Saturday, March 22, 2014

can skipping white birth control pills help with getting pregnant?


I'm going to start IVFsoon. Dr. put me on birth control pills. When I called to schedule Hysteroscopy
the nurse told me to skip white pills to avoid getting my period. Hubby and I are having unprotected sex. Can I get pregnant? This is my first month. Now What?

No, you can't get pregnant while on birth control. I assume your doctor had a good reason to put you on them, since you will be starting IVF soon, but while you are on the pill you can't get pregnant. That is how it works.

The nurse was just giving you a friendly tip: getting your period while on birth control is just a way to mimic a natural cycle, it has no other function. There is no medical reason to get your period while on birth control. So you might as well NOT get your period. It's only a nuisance. And if you skip the white pills, you won't have to deal with that nuisance.

Birth control questions. What is the risk of getting pregnant while on low-dose birth control?


Hi, I have a few questions I really need answers for.
I am currently on my first pack of low dose birth control pills. I am aware that it takes a full pack to become effective, so I've been using back-up methods such as condoms. After this week, I will be on my second pack of birth control. I have religiously taken the pill around 9pm every night, but I switched the times I took the pill ONCE. I took it at 5pm for the first few days, then I started taking it at 9pm after that for the rest of the month, not switching times again. Is that okay?

Once I've started my 2nd pack of birth control, I would like to be able to have unprotected sex, but I don't want to get pregnant. How can I have unprotected sex while on the low dose pill, and make sure I don't get pregnant? I'm always afraid that the pill alone will not be enough.

Please help me! I need advice and tips for this!

Whenever you change the time you take a pill, miss a pill and have to take two, or just completely miss a pill and not take two to make up for it you should use a back uo form of birth control, like condom, for the next 7 days. If you ever miss more than one pill you need to use a back up form of birth control for 30 days. If you continue taking it religiously and on time every time you will be fine. Just remember if anything goes wrong with your pill to use a back up birth control! :)

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Im 3 months pregnant, vitamins?

Lupita Gar

Im 3 months pregnant and i have to take vitamins and iron, their pills and i cant pass pills its really hard for me i havent taken the vitamins because of that i tried putting them in little pieces and take it like that with water idk if it still works like that, what should i do? ):

Your prenatals you might be able to find in a gummy form (like a gummy bear) so that it's just chewable and you don't have to try to swallow a whole pill. I have no idea about the iron but you could probably talk to the doc about it. Otherwise you could try to get capsule form that you can just open the capsule and pour the contents into some applesauce or something and take it that way. If that fails, there's always grinding up the pills and doing the applesauce thing. With the vitamins though they really do have gummy versions, so I'd try that as it is bound to be the easiest!

Prenatal vitamins?


I know that you are suppose to take prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant. But do you still take them when you are pregnant???

Before I was pregnant I took vitamin supplements, and was told that you're supposed prenatals during pregnancy. However, the fact of the matter is that prenatal vitamins are not as good as regular vitamin supplements. They do not give the pregnant woman the right amount of some vitamins that she needs, like calcium, which is very important for bone growth as well as baby development. I would suggest that instead of taking prenatals, you take regular vitamin supplements A, Magnesium, Multivitamin, C, B-50 and then at a different time of the day take Calcium, Magnesium, and D together. The D helps break down the Calcium, and you need the magnesium as much as your Calcium.

The reason I say to take these others as well as a Multivitamin is because the multivitamin pill does not have the amount that a pregnant woman should be getting, and neither does a prenatal. It is better to control your amounts by taking the pills individually.

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What does it mean if a guy says you got baby making thighs?


It means you are a "Big O bitchhh" and have good looking thighs.

What jeans make your butt, hips, and thighs look bigger.?


I'm 5'1.5-5'2 &nd I weigh 121. But I sorta have big legs but I want jeans that make my but, legs, and hips look bigger, because I personally like thick legs. I also have long legss so it really annoys me to try on jeans. help.?

