and go play. If I have to tell him more then 2 times he had to get down.
@naiara. I do that. It doesn't matter how many times and days you talk to him about manners.

I have a 3 year old son and he also sometimes starts playing at the table. When he does this i ask him if he's done and if he would like to go and play. He says yes, he cleans up and washes himself before playing. He says no, i tell him he should eat. There's no playing at the table. He starts playing again, i tell him again. If he gets too silly i bring him to the bathroom myself. I usually tell him before he starts eating: we sit at the table: we eat. We done eating: we clean up, wash ourselves and go play.

What does your baby/toddler do that makes you laugh hysterically?


My 12 month old has recently started making animal noises. Especially barking like a dog. We went this weekend to the aquarium and she LOVED it. She was barking at the fish. It was SO funny. She has also started putting a blanket over her head and walking through the house and bumping into stuff and falling over. She thinks it is so funny to do that. I am afraid she is going to kill herself, though LOL! :)

What is your baby/toddler doing now that makes you laugh?

My 6 month old learned to blow raspberries a few weeks ago. We went on vacation and the first night she woke us up twice which is unusual. But the second time when I laid her back down in her bassinet, it was pitch black in the room and all the sudden we heard her doing husband and I burst out laughing uncontrollably. It was hilarious.

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does anyone know that the handle between the seat on the first row seat goes up or it's stuck??


i have baby i just want to know that handle goes up so my baby can sleep on my lap ?

Well, the pressure change is easy enough to deal with, just give the kid something to drink, it's the same as us chewing gum. As you swallow it equalizes the pressure making your ears comfy. Also, if you or the child are drinking water, you should be able to stay hydrated. Can't help the movement of the other passengers though.

Anyway, most arm rests will go up, sometimes you have to be a bit creative though. Usually the arm rests in the middle of the row go up with out an issue, and I'm guessing you're not laying the kid in the aisle so you should be fine. If you come up on a trick arm rest though, I have found that many have a latch on the underside of the rest, towards the back.

It's really not as bad as people make it out to be, but calling ahead o find out about holding your child during take-off and landing is a good idea.

My bad habit: chewing my fingers. What is the best way to stop it and break the habit?


I've been chewing my fingers ever since I was in elementary. Nowadays, even at 20 - I occasionally chew on them when I get a little nervous or jittery, but I don't even realize that. It's getting a bit annoying and embarassing... how do I stop it?
Stop washing my hands after I poop? LOL

I'm bound to still chew on my fingers...

HMMMM some very interesting answers here that I like....Such as the rubber band idea. I would recomend that idea and see if that helps. If not....

First of all as a former thumb sucker and smoker I understand oral fixations (I quit the thumb thing a 12 started smoking at 13 and just quit that at 22, about two months ago). Even now you will usually catch me with a touthpick, rubber band, bottle lid, pencils, or other item in my mouth. I have seriously cut back the habbit and consiously have to make efforts not to do it.

Here are some suggestions. First of all peppers contain volitale oils that can chemically burn skin so avoid those. Purchase some alum powder and mix the powder with a few drops of water (Enough to make a slightly runny paste.) and soak your fingers in it. Alum is very, unpleasantly bitter and will immediately make your mouth pucker. Some people like lemon juice or tobasco so using those items usually doesn't work because the taste isn't very strong.

Next put up sticky notes at the places you are most like to do this. Repeating to yourself that this is bad trains your mind to avoid doing it subconsciously. If you are like me you also put your hand on your face (or chin in hand, whatever). You can curb this action as well by improving your posture. Freeze yourself the next time you catch yourself doing this (or finger chewing) and analyze how you are sitting. Usually slumped with your elbow on the table or with your elbow semi supported by your stomach or chest. If you start improving your posture then you will become less inclined to hold your arm up unsupported for very long. I am using an exercise ball for a computer chair right now to retrain my posture. My doctor recomended it and I highly agree, I've already noticed a difference.

Cheer up though. Some studies say that finger chewing, nail biting, and other oral fixations are all signs of higher intelligence. It is believed that the brain in these cases works so fast that it actually gets bored or is somehow unstimulated. By controlling physical movement while mental processes such as reading or talking occur your brain is exercising itself and making you smarter and faster by training itself to multitask.

Oh and a side note. Many people often notice that they chew nails/fingers in response to nervousness. The sucking/chewing motion is deeply ingrained in our most primitive side as being calming. When we are babies and we recieve food (suckle) subconciously we are aware of being protected by our mothers. The sucking/chewing motion along with full belly releases seratonin in the child inducing pleasure and happiness. In response to certain stresses adults will ocassionally do the same thing for the chemical calm it can induce, without even thinking about it. I tend to do this in the store especially when I can't find something. I feel lost and confused and tend to stick the tip of one or more finger in my mouth while looking.

