Saturday, January 25, 2014

Can you get a girl pregnant in a pool?

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jonathan s

Can you get a girl pregnant in a pool? I heard you cannont.

omg...yes of course you can...water doesn't go up the woman's vaginal opening, so that means if you have sex all your man juice and sperm will be safe from water and they will find what they are looking for regardless of if your in water or not...

Can you get pregnant from a pool?


If a guy masturbated and his sperm got in a pool and a woman was swimming in it can she get pregnant?
Public pool, so chlorinated .
Thank you!

Nope. Sperm needs the perfect environment to survive eg. a vagina during ovulation.

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What are some tips to Get Pregnant Fast?

tips on getting pregnant easy on How to Get a Girl Pregnant - Tips for Getting Pregnant Fast | Good ...
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Katie Holl

My husband and I just started trying to get pregnant, but we don't want to go through the usual months of waiting that lots of couples do. What are some great tips to get pregnant fast?

I am 25 and have no major medical issues. My husband is pretty healthy as well, so I don't think we'll have too many medical issues to deal with in getting pregnant. I just want to know what things we can do to help things work better in that department and help me to become pregnant easier.

I found a great website recently that has tons of information on this: . I have a friend that tried Pregnancy Miracle (you can read a review of it at the above site), and they got pregnant with their first baby after months of trying, finally.

How can I get pregnant without paying money?


I have tried for 5 years to come out pregnant but no luck what are some good fast and easy tips to getting pregnant without a visit to the doctor?

I say spend the $40 (I think thats the cost) and buy a home sperm test to see if things might be with him and not you. If that dont work, chat your periods and find when your ovulating cuz thats the time your gonna get knocked is up to you and him....lots of luck to ya!

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What are some steps to help in trying to get pregnant?

tips on getting pregnant when your overweight on How to Get Rid of a Muffin Top Tip #4: Reduce bloating from gas and ...
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I am wanting to have another baby and in the past when I got pregnant there was no planning or "trying" to it, I just got pregnant. Now, I am trying and I need to know some steps I can take to increase my chances.

Some foods, habits, and medicines can harm your baby â even before he is conceived. Find out what to do and what to avoid when you're trying to get pregnant.

* Before Pregnancy
* Planning Conception
* Adoption and Foster Care
* More Fact Sheets and Resources

Before PregnancyBottle of folic acid pills

If you're thinking about getting pregnant, or are already pregnant, taking care of your health is more important than ever. Follow these tips for a healthy pregnancy:
Get 400 micrograms (or 0.4 mg) of folic acid daily. Eat foods fortified with folic acid, take a multivitamin, or take a folic acid pill to get your daily dose. Taking folic acid in a pill is the best way to be sure you're getting enough. Including 0.4 mgof folic acid (or folate) in your diet before you get pregnant and in the first three months of pregnancy can help prevent some birth defects. If you don't get enough folic acid, your baby's spine may not form right. This is called spina bifida (spy-nuh bif-uh-duh). Also, your baby needs folic acid to develop a healthy brain. Many doctors will prescribe a vitamin with folic acid. But you also can buy vitamins or folic acid pills at drug and grocery stores. Some foods rich in folate include: leafy green vegetables, kidney beans, orange juice and other citrus fruits, peanuts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, lentils, and whole-grain products. Folic acid is also added to some foods like enriched breads, pastas, rice and cereals. Get more details on folic acid.

One half of all pregnancies are not planned!
And many women don't realize they are pregnant for at least a few weeks. So you should always take care of your health. Your baby is counting on you for the best start at life!

* Start watching what you eat. Load up on fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains (such as whole-wheat breads or crackers). Eat plenty of calcium-rich foods such as non-fat or low-fat yogurt, milk, and broccoli. Your baby needs calcium for strong bones and teeth. When fruits and vegetables aren't in season, frozen vegetables are a good option. Avoid eating a lot of fatty foods (such as butter and fatty meats). Choose leaner foods when you can (such as skim milk, chicken and turkey without the skin, and fish). Find out more about what to eat and what to avoid for a healthy pregnancy.
* Tell your doctor if you smoke or use alcohol or drugs. Quitting is hard, but you can do it. Ask your doctor for help.
* Get enough sleep. Try to get seven to nine hours every night.
* Take steps to control the stress in your life. When it comes to work and family, figure out what you can and can not do. Set limits with yourself and others. Don't be afraid to say NO to requests for your time and energy.
* Move your body. Once you get pregnant, you can't increase your exercise routine by much. So it's best to start before the baby is on the way.
* Get any health problems under control. Talk to your doctor about how your health problems might affect you and your baby. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels. If you have high blood pressure, monitor these levels as well. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor about how to reach a healthy weight.
* Ask your mother, aunts, grandmother or sisters about their pregnancies. Did they have morning sickness? Problems with labor? How did they cope?
* Find out what health problems run in your family. Tell these to your doctor. You can get tested for health problems that run in families before getting pregnant (genetic testing).
* Make sure you have had all of your immunizations (shots), especially for Rubella (German measles). If you haven't had chickenpox or rubella, get the shots at least three months before getting pregnant.
* Get checked for hepatitis (hep-uh-tie-tus) B and C, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV. These infections can harm you and your baby. Tell your doctor if you or your sex partners have ever had an STD or HIV.
* Go over all of the medicines you take (prescription, over-the-counter, and herbals) with your doctor. Make sure they are safe to take while you're trying to get pregnant or are pregnant.

Ask your partner to stay healthy too!
Ask your partner to limit how much alcohol he drinks. If he uses illegal drugs or smokes, encourage him to quit. Studies show that men who drink a lot, smoke, or use drugs can have problems with their sperm. These might cause you to have problems getting pregnant.
Woman and man smilingPlanning Conception

While trying to conceive, you can use natural planning methods such as the ovulation method (have intercourse just before or after ovulation) or the symptothermal method (evaluating fertility based on your daily temperature). Remember: women are more likely to become pregnant if intercourse takes place just before or just after ovulation. This is because the unfertilized egg can live for only 12-24 hours in your body. If you'e been trying for a few months with no results, don't get discouraged. Only 20% of women trying to get pregnant are successful on the first attempt. So don't lose hope or assume something is wrong.

having trouble getting pregnant can you help?

Foxy C

I have been trying forever( okay only 2 years), my periods donât come the same time every month and most months they are so heavy. I donât really know how to time it so we have been doing it at least twice a week. But it doesnât seem to help. I am a smoker I do plan on quitting when I get pregnant. I am a little overweight i was wondering of that can effect my chances. If there are any tricks or tips I can do please help me thanks.

