Tuesday, June 24, 2014

SEX tips AND proposal QUESTIONS ten POINTS guaranteed ?


I am on my girlfriend's yahoo answers so I will have to delete this fast, so answer quick. (long answers are the best though)
We have been dating for 1 and 1/2 years. She is 7 months pregnant and I love her with all my heart. I want to propose but she wants the whole big wedding,big ring,big proposal thing. We dont have the most money but how can I propose in a big way and she wants a tiffany ring. HELP! After I propose I want to have so good romantic sex. What can I do??? She is pregnant so it is difficult. I want to propose before the baby comes. Help??!!

Tiffany has rings in wide price ranges. They have beautiful Engadget rings made of sterling silver instead of white gold with a real diamond stone. it is only a few hundred dollars compared to the gold rings. Equally pretty in my opinion. I am sure she would love it. You could tell her that you wanted to make sure she gets a real Tiffany ring and preferred to get the silver version instead of buying a gold ring by some random maker. Then tell her that one day when you can afford it you will get her something else more expensive. Have flowers, propose to her, express your love to her and tell her she is beautiful. Kiss her tummy, go down on her and drive her wild and hot with love and adoration... make sure she is super turned on both physical and emotional

Any parenting tips? advice?


Okay so I am currently pregnant with my 1St child and I Do have a ways to go (about 6 months) but as I get closer I really get a bit more nervous. I know I'll be a good mother though. So any good parenting tips or advice for me and my husband? Any subject any tip any topic. Lay it on me. I want to be as prepared as I possibly can be. Thanks so much!

If you're having a boy make sure that when you're changing their diaper you have something covering their private parts so they don't pee on you!

Accept help when people offer it! When your baby is sleeping, thats when you should sleep, otherwise you'll never sleep. You'll need more diapers than you think, but only buy one package of newborn sized diapers because they grow out of them very fast!

When it comes to caring for your baby, trust your instincts. Bond with your baby! Lots of skin-to-skin contact. Watch out for Over-stimulation.

oh and you should also buy baby clothes at Yard sales, good will, etc. It will save a fortune and your baby will only wear that outfit a few times until he grows out of it. Good Luck! :)

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Monday, June 23, 2014

36 weeks - EXTREME pain?

oh yeah

Earlier today, I had a slip (didn't fall), got checked by the doc, was monitored, everything was ok, have some spotting (likely from the cervical check), took a warm bath to ease some pain, took a Tylenol but am still in EXTREME pain in my nethers. I mean, just sitting/lying down, walking is excruciating and Tylenol isn't doing anything. What else can I do? I'll try the bath again tonight but other than that, Tylenol is useless. Any help?

P.S. The pain is in my bones, the pelvic region and now has spread to my back and down my thighs. No contractions and the baby is still moving every now and then.
I meant, 35 weeks. My bad!

if the baby is moving as he/she did before the baby should be fine if you stop feeling the baby move you should call your doctor or go to the ER to make sure its ok. but if the pain is really bad than you should still call your doctor and be seen so you can be sure hun

Question about birth weight, and health of babies born before 37 weeks.?


OK so I am asking because I have had some complications come up with my blood pressure and was diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension today- it is very possible to turn into preeclampsia because my protein levels are above average however not enough to diagnose pre-e. in a 24 hr. urinalysis less than 150 is normal and anything more than 300 is mild preeclamsia- mine was 224

I will be 30 weeks on friday, I have been put on bed rest and weekly appointments as well as an ultrasound on friday to make sure that our little girl is developing as she should.

The Dr. told me that our goal right now is to get to 34-36 weeks and then they may induce depending on the situation with my blood pressure and the progress of preeclampsia. He also informed me that they will most likely not allow me to go all the way to my due date and would likely be induced by 38 weeks.

I am just trying to get information about premature birth- I would love everything to be natural but I am accepting things as they come and acknowledge that Dr.s are doing this for the safety of not only me but my baby as well.

So my questions are. . .
What week did you deliver in?
How much did the baby weigh?
How was the health- NICU Stay??
How long were both of you in the Hospital and did the baby get to go home with you?
what are the long term health issues you have had to deal with?

Thank you ahead of time:)

ps do you think there is a link between higher birth weight and less time spent in the hospital?

In case you don't feel like reading everything I wrote, here's the most important part--get "The Premature Baby Book" by Dr. Sears. It is a lifesaver.

--I delivered my son at 34 weeks.
--He weighed 4lbs, 12oz. The normal range at 34 weeks is 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 lbs, and boys tend to be slightly heavier.
--He was healthy in all ways, but didn't yet have the suck-swallow-breathe reflex, which means he couldn't breast (of bottle) feed. This tends to kick in around 36 weeks for boys, a couple weeks earlier for girls. Because of this, he had to be tube-fed (called 'gavage') and (painfully slowly) taught to eat. He was in the NICU for 13 days.
--I stayed in the hospital 3 days, so I had to go home w/o my baby. It was hard, but the next two weeks were the worst--leaving him each night in the care of others was so upsetting. I spent as much time as possible there.
--Long term, nothing major, but his development lags behind full-term babies, so even now at 13 months, I am CONSTANTLY explaining to people why he hits his milestones later than their child of the same age. People always think he's younger than he is and it's frustrtaing, cause some people act like there must be something wrong, or they try to make me feel better as if they think I must be upset that he's behind. But he's exacly where he should be--six weeks behind a full-term baby. I look forward to when he's at an age where it's no longer evident that he's behind so I can stop explainng and getting questioned.
--During the first few months, preemies can be A LOT more demanding than the average baby. They sleep more, but it is in shorter spurts, so you will sleep very, very little. It's hard to put into words the extreme sleep deprivation. I actually hallucinated at one point because of it. They can be crankier and gassier because their bodies aren't really ready to be accepting milk yet. This can last many months (about 6 for us). Your baby will not be able to go out much, especially during the flu season in his/her first year, but also during the first 3 months you practically have to become a hermit. Since a full-term baby is supposed to stay inside and not among crowds until 6 weeks, it's 6 weeks PLUS however many weeks your preemie was early. Every little thing can be a sign of something more serious with a preemie because they are more likely to come down with, well, just about everything, so even at seemingly-minor signs, you may have to take the baby to the ER. Your baby will need to be bundled up, including a hat, until they hit 7 lbs, and possibly will still have unusually low temp. readings that can be scary.
I'm not trying to scare you at all. Just prepare you. But on the other side, you and your preemie will have an intense bond because they need such close attention, monitoring, and care, and unlike full-ter babies, you get no 4 or 5 hours to sleep while they do. You will be with your baby all the time. I HIGHLY recomend you keep your preemie as close as possible. They thrive with 'kangaroo care,' meaning skin-to-skin contact, and the SIDS risk is higher with preemies, so you want them sleeping as close as safely possible (check into bedside co-sleepers, or at least keep him/her in a bassinet right beside you).