Baby phat.
Hammer jeans

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Friday, March 21, 2014

How many of you with PCOS got pregnant naturally&quickly?



ME!!!! I was told by Dr.s I would need fertility treatments. I didn't feel like this was God's will for my family. I was taking 2000 mg of metformin for my pcos and I got pregnant with no fertility med within 7 months. Praise the Lord! It is very possible. I think sometimes Dr's jump the gun and give fertility meds way to soon. I am living proof it is possible. I conceived my 3 year old son with no meds and I am 17 weeks with baby #2. Best Wishes.

Once the pregnant belly grows,how often will it continue to grow?


Weight gain - and consequently the belly's growth - varies a great deal from woman to woman. It will depend partially on your genetics (what your body wants to do naturally based on the characteristics you inherited from your parents - in this case, especially your mom) and partially on your diet and exercise both during and before pregnancy (for example, if you worked out a lot before you got pregnant, you may gain weight more slowly because you're already in pretty good shape). Additionally, if you are overweight to start, you may gain less.

Most commonly, the woman will gain between 3 - 8 pounds their first trimester. This tiny gain often barely shows, though by month three your jeans may be getting a little tight. However, it isn't uncommon to actually lose weight the first trimester because of morning sickness... and some gain quite a bit very quickly (a friend of mine gained 15 pounds by the end of month 3).

During the second trimester in general you will gain more quickly - most women seem to put on an additional 10 to 20 pounds their second trimester. By the end of month six, even the smallest woman is usually showing some belly. Some women look like they're ready to burst... and others you can barely tell they're pregnant. I had another friend who put on almost nothing during trimesters one and two... then put on 60 pounds during the third trimester (she lost it all afterwards).

The third trimester - there's no denying that the baby - and the belly - are present. Weight gain is especially fast during months seven and eight, because they baby is growing so quickly. Your weight gain and belly growth usually slows down and sometimes stops by month nine. Some women actually lose a couple pounds that ninth month - though how that happens, I'm not sure, since baby keeps growing until you deliver. If you didn't gain a lot during your first and second trimesters, there will be no avoiding it now. It will become awkward and uncomfortable. In general, weight put on the third trimester is usually (not always) easier to take off than weight gained early on.

I think the most important thing to remember about weight gain and belly growth during pregnancy is that there is no magical formula - it might sound cliche, but every woman will do it differently! My recommendation if your concerned about how big your stomach will get is to remember that you should not eat for two people. Eat when you're hungry (not because you feel entitled to eat), and try to choose healthy options (for example, eat a banana or some yogurt when you're feeling snack-y instead of a bag of Doritos or chips). Drink a lot of water, and cut down on the soda. You don't have to cut out junk food entirely, but limit your consumption (go to Dairy Queen and get an ice cream cone once a week instead of a brownie sundae every night). Limit your fried foods. Park a little further away from the store so you get some extra walking in.

For me, that's worked so far - I've put on about 20 pounds at week 37 without a whole lot of strenuous exercise (though I did work out a lot before I got pregnant, I stopped running at around week six because of morning sickness) - but my story is just that - my story. Everyone's different. As mentioned earlier, some people put on a whole lot of weight only to drop it all quickly. I've also heard stories about people that put on 20 pounds and can't seem to lose the last ten. Assuming you're pregnant, good luck!

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Came off Microgynon, can you get pregnant on 1st month off?


I was on microgynon for just a little over a year. I would like to hear other peoples experiences.. how long did it take your periods to regulate again.. how long before ur first one after stopping the pill? and has anyone got pregnant within their 1st month off? thanksss in advance!

Yep...I was on it for 6 months, came off and got pregnant without even having a "real" period...I got pregnant immediately after the first "period" I had that started one day after taking my last pill of the pack.

Good luck! :) x

do you get cramps when 1 month pregnant?


