Saturday, April 19, 2014

Baby congestion, is it normal?


My son is now almost 7 weeks and since he was born he has had plenty of congestion. I keep hearing/reading that it is normal for newborns to have that, but it really worries me sometimes. I have taken him to the doctor many times because it scares me sometimes. His nose seems so dry and sometimes it seems like no air is going in. When he sleeps sometimes it seems like he is trying to breath and gasps for air, then after a few seconds he can breath again. I tell this to the doctors but they all say it is normal and he shows no signs of distress. Of course he isn't doing it while I am at the doctors, and it may just be newborn congestion but it still just worries me, expecially with SID's being talked about so often. I use saline and have just read about using breastmilk and have yet to try that. We bought a humidifier to help with the dryness, but he is still congested and having funky breathing. My question is was your newborn like this or do you know anybody's that was? How long did it last for you? What other things did you try to help with your babies nose? I may just be a paranoid mom, but I just want my baby to be able to breath easy. It worries me when he struggles and nothing goes in. It's only for a few seconds, but my heart sinks each time. I know I am probably driving the doctors crazy ( I have gone to two different doctor ) but I just want to make sure. He is a healthy baby, just lots of congestion and funky/troubles breathing. Just hoping to hear some stories of similar newborn congestion and find out when it went away or how you helped your baby breath better.


My son was like this,he was a c section baby and had a lot of mucus the doctor said.To me it sounded like wheezing but his actual chest was clear and the noise was coming from his throat ..bottom line he sounded awful but his oxygen levels were perfect and his chest was clear .
I was forever taking him to the doc's too.
My doctor said this could last up to 6months of age ..thankfully it didnt !
When my son sounded 'bunged'' up i got some vic's vapour rub put a blob of it in a bowl of boiling water and left it on the window ledge AWAY from his cot so the room smelt of vic's which helps...
I also put a blanket rolled up UNDER the cot matress/moses basket so it was slightly tilted so he was laying flat on his back.
Its a massive worry the same as all mums..he was my 4th baby yet i was and still am forever checking him !!!Just a mum thing i guess

CONGRATULATIONS !!!! and good luck


Loud noises on baby monitor? Coughs?


Tonight, after I put my baby to bed, I heard a loud noise on the monitor. It sounded like something heavy had fallen and hit the ground. I checked on my baby and she was fussing a little and her pacifier had fallen out, so I put it back. A few minutes later, the same thing happened again, and then again one more time. I thought that maybe the sound might be a cough or sneeze, so I sat in my babies room to see what she was doing. She had a few dry coughs right before she started crying and a few snorts too. No sneezing and the cough didn't sound like the video cough of croup (although I'm a new mom and it's hard to tell). I cleaned out her nose but it's still happening. It all seems to go away when she is held upright, but I need to sleep too so I can't do this all night. What might be going on?
I forgot to mention that the coughs/snorts I'm hearing do not sound as loud as the sounds on the monitor so I don't even know if that is what is making the sounds.

seems like the runny nose is just trickling down her nose iritating the back of her throat causing her to make the noises

find 2 books the same size and put them under the head of her bed to keep her head elevated this will help it drain a little better and hopefully give her some comfort you can also put some euaky bear rub on her feet to clear her nose up

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8.5 weeks pregnant and huge breasts???? L cup size?


My bra size is a 38 L. I'm 8.5 weeks pregnant and am noticing that none of my bras are fitting me as of late. Isn't it too darn early for my breasts to start growing?????? I'm so nervous that I'm not going to be able to find nursing bras in my size. My breasts already KILL me because they hurt so bad when I take my bra off every night that I'm dreading the future. Does anyone know where I can find asome good supportive maternity bras in my size??? I can't seem to find anything online! Please help.

I know exactly how you feel.I am naturally large breasted girl but once I got pregnant with my got worse.I did not have a belly until I was about 8 months because my breasts got so big it was hard to tell.On top of that I grew very asthmatic(sp) because of the babies feet pushing up and my breasts pushing down...horrid.As far as a bra..I could never find a decent nursing bra that would fit my bust so I usually used different lane bryant bras according to the different clothes I would be wearing(a very supportive bra for nights out and one without much wire for relaxing walks or such) can try looking up their cacique am not sure if they go up that high but it doesn't hurt to check.Good Luck!

pregnant 32 weeks?