And one more thing--this is YOUR baby. NICU nurses can be possesive. If you see ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable, like a nurse handling or bathing your baby in a way you feel is not gentle enough, SPEAK UP. You can, for example, say you don't want anyone but you and the baby's father to bathe him/her. You will forever regret it if you don't speak up.

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im try to get pregnant is it safe to continue my asthma med?


i have not been back to the doctor to tell her we are trying now but im worried if i get pregnant this month is my asthma med gonna affect the baby? im on asthmanex and allegra everyday and preventile when needed? if they hurt the baby what am i gonna do my asthma is getting worse since we moved to san diego?

you need to call your dr. my daughter is pregnant and has asthma her doctor said all she wants her to take is zyrtec and albuterol inhaler. good luck and get your flu shot.

Has anyone tried the Rite Aid Cetirizine for allergies? Its supposed to be like Zyrtec.?


Does it make you drowsy? I need it but I wont take it if it makes me drowsy

Cetirizine is the generic for Zyrtec (meaning made by different company but contains the same medication (other ingredients and processing of the drug may be different). When Zyrtec became over the counter and it was allowed for other companies to manufacture the drug, store brands of cetirizine came out. It can make you drowsy; read the label carefully. There are various versions - a -D and for different hours of relief.

I used to take Zyrtec, for several years (stopped in 2003 when I was pregnant with my son). It worked great at first but lost efficacy over time for me. I have tons of food allergies and other (dust etc) but I just avoid instead of taking drugs since I can.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

can u get pregnant on ur period?


i had sex on my period, i started my period on may 15th, i had sex on the 18th and my period stopped on the 19th. just wanna know if i can get pregnant on my period casue the condum broke

Crissy !
Women can get pregnant while on their period. If you ovulate for example on days 8 through 10 of your cycle, you may get pregnant âwhile on your periodâ meaning if you have intercourse after day 5 of your cycle, when you may still be bleeding.
This is more common in women with shorter cycles. Having a period will not âwashâ sperm from the cervix or prevent pregnancy if your body releases a mature egg at ovulation.
You may find it more difficult to detect cervical mucous changes while on your period. Some women have fertile cervical mucous that starts on or around the time of their period without realizing it because they are bleeding.
For more visit free website
and know about first sign of pregnancy, pregnancy information, symptoms of pregnancy. If the results says that you are not pregnant still you can have a lot of info here about how to get pregnant fast and about baby gender selection

pregnant on your period?


Hey, I am on the pill and have been for three years, but I was wondering if you can get pregnant while on your period??? And are the odds different depending on what day it is while on your period? Like is it easier to get pregnant on the last day?


You can get pregnant on your period but it's not likely.

I don't know which day is more likely. I think the last couple of days because I think the way you get pregnant is because sperm lives in the vagina for a few days and then you ovulate a few days after your period and conception takes place. I've heard one theory that the egg hasn't been flushed out yet - in which case the first day of the period makes more sense for the theory. (I have my doubts about this theory because I would have thought that once the period has started it can't be stopped and the egg would still go out.)

On the pill though you are not likely to get pregnant and you should be covered for the whole time, even when you are taking the sugar pills and bleeding.

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how can i make in home food for my 6 months old baby?


now my baby girl is six months old..she don't like bottle feed so i give her peure....i want she eat fresh food which is made in home.. can you help me..?

Most fruits and veggies can simply be steamed or baked, then pureed in a food processor, chopper, or with a mixer. Good foods are sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, avocados, and bananas. (The last two don't need to be cooked at all--just mashed.) There's a book called Super Baby Foods that you may want to check out. It's all about making your own baby food, complete with recipes, and how to prepare pretty much any fruit or vegetable for your baby.

as any one gave their baby jar food before 6 months?

Jodie B

if so how old was your baby? did starting him/her on food before 6 months give them any problems?

I sure did, with both of mine. I fed my 1st baby cereal on a spoon at 4m followed by stage 1 and home prepared fruits and veggies always only introducing 1 new food per week to watch for allergy signs. With my 2nd, he was on Nutramigen and still ate every 2hrs at 3-4m. So I started putting some rice cereal in his bottle (yes I know thats a no-no). I used an ice pick to make the hole in the bottle just a tad larger. Ice picks work great & make a nice smooth hole, no edges to come off. I also used one of the feeder type bottles you can get at walgreens/walmart. Its made to put pureed foods in. My 1st, was eating from the table at 5m with not a tooth in her mouth. we used to say she could chew a steak with her gums. My 2nd, he was still eating stage 2 baby food at 12m. He just wasn't having it. He did not like the textured, chunkier foods. Now at 18m, he eats whatever he can get his hands on. The only prob I have had was with my 2nd, my son. He has food allergies, but that was from the start and not caused by introducing solids too early.

Also, neither one of my kids are overweight. They are both actually on the small side for their ages, but I was tiny when I was younger also. So I don't think that introducing solids too early actually causes overweight kids either.

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Any good tips on getting pregnant?


I know sex is key. I just want to know what people did to help them get pregnant.

do u know when you ovulate? if not you'll need to figure out when you ovulate but not every women ovulates @ the normal 2 wks after the start of their cycle and even w/a regular cycle women can ovulate @ diff times every month. if you start to feeling very wet (watery/eggwhite CM) you're in your most fertile window so have sex! if you're having more and more creamy Cm then start having sex every other day. sperm stays in your cervix up to 6 days max in ideal conditions. i use fertilityfriend.com. it tracks BBT, cm, ur cervix and everything in between. it'll take 2 cycles to figure it out but at least it won't be a guessing game. it's a great tool! don't have sex every day as that lowers sperm count - every other day is good :) also if you do need to use lubricant make sure it's sperm friendly as most aren't. i use pre-seed :) try the digital OPK's so you get a smiley face instead of trying to figure out the colors. There are also products you can try on fairhavenhealth.com that helped me ï

Help getting pregnant?

Please give me lots off tips that can increase my chances off getting pregnant !