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What are the songs included to Wave 89 to 1 most influential R&B songs?

baby making music 2010 on ATRL - Celeb Photos: Justin Bieber making out with .....
baby making music 2010 image


Wave 89.1 had a countdown from 89 to 1 for year 2010. Can someone pls tell me what are these songs? I can't find it in their website or Twitter. Thanks.

Wave 89.1 "89 to 1" Yearend Countdown
December 31, 2010

89. Fall in Love - Estelle feat Nas
88. M.I.S.S.U - Nicole Scherzinger feat Pharell
87. Who's Gonna Love You - Amerie
86. Love King - The Dream
85. Body Bounce - Kardinal Offishal feat Akon
84. Tik Tok - Urban Nation
83. Tippin' in the Club - Nelly
82. Erase Me - Kid Cudi
81. Hot Like Summer - Sean Kingston
80. Back to The Future - Dru Hill
79. Still a Girl - Keri Hilson
78. Living Better Now - Jamie Foxx feat Rick Ross
77. Only Girl (In The World) - Rihanna
76. Feel Love - Sean Garett
75. There Goes My Baby - Usher
74. Kisses in the V.I.P - Bei Maejor
73. Back For Good - Boyz II Men
72. Seen It Before - Jeremih
71. Check It Out - feat Nicki Minaj
70. Way You Move - Faith Evans feat Snoop Dog
69. I Like - Jeremih
68. Paris Nights and New York Mornings - Corrine Bailey Rae
67. Fly Away - Blaze N Kane feat Pow Chavez
66. She Ain't You - Bei Maejor
65. Pretty Girl Rock - Keri Hilson
64. Bedrock - Young Money feat Lloyd
63. The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eyed Peas
62. Grenade - Bruno Mars
61. For The Sake of Love - Trey Songz
60. Over - Drake
59. There You Are - Iyaz
58. Got Your Back - T.I feat Keri Hilson
57. Make U Mine - LMFAO
56. Un-Thinkable - Alicia Keys
55. Photographs - Rihanna feat
54. Waiting - Beyonce
53. Bottoms Up - Trey Songz feat Nicki Minaj
52. Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
51. Get Back Up - T.I feat Chris Brown
50. My Chick Bad - Ludacris feat Nicki Minaj
49. Broke Ass Holiday - One Block Radius
48. Wetter (Wayne on Me) - Lil Wayne feat Chanelle
47. Blowin' Me Kisses - Soulja Boy
46. Pyramid - Charice feat Iyaz
45. On To The Next One - Jay-Z
44. Bet I Bust - B.o.B feat T.I
43. She Got It Made - Plies
42. Not Afraid - Eminem
41. Across The World - Pitbull feat B.o.B
40. I Get Crazy - Nicki Minaj
39. Break My Bank - New Boyz feat Iyaz
38. Ha Ha (Slow Down Son) - Fat Joe feat Young Jeezy
37. California Gurls - Katy Perry feat Snoop Dog
36. Say Aah - Trey Songz
35. Nobody Can Change Me - Nicole Scherzinger
34. Rock That Body - Black Eyed Peas
33. I Wanna Get Drunk - DJ Felli fe featl Three 6 Mafia, Lil Jon & Fatman Scoop
32. Aston Martin music - Rick Ross
31. NY Lover - Nelly feat Ashanti
30. Toot It and Boot It - YG
29. Love Letter To The Beat - Lupe Fiasco feat Alicia Keys
28. Yeah 3X - Chris Brown
27. I Wanna Rock - Snoop Dog
26. Champagne Life - Ne-Yo
25. Foolin' Around - Usher
24. 2012 (It Ain't The End) - Jay Sean feat Nicki Minaj
23. Where You Are - Cali Swag District feat Michael Jackson
22. Ain't No Doubt About It - The Game feat Justin Timberlake & Pharell
21. Whip My Hair (Remix) - Willow feat Nicki Minaj
20. Winner - Jamie Foxx feat Justin Timberlake & T.I
19. I Love You - Usher
18. Like A G6 - Far East Movement feat The Cataracs and Dev
17. Carry Out - Timbaland feat Justin Timberlake
16. Replay - Iyaz
15. Ain't Thinking About You - Chris Brown feat Tyga and Bow Wow
14. Airplanes - B.o.B feat Hayley Williams
13. Billionaire - Travie McCoy feat Bruno Mars
12. Tik Tok (remix) - Ke$ha feat Pitbull
11. Rocketeer - Far East Movement feat Ryan Tedder
10. Love The Way You Lie Part II - Rihanna feat Eminem
9. Angels Cry - Mariah Carey feat Ne-Yo
8. DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love - Usher feat Pitbull
7. Beautiful Monster - Ne-Yo
6. If Ain't About The Money - Fat Joe feat Trey Songz
5. Dynamite - Taio Cruz
4. Nothin' on You - B.o.B feat Bruno Mars
3. OMG - Usher feat
2. Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
1. Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rida feat David Guetta

What are some good inspirational songs I can sing for a contest?