I ttc for 2 years ... Well I finally decided to go see a fertility specialist and they tested my husband and he was fine well I had to have surgury for endometreosis , dye shot up my tubes and tons and tons of blood work afer all that they put me on clomid and I concieved 6 months later !! Well if you cant tell when you ovulating get ovulation test or start having sex every other day but I would buy the test and try to figure out when ovulation was or theres not a BIG chance you will concieve !! but here are some things that my dr recomended my husband and I ... oh yeah I quit smoking when I started clomid and lost weight and started eating right and exercising ... GOOD LUCK

* You ovulate 2 weeks after the LAST day of your period
*Have sex a couple days before you ovulate sperm can live up too 72 hours
*Take an ovulation test you can buy them at walmart (just like a pregnancy test)
*When you get done having sex raise your bottom up so the sperm goes upwards stay like that for at least 15 min
*Take a bath or do something relaxing before having sex
*Start eating healthy and exercising
*If you or your partner smokes stop it really decreases your chances
*Start prenatal care

Mommy of a 2 week old

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How long can you go without eating when pregnant with twins?

how to you get pregnant with twins on This 19 week ultrasound also shows a clear three white lines for a ...
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Just out of curiosity, I am pregnant with twins, 20 weeks along. I am eating and this does not pertain to me I was just actually very curious how many days or so someone carrying twins could go without much food or water.

a few hours probably. any more than that is probably unhealthy.

What are my chances of becoming pregnant with twins?

She's A

What are the chances of me becoming pregnant with twins? My husbands side of the family has had twins since his great grandmother. But his mom didnt have twins she had two boys which im married to one and the other is 2 years younger. So does the man determine the sex and if you have multiples? Or does it have to run on both sides?

if it runs on the mother's side there are more chances of twins, father's side does not count as much#

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Is it possible to have fraternal twins naturally once you hit 25 even if they don't run in the family?

how to get pregnant with twins with fertility drugs on How to Get Pregnant with Twins Naturally | How to Get Pregnant Chances
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I've read that once you hit 25 your chances of concieving twins go up. And I know fertility drugs can boost your chances of having multiples by only 3%. IDK, I just have a gut feeling that when I get pregnant I'll get pregnant with fraternal twins even though they don't run in my family (to my knowledge).

As women age they tend to ovulate more than one egg at a time more frequently. That's why the chances of conceiving fraternal twins increases.

has anyone tried to get pregnant with twins naturally and succeded?

Dont worry

Doing some research for a paper. I was able to find a ton of answers on fertility drugs and twins but nothing about natural odds and if anyone has evered tried all the remedies out there to get twins and got them. (ie increased their dairy intake, breast fed, etc) If you have suceed, what did you do.

My mom was going to have twins (one being me) but then had a miscarage with my other sibling. But that's all I really know. It's a touchy subject with her.

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How long did it take for you to get pregnant?

tips on getting pregnant with pcos on Getting Pregnant With PCOS: Tips to Help Women IVF Clinics India
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What age where you and what helped you get pregnant faster...Any tips about getting pregnant

It took 11 months, but if you get right down to it only two of those months "count." I was 26 when I conceived.

I have PCOS and do not ovulate on my own. I only had treatment for the last two months of 'trying' (the first 9 were diagnosis and determining treatment). The second month was successful.

Remember that it can take a normal, healthy, 'young' couple up to a year to conceive. There's about a 15 - 20% chance of pregnancy with each cycle. Just figure out when you ovulate and time your intercourse during your fertile days.

How Do You Get Pregnant? How to get Pregnant naturally?


We've been trying for a long time but can't get pregnant. Any tips for getting pregnant would be great. We haven't taken any infertility treatments. We want to get pregnant naturally.

Thanks in advance!

I wish there was such a simple answer to that question. There are so many things you need to consider.
1. It could be a male problem
2. It could be a female problem
3. May be there is no problem
4. You're simply not 'doing it' at time of ovulation
5. Do you have periods/ovulation regularly?
6. Do you smoke/ alcohol/ over weight/ etc etc.
7. Do you have any medical condition like PCOS, endometriosis etc etc?

See how complicated it can get? Anyway something that I have recently seen people talking about a lot is Chinese medicine for infertility. There are many people that say some changes in the life style can simply get you pregnant.
Apparently there are many people that managed to get pregnant in spite of being told that they were 'infertile' by doctors of western medicine and then years later managed to get pregnant after a few changes in life style like a few small dietery changes etc.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

since conservatives acknowledged that the constitution can change how about change the 2nd amendment?

baby making machine 14 kids on ) 14. Notable Notes 15. We Are Family (Hook-ups, Break-Ups & Baby ...
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conservatives think parts of the constitution are subject to change how about change the 2nd amendment to what the the founding fathers intended....muskets instead of handguns and machine guns that would cut down on gun related violence.

You are living in fantasyland.

You foolish Radical Extreme Leftists do not have the support that you need to change the second amendment. Otherwise you would have eliminated the second amendment long ago.

the second amendment essentially recognizes the god given right of every American Citizen to protect him or herself from criminals.

Essentially firearms in the hands of American citizens are the best protection against morally degenerate criminals and the crime that is caused by morally degenerate criminals.

Deaths caused by firearms are minisule compared with the deaths that are caused by automobiles.

If you were seriously concerned about deaths, you would be complaining about the deaths that are caused by automobiles as your first priority.

However the reason that you complain about guns rather than automobiles is because you have a hidden agenda of the radical extreme left and that is to make Americans dependent.

One of the ways to make Americans dependent is to take awayu the ability of Americans to defend themselves against criminals.

With respect to the issue of the 14th Amendment which will be changed in the ner future, the 14th amendment is being abused by criminal illegal aliens to drop a kid in the United States of America to create an anchor baby that is used to bring in hordes of illegal aliens.

that is not what the 14th amendment was intended for.

You silly Radical Extreme Leftists merely see the 14th amendment as a way to get large numbers of criminal illegal aliens into The United States of America who can then be used to vote in your morally degenerate, vile evil Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.

The United States of America is too precious to turn over to a bunch of corrupt, incompetent morally degenerate Radical Extreme Leftist political hacks.

(Edit) I see that another Radical Extreme Lefitst, Burce deliverered a brain dead load of false and defamatory Radical Extreme leftist propagqanda regarding the reasons for the attacks by The Muslim Terrorists on September 11, 2001.

Bruce knows nothing of The Middle East and is merely repeating the brain dead nitwit propaganda of The Radical Extreme Left.

to counter the brain dead nonsense of Bruce I will give you some of the history of The Middle East and the real resons why the Muslim Terrorists attacked the United States of America on september 11, 2001.

First you need to know about a Muslim Terrorist named Haj Amin al Husseini.

Haj Amin al Husseini was the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem back in the 1930s.

Haj Amin al Husseini wanted to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East but did not have the power to do so.