Hello Dear,

I'd like to add a few tips for you:

1) Don't use lubrication unless it is specially formulated to be "sperm friendly" when you are having sex. Most lubricants damage sperm. Even water and saliva can be counter productive to sperm motility.

2) Use Acupuncture. Recent research indicates it increases your fertility.

3) Start now. As we age our chance for getting pregnant decreases. So don't delay, and be aggressive.

4) Seek help from your doctor. If your periods are very irregular there may be hormonal problems that need to be addressed.

5) Don't use ibuprofen or acetaminophen or aspirin when you are trying to conceive. Studies have shown these can interfere with ovulation.

I hope these tips have been helpful. I tried to include a few that I wasn't aware of until I started trying to conceive and did some research. My best wishes to you for a successful and quick conception.

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How to make a baby Quilt?


Well, I've never really had any interest in quilting before but now that I'm a mummy I thought it would be quite cool to make a little quilt for my son.

So I thought I'd just make 2 little patchwork blankets of cotton squares, and stitch them together with some padding in the middle - just as a first attempt. I'd love to get into the 'fancy' stuff and techniques at some point in the future, but for now I just want to try something simple like that.

Do you think this stuff would be ok to put in the middle?
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/4oz-polyester-wadding-1-7-67-metre-roll-quilting_W0QQitemZ170211175880QQihZ007QQcategoryZ3110QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 ?

I don't want to spend too much money at this point if possible because it's just a fun experiment for me to see how I find it and also I want it to be a 'light' quilt as the weather is getting warmer now.

I'd be really grateful for any opinions or advice on this?
Thank you! :)

I think 4-oz wadding/batting is a good weight for a baby quilt, but as I read the description, this one isn't specifically for quilting. Wadding for quilting is treated to prevent (or at least reduce) a problem called 'bearding' where the polyester fibers migrate (work their way through) the outside fabric - it's unsightly and eventually you lose all your wadding. I strongly suggest you stick to QUILT wadding. When I first started quilting almost 15 years ago, I didn't (I did all the typical 'beginner false economies'), and the baby quilts I made then have lost all their filling and are very sad. Here in the U.S., I can buy a packaged decent-quality quilt wadding in 36"x45" size for about $10 (sorry, I'm leaving you stuck with the conversion math!), and I think it's worth the money.
If you decide you can't do quilt wadding for some reason, then look for wadding that is either needle-punched, bonded, or has a scrim - these will be more durable. Congratulations and good luck.

i want to know how to make a quilt for a baby?

Q. i need a quilt that will fit a crib and directions on how to. the directions have to be clear. if you have some websites that would be great. thanx

How to Make a Baby Quilt

1. Cut 64 total 6"x6" squares. Use at least two or more different fabrics.

2. Arrange the 6" squares in rows with every other color. Put eight across and eight down.

3. Pick up the first row of eight and pin it together with a number one on it. Do the same for the other rows.

4. Now you are ready to sew each row. Sew all the squares together in row one and then do row 2, etc. Use a 1/4" seam.

5. After the rows are done, you are ready to sew the rows together.

6. Press seams toward the border. Layer and quilt by hand or machine.

7. You will need strips to use as borders. Cut strips 2 and 1/4" and the length of the quilt on all sides. Put right sides together and sew strips to quilt top. Turn under to wrong side and sew strips down by hand.

Hope you had fun making this easy baby quilt

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Pregnant with Second Child and not excited?


I'm 23 years old. I just had a baby via emergency c section almost 5 months ago. I found out I'm pregnant again (contraceptive method failed) and for some reason I don't feel the excitement I felt with my first pregnancy. I look at my son and I feel guilty because he is just a baby and he still needs my whole attention. My husband and I don't believe in abortion so I'm going to have the second baby, but i just don't know how to make my self feel better.

I completely know how you feel. I have three kids. My toddler had just turned 1 when I found out I was pregnant again. Seems like good enough space but I wasn't ready to be pregnant again. I'd just gotten my middle baby girl off the bottle. I felt just like you. She was still so young and it wasn't fair to her that another baby was going to come in and steal her spotlight. I thought I didn't care the first part of my pregnancy. I contemplated abortion though like you, my husband and I didn't believe in it. I ultimately decided to keep the baby but was sad cause I really wasn't excited. Then, I got a scare that made me realize that I did care. So much. They thought my baby could have down sydrome. I had an amnio and went through such an incredibly stressful ordeal. Was faced with the what ifs. What will I do if she has downs. My kids now know I'm pregnant, how will I explain why I'm not pregnant anymore if I chose to terminate the pregnancy. Then, if I chose to keep the baby, how would that change the dyanamic of my family's life. When the test came back that my baby was normal with no problems, I realized just how much I loved and wanted her. She didnt' ask to come here. God does everything in his timing. My baby is almost 1 now. Few more months. She's 9 months. She's the light of my life. Beautiful little me. Smile that is amazing. I wouldnt' change anything. I love watching her and my toddler get close. They love eachother. Laughing and playing together. And I realize that this was all a blessing in disguise. They will be best friends adn do everything together. It's wonderful. I'm blessed and I thank God for giving me my children. All of them. You will too.

Second hand smoke and pregnant?


Since I was 3 months pregnant I have been living in a house with a smoker. He only smokes in one room, but my room is across the hall and sometimes I can smell it in here. I usually put a rug in front of the door so smoke does not come in from underneath... will this little of second hand smoke harm my baby?

It literally floors me what kind of idiotic ideas people will believe. - Honestly, I wish sometimes secondhand smoke did kill, so all you self-obsessed freak jobs would die off and leave the smokers alone.

------------- The Largest study on Second Hand Smoke ever done by Enstrom
âNo significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.â

âEnstrom has defended the accuracy of his study against what he terms âillegitimate criticism by those who have attempted to suppress and discredit it.â". (Wikipedia)

------ Court rules that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is NOT a Class A carcinogen
âThere is evidence in the record supporting the accusation that EPA âcherry pickedâ its dataâ ⦠âEPA's excluding nearly half of the available studies directly conflicts with EPA's purported purpose for analyzing the epidemiological studies and conflicts with EPA's Risk Assessment Guidelinesâ (p. 72)

-------- OSHA will NOT regulate something thatâs NOT hazardous
âAir contaminants, limits employee exposure to several of the main chemical components found in tobacco smoke. In normal situations, exposures would not exceed these permissible exposure limits (PELs), and, as a matter of prosecutorial discretion, OSHA will not apply the General Duty Clause to ETS.â

Study about health & Smoking Bans â The National Bureau of Economic Research
âWorkplace bans are not associated with statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions for myocardial infarction or other diseases.â

âConclusions: Our results indicate no association between childhood exposure to ETS(environmental tobacco smoke) and lung cancer risk.â

Showtime television, "How the EPA, CDC, Lung Association, and etc." support their claims.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Should I try Clarinet or Oboe? *Please Help, I Need These Answers Soon*?