Q. ok i went to the doctor 9-5-07 and i was 30 weeks, they mesured me at 32 weeks then, They have me down for a c-section nov 7th. i was wondering what i could do to make my self go into labor naturally, and when should i start doing it, since they mesuring me 2 weeks ahead of my due date. ...And being at 32 weeks how much should he weight and how long. and whats left for him to develop

I am 34 weeks and measuring 17 days ahead of where I am. My Dr ordered an ultrasound at 32 weeks to determine this, and another at 36 to see if the baby is still growing at the same rate. My Dr told me that we can still try to do a vaginal delivery however I will be monitored closer to see if we need to do an emergency c-section. She also told me that if the baby is over 4000 grams I can elect to do a c-section on my due date. I am not sure why your doctor already set a c-section date if that is not what you want. I would reccomend talking with him again and voicing that you would like to try a vaginal delivery first. My Dr said no one knows what your pelvis is capable of until you try.

The say at 37 weeks everything is developed, I believe the lunngs are the last to develop. But you want to be careful, just because its a big baby does not mean that it is fully developed on the inside. So you don't want to go into labor early. And if you have been measuring on track at all other visits and ultrasounds this may just be a growth spurt that the baby is going through.

I measured right on at all my ultrasounds 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 20 weeks. then at 28 weeks my stomach measured big and again at 32, thats why we did the ultrasound.

Keep the communication open with your Dr with what you want to happen. As long as it isn't harming the baby, he or she should go along with what you want. Don't be pushed into a c-section if you don't want it. My Dr told me that I should prepare myself for it because its a possiblility that my little one won't come out on her own....Good luck

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Is it possible to get pregnant 4 days before period is due?

Q. Had sex on Thursday, period was due on Sunday, and it still hasn't come... I know it's only been 3 days since but I'm still a bit worried. I'm 17 so my period is not always regular but recently it has been.. We used a condom and there was no leakage/ it didn't break so I don't see why I would be? Could my period not coming be due to a placebo effect as I'm very paranoid about getting pregnant..

Hi there,

Your period is only 2 days late. Don't worry.

No. You cannot get pregnant 4 days before your period is due. At that time in your cycle you have already ovulated and the egg has died. The only risk is that you are WRONG about when your period is due, and your period is in fact not due for another 14 days or so from the date you had sex on. That is very unlikely, unless you have the odd very irregular cycle.

Don't worry. You had protected sex at a very infertile time of the month. Your period isn't even technically late yet. Wait another 5 days, and if you've had no period, THEN you can start to worry.

If you had sex earlier in the month, pregnancy is more possible. But unless there was a mishap with a condom, or no condom was used, pregnancy is still very unlikely.

Worrying about your period coming does not make your period later. That's a myth. Stress postpones ovulation, not a period. It's possible to delay your ovulation, which will in turn delay your period, but this will only happen if the stress occurs before ovulation. You have almost certainly already ovulated this cycle.

So. Don't worry for another 5 days, and at that time, if there's no period, you can get a pregnancy test and take it. Then take another in a few days if there's still no period and the test was negative. Take immediate action towards abortion or prenatal care if you discover a pregnancy, but there's no need to worry unless your period is much later than this.

Worrying is normal. Everyone does it.

Best of luck.

Did i get pregnant before or after my period?

Love One A

My last period was oct 22
My due date is july 29
And after i got my period at the end of september i stopped taking my birth control pills of 2yrs
So what i really wanna know is did i get pregnant b4 or after my period in oct

you cannot get pregnant then have a period!

a period occurs when the unfertilised egg and uterus lining are shed to make way for the new one.
it is possible to have spotting around the time your period would have been due. this is lighter than a period and is usually only for a day or 2.

you would have had your oct period and then concieved during your ovulation about 2 weeks after the first day of the period. or if it was implantation bleeding that you had (small amount of spotting) you would have concieved 2 weeks before.

so to answer your question, you got pregnant after your period. you cannot have periods when you are pregnant, only small bleeds.

you really dont know this stuff?! its textbook!

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Fertility Drug:how effective to get pregnant with twins?

I was told I have polycystic ovary..and I'll have hard time to conceive again.
And my obgyne told me if I really wanted to have kids againshel have to put me on fertility drug.
Sounds great since I got two kids already:1 girl and 1boy.
I'm excited!!!

if you have trouble conceiving, you should be grateful for one healthy baby, not wanting twins... conception is a miracle even with only one baby!!! multiple births can cause a whole lot of problems. its likely you will get pregnant, and multiple births are common.

Fertility Drug... how effective to get pregnant with twins?