Haj Amin al Husseini did manage to get thousands of Jewish People killed by illiterate and ignorant Muslim Terrorists, by faking a photograph of a Jewish Flag on
The Dome of The Rock.

The dome of The Rock is a supposed Muslim Holy site (it is not but the Muslim Terrorists claim the The Dome of the rock is one of their holy sites).

however when Haj Amin al Husseini wanted the thuggish, ignorant Muslim Terrorists to kill Jewiosh people, haj Amin al Husseini would fake a photograph of the jewish Flag on The dome of The Rock and the stupid, illiterate, ignorant Muslim Terrorists would riot and murder thousands of Jewish People at a time.

But that was not good enough for Haj Amin al Husseini.

Haj Amin al Husseini met Adolf Hitler in the 1930s and made an alliance with Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS to kill all of the Jewish People in the Middle East.

During World War II Haj Amin al Husseini was a guest of Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS in Germany.

Adolf Hitler was so impressed with Haj Amin al Husseini that Adolf Hitler put Haj Amin al Husseini in command of a Waffen SS Unit.

Under the command of Haj Amin al Husseini that Waffen SS Unit murdered all of the jewish People in Bosnia.

After World War II Haj Amin al Husseini returned to The Middle East and created a large number of schools to teach foolish young Muslim boys a mixture of NAZISM and Islam that was created by Haj Amin al Husseini when he was a guest of Adlolf Hitler and the NAZIS during World War II.

Today we call this mixture of Islam and NAZISM "Radical Islam"

Several of Haj Amin al Husseini's foolish students went on to form their own Muslim Terrorist OPrganizations.

those Muslim Terrorist organizations that were formed by students of Haj Amin al Husseini include but are not limited to Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida.

Al Qaida decalred war on the United States of America many years ago.

It was only when Al Qakida made the attacks on the world Trade Center Towers on september 11, 2001 that we took Al Qaida seriously.

The stupid Radical Extreme Leftists have attempted to rewriote history to make it appear as if the attacks on 9/11/2001 were the fault of United States foreign policy.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The Attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in Haj Amin al Husseini and NAZISM in the Middle Ast that is left over from World War II.

In fact th eattacks on 9/11/2001 are left over business from World War II

Haj Amin al Hussein should have bee charged as a War Criminal for the murder of all of the Jewish People in Bosnia during World War II.

Instead we permitted Haj Amin al Husseini to recruit and train large numbers of Muslim Terrorists to continue the NAZI aims of World War II.

Essentially the attacks on 9/11/2001 have their roots in German NAZISM and Muslim Terrorism of the 1930s.

The attacks by the Muslim Terrorists on 9/11/2001 had nothing to do with the foreign policy of The United States of America.


How could my 11 year old sister lose weight?


Well being the big sister I am I'm a little worried about my little sister. She's 11 and a half, she is 5 feet and 115 lbs. Her eating intake is fine, she almost NEVER eats cupcakes, cake, and chips. But she drinks Capri Sun's Roaring Waters throughout the day. She went to spend the summer with my aunt when she was 8 years old, and I guess that she picked on her weight and even put her on a DIET. Whoa! She told me all about how my aunt and her cousin made fun of her about it. She weighed around 80 pounds. I don't think it's right to put kids on a diet. Now this is not the end of it. When she turned 9, A kid called her fat at school and she came home crying and asked me for advice about it. I told her that she had to wait a few years before she hit puberty. (Because I was like her as a kid but then I became a healthy weight once I hit puberty). She most likely was going to lose weight. But she gains like 10 pounds every year. But my mom asked the doctor if she was in childhood obesity and she said no. She eats normal, healthy portions. Then one day sometime after she turned 11 (I think February of this year) she joined track at her school. She did it until about school ended (Jun. 14th)

When she was 6 years old, Our mom, herself, and I would walk around the neighborhood (Back when we used to live in a safe neighborhood) We moved a whole bunch of times throughout her life and they were never houses. We lived in apartments in dangerous neighborhoods (There were gunshots at 10 o'clock one night right across the street) So mom never allowed us kids outside. And back when she was 7 years old , '09, we ate out every night because she worked and she left us with our cousin who was 17, and didn't know how to use a stove. So my mom had to get us McDonald's on her 6 PM break. And there was no one else to watch us except for the 17 year old. I think that was her sudden gain of weight. She had me help her use the scale at home, and she was 52 lbs. she was 4'2 at the time. But when she turned 8, she got weighed at home again after the summer visit at 4'5(I think) (Nov. 2010) and she was like 78 lbs.! She ran to mom and cried and mom tried consoling her. Then my sister had a talk with me asking me what she can do (WE couldn't go outside) to lose weight. I was 10 going on 11 and was a little overweight myself. But she was conscious about her weight. My mom had a workout machine right in our apartment, and she wouldn't let us use it because she was watching it while our neighbor went on a business trip. Now at 11 and a half, she still cannot lose the weight even after limiting her sugar intake and doing track. Should I tell her to weight a few years until puberty, or should she lose weight. Sorry for making you read all of this. But she's been bugging me for an answer. Please save the negative comments.

P.S.: Our stove recently broke, So my mom is waiting until we can save money to buy a new one and so we live on frozen food and fast food. So what could I tell her?

(Being a helpful big sister)
(We get checkups in the same room (Don't know why)
Once again, No Negative comments.
-Kitty in the sink- Nope! I'm 13 and a half

Iâm sorry, but I stopped reading after your second line.
5 feet and 115 is perfect. Besides, at her age, she probably still has some baby fat.
Encourage her to eat healthy meals and make healthy choices, but she has NO need to lose ANY weight.
Donât transfer any body dysmorphia YOU may have onto your kid sister - and how old are you - 12?


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What hip hop songs can you make a baby to?

baby makin music on ... Voice: Nicholas David Makes Baby-Makin Music with Barry White Tune
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Q. <<<you know how they say that's baby makin music right there>>>>
What hip hop songs could fit that bill?
I promise I'm not giving anyone thumbs down, I can't my level (?) is too low.
Hahaha, I'm not planning on making a baby dude, I thought it was funny.

A song called marathon, by raheem devaughn

I'm trying to make a new baby makin music playlist, can you help me by listing some songs?


Preferrably an old classic, something like Marvin Gaye "Lets Get It On".

Look for anything by Teddy Pendergras (sp?)....
Also, Before I let go by Blackstreet
Lets Just Lay Down by Floetry
How Does It Feel by DeAngelo
Distant Lover by Marvin Gaye
Till the Cops come Knockin by Maxwell

Also, not a lot of ppl know about this artist but he is from my hometown (DC) and his name is Raheem DeVaughn. Makes a LOT of baby makin music. look him up, try it out. Good luck : )

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How can I fight the side-effects of the pill?

tips on getting pregnant after depo provera on Posted by: molvee | Conversation: 5 comment | Category: Hairstyle
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I'm on the pill, and it makes me bloated! I hate it but I just don't know what the hell I can do!!!??? And don't tell me to quit it, because I don't want to get pregnant! so, please, any tips, I'd really, really appreciate it!