I decided to start an instrument in band in school. Alto Saxophone was the instrument I wanted, but there were too many people already playing it and not enough instruments itself. Okay. I get that. Now I'm trying to decide which instrument to choose. Percussion is filled as well.
I have the options of a trumpet, a flute, a clarinet or an oboe. Trumpet and flute are out, I'm not interested in those.

Could someone please tell me the most significant difference between the oboe and the clarinet? Also, it would be nice to have a link or two to some solos comparing the two similar instruments. One more thing: What is your personal preference and why?

I'd really appreciate any help you can offer, I'm kinda stuck here. 10 points to best answer, remember. Thanks all for reading and responding!

Go with the Oboe. For one thing- Clarinetists are a dime a dozen. Very few kids take up double-reed instruments (they're a little tougher to get a good sound on - so some kids are discouraged) but here's the thing -- because very few kids play them, you'll have lots more opportunities like District band, etc. -much easier to get in to stuff if you're the only one auditioning vs 100 other clarinets.

Oboes are a double reed instrument - instead of one reed against the mouthpiece, there are two small reeds lashed together. Oboes, English Horns, and Bassoons are all double-reed instruments. To me they sound much more like the human voice - very expressive - beautiful sounding if well-played. Fingering between a clarinet and Oboe are similar - neither is tougher than the other - the major difference is the "embouchure" - the way you hold your lips/mouth on the reed. It can be anything from a happy sound... to a very sad, almost wailing sound like a bagpipe (which BTW - uses a similar double reed, so it makes sense it would sound similar). In a big ensemble an Oboe can even sound like a French Horn or a piccolo trumpet ( brass instruments) . Very unique,versatile instrument.

Now the bad part - they are harder to play in-tune than a clarinet. You have to develop good "chops" or you'll sound kind of like a baby goat :-) But no worries, a little practice and you'll be all set.

Go to YouTube.com and search on "Oboe Solo" Oboe Repertoire, Oboe tutorial, etc. Mozart loved the Oboe and wrote quite a bit of solo material for it -- here's a good example . The soloist comes in around 1:13 or so.


My parents think I'm immature?


Hey, I'm a freshman in high school, almost a sophomore, and 15 and a half. My parents think I'm immature, and I don't get why. I have good grades, involved in extra curricular activities, and I'm not a bad kid. Here are some things that I do
I am in marching band, play flute, trumpet, piano, marimba, baritone, clarinet, any instrument you hand me I can learn to play
I am in drumline
I am on the lacrosse team
I am on the soccer team
I am in the school musical
I'm taking dance next year
I sing solos for school and outside of school
With everything that I do, I maintain an average in each class of at least 85

As you can see I am very busy. I have a younger sister who is 9 and a half, and she starts fights with me, and I get in trouble. When my sister starts fighting with me, it's always my fault my parents say and i don't know why. They know I respect kids in school, and know I respect teachers and adults, so I do not know why they think I start fights with my sister if they know I respect kids and adults. They dont believe me that it is not my fault and it gets annoying.
During the summer, I go to my grandparents house every day, with my sister. There are 5 little kids(oldest is in 2nd grade, youngest is a 1 year old) on the street. They are always outside. They ask my sister and I to go outside, so we do. Usually I watch the baby and the one that is in kindergarten, while my sister plays with the older one. My parents think that when I am outside there, I play with the kids and not watch them. I watch after them and make sure they don't get hurt, because their parents are not outside all the time. My parents do not believe me. They tell me to stop going outside. My grandma smokes, and I can't sit inside breathing smoke all day, because my lungs are bad, and I can not take smoke, especially with I am in sports, because I cant do as good with breathing smoke all day. So I go outside, and my parents think I'm immature because I go outside. They also think I am immature because they say if I was, the kids parents would ask me to babysit. The parents know I don't live there and know I am involved in a lot of extra activities, and don't have a lot of time to watch kids. I dont know what to do. They dont listen to me. They dont think I am mature because of this. I know kids my age who are immature. Any help is good. Thank

Read what you wrote here to them and ask the to explain why they think you're not responsible.

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Pregnant or not? Unprotected sex 4 times, 3 days before ovulation?


Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex 3 and 4 days after my period. (Which would be the 4th and 3rd days before my ovulation date.) (I know this because I chart my period, Ovulation, etc, on my ipod.) I ovulated on the 27th, I had sex the 22nd and 23rd, twice each night. I read online that having sex 3 days before ovulation gives you a 75% chance of getting pregnant. I'm not ready to be a mom. I didn't know I was ovulating and fertile. We used the pull out method. He later told me he thinks he came inside me a little bit because he felt a little come out. He doesn't know how much though. We also didn't realize pre-*** has sperm in it. He knows for sure pre-*** came out numerous times each night. He now thinks I may be pregnant. It's been a week since we had unprotected sex. Yesterday I had lot's of cramping and stomach aches, cravings, I was moody, and nauseous. Today I have a slight headache, majorly increased appetitee, moody, nauseous, and I couldn't sleep last night at all. I was wondering when I could take a pregnancy test and it be accurate. My periods not due for 11 more days. What are my chances of being pregnant, When can I test, and What are some other symtoms to expect? Any advice will help!.

What do you call pull-out method users? Parents. Haha! I'm just kidding. ...Okay, not entirely, since that's largely true. But still, all good-natured teasing aside, let's see if I can calm you down any:

Since you're freaking out and looking for symptoms, I can easily predict the biggest two symptoms you will experience: paranoia and hypochondria. You should also be warned that the body can do an amazing thing when you're panicked: It can actually produce REAL symptoms just by you worrying about those symptoms. For example, if I told you that craving the smell of clean bed linens were a pregnancy symptom, there's a reasonable chance that you would focus on it so much that you would actually start to want to change your sheets constantly. The same process can give you very real headaches, stomachaches, nausea, cramps, cravings, mood changes, and so on.

