Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Are there any REAL tips on getting pregnant?


I am getting WAY anxious to get pregnant, and WAY impatient! I see all these baby items that I just want to buy NOW, but Im not even pregnant yet, and I don't want to be some weird chick buying baby items! I see babies everywhere I go, and I just can't take it anymore..I feel like something is missing! My husband and I have been trying for a while now..about a year. No luck! I don't know what the problem is..except for that I have PCOS, but my doctor didn't seem like it was a big deal, so Im not sure if I have it bad or not...who know's. Anyway, I am starting progesterone, and then Comid right now, but my husband and I are still having sex every other day just in case I do ovulate. I know that I did ovulate last month, but I didn't have a period which was weird. Anyway, do you have any tips?

hi,im sorry to hear about your troubles. I understand how you are feeling though. It took me and my fiance 3 yrs to conceive our first baby.It was so stressful and no one seemed to care. I would watch the news and hear about mothers leaving there new Born's at hospitals because they didn't want them anymore and it would break my heart till the point i would cry. I had so much love for a baby and i couldn't give it.

I tried so many things and finally i got a positive blood test.So now im going to help you out because i can see that you need some help.If you would like to email me, i can give you alot of help on this.If you could email me with your last period date, i can give you the best dates to try and conceive,when your periods are due,when is your highest peak of fertility.Im happy to help you out,As now i have a beautiful 11 month old baby boy and a beautiful baby boy due in april 2009.

P.S. i also helped 3 of my mates become pregnant by this method.My mate has now a 5 month old baby girl,my second mate is now 26 weeks pregnant and my 3rd mate is now 3 months pregnant.Good luck

Tips on getting pregnant?

Q. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on getting pregnant?

I'm 19, engaged, and relatively healthy.

I had gotten pregnant in September, and after about two days of celebrating, I found out I was having a miscarriage. Unknowingly, I was 7 weeks pregnant. I have a blood type that I share with only 6% of America's population, and unfortunately one of those 6% was not my child. (s)he had a positive blood type, I have a negative. My body saw this as a threat and destroyed the tiny cell of a child.

I was devastated, and over October, grieved and healed. It wasn't something I could have prevented, unfortunately. And I was given a shot to prevent it from happening again.

I don't have regular periods, per se. I have them at the end of the current month, or the beginning of the next month. It's hard to tell sometimes, because I always forget to mentally note when it started.

But, back to my original question.
Any tips on getting pregnant? My fiancée and I have agreed we'd like to try.

firstly i would like to say how sorry i am about your loss i know exactly how u feel after having the same thing , im currently 33 weeks pregnant with a girl and have blood type b negative. i tried to get pregnant for a year after my loss and i eventually gave up trying after constant negative tests i couldnt take it anymore , it seems with me taking off the stress of trying and just enjoying myself and enjoying been intimate with my partner without any pressure seemed to work as 2 month after we stopped trying we concieved. i would recoment taking folic acid and leaving the rest to nature , if you do get a positive test book strait in to your doctors and take care in preganacy and knocks or bumps to your stomach go strait to maternity assesment for a anti-d injection (this stops your blood attacking the baby). they will also give you this injection at certain weeks to avoid your blood harming your baby,seems to work 2 xx good luck

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