I was told by my obgyne I got polycystic ovary and I'll have time to conceiveagain.
I got two kids already one boy and one girl but I'd love to have two more so I was hoping 4 twins. So getting fertility drug to help me conceive is exciting.

I hope you are prepared because fertility drugs usually result in multiple births e.g. Quads/ Quintuplets or in some cases more

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pregnant with low progesterone and taking supplements?


I just got a + HPT this past Monday. This is my 9th pregnancy , hopefully my 7th child. I was completely unaware that I could even be pregnant so I have no idea how far a long I am. I've only had 2 periods since my son was born, the last one being 6/19/08.

I am nursing my 8 1/2 month old so I specifically requested a progetserone level check as I'd heard that nursing can sometimes cause low progesterone.

My levels came back at a 5.2 which they said was on the low end of normal. Everything I've read indicates that this is WAY low...and not even in the normal range for pregnancy at all. My HCG was good though, they said at 7724.

They put me on prometrium 200mg to be taken orally once a day.

I wondered if anyone had any experience/success stories to share. I had a m/c back in 2006 and it was just devestating for us as a family. I know every pg has a 50% chance of m/c, but...

My Dr. assured me that this pg is in no way doomed...that the P supplements ar just to give me a boost and there's nothing I could do or not do at this point to effect the outcome.
Thanks for any advice.
also I heard that P levels can fluctuate throughout the day and that sometimes eating a big meal can cause them to be low which I may have done before my blood work...I really don't remember how long ago it'd been since I'd eaten.

I was put on prometruim when I found out I was pregnant back in June. I just went off of them 2 weeks ago. Everything in my pregnancy is going well so far. I do have a cyst on my ovary but I am pretty sure that is unrelated to the progesterone.My initial levels were 13. Within a week and a half they had shot up to 24. My doctor put me on vaginal suppositories though. He said that they are supposed to work much better and much quicker then the oral medication. And I was taking 3 200 mg suppositories a day. All doctors are different but 200 mg orally once a day seems so little compared to what I was taking and your levels were much lower than mine. I should also say that I hated the vaginal suppositories. They were messy and uncomfortable. I asked many times to switch to the oral and the doctors told me it was to risky. I ended up not taking the suppositories as well as I should have by the end of the first trimester because I hated them so much, but they did do their job. Well that is my experience with the low progesterone. I should also mention that I had a miscarriage a few months before this pregnancy so that is why they even tested my progesterone.

Organic food & supplements while pregnant?

Another ba

Just wondering if anyone is eating organic and/or taking any organic/natural supplements while pregnant. I just found out I am pregnant with my 2nd and would like to continue eating organic & taking supplements throughout my pregnany. Not sure what are good and bad supplements to take? Also, what are more natural prenatal vitamins...I don't want to take Materna. And what are some good foods to eat in early pregnancy...I'm only 2 weeks.

Thanks all!

organic food should be great and would be healthy. The supplements you should talk to your OBGYN about them or your midwife if you are going that route. They should have an acceptable list. I know some are safe and others aren't. The #1 thing the Dr stressed to me early in pregnancy is lots and lots of folic acid so find foods that are high in folic acid and eat a lot of that. Also vitamin C containing foods would be a great idea. I know most Dr's don't advise against it but after my experiences I would recommend avoiding large amounts of peanuts and peanutbutter during pregnancy.

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When do babies start teething?

im what wi

When will my baby start getting teeth?

The vast majority of babies sprout their first teeth when they're between 4 and 7 months of age. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months, while a late bloomer may have to wait until he's a year old or more. (In rare cases, a baby's first tooth is already visible at birth.) Whenever the first tooth makes its appearance, celebrate the milestone by taking pictures and noting the date in your child's baby book.

Teeth actually start developing while your baby's in the womb, when tooth buds form in the gums. Teeth break through one at a time over a period of months, and often â but not always â in this order: First the bottom two middle teeth, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back. They may not all come in straight, but don't worry â they usually straighten out over time.

The last teeth to appear (the second molars, found in the very back of the mouth on the top and bottom) have usually begun coming into place by your baby's second birthday. By age 3, your child should have a full set of 20 baby teeth, which shouldn't fall out until his permanent teeth are ready to start coming in, around age 6.

What teething symptoms will my baby experience?

