Thursday, April 24, 2014


Q. Tell me anything about them!
I think I'm having twins, but no one will answer my dang questions! I NEED any info, stories, whatever!
Ok...lemme rephrase that...


lol ok well i have 3year old boy/girl twins,
i split with there dad when pregnant so was very hard work! lol
pregnancy can be tough,just rest as much as possible,and be prepared as may go early? hough after being told this a hundread times i waswell ready by about 32 weeks bags packed and went all the way to 38weeks so seemed a long long wait! lol,had a c secion and all was fine,they weighed 6"7 and 7"2 so quite big for twins! youl prob get the choice how you want to deliver as twins,and its still possible to do natural if choose hat way many say its better.
theres more of a risk as could be early maybe spending some time in special care? so be a little prepared for that as could be tiny,but as i say not always.
when there tiny feeding,would definatly reccomend feeding both together-can be done,youl get hang of it!-as otherwise if do in turn,your whole day will just be feeding! so always except any help to! dont feel bad your only human and going to be knackered! cat naps always a good idea whenever possible! or making the most of any vsitors popping round to have a quick soak in the bath etc while they watch your little darlings!
the first few weeks monhs will prob fly by,by endless feeding whinding! untill,its best to get in some routine,especially with 2,as if just feed on demand youl prob be all over the place! lol
(its amaing though how doing everything twice really does just come naturally!-i promise youl friends will prob watch you in amazement,juggling both,but will be natural to you!)
sleeping mine slept in same cot for good few months,so only had to but one to begin with,wasnt untill they could start shuffling around and disturb each other i put them in 2 cots,
also on the first outings i made the most while small,instead of lugging around the huge double buggy,used a stroller for one and had the other in a baby carrier,obviously not straight away as was nice to have both in buggy looking all cute,and enjoying the comments,people stopping you andcooing "ahh are they twins?" wich i bet youl get alot! and be proud and enjoy,why not youve carried them around for 40weeks,with all the backache etc,so deserved! lol and soon wears off when come them moments when them moments of despair when there both wailing,and its more like "her comes double trouble" and the admiring smiles from strangers turn into sympathy smiles! lol though of course-its all worth it! hehe
so yea it will be full on action and no walk in the park,just enjoy every little peacefull moment you get with them,cause youl be that extra bit busy youl find that time will fly that extra bit quicker to and wonder where its gone! as i say mine are 3 now-thats where the fun really beggins! and you wish they were tiny babies again! hehe joke,hope have helped feel free to contact if wanna ask anything,and congratulations!

Pregnant with twins?

In need of

Hi all, I went for my first sonogram y'day (at 17w 2 d) and found to my surprise that we are having twin boys!!!! What a moment it was!! Twins don't run in our families (neither mine nor my hubby's) and the kids were conceived naturally!! We still can't believe we are having twins.
I just want to know if there is anything special / extra I need to do to take care of myself and the babies? I read many articles on the internet, but they are too scary. Since no one in our families has experience with twins, we cannot ask any of their inputs!! Any moms out there who had twins and can help me out? What should I eat, what should I do, how should I care for me and my babies?

floradix and alfalfa are great, definitely.
i'd just make sure to have everything ready a little early, and to have a support group ready for you when those little ones come. people to clean around the house, cook, and maybe even plan on a babymoon... just time where you relax and recover and enjoy your new babies, as stress free as possible and to help adjust them and you into this new life.
i always reccomend mothering magazine for any mother... but specifically mothers with twins because they have some pretty amazing and empowering articles and pictures of mommies with their twins. their website is and i know my outlook has drastically changed for the better on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and parenting for the better.
if you want to see an amazing birth video of twins here is it... i can't believe it. it's peaceful, and not all crazy dramatic rushing etc. there are a bunch on
oh and ps get lots of good sleep whenever you can! ;)

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