If you don't want to get pregnet for a long time I suggest going on the Depo-Provera shot. It's a great alternative to the pill because you only have to get one shot every 3 months! PLUS! You don't get your period anymore! It's just as affective as the pill, if not a little more, and it's perfect because you don't have to worry about missing your pill or taking it at the exact same time every day! :D

Unfortunatly, birth control's most common side affect is weight gain/bloating...Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. ;) Maybe there's one out there that will be better on you...Talk to your doctor and I'm sure they'll be able to hook you up with something that will work.

How can I become more fertile?


What should I start doing in my diet and activities? Im young im 19 married and ready start a family. Are there any over the counter pills that I could use. Also is there anything that I should completely stay away from?

RELAX!!! The simplest suggestion sometimes seems like the most impossible when your hopes have been raised and dashed for months at a time. Studies have shown that stress can complicate fertility issues for both men and women. To aid in removing or lowering stress levels, consider joining a support group for couple who are having fertility issues. Negative thoughts such as, ?I will never have a baby? should be deliberately replaced with more positive ideas. Yoga and breathing techniques are an excellent way to cope with daily stressors.

Learn your menstrual cycle. Knowing when you are about to ovulate is the key factor in knowing when to have sex. There are many wonderful techniques and products designed to pinpoint ovulation.

If you or your partner is smoking, drinking, or using illegal substances then you should quit now. Not only is it very unhealthy for an unborn child, these habits have also been show to have a negative effect on fertility in men and women.

Practice sexual positions that are more likely to help sperm swim up the vagina. The missionary position seems to be most helpful in this situation. Avoid any positions that have you sitting, standing, straddling, or on top of your partner.

Putting a pillow under your hips during sex or allows the sperm extra time to travel to the cervix. Make sure the pillow does not prop your hips to high, or the sperm may end up sitting behind the cervix.

If your cervix is tipped or tilted, making love with your partner behind you may allow sperm a better opportunity to reach the cervix.

Make love in the early morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the mornings.

Enjoy the lovemaking process. Studies show that when women orgasm, it creates an alkaline state in the vagina that sperm prefer over the normal acid conditions. If you have an orgasm at the same time or shortly after your partner ejaculates, it increases the opportunity for sperm to survive the trip to the cervix.

Your partner should avoid overheating or constricting his testicles. Some studies have shown that sperm counts drop when men wear tight pants or underwear. He should also avoid saunas and hot tubs.

According to an Environmental Health Services study, the more sex you have, the greater your chances of becoming pregnant. But don't have so much sex that you begin to dread having it. Sex should be enjoyable for both parties.

If you have recently discontinued hormonal birth control, it may take at least a month before your body regulates itself. If you have discontinued the Depo Provera shot, it may take up to six months or a year before the body begins to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Robitussin has an active ingredient known as guaifenesin that has been shown to have thinning effect on cervical mucous. This can be helpful to women who have abnormal ovulation, but not for women whose ovulation is on schedule.

Cut back on dairy products. A sugar found in milk known as galactose has been proven harmful to function of ovaries. Some women do not have normal amounts of the enzyme needed to break up galactose causing it to build up to dangerous levels in the body. It is recommended that you skip milk, ice cream, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Other foods that offer calcium are green leafy vegetables, beans, enriched flour, and fortified juices. If necessary, calcium supplements may be added.

Exercise regularly, but do not take it extremes.

A healthy diet is essential. Make sure your body is getting the proper nutrients that will keep it in top performance. Increase your fiber intake and try to limit animal products and vegetable oils as these foods affect estrogen levels.

Talk with your doctor or pharmacist about any prescription medications you are taking. It is possible they may affect your ability to conceive.

The great news if you have just begun your journey towards parenthood is that 85% of couples conceive within the first year. Hopefully, these pointers will help you conceive your own bundle of joy. Good luck!
Avoid straddling your partner while making love. Positions where sperm is not likely to leak out are the best. Placing a pillow under your hips during or after making love allows your cervix to rest in the semen for a short time. allowing sperm time to travel to the cervix.

Make sure the pillow isn't too large and the sperm winds up behind your cervix.

If you have a tilted or tipped uterus, making love from behind may allow the sperm an easier path to your cervix.

Positions to Avoid
Any position sitting, standing, or with you on top will not allow the sperm time to reach it's destination - your cervix - and will make the job of the sperm much harder if not impossible, in reaching the cervix.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

i missed my period of feb..i had sex on 22nd jan. then 27 jan ko period bhi ho gayi. kya mein pregnant hun. pz?

get pregnant hindi language image


plz ans me. 22nd jan 2013 ko sex k bad 27 ko naturally period bhi ho gayi thi. but feb me miss ho gaya h. 2 times pragnancy test bhi kar chuki hun. vo bhi negative h. kya mein pregnant ho sakti hun. nahi to period kyu miss ho gaya. and plz tell me wat should i do now to abrt, if i m pregnant

What language is this? Hindi? I was expecting English.

Anyway, if you had your period normally several days after having sex, you are not pregnant. You are missing your period for some other reason. Sometimes women miss their period due to stress.

Yadi Äpa sambhÅga kÄ bÄda Äma taura para ka'Ä« dinÅá¹ mÄsika dharma, Äpa garbhavatÄ« nahÄ«á¹ hÅ sakatÄ. Äpa apanÄ mÄsika dharma aba kucha an'ya, garbhÄvasthÄ kÄ kÄraá¹a kÄ li'Ä nahÄ«á¹ yÄda kiyÄ. KyÄ Äpa kÄ« bhÄvanÄ para bala diyÄ gayÄ hai?

saalam khah history of?

dashrath k

Salaam Namaste
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Salaam Namaste

Movie poster for Salaam Namaste
Directed by Siddharth Anand
Produced by Aditya Chopra,
Yash Chopra
Written by Siddharth Anand,
Abbas Tyrewala
Starring Saif Ali Khan,
Preity Zinta,
Arshad Warsi,
Tania Zaetta,
Jugal Hansraj
music by Vishal-Shekhar
Editing by Ritesh Soni
Distributed by Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd
Release date(s) September 9, 2005
Running time 152 mins
Language Hindi
Budget $2.5 million (estimated)
IMDb profile
Salaam Namaste (Hindi: सलाम नमसà¥à¤¤à¥, Urdu: سÙا٠ÙÙستÛ, English: Urdu and Hindi greetings, respectively) is an Indian Bollywood movie released on September 9, 2005, directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Aditya Chopra and Yash Chopra. The film stars Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta in their fourth film together. It is about two Indians living in Melbourne, Australia and follows one year of their lives, dealing with their problems and relationships. This was the first Bollywood film to be shot entirely in Australia. The film was one of the biggest box-office hits of 2005 in India and became the biggest hit of 2005 overseas. [1]

Many people have made cameos in the film. Abhishek Bachchan is the narrator and has a special appearance as the doctor at the end of the film. Director Siddharth Anand makes appearance as the taxi driver towards the end of the movie. Mother and son in the bookshop Saif Ali Khan's character visits are actor Arshad Warsi's real-life wife and son, Maria Goretti and Zeke. Preity Zinta's real life boyfriend, Ness Wadia makes an appearance in the film as the man reading the newspaper who Preity sits next to whilst on the bus.