I am doing a state idol and I need a song to sing.Preferably a song from this past decade[2000-2010]and songs that were popular.I am a second soprano and I am in junior high if that makes a difference.

These are all great songs, but YOU can check the dates because that is WAY to much work for me to do for someone I don't know or is my student
A JOURNEY TO A STAR.. The Gang's all Here
A NEW LIFE... Jekyll and Hyde\
A QUIET THING... Flora the Red Menace
ACID QUEEN.. The Who's Tommy
ARKANSAS... Big River
BACK TO BASE... Closer than Ever
BE MY HOST.. Fanny
BIG SPENDER... Sweet Charity
BILL... Show Boat
BLUE MOON.. Manhattan Melodrama
BOY WANTED... Primrose
CABARET.. Cabaret
COLOR OF THE WIND... Pocahonta
DANCE 10, LOOKS 3... A Chorus Line
DANCING QUEEN.. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
DAY BY DAY.. Godspell
DIVA'S LAMENT.. Spamalot
DO Hear a Waltz?
EASY TERMS.. Blood Brothers
ESCAPE... Escape
EVERYTHING ELSE.. Next to Normal
FALLING IN LOVE WITH LOVE.. Boys from Syracuse
FOOLS FALL IN LOVE... Smokey Joe's Cafe
GIMME LOVE.. Kiss of the Spider Woman
GRAND AVENUE... Flower Drum Song
HAIL THE HAPPY COUPLE... Pardon my English
HAPPY EASTER... Easter Parade
HELL NO.. The Color Purple
HOLDING ON.. Secret Garden
HOME... Beauty and the Beast
HONEY, HONEY.. Momma Mia
I AIN'T GOT TIME.. Zanna Don't
I GOT RHYTHM... Girl Crazy
I HAD A BALL... I had a ball
I LOVE YOU PORGY... Porgy and Bewss
I'M FLYING.. Peter Pan
I'M A WOMAN... Smokey Joe's Café
IT'S A LOVELY DAY... Call me Madam
JUST YOU WAIT... My Fair Lady
KEYS .. Passing Strange
LIGHT... The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
LOOK FOR A SILVER LINING. Till the Clouds roll by
LOOK TO THE RAINBOW... Finian's Rainbow
LOVE... Love me Tonight
LOVE'S NEVER EASY... Bombay Dreams
MACAROONS... Acorn Antiques
MY OWN MORNING... Halleelujah Baby
100 WAYS TO LOSE A MAN.. Wonderful Town
OOH! MY FEET... The most happy fella
ONE DAY I'LL FLY AWAY.. Moulin Rouge
ONE NIGHT ONLY.. Dream Girls
PARIS BY NIGHT.. Victor Victoria
PURLIE... Purlie
RAGS... Rags
RAIN ON THE ROOF.. The Wild Party
SHINE... Billy Elliot
SOME DAY.. The Wedding Singer
STARS & THE MOON.. Songs fora new World
SUGAR DADDY.. Hedwick and the angry inch
THE CALLING.. Altar Boyz
THE GARDEN RAM... Two by Two
TO KEEP MY LOVE ALIVE.. Connecticut Yankee
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.Two Gentlemen of Verona
UNDER THE TREE.. Celebration
VERY SOFT SHOES... Once upon a Mattress
WAITING FOR LIFE...Once upon this Island
WITH ONE LOOK.. Sunset Boulevard
WOMAN... The Pirate Queeen
WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.. Witches of Eastwick
YOU'LL NEVER BE ALONE.A Tale of Two Cities

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

How long will it take to get pregnant?

tips on getting pregnant after mirena on See Google docs and WPClipart for a brief how-to. bomb 5. bomb 5
tips on getting pregnant after mirena image


I've had mirena for only 6 months. I didn't like it for multiple reasons. It just wasnt for me. So I had it removed. It's only been a few days. Im 25 and ive had no children. I plan on getting pregnant as soon as possible. I don't want to take any medications to either I would like to have my body recover naturally. Since i only had it for 6 months, how long do you think it will take to get pregnant?

I'm not sure how long it will take, but there are a lot of things you can do to improve your chances.