Experts disagree about whether teething actually causes symptoms â like fussiness, diarrhea, and fever â or whether these common symptoms are not related to teething at all and just coincidentally appear at the same time as emerging teeth. Regardless, many parents maintain that their teething babies do experience discomfort (though some babies get through the process with no problems at all). The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:

⢠Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)

⢠Gum swelling and sensitivity

⢠Irritability or fussiness

⢠Biting behavior

⢠Refusing food

⢠Sleep problems

Though many parents report that their babies have loose stools, runny noses, or a fever just before a new tooth arrives, most experts don't think teething is to blame for these symptoms. One who does is William Sears, pediatrician and author of The Baby Book. Sears believes that teething can cause diarrhea and a mild diaper rash because your baby's excessive saliva ends up in his gut and loosens his stools. Inflammation in the gums, he thinks, may cause a low fever (under 101 degrees Fahrenheit).

On the other hand, child development experts such as Penelope Leach assert that teething cannot cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite and that these are signs of illness that should be checked out. Noted pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton says such symptoms are probably due to an infection unrelated to teething, but that the stress associated with teething could make your child more vulnerable to infection right before a new tooth appears.

The one thing experts agree on is that you should call your child's doctor if your baby has symptoms that worry you or a rectal temperature of 101 degrees F or higher (100.4 degrees F or higher for babies younger than 3 months). The doctor can help determine whether your baby is showing signs of a problem that needs medical attention, like an ear infection. If your baby has loose stools â but not diarrhea â don't worry. The condition will clear up on its own.

What can I do to ease my baby's discomfort?

Give your child something to chew on, such as a firm rubber teething ring or a cold washcloth. If your baby is old enough to eat solids, he may also get some relief from cold foods such as applesauce or yogurt. Giving him a hard, unsweetened teething cracker such as zwieback to gnaw on is another time-honored trick. (Avoid carrots, as they can be a choking hazard.) Simply rubbing a clean finger gently but firmly over your baby's sore gums can ease the pain temporarily, too.

If these methods aren't working, some doctors recommend giving a teething baby a small dose of children's pain reliever such as infants' acetaminophen â but check with your doctor before giving your baby any medication. (Never give your baby aspirin or even rub it on his gums to ease the pain. The use of aspirin in children is associated with Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition.)

You can also rub your baby's gums with a topical pain relief gel such as Orajel or Zilactin, but most pediatricians advise against it: If too much gel is used, it can numb the back of your baby's throat and weaken his gag reflex (which helps prevent him from choking on his own saliva). The gels are generally safe to use, but in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction.

If drool causes a rash on your baby's face, wipe, but don't rub, the drool away with a soft cotton cloth. You can also smooth petroleum jelly on his chin before a nap or bedtime to protect the skin from further irritation.

Vagina 101???? Please Help?


Hi My name is Ashli. I'm 18 and this has been going on for far too long. I was wondering if anyone out there has been experiencing the same thing. It didn't happen until I moved back to the states about 5 years ago. I've been to the doctor so many times and they give me so many antibiotics for infections that I do not have. For years now I've been put on antibiotics for yeast infections and bacterial infections just for this discharge and it still has not dissappeared. I know for a fact that it's no STD because I just had a baby and I've been tested multiple time and when me and my fiance has intercourse nothing ever happens to him. Why is this happening to me? Also they are not huge but I guess I get vagina pimples ( Don't worry not herpes already been tested, never had an infected partner) I was wondering if anybody knows how to get rid of them. It makes me feel uncomfortable and insecure about my body. I get them when I shave I get them when I don't shave. like I just do not understand. Is my pH balance off? If so how do I go about fixing that? What's wrong with me because the doctors here don't know.
I use condoms everytime, and my doctors say that it is not yeast but they give me the antibiotics just for the discharge

Hi Ashli, first thing please stop taking unnecessary antibiotics, as this will make your immune system eventually very weak and your body will find it hard to fight to clear any illnesses. To rule out allergies try using condoms with your partner for a period it might be you have a slight allergy to sperm, To combat the pimples Bathe in Epsom salt, and make yourself and vulva scrub you need 1 cup melted coconut oil, 5 drops tea tree oil, 1 cup baking soda and 3 tbs honey mix it together and put in the fridge for an hour, then use before bathing, this is for your vulva not your vagina and should work. Try a very high fruit and veg diet cut out any process food, you should notice a difference. When our bodies are acting strange it is using cause by what we put in our bodies. To get your Ph levels of the vagina back on track try the yoni egg for more info on what it will do for you check out Hope this help

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014



My husband I had a miscarriage fixing to be a year ago on the 29 of this month! And we are trying to conceive again! Any tips on getting pregnant sooner? We have been tryin since and haven't conceived yet. We have not done all the tests and stuff though.