The script of the film was invited to be included in the Margaret Herrick Library which is operated by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. [2] Zinta received several nominations for her role in various film ceremonies, such as the Filmfare Awards, IIFA Awards, Star Screen Awards and Zee Cine Awards.

The tagline of the movie is "Let's get to know each other".

Contents [hide]
1 Synopsis
2 Cast
3 Crew
4 Music
5 See also
6 References
7 External links

[edit] Synopsis

Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta as featured in the filmThe movie is about two Indians, Nikhil Arora, called "Nick", (Saif Ali Khan) and Ambar Malhotra, called "Amby", (Preity Zinta) who have left India in order to live their own lives in Melbourne, Australia: Nick finished studying Architecture in his hometown of Ludhiana and moved to Australia, to pursue dreams of becoming a chef, and does so at a restaurant called "Nick of Time", which provides him with his laid-back lifestyle (and he can get up late in the morning); Ambar left her home due to her parents' persistence to get her married -- they are likely to introduce the entire male Indian population to her if she does not choose a suitor -- and is studying to become a surgeon. When Nikhil is supposed to do an interview for the Australia based Indian radio station "Salaam Namaste", he is late (due to oversleeping), so a war of very public words ensues with the RJ of the show, Ambar Malhotra.

After many misunderstandings, fighting and convincing, they fall in love and move in together. Soon they discover each other's tastes and distastes and rest of the movie covers how they continue their relationship, until the day Ambar discovers that she is pregnant. Despite Nick's wishes she decides to keep the baby which results in a split between the two. However, they are still forced to live in the same house for the time being. Nick realizes over time that he's still in love with her and warms up to the thought of becoming a father and marrying Ambar. It's almost too late when he finally proposes to her - Ambar gives birth to twins and the two reconcile.

[edit] Cast
Saif Ali Khan ... Nikhil "Nick" Arora
Preity Zinta ... Ambar "Amby" Malhotra
Arshad Warsi ... Ranjan "Ron" Mathur
Tania Zaetta ... Cathy
Jugal Hansraj ... Jignesh
Jaaved Jaffrey ... Jaggu Yadav aka Crocodile Dundee
Abhishek Bachchan ... Dr. Vijay Kumar MDGGO / Narrator (Special appearance)

[edit] Crew
Producer: Yash Raj Films
Director: Siddharth Anand
Story: Siddharth Anand and Abbas Tyrewala
Screenplay: Siddharth Anand
Dialogues: Abbas Tyrewala
Lyrics: Jaideep Sahni
Music: Vishal Dadlani and Shekhar Ravjiani
Choreography: Ahmed Khan
Editing: Ritesh Soni
Costume Design: Surily Goel

[edit] Music
Salaam Namaste

Studio album by Vishal-Shekhar
Released August 10, 2005 (India)
Genre Feature film soundtrack
Label Sony BMG
Producer Vishal-Shekhar
Vishal-Shekhar chronology
(2005) Salaam Namaste
(2005) Ek Ajnabee

The film has seven songs composed by the duo Vishal-Shekhar. The music of the film released on August 10, 2005. The music includes four songs and two remixes.

Song Singer(s) Duration Picturised on
Salaam Namaste Kunal Ganjawala and Vasundhara Das 4.37 Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta
My Dil Goes Mmmm Shaan and Gayatri Iyer 7.34 Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta
What's Goin' On? Kunal Ganjawala and Sunidhi Chauhan 4.41 Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta
Tu Jahaan Sonu Nigam and Mahalaxmi Iyer 5.15 Saif Ali Khan and Preity Zinta
My Dil Goes Mmmm (English Club Mix) Shaan and Caralisa 4.08
Salaam Namaste (Dhol Mix) Kunal Ganjawala and Vasundhara Das 3.54
My Dil Goes Mmmm (Instrumental) 4.08

[edit] See also
List of movies set in Australia

[edit] References
^ Salaam Namaste is a box office hit!. Retrieved on 9 September 2006.
^ Salaam Namaste receives Academy honour. Retrieved on 30 June 2006.

[edit] External links
Salaam Namaste at the Internet Movie Database
Salaam Namaste - The Official Movie Site
[hide]v ⢠d ⢠eYash Raj Films
Yash Chopra Daag: A Poem of Love (1973) ⢠Kabhi Kabhie (1976) ⢠Kaala Patthar (1979) ⢠Silsila (1981) ⢠Mashaal (1984) ⢠Faasle (1985) ⢠Vijay (1988) ⢠Chandni (1989) ⢠Lamhe (1991) ⢠Darr (1993) ⢠Dil To Pagal Hai (1997) ⢠Veer-Zaara (2004)
Aditya Chopra Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) ⢠Mohabbatein (2000)
Sanjay Gadhvi Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai (2002) ⢠Dhoom (2004) ⢠Dhoom 2 (2006)
Kunal Kohli Mujhse Dosti Karoge! (2002) ⢠Hum Tum (2004) ⢠Fanaa (2006)
Shaad Ali Saathiya (2002) ⢠Bunty Aur Babli (2005) ⢠Jhoom Barabar Jhoom (2007)
Siddharth Anand Salaam Namaste (2005) ⢠Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007)
Other Doosra Aadmi (1977) ⢠Noorie (1979) ⢠Nakhuda (1981) ⢠Sawaal (1982) ⢠Aaina (1993) ⢠Yeh Dillagi (1994) ⢠Neal 'n' Nikki (2005) ⢠Kabul Express (2006) ⢠Chak De India (2007) ⢠Laaga Chunari Mein Daag (2007) ⢠Aaja Nachle (2007) ⢠Tashan (2008) ⢠Roadside Romeo (2008)

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Categories: 2005 films | Hindi-language films | Indian films | Comedy-drama films | Desi films | Romantic musical films

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How do i tell my parents that Im 18 and pregnant with my 4th child?

get pregnant prayer on Latest News: Prayer Meet For Devendra Ahuja: Stars Pay Tribute to ...
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I have 3 daughters already and pregnant with my 4th daughter. What should i do?
Please IM me on yahoo messenger to chat ok.

wow for people who think that they have a hard life, im sure it doesnt compair to what your going through. being a teen mother cant be easy and to be one thats about to raise 4 babies i give you props if your doing your best to be all that you can be to your kids. you should sit your parents down and ask them to be understanding and suportive of you. im sure that it wasnt want you wanted to be doing at 18 already raising a family. im sure that its hard times with money to but luckly there is government help for some things. it may not seem like much but help is help good luck and god bless you and your family are in my prayers.