So, Step One: Stop looking for symptoms. It's a waste of time and is guaranteed to stress you. A very large number of women never experience any pregnancy symptoms at all before their first positive pregnancy test. Many other women claim they experience all kinds of pregnancy symptoms shortly after implantation, but they really can't firmly prove that these symptoms weren't just normal symptoms that always happen to some degree in their cycles that they just never noticed before. Looking for symptoms is just a highly stressful and highly ridiculous waste of time.

Step Two: While you're waiting to test, go back and look at your iPod again. I think it's really cool that you're interested in charting. But I do have some quick question about your app. There are two kinds of ovulation-charting apps. One of them can be trusted pretty well, and the other one is not particularly accurate at all. The trustworthy kind requires you to input regular daily information, most notably your waking temperature and your cervical fluid (aka vaginal discharge). The untrustworthy kind just asks you to enter the date when your periods start and nothing more. If your iPod app is the first kind, then, yeah, you probably ovulated when it guesses that you did. If your iPod app is the second kind that doesn't require daily data inputs, then there's a very reasonable chance it's wrong if it doesn't actually have the right information about what your body is up to now.

Step Three: In the past week or so have you noticed very wet feelings in your vagina, or noticed any clear, slippery, fluids that strongly resemble egg-whites? If so, then you were definitely fertile and are at high risk for being pregnant. If not, it doesn't necessarily mean that those fluids weren't there-- you just may not have noticed them. However, if the fertile fluids really weren't present, then sperm dies within a few hours inside the normally-hostile environment of the vagina without them. So if you have more information on your vaginal fluids, you would have a better idea of how safe you are. (I recently had unprotected sex 4 days before my ovulation day, mostly because ovulation happened earlier this time, but there were no fertile fluids, and my period is arriving right when I knew it would today.)

Step Four: You can expect a pregnancy test to be accurate on the day that you expect your period. While there are a large number of "early response" pregnancy tests out there as well as a large number of stories from women that got an early positive, it's actually not that common to get a positive too much before the day you miss your period. Several studies have confirmed that the majority of woman who are indeed pregnant do not get their first positive pregnant test until about two weeks after ovulation, which basically coincides with the the first day she might expect her period. So wait until then to test if you don't get your period.

Step Five: I think you would find Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler. You're already interested in tracking your fertility. That book will tell you everything you want to know and more. I've actually successfully avoided pregnancy for 2 years and 9 months now, even though we only use condoms about 20% of the time. Feel free to message me if you have more questions. I'm an old hat at charting questions.

Possibility of being pregnant? no protection 3-4 days before ovulation?


So, my boyfriend and I didn't have sex for almost 4 months because he was at Marine Corps bootcamp! The first time we had sex was on Feb 14, the day my period ended. I was suppose to ovulate about 3-4 days later, we didn't use protection so we didn't do it for very long, and he didn't come. But he probably had precum since he was gone for so long & we fooled around before that! So would it be possible I got pregnant? What would be the LIKELY of it? I'm not stupid, i know I could get pregnant. But I want to know how likely it would be. 3-4 days before I ovulate & he didn't come. I can't take a test yet, it's too early. & It's obviously too late for a Plan B (those are the two answers I got last time.)

p.s. im not on Birth control

You do not ovulate 3-4 days after period ends, it is 12-14 days after it ends although the medical sites tell us we can get pregnant any day of the month including during your periods so there is nothing you can do but wait and see if period is late but to get an accurate result wait till it is 7 days late but meantime stop stressing as that can cause a late period, Good Luck

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Can I get pregnant from making out in a hot tub?


Okay so yesterday me and this guy were making out in the hot tub. I had my swimsuit bottoms on and he had his boxers on. He was sitting and I was on top of him, basically sitting on his lap. We made out and he would do like humping motions, so like dry sex. Could there be any way I could get pregnant from this? I dont know if he came or not but he was definitely hard. So is there a possibility, im freaking out!

Don't stress out! You can't get pregnant that way. And if he came, you would know it. lol.
He has to be inside you and come to really get you pregnant, if he were to come in his pants there is a very small chance of you getting pregnant, especially in the hot tub with the high temper of water. Don't worry, you're not pregnant. And if you are still freaking out about it take a pregnancy test in 4 days to a week and confirm it. :)

Pregnant in a hot tub?

kat a

Ok I know this is weird but can you get pregnant by having sex in a hot tub or has any one of you got pregnant from a hot tub and the reason I ask is because I think I got pregnant in one yester day and its just a felling I have so please no mean answers they donât help just hurt ppl

Yes you can pretty much get pregnant anywhere in any position. Your own intuition counts for an awful lot and dont ever let anyone convince you that your intuition is just being silly!!! But of course it is way too soon to tell for sure, you will need to wait until your period is due and if it doesnt arrive do a pregnancy test.

Hoping you get the answer that you are looking for!!!!

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Not knowing im pregnant and partying?

Q. And i have been with my boyfriend for 3 years! :) we have unprotected sex, like the last day of my period and that's the ONLY TIME! but see im kind of a party person can my bad habits cause a miscarriage? i would NEVER PARTY IF I KNEW I WAS PREGNANT! that's horrible but i just don't see how im not pregnant?

You aren't pregnant cause you obviously aren't mature enough to be. If you're worried about why you can't conceive, then go to the doctor, and get a fertility test done. EIther your bf has weak swimmers, or there's something wring with your cycle. But if you're not trying to prevent pregnancy, then you need to stop partying. So immature of you.

If you want to continue partying, get birth control.

Am I Pregnant?


I just finished having unprotected sex with 8 boys at a party, does this mean im pregnant? Its an even number so each guy should cancel each other out right?

Yes you are pregnant and yes you are right. Since you are a guy
(going by your avatar) yes you are pregnant, i wish to congratulate you on such a break through.

Here are some symptoms of pregnancy, check them and then see your doctor

Tender, swollen breasts
One of the early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, sore breasts caused by increasing levels of hormones. The soreness may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts feel before your period. Your discomfort should diminish significantly after the first trimester, as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.

Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted. No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it's possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone are contributing to your sleepiness.

You should start to feel more energetic once you hit your second trimester, although fatigue usually returns late in pregnancy when you're carrying around a lot more weight and some of the common discomforts of pregnancy make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep

Nausea or vomiting
If you're like most women, morning sickness won't hit until about a month after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But some women do start to feel queasy a bit earlier. And not just in the morning, either â pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can be a problem morning, noon, or night.