My very best tip is, don't try. Stop contraception and Just have sex whenever it takes your fantasy(excuse the pun). If you worry about ovulation dates and thermometers etc, then it will take longer and be more stress full. Also just make sure your both healthy, cut down on alcohol and if you smoke stop. get hubby to wear loose fitting boxers. Do this and i think it will happen sooner rather than later. good luck.

ANy tips on getting pregnant??

Justin is

my husband and i have been trying for a baby lately. No luck after 2 months. Any tips?? I dont have a regular menstration cycle so i cant count anything. I have had 2 miscarriages along time ago. I really want to make this happen soon. Im taking vitamins, stopped drinking and exercising regularly! But unfortunately nothings happened....

# For the average couple, having sex once per day provides the best chance of getting pregnant.
# To optimize your chances of getting pregnant, after your partner ejaculates, remain on your on your back with your hips elevated for 20-30 minutes.
# The woman-on-top position is not great for pregnancy, since ejaculate may flow out.

# Most women have a 15 to 25 percent chance of getting pregnant during their cycle.
# Nearly 50 percent of couples conceive during the first 3 months.
# About 75 percent of couples conceive during the first 6 months.
# Up to 90 percent of couples conceive during the first year.

Good luck

This is worth a try:
Basal Body Temperature Chart (BBT)

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Sims Three Generations Twin Boys Help?


So I have Sims Three Generations.
Please help!
Thanks you in advance, xox

I know that to get boys, you have to make your pregnant sim eat lots of apples during her pregnancy. The only way you ensure twins (or triplets) is to have both sims earn the fertility treatment award. However, it's pretty much random on whether you'll have triplets or twins...sorry. But the fertility treatment award assures it. Try just having one sim with the award nd see if that helps

Hopefully that helps

Im 13 weeks pregnant with twins?


One is a boy one is a girl is there a way I can have the boy removed surgically and ensure my baby girl keeps growing safely?
I had a 3d ultrasound just in case one was a boy. And im gonna call my nearest clinic.
im not a troll but I am really pregnant with twins a boy and girl I am just frustrated cause I can't find a boys name. I just wanted to frustrate pro life people.

That is so horrible! Why on earth would you ever want to do something that cruel and disgusting! It isn't the boys fault you got pregnant with twins. And it would probably mess your daughter up for her entire life, knowing she had a brother you got rid of. Maybe you should think about the actions you make if you can't handle the consequences. And do everyone a favor, start using protection if you can't take responsibility for your actions.

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What's the diet for concieving a girl?

Q. Anyone know the diets for men and women/ or either?
I've heard that certain foods are supposed to boost the chances of getting a girl.
Please help because if we have another boy that will make 3. Any sex is ok, but we just want to heighten the chances of getting a baby girl.

as far as I know all those diets are myths. You can swing the odds in ur favor my 5-10% I believe by timing the sex relative to ovulation. Traditionally male sperm carry less information and are thus faster swimmers. So if the egg is already waiting for them -55% chance it is a boy, cuz the male sperm will reach the egg first. But sperm can live in the woman for a few days. So if you let the sperm be there and the egg come to the sperm you have a better chance of a girl. As far as I know this is the only way to change the odds at all and it is only a very slight change. Do some more research on this and see if you come up with anything.

Best of luck

Chances of problems with baby with an older man?


If a younger female has sex with and older man like in their 40s and she becomes pregnant will the chances of retardation increase? Possibly because of irregularies of sperm with age?

Two names: Larry King and Michael Douglas.

Both men are decades older than their wives and successfully impregnanted them to produce healthy babies.

And read more on the subject here:

Do Older Men Make Better Dads?
(You be the judge, but hereâs what the research says.)
Here's your Double Jeopardy question for the day: "What do Donald Trump, Rod Stewart, Kenny Rogers, Michael Douglas, David Letterman, Larry King, Paul McCartney and Kevin Costner all have in common?" (Hint: They share this commonality with a growing number of men. And no, it's not just that they are all male, wealthy and in the entertainment business). Give up? They all fathered children in their 50s, 60s or 70s, and that makes them all part of an interesting new trend in parenting.
continued at

oh, and in case you haven't heard "40" is the new "30"!!! You'll be fine. Just make sure he ejaculates every other day, eats a healthy diet, and that his zinc levels are normal.

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Pregnant 4 weeks after miscarriage?