Definitely, fitness and nutrition are crucial when trying to get pregnant, and also limiting stress.

Maria Anderson has an excellent site ( that has "100 tips for Getting Pregnant", spread over 10 separate articles. They are all free and you don't have to sign up for anything.

Included in the articles are what you should and shouldn't eat, what vitamins, herbs and minerals to take (and which ones to avoid), what drugs to take (and which ones to avoid), tips and videos on fertility massage and exercise. She also talks about the best time of the month to have sex etc.

The link I've put below gets you straight to the home page. For the "100 Tips to Get Pregnant", look in the side-bar on the right of the page

Best of luck.

How soon is it possible for me to conceive?


I'm taking my mirena iud out on monday and I was wondering how soon after is it possible to conceive and is there any ways and tips on how to get pregnant soon we want to start expanding our family trying for baby #1

From what I have been told, when I had the mirena years ago, you can immediately conceive after removal, since it is not a hormone induced birth control. However, conceiving takes ovulation, so it would depend on when in your cycle you remove the IUD. Best of luck to you and your husband!!

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What is a Healthy diet when pregnant for twins?

how to make sure you get pregnant with twins on Halloween Costume Ideas Needed - Scary Mommy
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I would like to know if anyone has a healthy meal plan they followed when pregnant with twins? I get severely anemic when I am pregnant so my Doctor wants me eating more lean red meat, which is fine with me since I seem to be craving it. LOL I just want to make sure that both babies are getting the right nutrients they need to be healthy and strong. Thanks for your input!

I think the Brewer diet would be ideal for you.

If you are pregnant with twins do you usually find out before the 20 weeks ultrasound?

2 Little A

Just curious if they would be able to tell you that you are pregnant with twins before having the 20 weeks ultrasound. Would they be able to tell by using the doppler or measuring fundus height?

- I am not currently pregnant with twins. Just one baby (I know this for sure due to ultrasound) but I am just curious about with twins how soon you would find out.

Yes - with ultrasound, we would be able to see two sacs or two fetal poles very early, usually at 7-8 weeks.

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When did you first feel the baby move with an anterior placenta?

Kayla S

I am 20 weeks and 4 days and have not felt much. I know I have my placenta is on the anterior and I also have a big fibroid outside the uterus - wondering if other people felt baby move later because of this? I saw her on ultrasound last Thurs and she looked fine.....but movement would make me feel so much better - thanks!

I have an anterior placenta and I first felt fluttering movements at about 18 weeks. Then between 19 and 20 I started feeling jolting movements. It wasnt until 22 weeks that I knew I was getting kicked.

Now at 25 weeks Im getting beaten up. LOL.

Good luck and congrats!

Feel abnormally cold after car accident?

Brittany b

my home is 75 degrees right now and I am still cold. The auto accident was a front inpact without the airbag deploying. my forehead is sore and sensitive to cold air, and if I get upset it starts to hurt more. I still have neck pain and not totally complete movement left to right.

Aggressively, but politely, try to find out what is wrong from your physician.
You have a neck injury...probably have edema...I know that sounds weird, but you hurt your neck...there are "nerve endings", neurons, nerves. involved, as well as sore, stretched, muscles in your neck.. probably irritated, inflamed. This can take a long time to heal. Be careful and do not reinjure or make worse or undo any gains you have made. Did you get prednisone? or some sort of drug like that or anti inflammatory agents?

Follow your doctor's advice. Your brain has had quite a what happens when you have a front impact or rear impact injury. Your brain, body is thrown suddenly , forcibly, forward and back. The shaken baby syndrome in an about it. Then the spine is stretched...pulled,
muscles stretched in abnormal positons. Be careful, give it some time.
It is very important that you take care of yourself during this and give
yourself a chance to recover without making it worse.

Do you use heat or ice? NSAIDS? There are little soft neck pillows
which are not confining , shaped like a horse in front. if your doctor will allow it to help make you comfortable.

I don't know about the cold. It could be the nerve inflammation, or muscle, it could be stress...Getting upset causes muscle tension in your head, neck, shoulders, back. Discuss all this with your health care provider.
Wear sox. Protect your forehead when you go out by wearing a hat or scarf.

Dont lift, push or pull. Guard your neck.Give yourself time.

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How likely can you get pregnant with the pullout method and during ovulation?

get pregnant this cycle on The Ovulation Cycle | Expectant Moms
get pregnant this cycle image


I need like a percentage, thanks :) I know they say you have 20 percent fail rate with the pullout and 20 percent of getting pregnant every cycle, so would it 20%

You have a 25% chance if you're trying, so with the pullout method...My best guess would be 5%?? It worked for my husband and I, we got pregnant twice when trying and never used any birth control except the pullout method.