About half of women with nausea feel complete relief by the beginning of the second trimester. For most others it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up.

Increased sensitivity to odors
If you're newly pregnant, it's not uncommon to feel repelled by the smell of a bologna sandwich or cup of coffee and for certain aromas to trigger your gag reflex. Though no one knows for sure, this may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system. You may also find that certain foods you used to enjoy are suddenly completely repulsive to you.

Abdominal bloating
Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period arrives. That's why your clothes may feel snugger than usual at the waistline, even early on when your uterus is still quite small.

Frequent urination
Shortly after you become pregnant, you may find yourself hurrying to the bathroom all the time. Why? Mostly because during pregnancy the amount of blood and other fluids in your body increases, which leads to extra fluid being processed by your kidneys and ending up in your bladder.

This symptom may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester and continue or worsen as your pregnancy progresses and your growing baby exerts more pressure on your bladder.

A missed period
If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't arrive on time, you'll probably take a pregnancy test long before you notice any of the above symptoms. But if you're not regular or you're not keeping track of your cycle, nausea and breast tenderness and extra trips to the bathroom may signal pregnancy before you realize you didn't get your period.

Your basal body temperature stays high
If you've been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row, you're probably pregnant

Good luck.


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Friday, June 20, 2014

Can I take extra vitamins while pregnant?

Kiley Ange

I am taking a prenatal vitamin now and was wondering if I could boost my vitamin C for this flu season by taking an extra vitamin C during the day. Is that safe? Anything else I could take to help my immune system that is safe?

i was taking regular vitamins, but when i told my doc, she immediately told me to stop because you don't want to give your body too much...there are certain vitamins that are not good for the baby to have too much of.....and that's why pregnant women have prenatal vitamins!!

here is some info for you

"You should consume a normal amount of vitamin C when you're pregnant. The recommended daily amount is 85 mg for pregnant women age 19 and older. The maximum is 2,000 mg per day.
If you're taking prenatal vitamins, you'll be getting vitamin C in that supplement. You'll also get some from the food you eat. If you decide to take more, remember to keep the total under 2,000 mg."

"Vitamin C itself is safe, but it's prudent not to take mega-doses when you're pregnant.
Your best bet is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, and make sure you're eating at least one food rich in vitamin C every day, such as orange juice, kiwi, red pepper, or strawberries. If you're taking a prenatal vitamin, you're probably getting plenty of vitamin C, so there's no need to take another supplement."

What are the best food sources?
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, tomato juice, potatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach are all good sources. It's best to get your vitamin C from fresh sources such as these:

⢠8 oz. orange juice: 124 mg

⢠1 papaya: 93.9 mg

⢠1 cup strawberries: 84.5 mg

⢠8 oz. grapefruit juice: 72 mg

⢠1/2 cup boiled broccoli: 58.2 mg

⢠1/2 pink or red grapefruit: 23.4 mg

⢠1 cup raspberries: 30.7 mg

⢠1/2 mango: 28.7 mg

⢠1 tomato: 23.5 mg

⢠1/2 boiled cabbage: 18.2 mg

⢠1/2 cup boiled beet greens: 17.9 mg

Taking prenatal vitamins can i get pregnant?


Been taking prenatal vitamins for 3days now so is there a chance that they will work (spring valley) and been having unprotected sex for 4months now today so just want to know could i become pregnant anytime soon?

NATAL = Delivery or giving birth of a baby.
PRE-NATAL= Before giving birth
Pre-natal Vitamin= Vitamins for the pregnant ladies. containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the lady and the her gestation.

In another way, it is like possessing a car without the knowing or having licence to drive

Now follow my protocol to increase your chances of conception:
1. Determine your day of ovulation using Ovulation Test Kits. In Ladies with REGULAR CYCLE You need to test from the 10th to 18th day of your cycle. (First day of bleeding is the First day of the cycle).
2. Unprotected sex on the day or on the eve or one day after ovulation will yield good result. So calm down and get yourself composed. Any form of STRESS will get you away from your goal.
- Plan a vacation, far away from the madding crowd, coinciding with your ovulation period. Suggest natural water fall or mountainous resort.
3. Get your hubby's seminal fluid examined by a reputable laboratory. Your hubby needs three days of sexual absenteeism (including masturbation) for the test. Since spermatozoa are easily perishable outside the reproductive system, your hubby has to go the laboratory, masturbate and ejaculate into the sterile container and hand over then and there, for the examination.

- Plus some fine tips below, to follow:
i. Determine your ovulation day, using the Ovulation kit.
ii. Coincide unprotected sex to the Ovulation (Eve / on the very day of ovulation / the very following day after ovulation ). Ovum released can survive only for 24 hours.
iii. Plenty of love making / foreplay prior to the actual act, because that will well lubricate your reproductive tract and remove the Vaginal acidity. Vaginal acidity can destroy the spermatozoa.
iv. Elevate your Pelvis, with a pillow, at least prior to ejaculation. . Missionary position with your legs on your hubby's shoulder. This will provide a deep penetration and deposition of semen deep inside the vagina, almost at the lips of the cervix and to ensure the smooth flowing of semen into the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes.
v. Try to reach climax/female orgasm at the time of ejaculation, so that your cervix will literally suck in all the ejaculatory fluid. For completion sake, I had given the additional benefits of female orgasm below

a. If your orgasm is always late or your hubby is having premature ejaculation, begin the sex in Reverse missionary (with you on the top).
b.Reverse Missionary aids in two ways-
Firstly the women will attain orgasm earlier because of the stimulation of G spot
Secondly it also delays the premature ejaculation

Female Orgasm keeps the woman lying down for some time. This resting, passively retaining sperm and increasing her probability of conception. . British biologists, Robin Baker and Mark Bellis team counted sperm from over 300 instances of human copulation and found that a woman climaxes any time between a minute before to 45 minutes after her lover ejaculates, retains significantly more sperm (In non orgasmic, she hardly retain any sperm)..

vi. Try to lie on your back for at least 4 to 5 hours after sex, so that even the slow-moving or the late comer spermatozoa too will find the way into the female reproductive system.
vii. Strictly no washing, immediately after sex, especially on or around the day of ovulation.