Q. Well my DH and I have been ttc for almost 8 months. Feb I found out I was pregnant. Sadly I miscarried. I was only about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. My DH and I decided we were not going to actively ttc until at least one normal cycle. But only 4 weeks after my miscarriage I am pregnant again. I am really worried and concerned that I may miscarry again. I need some comfort and your stories to help me stop worrying. I only feel like this will end the same as before. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a higher chance that I will miscarry again b/c of it being so soon? Thank you

***Wishing Baby Dust to All***

Wow, this is almost the same thing I experienced about 2 years ago. I was 6 weeks pregnant when I miscarried on December 19, 2005. We started TTC right away, as my Dr. said it was fine. I had a positive pregnancy test in my hand on January 14, 2006, not even a month later. I totally understand the fear, I actually ended up getting an early ultrasound because my Dr. was is disbelief at how fast I had gotten pregnant again. so at 11 weeks I had the US and after that, seeing my baby and hearing that everything was OK, I was finally able to relax and enjoy being pregnant. My baby was born on September 22, 2006. They say that there is no more of a chance of miscarrying again, after only 1 miscarriage. They are so's unreal!! Good luck to you and congrats on your pregnancy!

im 6 weeks pregnant and have had 2 missed miscarriages?


i am so nervous i havent had a healthy baby yet we are desperate for a baby but had 2 missed miscarriages the doctors wont look into the 2 missed miscarriages until i have had the third! does anyone think this pregnance be fine or not i am so nervous but the doctor doesnt want to see me till the 20th jan

I think it is a bunch of Bullsh-t! I would go to another doctor for a second opinion! I just had a miscarriage last week. I have a 2 1/2 year old and have been ttc#2 for 5 months through the same doctor. she put me on prometrium (progesterone) last month because I noticed i was spotting for about 4 days before AF which means that I have low progesterone so if I had a fertilized egg, it wasnt "sticking" to my uterus. Well, I got a positive and continued taking the progesterone which stops miscarriages (except if it is a chromosomal defect) then, exactly a week ago I was spotting. She told me to come in right away (5 weeks 2 days) She did an internal ultrasound and there was nothing anywhere. She sent me to get blood tests to see if my levels were rising. they didn't. Your doctors should be taking blood tests to monitor if your levels are going up. You should also be on progesterone!!!! I know alot of people who had miscarriages and their doctors put them on progesterone. Even if you don't need progesterone, it won't hurt you or the baby to take it just in case. You need to go to another doctor ASAP!!!!! My doctor said that when I get pregnant again she wants to check my levels constantly and she wants to see me once a week. Sounds like you are just a number at your doctors office. Please get a second opinion because my doctor would never say that to you. She would have you in right away, not wait until miscarriage #3! I know how scared you are especially since I just had one but, you need to trust your doctor and their answer is unacceptable!!!!!! Ask about prometrium 200mg 2Xday vaginally!!!!! Please update me!!!!!!

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

i have a 4 month old baby who will not make eye contact?

Chris C

he is a foster child, he was exposed to drugs & alcohol durring pregnancy, and has been diagnossed with being developmental delayed. are there any moms who have any suggestions on what i can do to promote eye contact?

Not making eye contact can be common in children with autism so maybe you would be able to find some good advice if you looked up autism therapies.

when did your baby start making eye contact?


my daughter is 11 weeks old an has yet 2 make eye contact its like she off in her own little world (mind u she was premature born just shy of 37 weeks 5 pounds 11 ounces).. ive been readin up an it says that most babys at her age are makin eye contact an able 2 smile when u smile back... i was just wondering if anyone else could help me? i kno it says that premature babys take a little more time than others 2 reach milestones than not premature babys i just want 2 kno if anyone whos had a premamture baby could tell me what there childs milestones were thanks

I had so many dealings with specialists about this same problem! Let me assure you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about!
My daughter was born 36+5.. despite almost being classed 'full term' she has been as if she was 3 months premature her whole life so far (she is 7mo).
We saw paeds and eye specialists/surgeons about her not making eye contact, in the end not finding anything wrong but we just had to play the wait and see game. It was somewhere between 3-4 months she started making eye contact. She is still not very big on eye contact though (my son was always starting into my eyes, but my daugher isnt interested).
My daughter also never smiled until about 5 months. She actually hated most things... she hated to be touched, held, cuddled, talked to, fed (I syringe fed until 5mo, and at 7mo now she still isn't on solids). The only thing she liked was to be in her cot, she didnt like human contact. That all had to do with her being premature and in the special care nursery.