Hi there. I dont think I am pregnant but I was supposed to get my period on Jan- 23-06 and till today I haven't gotten it? wich is weird because I never end the month without not getting my period. But I do feel cramps just like as if I had my period? If you are a month pregnant do you still get cramps??

if you are pregnant you still get cramps, at times through out the whole time.... you also could what you think is your period... some women spot bleed when the egg implants, around or even a little after your period is due....
if there is any chance you think you might be? take a test....
extremem cramping if you are pregnant could be, what is that one called now, tubal prenancy? egg implanting in the wrong place.... like outside uterus, in tubes... etc. if that is the case, only a dr can find out or help out....
good luck

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Could I be pregnant?


Me and my love have decided we want a baby we been trying i'm so anxious to find out... but my period should be til may june 24 25. but my boobs are swollen my bf has even notice the difference a couple of times i have felt dizzy and i have been peeing alo and more tired then usual but its hard for me to sleep at night... what do u think that chances are that im pregnant?

How can you tell if you're pregnant? The earliest way to know for sure is through a blood test. Four days after fertilization, the egg begins to produce a hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which can be detected in your blood and, a few days later, in a urine sample. However, some women notice symptoms even before they take a test. Although these aren't conclusive, you should definitely get tested if you experience any of the following:

1. Tender breasts: Many women report increased sensitivity, fullness, or heaviness within a few days. By two weeks after conception, your areolas (the pinkish or brown skin surrounding the nipples) may start to enlarge.

2. Spotting: Scantier than a period and sometimes mixed with a yellowish discharge, a small amount of bleeding may occur when the developing egg implants itself in your uterine wall.

3. Fatigue: Can't keep awake at work? If you feel tired even after a good night's sleep, your body may be going through the changes of early pregnancy.

4. Nausea: Don't think of it as "morning sickness," since it can strike at any time of the day or night. It might feel like a slight case of seasickness or a full-fledged stomach virus -- or you may not experience it at all.

5. Bloating: Many women mistake this early sign of pregnancy for PMS; the tip-off may come when your period doesn't arrive.

6. Increased urination: You may need to go to the bathroom more than usual, a symptom that will return in spades during your last trimester.

7. Stretching of pelvic ligaments: During the course of a normal pregnancy, the uterus will grow to about 1,000 times its prepregnant size (imagine a pear turning into a basketball). Some women feel their pelvic ligaments stretching to make room for this growth to occur.

8. Food cravings: If you suddenly find yourself ravenous for citrus fruits, red meat (even if you're a vegetarian), or potato chips, don't assume it's all in your head. Pregnant bodies may crave increased amounts of vitamin C, iron, and salt -- among other things -- even from the very beginning.



my last period was on feb. 3rd. today makes 2 weeks since the start of my period. I ovulated early this month. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend plenty of times b4 and after ovulation. On day 12 of my cycle i experienced some bleeding, it was a pink color. It was a very small amount when i wiped. but i used a q-tip to check if there was more blood inside and there was. the q-tip absorbed a good amount of blood. But since then no blood. I was also cramping that day but it has since stopped. I do check my cervix, u dont have to go to the doc. to do it. and it was low, but not very low, id say mid point, and a bit open, i check it now and its soft high and closed. im not due for my period till the 3rd of March. and my breasts are already sore. u think im pregnant???

Yes you could be pregnant...but its too early to can buy test now that you can use 5 days before a missed period, but testing early also can give a false neg....the best bet is to get a blood test..this will tell you for for your symptoms...the bleeding could have been implantation bleeding and the sore breasts are also a sign and you can have signs before a missed period!...Good Luck~~~~~

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014



hi everyone, i have just found out (well last week) that im pregnant woohoo! im only about 8 wks so still really early but my question is:

since i found out i have been really paranoid, like scared there is something wrong, i know it probably sound rediculas but is that normal?

Thank you xx
This is my first baby by the way

I'm 7 months pregnant with my first and when I found out I was pregnant I was fine but the more I thought about it the more concerned I became. What really helped me (and you will find that most doctors do as well) was that my mid-wife encouraged me to write down the questions and concerns I had and she helped me answer them every time I came in including a few times I called her at home. lol

Hope that helps the less stress you feel the easier it is to think of fun things like names.