Last but not the least, Sincere Prayers to the Almighty

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Getting pregnant with PCOS and ovarian cysts?

blue flowe

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years ago. I only have two symptoms of PCOS which are irregular periods and mini ovarian cysts. I recently read a research journal and it was based on the medicines Inositol, Melatonin, and folic acid and it has been proven to help women with PCOS ttc. My husband and I tried for 6 months and the stress of not being pregnant depressed me I just got back on the pill. So I am asking how do I know when I am ovulating seeing that I have irregular periods and should I go on with the medicines from the clinical trials? Are there any tips you have on getting pregnant with ovarian cysts or other problems? Your advice is much appreciated.

Cycle charting can show whether and when you're ovulating or not. If you're ovulating on your own, your doctor may just prescribe Metformin to reduce risk of early miscarriage. If you're not ovulating on your own, your doctor may prescribe Clomid. Cycle charting won't work while you're on BC, of course, though. After you quit BC, realize that it can sometimes take a while for your body to return to its normal pattern. Some women do go back to near-normal immediately (60%). For others, it can take a year or more (less than 10%, but still plenty). It's actually entirely possible that 6 months the first time wasn't long enough for your body to get back to normal. It's hard to tell whether to blame PCOS or BC for any cycle difficulties you have right after you quit it.

Can an ovarian cyst cause me not to get pregnant?


I am 22 years old, My boyfriend and I want to get married and have a baby. I recently found out I have a large cyst on one of my ovaries. I have always had an irregular period, but it's always come. Could the cyst be why I haven't gotten pregnant yet??

Not if your other ovary is alright. Like numerous parts of the human anatomy ... such as the brain, if one side fails ... the other part/one takes on the work for the both of them. Therefore, itâs not necessarily true ... that you would only ovulate every other month. You can, and may, ovulate each and every month.

I tried to conceive for 10 years. I had a tipped uterus, as well as my uterus being "spongy" and twice it's normal size. I had pelvic adhesions, which had twisted my fallopian tubes around ... and bound them to my bowel. I also had cysts on both of my ovaries ... the one on my right ovary turned out to be a dermoid cyst ... which had burst and hemorrhaged, so my OB/GYN had to remove it.

Now ... going by all of this, you wouldn't think it was possible for a pregnancy to occur right? Wrong ... my period was late one month, so I did a HPT ... I couldn't believe my eyes!! I gave birth to a very healthy 8lb 5 oz baby boy. Now, wait a minute ... not done yet ... lol. After his birth the doc gave me birth control pills, and after reading the possible side effects ... I chickened-out and didn't take them. Well ... ONE month later ... PREGNANT again!! I gave birth to a beautiful 7lb 11oz baby boy. My sons are not quite a year apart ... in fact, they're the same age for 9 days.

So, as you can see ... you're soooo still able to get pregnant. Don't fret ... just go with the flow, and when the time is right ... you will be a mommy.

I know how you feel hun, and I wish you all the best ......

BTW: Welcome to Y!A !!

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Anyone have any ideas to help get pregnant with twins?


I was wondering if there were any wise tells about how to get pregnant with multiples? What can you do to increase your odds of having twins?

Many people wonder what it takes to have twins, triplets or more. While having multiples is a gift and a blessing, there are some common factors that increase the chances of conceiving twins.

-Have a History: Do twins run in your family? If you have a mother, brother, sister, uncle or long lost cousin with multiples, you may wonder if you'll have them too. Sometimes twinning is hereditary, it's true. However, only fraternal (dizygotic twins are influenced by heredity, and then only in some cases. If your mother or maternal grandmother was or had fraternal twins, you might have inherited a gene for hyperovulation, increasing your chances of conceiving twins also.

-Grow or Gain Weight: A recent study published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology correlates the rise in multiple birth rates with rising rates of obesity. Research found that mothers with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higer were significantly more likely to have twins. Again, this statistic only holds true for fraternal (dizygotic) twins. The research also showed that women of above-average height were also more likely to have multiples.

-Wait Until You're Older: Older mothers are more likely to conceive twins than their younger counterparts. It's thought that the body accelerates ovulation as the biological clock starts ticking faster. Seventeen percent of mothers over age 45 have multiples. Wait five more years and the odds rise to one in nine!

-Eat More Yummy Yams: No one is quite sure why, but the Yoruba tribe in West Africa has the highest rate of twinning in the world. A study concluded that the mother's diet was the cause, being high in cassava, a type of yam or sweet potato. The peelings of this vegetable are thought to contain a chemical that causes hyperovulation.

-Seek Ferttility Assistance: Reproductive technology has dramatically increased the multiple birth rate. Drugs that stimualate ovulation can lead to a multiple pregnancy, but multiples can also result from invitro fertilization. It's not just that multiple embryos are implanted in the mother, but there is also an unexplained increase in the number of monozygotic twins among IVF patients. No ethical doctor would provide treatment if it wasn't warranted, so fertility assistance should only be sought out when necessary.

-Have A Big Family: The more kids you have, the more likely you are to conceive twins in a subsequent pregnancy. No one knows the magic limit that triggers a multiple pregnancy, so you'll just have to keep trying until it happens.

-Conceive While Breastfeeding: Most people think that you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding, that the process of lactating keeps a woman from ovulating. However, plenty of mothers of twins can disprove that theory. Some research has supported the theory that the chance of twins or multiples is increased if a woman conceives while breastfeeding.

-Get Pregnant On the Pill: Birth control pills are usually thought to be 99.9 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. However, that .01 percent often results in a double whammy -- multiples. Sometimes pregnancy occurs when the pill isn't taken consistently; in other cases, the hormonal mix of a particular drug type simply doesn't provide enough coverage to completely prevent ovulation. In either case, playing around with hormones can lead to hyperovulation, increasing the chances of multiples.


Pregnant with twins... why only me??


I am noticing that I have a lot of friends / contacts that are also expecting twins. My question is why does it seem like I am the only one who has any complaints? All the aches and pains, and differences of this pregnancy are making me crazy. Am I just abnormal? Do all the other moms of twins or moms expecting twins feel like a million bucks right now? I find it hard to believe that 2 babies kicking the crap out of you feels wonderful all the time. I can't sleep, I can't get rid of the heartburn, I can hardly breathe, I can't poo, and I am not a big woman. But I feel like crap. What do all you other twin mommies do to deal with the aches and pains and be so happy and feel so good? Can I have some of your secrets? Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Mother of 4 boys, currently 30 weeks pregnant with boy / girl twins!!!