I wouldn't worry about it at all, but just mention it when you go to your child health nurse check-ups. They check their eyes for cataracts and such at your regular check-ups with them.
It sounds as if your baby, like mine, is a little more premature than what the numbers say.
A good exercise to keep attempting, which is great for their brain connections and should be done regularly up until 6mo anyway, is to have rattle or something else eye-catching, hold it a good 30cm away from their face, and slowly move it from left to right around their face. They will lose eye contact in the middle, that is normal for babies. Hopefully you can use the sound of a rattle or something to grab her attention. If it doens't work, just keep trying it every day until it does. She will most likely 'follow' before she locks eye contact with you whilst you are feeding or anything like that. Also, get your partner or someone else to hold her facing away from you, and then speak, you may find she tries her best to look right at you (just not actually lock eyes).

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I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 months with no success any tips?


My partner and i have been trying for a baby for 3 months now i know it is a long waiting game sometimes but i wondered if anyone had any tips for conception. i have been using cervical mucus as an indication to ovulation, also when every period is due im late sometimes up to 2 weeks, any tips would be much appreciated

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.
Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant right away. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help a woman to cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.
Using an ovulation kit (or opk) to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is..

Tip # 3. To get pregnant faster have sex before ovulation (not after).
Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

Tip # 4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.
A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for signs of ovulation will help you to determine when you ovulate.

Tip # 5. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation.
Fertility Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

Tip # 6. Before you start trying to get pregnant see your doctor.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

best tips for getting pregnant?

Anna Gosli

I am just wondering what everybody else thinks is most successful when trying to conceive? What can i be doing to improve my chances? Other than just timing it correctly

Tip # 1. To get pregnant faster have sex three times a week.
Tip # 2. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.
Tip # 3. To get pregnant faster have sex before ovulation (not after).
Tip # 4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.
Tip # 5. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation.
Tip # 7. When trying to get pregnant, donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs.
Tip # 8. To get pregnant faster have enjoyable sex
Tip # 9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.
Tip # 10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
good luck baby dustttttttt

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Monday, April 14, 2014

I've been trying to get pregnant for 5 months now...any tips?


Here is some information on what you should do to take charge of your fertility. You need to learn what is happening with your body the best way to do this is to begin charting your BBT (body basal temp) & CM (cervical mucus). If this doesn't work after another 6 months of trying, then I suggest seeing a doctor.

What is basal body temperature?
Basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature when you first wake up in the morning. Before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth or start your day, pop a basal thermometer (available at drugstores) into your mouth. (It's important to try to wake up and take this reading at about the same time each morning.) This thermometer shows the minute incremental degree changes that a regular one can't. Most basal thermometers come with a temperature plotting chart. (For instructions on how to fill one in and a sample you can download, click here.) Make some extra copies of the chart in case it takes you a few months to get pregnant.

Your BBT probably ranges from 97.2 to about 97.7 degrees before ovulation. During the two or three days after you ovulate, hormonal changes have caused a rise in your BBT of between 0.5 and 1.6 degrees, which lasts at least until your next period. You'll probably notice your temperature spiking on other days, but unless it stays that way, you probably haven't yet ovulated. If you become pregnant, your temperature will stay elevated throughout your pregnancy.

It's helpful to chart your temperature for a few months so you can see whether there's a pattern to your cycle. If you're sick or fail to take your temperature immediately upon awakening, any pattern you find may be inaccurate.

What is cervical mucus?
There are many different types of vaginal discharge, one of which is cervical mucus. The type of mucus your body produces provides clues to your fertility. You can check your cervical mucus using either your fingers or toilet paper. On days when you're not fertile, the mucus from your cervix is either light or sticky (about the same texture as sticky rice). During the few days leading up to ovulation, when you're most fertile, you'll have more discharge â clear and slippery with the consistency of raw egg white. You are most fertile on the last day you notice cervical mucus of this kind. It usually happens either the day before, or the day of, ovulation. The change in volume and texture of your cervical mucus is due to the increase in estrogen levels that accompanies ovulation.

Which one should I chart?
Both, say many fertility experts. A combined approach will give you the clearest picture of your cycle, so you can more accurately predict ovulation.

any tips on concieving?

Jakob's Mo

Hey i have been trying to concieve for about 3 months. I had a miscarriage in june on the 27 and we are trying again. i would have the perfect family if i could get pregnant. I was just wondering if anyone had trouble then tryed something and ended up pregnant.

3 months is not that long. Some people get pregnant sooner than others but don't freak out, it may take some time. It took me 11 months.

How to get Pregnant Faster â Top Ten Tips

1. Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.
2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and donât require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Donât wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partnerâs sperm will last longer than your egg and you donât want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Donât rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.
Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Donât smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.
This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the manâs sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Donât get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.
Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.