Best food while pregnant?

Best and worst foods to eat while pregnant? ?


The best foods to eat when pregnant are healthy, nutritionally balanced foods such as -

In addition to more than 12 vitamins and minerals, eggs contain lots of quality protein, which is essential for pregnancy. Your baby's cells are growing at an exponential rate, and every cell is made of protein. Eggs are cheap, easy, quick, and versatile.

Not only is salmon brimming with high-quality protein, but it's an exceptionally good source of omega-3 fats. And unlike swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark, salmon has low amounts of methylmercury, a compound that can be harmful to your baby's developing nervous system.

Lentils, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, there are so many to choose from.
In pregnancy, the gastrointestinal tract slows down, putting you at risk for constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber can help prevent and relieve these problems.
Popcorn is a whole grain. Whole grains are important in pregnancy because they're high in fiber and nutrients, including vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients â plant compounds that protect cells.

Walnuts are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s. A handful of walnuts is a great choice for an on-the-run snack or an addition to a salad.

Greek yogurt-
Greek yogurt typically has twice the protein of regular yogurt. And any kind of yogurt is a great source of calcium, which is vital in a pregnancy diet. If you don't take in enough calcium, the limited amount you have will go to your baby, depleting the calcium in your bones and teeth.

Dark green, leafy vegetables-
Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and other green leafy vegetables are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as the all-important folate. They've also been found to promote eye health.

Lean meats-
Meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein. Look for lean meats with the fat trimmed off. Beef and pork stand out among meats because in addition to protein, they contain choline. Don't eat deli meats or hot dogs, though, unless they're heating until steaming hot. There's a small risk of passing on bacteria and parasites from the meat such as Listeria monocytogenes toxoplasma, or salmonella to your baby.

Colorful fruits and veggies-
Eating a variety of green, red, orange, yellow, purple, and white fruits and vegetables will ensure that you and your baby get a variety of nutrients. Each color group provides different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

As for the worst foods to eat-

Cheeses with a white, mouldy rind, such as brie and camembert, and blue-veined cheeses. Also steer clear of unpasteurised soft cheeses, such as those made from sheep and goat's milk. All these cheeses could contain listeria bacteria. Listeria can cause an infection called listeriosis that may harm your baby.

Unpasteurised milk and dairy products made with unpasteurised milk aren't safe during pregnancy. They are more likely to contain bacteria that could give you food poisoning.

Raw or undercooked eggs can contain salmonella bacteria. Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm. Don't eat mousse, ice cream and fresh mayonnaise from delis or restaurants as these may contain raw egg.

Liver isn't safe to eat during pregnancy. However, all other fresh meats are fine. Be extra careful when cooking meat on a barbecue, or as part of a microwavable ready meal.

It's best not to eat cured meats, such as parma ham and salami. These carry a risk of listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.

All paté, whether made from meat, fish or vegetables, may contain listeria bacteria, which can harm your baby.

Oily fish is good for you and your baby, but it can contain environmental pollutants (PCBs). So it's best to eat no more than two portions of oily fish a week.

Other types of fish and shellfish may have similar levels of dioxins and PCBs to oily fish. These are sea bream, turbot, halibut, dogfish, crab and sea bass. So limit how much you eat of these fish to two portions a week.

Don't eat any shark, swordfish and marlin. These fish contain unsafe levels of naturally occurring mercury. Tuna contains some mercury too, so it's best you don't eat more than four medium-sized cans a week.Raw shellfish also isn't safe when you're pregnant, because it can cause food poisoning.

It's best not to have more than 200mg of caffeine a day.Drinking lots of caffeine during pregnancy has been linked to miscarriage and low birth weight. You could switch to decaffeinated drinks instead.