What is the average time it takes to get pregnant when trying?


My husband and I just started using the at home ovulation kits last month. Before and during my ovulation period we did it. I have started my period for this month so I know I didn't get pregnant. Does anyone know how long it takes a fertile couple trying to get pregnant. I know we have just started trying but I was just wondering. Thanks!

There is no universal fixed time to get pregnant. In some people, even single unprotected coitus will result in pregnancy. It all happens when that unprotected sex corresponds to the ovulation e.g. All animals (with an exception of human, Bonoboo and Dolphins) copulate only at the time of their ovulation [which we call it ESTRUS or HEAT]. The difference is all (with the exception of above said 3 mammals) have OPEN OVULATION (= releasing pheromones).
Cutting short the theory, am appending below the protocol of conception:
1. Determine your day of ovulation using Ovulation Test Kits. In Ladies with REGULAR CYCLE You need to test from the 10th to 18th day of your cycle. (First day of bleeding is the First day of the cycle).
2. Unprotected sex on the day or on the eve or one day after ovulation will yield good result. So calm down and get yourself composed. Any form of STRESS will get you away from your goal.
- Plan a vacation, far away from the madding crowd, coinciding with your ovulation period. Suggest natural water fall or mountainous resort.
3. Get your hubby's seminal fluid examined by a reputable laboratory. Your hubby needs three days of sexual absenteeism (including masturbation) for the test. Since spermatozoa are easily perishable outside the reproductive system, your hubby has to go the laboratory, masturbate and ejaculate into the sterile container and hand over then and there, for the examination.

- Plus some fine tips below, to follow:
i. Determine your ovulation day, using the Ovulation kit.
ii. Coincide unprotected sex to the Ovulation (Eve / on the very day of ovulation / the very following day after ovulation ). Ovum released can survive only for 24 hours.
iii. Plenty of love making / foreplay prior to the actual act, because that will well lubricate your reproductive tract and remove the Vaginal acidity. Vaginal acidity can destroy the spermatozoa.
iv. Elevate your Pelvis, with a pillow, at least prior to ejaculation. . Missionary position with your legs on your hubby's shoulder. This will provide a deep penetration and deposition of semen deep inside the vagina, almost at the lips of the cervix and to ensure the smooth flowing of semen into the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes.
v. Try to reach climax/female orgasm at the time of ejaculation, so that your cervix will literally suck in all the ejaculatory fluid. For completion sake, I had given the additional benefits of female orgasm below

a. If your orgasm is always late or your hubby is having premature ejaculation, begin the sex in Reverse missionary (with you on the top).
b.Reverse Missionary aids in two ways-
Firstly the women will attain orgasm earlier because of the stimulation of G spot
Secondly it also delays the premature ejaculation

Female Orgasm keeps the woman lying down for some time. This resting, passively retaining sperm and increasing her probability of conception. . British biologists, Robin Baker and Mark Bellis team counted sperm from over 300 instances of human copulation and found that a woman climaxes any time between a minute before to 45 minutes after her lover ejaculates, retains significantly more sperm (In non orgasmic, she hardly retain any sperm)..

vi. Try to lie on your back for at least 4 to 5 hours after sex, so that even the slow-moving or the late comer spermatozoa too will find the way into the female reproductive system.
vii. Strictly no washing, immediately after sex, especially on or around the day of ovulation.

Last but not the least, Sincere Prayers to the Almighty

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get pregnant tips ? are there choices with get pregnant tips any advices?

tips on getting pregnant at 35 on & Get 20 FREE Pregnancy Tests, Tips, Best Tips For Getting Pregnant ...
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why i am not getting pregnant? I'm looking for things like the rda of different vitamins and minerals, what foods to eat to get those etc. I have found a lot of info on the internet, but it is conflicting. I found a couple books that look like they would be good, but they were put out a long time ago and things have probably changed since then .why i am not getting pregnant? Thanks ahead of time!

I'm not sure if I can give you a direct answer about getting pregnant tip but my sister was having a hard time getting pregnant but she did after using a holistic and ancient chinese system she read up from a book. You can find the book from the source provided below. She was having a hard time with her husband and needed to find alternative ways. She just gave birth 2 weeks ago and she's 35!

I've tried this method 2 months ago and guess what? My husband and I are going to baby's r us prepping for our baby.

Hope that helps with your getting pregnant tip question. Good luck.

What Are Some Ways To Increase Your Chance Of Getting Pregnant?

Does anyone know any tips to help conceive.

me and my husband have been trying to conceive for a year and still nothing..

First figure out when / whether do you ovulate (and try to have sex around your peak fertile time). Many resources out there but best to read the book "taking charge of your fertility" to figure out how to do that.

If your periods are irregular and longer than 35 days, then go see a doctor.

Good luck.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When does your belly get hard when you are pregnant with twins and when do you start showing?

how to have get pregnant with twins on how to get pregnant with twins Archives - All About Getting Pregnant
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Im just wondering cause im pregnant and twins go through mine and my boyfriends family. Im only 15 years old and im freaking out. If you know anything please help me.

I don't think the belly ever really get hard. More like round and bumpy. This is perhaps something you should have thought of and been on birth control since you know you have a high rate of having twins. If your not ready I'd consider adoption. Raising a child is no easy task and it makes you have to grow up! No more parties, hanging out, or any of the kid stuff you use to do!

If your pregnant with twins is it possible to miscarry one and keep the other?

linda p

If your pregnant with twins, is it possible to have a confirmed miscarrage with one of them, but the other one be fine and become a singleton? How does that work? Anyone know anything about this question? My OB was not even able to answer it.

Yes. I used to know a woman who had this happen. She lost one twin, but went on the carry the other and he was nice and healthy.

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Tips on getting pregnant with a boy?

tips on getting pregnant with a girl on How to get pregnant with a girl  3 effective methods to conceive a ...
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I'm trying to have a baby and we have sex almost everyday unprotected obviously, I took a little survey thing that calculated when I will be ovulating and if its correct I'm currently ovulating. My question is any tips or remedies to increase my chances on getting pregnant or different positions? Looking for only positive feedback from mothers or mothers to be! Thanks you(: I really want a son!

the chance to have to boy is the exact chance to have a girl. im no biologist but i guess the only way to do something about it is to repress chromosome Y which is your decision to mess with.

by the way, we are 3 brothers and only one of us was planned.