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Getting pregnant tips?


My husband and I would like to have a baby. Are there any good "getting pregnant" tips you ladies can give me? We are using preseed and we have been having sex almost every day. Are there any specific positions that can help or an herb or something I can take that can help with fertility? Hoping to get pregnant soon. Baby Dust to you all.

In some cases, as when nature needs a boost, a little push from you and your partner can go a long way in getting pregnant. When it comes to the best position to get pregnant, the general rule is that the male sperm must be deposited as near to the female cervix as possible.

This has something to do with the life spans of the female egg and the male sperm. Once an egg is released from the ovary - a stage also known as ovulation - it begins its path down the fallopian tube to the uterus. A released egg typically survives for only 24 hours, while a sperm can last anywhere from three to five days in the female body. As such, the egg has to be as close to the egg as possible so they can meet and join before the egg dies.

While not a lot of people will agree that the sexual positions have anything to do with getting pregnant, the logical inference is that it makes sense to assume the position that can help the sperm meet the egg in the shortest possible time.

This is especially true when for couples who have problems or difficulty conceiving. Having said this, the first "best position to get pregnant" tip is to avoid positions that least expose the cervix to the male sperm, and that generally defy gravity such as sex while standing up, sitting down, or with the woman on top. When trying to conceive, it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows back out of the vagina.

The woman's hips should also be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is kept inside, giving it enough time to swim up to the female cervix.

Consider the following positions instead:

1. The missionary position. Or man-on-top is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.

2. Raise the hips. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.

3. Doggy-style. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.

4. Side-by-side. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.

5. Orgasms. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.

Any tips on getting pregnant?


Me and my love of my life have talked alot about having a baby, and we are ready to take that next step in our relationship, so for the last 2 months we havent been having all that much sex but when we do we just dont use protection, i was on the pill till about end of september, does that make it harder for you to get pregnant after you stop taking the pill? anyways any good tips?

I believe the first month or so after taking the pill its a little harder because the change of hormones in your body. I would suggest going to
It's an ovulation calculator and it will show you days that you could most likely get pregnant. Have sex within those days:) I used to use it to try to keep from getting pregnant so keep in mind it isn't always accurate!
You can just get your man to have sex those days and within a few months I bet you will get pregnant. Good luck!

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Could I be pregnant 2 weeks after giving birth?


My husband and I had sex within 2 weeks of giving birth to my son who only lived for one minute. I was not on birth control then but got on it 2 months ago. We want to be pregnant again and part of me thinks I am now. Ive had 2 periods since giving birth. Could I still be pregnant???
For those who think I am not deeply hurt by losing my child you are wrong. I had him at 27 weeks by c-section. He died of a heart defect. Nothing can replace him but my husband and I do want to have a child before he deploy overseas again!
oh and I gave birth to my son in May.

not sure. You are very firtile after giving birth, because the cervix is still open. periods though,,,
Best of luck..

Pregnant 5 1/2 weeks after giving birth @ 22 weeks?


Here is my situation. My daughter was still born on Aug 20th. I was only 22 weeks along. I had a very long labor but the delivery itself was very easy with no complications. She was extremely tiny for how far along I was too. It has been 5 1/2 weeks and I long for a baby so bad. My husband and I started having sex again a few days short of 2 weeks postpartum. We didn't use any sort of protection. I am pretty sure, about 99% sure, I ovulated a little more than 2 weeks ago. I took a pregnancy test middle of last week and it was negative. I was able to get some positive tests this week though along with one negative test. Am I pregnant or could it be the left over pregnancy hormones. I saw my family DR yesterday and asked her and she didn't know the answer. In fact she said that it is rare to get pregnant that soon after giving birth, but I don't think that part is true. I have my postpartum visit next week with my ob and think I am just going to stick it out til than and see if I get my period or if I get another positive test next week. Sorry this is so long. I just want to see what other people think since my family DR didn't seem to know much!
To the person who said I am trying to replace my baby you are so wrong. There is no replacing her, I would rather have her but that is not possible. My OB gave us permission to start trying as soon as we felt comfortable.
My daughter had died a few days before I had her so my dr induced me. He ran tests and could not find anything at all. We may never know why it happened.

I am not doctor, but your doctor could take a blood test every 2-3 days, and see how the HCG hormones are going. If you are pregnant it should doubled every couple of days. If not, the hormones should go away. It is not fair from your doctor to keep you hangig and say he just don`t know.

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