Government advice is that you stop drinking alcohol during pregnancy. If you want to drink during your pregnancy, donât drink more than one or two units of alcohol, once or twice a week, and don't get drunk.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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Is it okay to go to nfl game at 26 weeks pregnant?


My bf doesn't want me to go to a football game due to loud noise. He thinks loud noise will affect my unborn child. Should I not go or is it okay?

This is not a problem! Babies ( born or in the womb) like for their mothers to feel happy and healthy, and they are perfectly well protected from little things like cheering and music as long as mum is enjoying it. Women all over the world carry on with their normal lives while pregnant, and only change things if they get extra tired, sick etc - being pregnant is not an illness, it's a healthy state unless there's complications. I walked up Snowdon when I was 5 months pregnant, carried on supporting my local rugby football team, worked, played my rock and punk music as usual etc.

Neither you or your baby need to be wrapped in cotton wool- tackle this with him now or what's he going to be like when the baby is actually born?!

As long as you feel well and up for it, carry on- no doubt your new son or daughter will be a massive nfl fan too, and have the same joy you get from it as they grow. Why cut them off from one of the things you love?

Pregnant or just my mind playing games?


I had my period and then the following week during my ovalation cycle my boyfriend and i had sex. I had what i thought was my period 12 days later (light bleeding only lasted 2 days) then I start having breast tenderness ( totally unexpected) then morning sickness followed with heightened smell. and an upset stomach. constant nausa. i was craving pickles, ice cream and potato chips recently. I took a couple pregnancy tests and they came out negitave :( Please tell me what you think. is it just my mind or could i be pregnant?

You took the pregnancy test too early. But yep, seems like you could be pregnant, you've got loads of symptoms!
When is your next period due? If it doesn't arrive on time, wait 3 or 4 days. Definitely take a pregnancy test.. First thing in the morning, it's when urine is most concentrated.
Best of luck.

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what food should i give to my 5 month old baby boy to make him fat?

Maelene Va

my baby drink milk less. it seems like he don't have a good appetite.

Are you nursing? If so, maybe something in your diet has changed and the taste of the milk has changed. He may not like it anymore... or it may just take him a bit to get used to. OR if it is formula he is on, he might just not need as much as he had last week/month. When he hits a growth spurt around 6 months he should pick up his appetite. Have you started him on solid foods? Try rice cereal first, and go through the list of single grains until you have ruled out allergies... Then veggies and fruits... Once he starts eating solids he won't drink as much formula. My second son started drinking water in a sippy cup around 6 months just to get a little more fluid into him during meal times. (I nursed him in between solid feedings, though) BUt, if he is happy and has wet diapers and not constipated (and his soft spot is not sunken in) he should be fine. He may change his eating habits tomorrow. Babies are all different and all want/need different things :) All the best!

Any tips for feeding a 9.5 month old solids other than baby food?


I didn't have this problem with my daughter...she ate solids right away without a problem. My son won't. I try putting stuff in his mouth for him to taste and he makes a scrunchy face and spits it out and if he does try to get it down, he gags like crazy! I was thinking of mixing mushy rice into his baby food as a start...any other thoughts/ideas. Help!
Thanks for the tips but let me just add that I've been putting food on his highchair for about 3-4 weeks now and he won't put it in his mouth. He just plays with it. I keep doing it hoping he'll eventually put it in his mouth.

carry on with the baby food if you want but add more cooked soft vegetables cut up......give him finger foods as snacks and with his meal. place them on his tray and feed him when you eat:) grated cheese, tuna flakes, cheerios and puffs, spaghetti cut up or any pasta, can be added to his baby food or srved as a finger food. if he gets soem in his hands guide his hand to his mouth:) hell soon get the idea tell him its nums nums and make a big deal about be enthuaiastic and eat some too and show him how much your enjopying it. he will come round goodluck:)))) p.s also let him have his own spoon to practise and allow him to be messy:)

playing with his food is good:)))) its helps with eye/hand coordination and encourages the pincer grasp:)

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Question for midwives/doctors?