How likely is it to get pregnant from a small drop of precum in the fertile period?


Just wondering, if you had sex with a girl 3 days before she ovulates, and there was a small drop of precum on the tip of the condom, how likely is it she would get pregnant, if you had a previous ejaculation right before?

Anything goes!

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What is a funny story about your babies or kids?

baby making kissy face on Yahoo Messenger Smilies - Online Smiley Faces and Emoticons
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My 3 month old daughter is too funny~! When she farts I start cracking up. I don't know why but then she starts laughing too and has big grin the whole time she passes gas. Once when we were in Sears Auto Center it was quiet in there and all the sudden all you hear is her...blowing a big one... LOL I was like um... that wasn't me sorry LOL So, does anyone have any funny stories about their little ones?

well my baby is 9 months old so she does a lot of funny things she farts a lot too haha and i love when she's on her jumparoo becuase she jumps like she's crazy and i even get scared that the strings will rip! ahah she also is funny when i ask her for kissies because when i do she sometimes puts her hands on my face and makes the funniest faces and noises and slobbers everywhere! its so cute what else, ahaha uhhh oh so she sleeps with us and she loves being on her dads side and she sleeps really funny so little by little she moves towards him until he has no room and he's almost falling but he doesn't want to move her to not wake her! it's soooo cute :) those are my silly little stories

Is this makeup routine okay for 8th grade?


-bb cream
-curl lashes & mascara
-light blush
-lip gloss, tinted lip balm, or light lipstick

I wash it off every night. I do not wear it every day, everything looks natural, and I moisturize before I put it on and after I take it off.
Also what DRUGSTORE products would you reccomend?

BB cream does not provide amazing coverage, so you may find that you have to use a foundation powder or something over it. If you do, you should try a mineral foundation powder. Covergirl and Maybelline both make decent brands of foundation powder.

I LOVE Maybelline Falsies mascara (drug store, about 5 bucks a tube) but it might have a bit too much volume for what you're looking for. If you do want to tone it down, try the Lash Stilletto brand, it also works really well but doesn't tone it up too much.

Physicians Formula makes a great blush (and bronzer, too! Bronzer is for contouring and blush is for color). It comes in multicolored blush 'pearls' so if you decide to use it, you will need a big blush brush (which is recommended for EVERY kind of blush you use). For a natural look, try smiling really wide and apply it in circles over the apples of your cheeks. Then, making a kissy face, blend lightly back to your hairline. Tap the brush before you apply it on the side of the canister, but don't blow on it - that is practically blowing a day's worth of bacteria onto something that you are rubbing onto your face.

For a fun, young look try Baby Lips lipstick, especially for summer. Switch to a darker pink gloss for autumn when school starts (not a drug store, but Bed Bath and Beyond actually carried a good brand, I believe it was called The Apothecary, and it came in a wide range of colors. Also, Philosophy and Ulta both carry good lip gloss brands.)

If your BB cream doesn't include a primer, you should look into getting one! Smashbox has a good one, called Photo Finish. It will prevent makeup from clogging your pores and also give your face a flat surface to apply your makeup.

The Maybelline Fit Me products are all really good, like seriously. All of them. Good luck!!

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How to teach my rats to ride in a remote control car?

get pregnant in 7 weeks on Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound
get pregnant in 7 weeks image

Home Schoo

i have a 1 year old rat and a pregnant 7 week old rat? please step by step jnstructions.

And you are doing this why?

A rat like any other animal won't do something it isn't happy or comfortable about.

If you are doing this for your own entertainment don't your rats welfare is your first priority and they could do themselves serious injury (just imagine the damage to their tails if they got caught up in the mechanism of the wheels.

If the rats happily CHOOSE to sit in the car when it is stationary all well and good but they will become very startled when the car starts up and will try and jump out - get them breed apropriate toys to entertain themselves and you

How is your stomach supposed to look and feel at 7 weeks pregnant?

I'm 7 weeks pregnant && my belly is soft & fatty like when I sit down but when I stand up It gets harder & firmer. Also down by where my bladder & ovaries are located is hard all the time. Is that normal? How is the belly supposed to look and feel? I'm 16 and pregnant. I'm adopted. My adoptive parents could not have kids so they adopted me so my mom does not know much about pregnancy. Especially teenage pregnancy.

love please don't worry yourself, everyone is very different and you'll only get in a panic if you think your not the same. just go with the flow and try to enjoy being pregnant.

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Can I get pregnant while on Zoladex?


I have had two injections of Zoladex and am curious if I can even become pregnant while on it. My boyfriend and I did not use any protection this week because my doctor said that I only needed to use protection for the first month. Now I'm looking up the info online and starting to get freaked out!!!! He said my periods would stop so I wouldn't even know if I missed because of pregnancy or Zoladex.

Well your doctor is in idiot. For him to even say you dont need to practice safe sex while on it is like asking for a lawsuit.

The only proven methods are condoms and they arent perfect (they can break and such).

So i guess you'll find out in a couple of months. Use a condom if you are so worried about it....or just dont do vaginal sex...there are two other options ya know??? Guaranteed you wont get pregnant from the other two!

Can I get pregnant while on Zoladex?


I have had two injections of Zoladex and am curious if I can even become pregnant while on it. My boyfriend and I did not use any protection this week because my doctor said that I only needed to use protection for the first month. Now I'm looking up the info online and starting to get freaked out!!!! He said my periods would stop so I wouldn't even know if I missed because of pregnancy or Zoladex.

you must avoid pregancy like the plague!! This drug may cause fetal complications, so use alternative methods of contraception.

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Kpop songs that help cheer someone up?

baby making kpop songs on Wonder Girls - Be My Baby: Kpop Music Mondays Bloopers!
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The Lone W

I love kpop and I'm feeling really down right now so I want some songs to cheer me up.
One Direction's Little Things and What Makes You Beautiful help me a lot so are there any kpop songs with those sort of messages? Iridescent by Linkin Park helps a lot too. For some reason Crooked by G-Dragon is making me feel better as well. Any other songs you'd recommend?