Can you still get pregnant if you have sex a few days before ovulation?


My boyfriend & I were hoping to get pregnant this month. I am supposed to be ovulating within the next few days, or I might have already (not too sure) We had sex Saturday & Sunday and we planned on having sex again yesterday & today but he his mom fell and needed him to go take care of her asap and he wont be back for about a week. Yesterday and today I felt a few twinges and pains in my ovary, and my clear discharge changed to white & creamy. What does this mean? Can I still get pregnant this cycle?

yes you could be pregnant just wait un til next week to know for sure good luck

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My 9 month old has decided she doesn't want formula anymore. Can I mix it in her baby food or something?

making baby food 9 month old on Let's play! 9-month-old, second week - BabyCenter
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My 9 month old won't drink her formula anymore. She only drinks about 5 oz of her bottle maybe 3 times a day. I don't give her any juice or water, just formula. Can I mix it in baby food? I already tried mixing it with cheerios and she won't eat rice or oatmeal cereal. Any tips?

At nine months she only has a few more months in which she actually needs it, so its not as crucial as an issue as it would be if she was a younger baby. If it was my baby, I would just make sure she ate as much formula as she would take and feed her table food (my daughter didn't eat purees anymore at nine months, she ate what we ate cut up really small) and cereals the rest of the time.

If she is eating 15oz of formula a day, it sounds as if she is weaning herself off of it, which is fine. You could even try giving her tiny amounts of cow's milk to supplement. They say not until they turn one, but it's not like there is anything magical that happens overnight on their first birthday. Every baby is different, and at only three months until age one, she may be ready to wean off the formula and be gradually introduced to cow's milk.

Either way, she won't starve between the 15oz of formula and the baby food she is getting throughout the day.

How many times a day do you feed baby food to a 4 month old?


I have been giving my 4 month old daughter cereal for about a month. I just started her on other baby foods this week. I dont want to make her so full she doesnt want a bottle so I have been only giving her baby food in the morning.
Her bottles are only 4 ounces sometimes she wont even finish that much. She was a little over 5 pounds when she was born so she is only like 12 pounds now.
The doctor told me as long as she can hold her head up and she is showing sign of swollowing (without eating) then I can start her on cereal, one thing I do know is you arent supposed to give cereal in a bottle it promotes obesity. Not only that but on the beech nut website it has a menu for 4-6 month olds that shows 3 meals a day. My question wasnt if I feed her too early it was how often do you give baby food.

I started both my sons on solids at 2 months old. I found that they dictate the amount that they want. My eldest was happy with one small meal a day until 5-6 months but my youngest (now 9 months old) absolutely loves his food. He has never been a big drinker, the most he ever had in a bottle until 6 months is 4oz. He still only has 6 oz bottles now. At 4 months he was having 3 'meals' a day and six small bottles.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What are some natural alternatives for fertility treatments? things you can do or buy yourself?

tips on getting pregnant with pcos naturally on get pregnant
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I heard there is something you can buy in stores that acts like clomid. wondering what it is, how it works. and if there are other things to boost female repro. I have pcos and my husbands healthy.

There is a system that you may be interested in. The system helps women get pregnant naturally and most of the time they get pregnant within 2 months using the system. It's not some ordinary get pregnant tips thing, its the real deal and explains what you need to do to get pregnant and how to reverse infertility or what problems you are having getting pregnant.

Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant and if so, how long did you try before conceiving?


I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 months ago and just had my first ultrasound. I've been married for almost 2 years and and while we aren't wanting to start a family just yet, I was wondering if anyone else diagnosed with PCOS has been able to concieve, and if so, how long did it take before you were able to conceive? Also, if anyone has an tips on how to manage/deal I would really appreciate it!

The great news is that you discovered this before you are ready to get pregnant. Once I found out, I got off birth control and figured if it happened naturally, then it would be a blessing (even though we weren't quite ready). I was off the pill for almost two years and maybe had 2-3 periods in that time. Once we decided we were ready in Feb 06, my endocrinologist prescribed Metformin (glucophage). I immediately started ovulating and became pregnant in Jun 06. I now have a 6 month old baby girl. It doesn't happen that easy for everyone, but the possibility is there! My recommendation is to get in shape, even if you're only 5 lbs overweight (which was my case). I would also allow a lot of time for trying before you are officially 'ready.' We weren't antsy those first months on Metformin- we expected a long wait and wanted to start charting to see how my body was reacting to the medication. I think the lack of stress contributed to our success. Good luck! And lots of baby dust when the time is right! :)

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