I was wondering since I just asked a question about whether or not you can see signs of something wrong with your baby at the 30 week ultrasound. I was wondering if you would be able to e-mail me and I could send you my ultrasound pictures? I am just nervous and would like to make sure everything looks good. My doctor said so, but I was wondering if I could get more opinions. If you are willing to, please e-mail me...

The doctor has said everything is fine so believe it, and BTW those 3D ultrasound pics make babies look weird and the baby will look totally different

my baby makes strange breathing noises?

Babys Momm

she is 4 months old and has been making a breathing sound that kinda sounds stressed ( kinda like the sound you make when you get scared) when she sleeps ...its not every breath she just does it sometimes. Does this happen to anyone else?
she has been doing this since she was 2 weeks old and thats when she started coughing im wondering if its due to asthma or allergys

My kids would make a stressed breathing sound when they were experiencing a chest cold. Place a humidifier in her room, and place a pillow UNDERNEATH the fitted sheet in her crib, by elevating her head the position will allow her to breath better, the pillow will safely stay secured under the fitted sheet, however most babies move during the night but at least she will have the benefit of getting some initial use. Talk to your pediatrician, the baby could have a deviated septum.

Edited: I came across this site, that might help you, it has the wedge that can be placed under the fitted sheet. If you suspect your baby has allergies or asthma, get the doctor to diagnose it promptly, in the meantime, use the humidifier and place the pillow wedge to help her breathe better. Some babies are more prone to allergies than others, and can quickly develop asthma. If your baby is diagnosed with asthma I suggest the following: if you have a pet in the home don't allow the pet in the babies room, if you have old carpeting think about having it removed and go with wood floors. Purchase allergen free pillows and replace them every 9mos. Use a humidifier regularly and make sure you wash with resorvoir with soapy water every 4th day.

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Can my friend be pregnant?


My friend regularly menstruates, she got delayed for about 5 days, the next day she got her period and so did the next day. she had sex 17 days after the 1st day of her last menstruation. Can she be pregnant?
she had her period already

She could get pregnant at that time. A woman generally ovulates 2 weeks (14 days) after the 1st day of the last period. Ovulation calculators give a 5 day window as to the most time you will be fertile. She falls within that five day window. If she has missed her period she needs to take a home pregnancy test, 1st response and clear blue are the best to take. If she gets a positive she needs to go to the doctor.

would i be pregnant??


im tired all the time i get cramps off and on through out the day i have to pee more often my mood changes all the time and my nipples hurt every once in a while they really hurt in the mornings i get nausea off and on through out the day also could i be pregnant?

I'm not sure, but you can go to and enter your last period. It will tell you when you ovulated and if you had sex during that time you are most likely pregnant.

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Monday, March 17, 2014



we got our pony 2 months ago from a pony ride business.come to find out she is pregnant.the man didnt tell me anything about her.not her age,pregnancyy,nothing.for the past 3 weeks we have been weighing her.we weighed her on the 6th and she gained 21 pounds.we weighed her tonight and she gained 10.also,there is a pouch in front of her teets that is sagging very low and is slowly working its way to her teets.would anybody know about how far aong she is?i really need to know asap she is a shetland pony approx. 4 years old

Expectant Mare
Assuring the Health and Well-Being of the Pregnant Mare.

We often think of pregnancy as a delicate and fragile condition. When it comes to horses, this perception is perhaps due to the mare's relatively poor reproductive performance in comparison to other domestic animals. However, in a natural setting, the mare does comparatively well reproductively. Therefore, this seemingly poor performance is due as much to improper management as to any reproductive deficiency. Fortunately, management is something we can control.

As a conscientious owner, you probably have many questions about caring for your expectant mare. In truth, you may be a little worried. Relax. With a little TLC, your mare should progress through her pregnancy without mishap. Proper nutrition, deworming, exercise, and vaccinations will help ensure a healthy pregnancy, and you can look forward to the birth of your foal with greater confidence.