I apologize if I make you go crazy with so much songs lol. This might take a while for you to listen to all these songs....
DBSK - J-Pop Songs: Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With You?, Love In The Ice (I love the live versions), Stand By U, Begin
Korean songs: Always There, I Believe, Balloons
Two member DBSK: She, Journey, How Can I?, Before U Go, Winter Rose, STILL, Duet, Weep, One More Thing
2NE1 - Ugly, Do You Love Me, Falling In Love, In The Club, I Don't Care, Lonely, Love is Ouch, Go Away, Please Don't Go, I Love You, Fire
Secret - Shy Boy, Yoohoo, Talk That, Only U, 3 Years 6 Months, I Want You Back
4minute - Heart to Heart, What's Your Name, Is It Poppin'?, Pretend, Creating Love, Hot Issue
f(x) - Is It OK?, Surprise Party, Beautiful Goodbye, Chocolate Love, NU ABO, Electric Shock, Let's Try, Beautiful Stranger, Airplane, Goodbye Summer, Pretty Girl, My Fox-Like Friend (No More), Rum Pum Pum Pum
Sunnyhill - The Grasshopper Song, The White Horse Is Coming, Midnight Circus, Goodbye to Romance, Marry Me?, The Darling Of All Hearts, Sitcom, Romantic Comics
G.NA - I Already Miss You, Rumors, A Bitter Day, Loving You, Say You Love Me, Kiss Me, Same Thoughts, Oops!, Love & Slow
Davichi - Don't Leave, Don't Say Goodbye, From Me To You, Don't You Know, You Are My Everything, It's Because I Miss You Today, Don't Find Me Again, Time Please Stop, 8282, Happy End, Love Love Love
Lyn - Teddy Bear, Say, Song For Love, I Like This Song, Letter To You, Tonight, Noona's Song
K.Will - My Heart Is Beating, I Need You, Love Is Crying
Ailee - Heaven, I'll Show You, Into The Storm, Evening Sky, Ice Flower
Wonder Girls - Be My Baby, Like This
After School - Love Love Love, Lady, Shampoo, Because Of You, Dream, Wonder Boy, In The Night Sky
T-ara - Cry Cry, Lovey Dovey, TTL (Time To Love), We Were In Love
SISTAR - Give It To Me, Bad Boy, Loving U, Up And Down, Crying, Summertime, Ma Boy
Miss A - I Don't Need A Man, Lips, Touch, Goodbye Baby
Piggy Dolls - I Guess I Didn't Know Love, What Is Love?, Know Her
PSY - Gentleman, How Would It Have Been, Passionate Goodbye, Never Say Goodbye
Girls' Day - Cupid, Don't Forget Me, Female President, If You Give Your Heart
Lee Hyori - U Go Girl, Miss Korea, Bad Girls, Red Care
Rainbow - You And I, Tell Me, Tell Me, Sunshine, Close Your Eyes
A Pink - It Girl, Prince, Like A Dream, My My, Please Just Let Us Love, BUBIBU
GLAM - I Like That, In Front Of The Mirror, Party (XXO)
IU - Good Day, Someday, Alicia, Every End Of The Day, You & I, Secret, Wallpaper Patterns, Hold My Hand
SHINee - Dream Girl, Lucifer, Sherlock, Hello, Noona Is So Pretty (Replay), Life, Stand By Me, Ring Ding Dong
EXO - Mama, What Is Love?
B1A4 - Wonderful Tonight, Beautiful Target, If, Tried To Walk, In The Air
G-Dragon - That XX, In The End, Crayon, Coup D'etat
Big Bang - Bad Boy, Fantastic Baby (You probably already know BB songs though)
IVY - I Dance, Because of Men, Missing You
TTS - Twinkle, Love Sick, Baby Steps, Goodbye Hello


1 Year, 365 Days - Lucy
Eraser - Ali
Foreigner's Confession, I Love You - Akdong musician
Brown Gold Eyes - Clazziquai Project
Don't Cry, You & I - Park Bom
Going Crazy - Song Ji Eun & Bang Yongguk
Drunk On Sleep, Sixth Sense, The Ugly Truth - Brown Eyed Girls
You Are My Destiny - Haha
Story About Someone I Know - San-E
That Woman - Baek Jiyoung
Because I'm Stupid - SS501
I Dream - 15&
Pandora - KARA
Touch Love - Yoon Mirae
Losing My Mind - Lee Seunggi
It's Over - Lee Hi
Illa Illa, Cute Guy - Juniel
Love Is War - Gilme & Outsider
I Will Love You - Hyorin
Don't Forget Me - Suzy
Burning Down - Sori feat. Dongjoon
Would You Like Some Tea? - Hello Venus
Wild - Nine Muses
I'll Protect You - Kim Jaejoong
Confession - Changmin
Tarantellegra - Xiah
In Heaven - JYJ
Hello Hello, Love Love Love - FT Island
Beautiful, Oasis - B2ST
Not One But Two, I'll Be There - Boyfriend
Wedding Dress, I Need A Girl - Taeyand
0330 - U-Kiss
U - E7
Breathin' - Shinhwa
By Myself, Ring, Because It's You, One More Step - Tiffany
Finally, It's Me - Sunny
It's Love, Like A Star, I Love You, Closer, Missing You Like Crazy, And One, Bye, If - Taeyeon
Dont Say No, It's Okay Even If It Hurts - Seohyun
Overflowing Tears - Jessica
For Sure - Yuri and Sooyoung
S.E.O.U.L. - SNSD & SuJu
Beautiful Night - beast, Fantastic Baby - Big Bang, Humanoids - TVXQ, Expectation - Girls Day, Lupin - Kara, Mister - Kara, Step - Kara, Action - Nu'est, Dream Girl - Shinee, Mr. Simple - Super Junior, Lovey Dovey - T-ara, Rocking - Teen Top, Standing Still - Ukiss, Neverland - Ukiss
Sexy, Free, Single - Super Junior, Beautiful Night/ Shock - Beast, Fantastic Baby/ Still Alive - Big Bang, Hurricane Venus - BoA, Warrior/ No Mercy/ Power - B.A.P, Nalina/ Don't Move - block b, 10 out of 10 - 2PM (woah old time), Hate You - 2NE1, Step - KARA
Se7en- Digital Bounce
SS501-Love ya
Beast-Beautiful, shock, Say no, oasis, freeze
Teen top-supa luv, crazy
Tvxq-keep your head down, catch me, why did I fall love with you, humanoids
Big bang-someone to love, (maybe hands up), still alive
Snsd- galaxy supernova, kissing you, the boys, hoot, promise, baby maybe
Super junior-bonamana, no other, sorry sorry, boom boom
Se7en-someone else, better together (yg edit)
miss a-love alone
(check out BTS)
(wonder girls)
(block b)
(bts) we are bulletproof

I copied these from my different sources so there are some songs that will be listed more than once. I hope it helps!
If you need more songs, just say so

What are some kpop songs about confidence?

Q. Songs kind of like Madonna by Secret, or Top Girl by G.NA. Preferably girl songs!

I'm The Best- 2ne1
U Go Girl- Lee Hyori
Fantastic Baby- Big Bang idk it makes me feel confidence
But I really suggest U Go Gurl.

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