The earliest days of an embryo's existence are perhaps the most precarious. During the first 30 days, there is a 10-15% chance that the embryo will be reabsorbed. Stress, illness, uterine infection, hormonal abnormalities, the presence of twins, and other factors have been implicated in early embryonic loss. Often, the cause remains undetermined.

When the mare conceives, the fertilized egg (zygote) travels down the fallopian tubes and enters the uterus around day 6-7. It migrates throughout the uterus until about day 16 and typically implants into the uterine wall at 6-8 weeks. By day 12-13, the embryonic vesicle is usually large enough to be detected by ultrasonic examinations, during which an image is made by bouncing sound waves off tissues. For practical reasons, some breeding farms simply tease the mare 14-20 days after her last breeding date to see if she comes back into estrus (heat). If she does not, the pregnancy may then be confirmed by ultrasound or trans-rectal palpation at approximately 30-35 days post-breeding.
Neither teasing, palpation, nor ultrasound has been shown to harm the developing embryo or endanger the pregnancy. However, because of the embryo's uncertain beginning, it may be wise to have the pregnancy reconfirmed at 45, 60 or 90 days.
Some reproductive specialists recommend an ultrasound exam at 14-16 days post-ovulation to detect twins. Early detection of twins provides an opportunity to eliminate one embryo, thus allowing the other to develop normally. This is commonly done because twins pose a number of risks:
In 95% of mares with twin embryos, one or both embryos are resorbed or aborted during the first 60 days. However, waiting to see if this occurs naturally could delay or interfere with a subsequent successful pregnancy.
Of the small percentage of twins that survive in utero past 50 days, it is highly unlikely that two healthy foals will be born. If either survives, it may be small and weak.
Most twins surviving past 50 days will spontaneously abort at 6-8 months.
Mares carrying twins are more likely to give birth prematurely (before 300-320 days). Premature foals may have serious medical problems and are less likely to survive.

Good broodmare management is the best aid for helping the mare make it through the critical first 30-60 days of pregnancy.
The mare should go into the breeding season fit and perhaps gaining weight. Severely underweight mares will have more trouble conceiving than will mares of appropriate weight.
Avoid stressing the mare as much as possible. Stress can cause a drop in progesterone, a hormone which helps maintain pregnancy. Illness and/or fever can cause the mare's system to secrete prostaglandins, which may cause abortion.
Transport your mare only if necessary.
Use caution when exposing your mare to other horses. You should avoid any undue risk of injury or disease transmission.
Provide nutritious forage, but don't overfeed. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals is unnecessary in mares being fed a balanced diet.
Make sure the mare is current on vaccines and deworming. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations regarding specific vaccinations and deworming interval during pregnancy.
Do not administer hormones or other drugs unless specifically prescribed by your equine practitioner.
Carefully evaluate the mare before deciding whether to breed on foal heat. Consult your veterinarian.
Unless there are special circumstances, during the first 7 months of pregnancy, treat your mare as you would a non-pregnant one. She will benefit from moderate riding or exercise.

to have twins ?


how can you have twins [get pregnatnt with a twins i am to shy to ask some one in face because there is sex included i supose

Get Pregnant on BC, I have quite a few friends who got pregnant on it and most had twins, it says right on the paper that comes with the BC that if you get pregnant on it you have a chance of having multiples. ..Another one is most people who get pregnant in there 40's have a high risk of twins, look at celebrities for instance and look at how many who had kids in there 40's and had twins.

You could also try the following I found online

old wise Chinese Doctor, that if you want to conceive Twins naturally, here is the recipe:
B6 vitamin (200mg daily)
Calcium (1000mg daily)
Yams (Freshly brewed in a Juicer)
Apparently all three of those things must be used on a daily basis to ensure a naturally stimulated ovary that will ovulate at least 2 eggs a month.

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Did anyone out there get pregnant while taking Glyciphage? I have pcos?


I have an appointment with the gyno in 6 weeks time. My last appointment she sent me for a blood test to confirm I have the pcos. But a few months before that at my vaginal scan the nurse said i have classic pcos (my cysts are 14mm). Once the cysts are over 9mm they are classed as polycystic.

The last appointment i had with her she said that if the blood tests come back saying i have pcos then she may put me on metformin tablets to regularise insulin levels. But i can't wait 6 weeks, i want to concieve as soon as poss. I have seen 100 Glyciphage tablets on the internet from a reputable company. The pills have good reviews. Any advice you can offer me?

Any tips on getting pregnant with pcos? What pills did you use?


Many women with PCOS get pregnant using Glucaphage or Metformin. I had to take Clomid so that I would Ovulate though. Just call your doctor and asked for her to call you in the prescription.

Any tips for TTC while having PCOS?


I have pcos and have had it for a year now. I went to the doctor back in the beginning of oct and he put me on a low glycemic diet and i lost around 8 lbs. Well I haven't had a period since june up until october 28 i started one and it lasted for two weeks so it ended on nov 12. My husband and i have sex pretty often cause we want to have a baby but know that it is not likely right now with the pcos.Anyway i have not figured out my cycles yet but i did spot a little on nov 19 and I am spotting a little today (I am hoping this will be a normal period). Both times it has been light brown. I guess what I am asking is do yall have any tips on how to conceive on Pcos or ideas on how what i can use or eat to lose more weight to help the pcos? Ido drink a meal Replacement protein shake in the mornings for breakfast. I really want to conceive by June of 2012. Any advice is really appreciated!
Thanks and God Bless.

Lets see...

First the spotting can be implantation bleeding so definitely take that early pregnancy test.

Step One: See a doctor called a "Reproductive Endocrinologist.' Don't see a OB/GYN or a family doctor. Tell them you need to have a period because it's been more than three months. Then start a plan to help address your INSULIN RESISTANCE. Pcos is a syndrome that is linked to the insulin in your body and the reproductive effects are just side effects of the greater problem.

Step Two: Untill you have normal periods you cannot get pregnant. Your body is not making the healthy rich lining for a fertilized egg or making that egg to even get fertilized. So you need to start having regular periods again.

Step Three: Organize a plan of action; you need to get healthy. Try looking at and Both pages details not only a supplement system that can help your body towards fertility but a diet and exercise plan. You are going to have to adopt a low sugar low carb diet to have a baby. You are also going to have exercise and possibly loose weight to help get some of the stress off your systems. (Mind you weight is just a symptom of PCOS NOT a cause. Loosing weight both helps you get better and is a sign you are getting better.)

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Have you been asked if you're pregnant?

Walk By Fa

It's becoming more frequent.

I gain ALL my weight in my stomach, and I have to admit that I may look a couple months pregnant as I just hit the 150 mark.

Has anyone else ever been asked if they were pregnant when they weren't??? I hate it!

Yes, especially when I wear those baby-doll shirts.

Pregnant belly grabbers!!!!!?


Why do people you hardly know or just barely met feel the need to touch/rub your pregnant big belly!!??? Would it be rude to move away or ask not to be touched. Or does this just bother me since this is my first baby, I am very reserved, been married 4 yrs before my husband insisted we start trying rme.
Dont get me wrong I am ecstatic about the arrival BUT can you people keep your hands off me. I also waited 5 months to tell anyone - I didnt wanna hear all that lovy dovy stuff,, aahhh this and aaahh that!
am I wrong to feel this way?? or is it the hormones caus I AM usually so friendly and outgoing..

Answer has some great t-shirts that say things like, "no touchie", "touch the belly, lose an arm", "rubbing my buddha belly is NOT good luck". Haha.

I thought they were cute, but the designs are bold enough that people will read them and take notice.

Not everyone likes to be touched. And when you're pregnant, it's like perfect strangers want to touch you. Get off of me! Some people will ask first. Yes, I do mind.

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