Congratulations! I'm also 30 weeks pregnant with twins, but mine are girls. You are not abnormal by any means. I've had an extremely difficult pregnancy. I've never been pregnant before and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. My first two months were horrible. I was on bedrest for them. I was put back on bedrest on May 3rd, so I know just how frustrating things can be for you, but here are some tips and things that have worked for me so far.
First, heartburn, drink milk or mylanta. My doctor told me to drink mylanta until I felt the heartburn go away. Sleeping is easier if you have a lot of pillows, especially one behind your back and in between your knees. Also, I need a fan to blow on me when I'm sleeping. The mylanta will also help with constipation. Breathing is easier if it's cooler. If it isn't cool air that you are breathing, try taking a cold washcloth and just breathing that in a little bit before you decide to go walking or anything. My one girl is in the transverse position which makes it harder to breath. She sometimes almost completely collapses my lungs. My doctor told me to basically knead (like kneading bread) her down away from my ribs. This helps with breathing, just make sure you're gentle enough. My twins are weighing more than what they should be due to my gestational diabetes, so for me they are already too big. Soon, if not already, your twins won't have any room to move, so they won't be kicking you or moving around nearly as much. You didn't mention any fluid retention or pain due to extra fluid. If you have this happen, go swimming or standing in a pool. The water will help push your blood vessels back to normal. I used to have really bad leg cramps before I went swimming, but now I don't have any swelling or leg cramps. For me, I can't figure out how to get rid of my lower back pain. My doctor suggested doing back exercises, but I just can't stand them, but supposedly standing straighter helps. I just can't get my belly not to go forward, so I wouldn't know about this either. Swimming temporarily relieves back aches. The best advice from me is get into the pool. You'll feel so much better, at least I do.

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I missed 4 birth control pills in a row during my first week after my period, could i be pregnant?


hi im 19 years old and ive been on yasmin for about three years, unfortunatly i lost my pack of birth control pills and my doctor has been on holiday all week. i finished all 7 sugar pills and had my period but now ive missed the first 4 pills in the pack, and ive had un protected sex twice (but he pulled out both times). could i be pregnant or is the pill still in my system after four days? is the first week of pills important since youre not supposed to ovulaate until 14 days after your period ends? please help, i dont know when ill be able to get more bc and i dont know how soon i can take a pregnancy test to know for sure... thanks

All 3 weeks of pills are important, although it's during your ovulation period the chances of getting pregnant are higher. You can't know for sure if you're pregnant because you haven't missed your period, and you didn't mention you had any strange symptoms. Since you won't abstain from sex, I strongly suggest you start at least using condoms, I know he's been pulling out, but that is not an effective birth control method. If you still want to take a pregnancy test, take it at least 7 days after the last time you've had sex, if you take it before the results might not be accurate. .

Can you get pregnant during the week of your period, when you don't take your birth control?


I was just curious if the pill like stayed in your system for that week or something. Since the whole week of your period, your taking a placebo. Not technically the pill. Can you get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during that time?

Like every other form of birth control, nothing is 100%. However, the chances of you getting pregnant while on the pill during your period are highly unlikely, seeing as to how you're not ovulating at that time.

BC doesn't actually stop conception from happening, it just makes your uterus a hostile place for implantation to occur. During your period, you're shedding that wall that an embryo would grab onto.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

can you get a girl pregnant with a low sperm count?


can you get a girl pregnant when the male has a low sperm count.

Yes, absolutely. It may just take more tries (though you might still get lucky and hit the jackpot early!). If you're TTC and your partner knows roughly when she ovulates, then don't have sex every day prior to her ovulation. Have sex every other day or even every third day to give your sperm count time to recover. Remember, sperm can live up to 3-5 days inside the woman's body. But if you and your partner have been trying for 6-12 months to conceive with no luck, it's time to consult a fertility specialist. There are procedures that can help achieve conception, even when the man has low sperm count.

If you're NOT TTC, then a low sperm count is no excuse to be lazy about birth control. If YOU do not want a baby, then you need to wear a condom regardless of what form of birth control she's using. This is *particularly* true if you're not in a serious, committed relationship (aka, someone you are married to, or wish to marry). It only takes on sperm to conceive a child, so if you're not ready for someone to call you Daddy, you need to take responsibility for yourself.

why cant i get my girlfriend pregnant? do i have low sperm count?

andy app

ok.me and my girlfriend have been trying to get pregnant now for over 6 mouths and so far no luck ...its really playing on my mind..
in my past ..iv been a alcoholic 4 about a year after i left the army im ok now iv been ok 4 over 8 months { just having a Little beer on the weekends ...1 more thing is that like a lot of ppl iv been smoking over 8 years ..20 a day iv try ed stopping but no luck ..im going to see a doc ..soon but i need to no ..do u think ill have a low sperm count ...or any sperm count at all ...ps im only 22 years old ..me and my girlfriend are takeing forlic acid on daily basis ....i dont no if i should be or not lol but i read some where it should be gd for men too .. thanks for any anwers.ps i feel better from the alcohol now i do feel in better health..after all i add a gd fitness routine...ie did.

smoking does effect male fertility. You should cut back on the cigs. It would be better if you quit altogether. You could have a low sperm count, but you won't know unless you get it checked by a doctor. They have at home tests too, but they can't tell you things like the mobility of your sperm, which is also important, so I'd just see a doc.

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Can i have a baby? (serious people only please)?

Michelle V

My fiance and I sometimes use the "pull-out" method when we have sex. Last night he asked me if I was taking any birth control without telling him (which I'm not) and I told him "no, why?" Then he confessed to me that hehas actually finished inside of me 2 different times about 2 weeks apart each. And he was wondering why I am not pregnant..
After getting angry with him for doing that without telling me even thought I told him I don't want a baby untill after the marriage.. I started thinking "why am I not pregnant??" I'm not taking or doing anything, what could be going on? So what about when I do want my baby, will I be able to have one? How can I find out??

people obviously love to stick with urban legends rather than science: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12762415?dopt=Abstract Precum does NOT contain sperm. It doesn't. They have studied it & it is NOT fertile....so the ONLY way it could contain some sperm (and it would be EXTREMELY low amounts) would be if you had sex, he ejaculated, did NOT urinate & you had sex again in a short time - then the precum would push out the few remaining spermies hanging out in the tract. Precum is a lubricant that is secreted due to the penis head being a mucous membrane by nature (it remains one of the foreskin isn't removed) - so it is NO different than the lubrication women make when they become aroused.

And onto pull out method & it's effectiveness:
Quote: **** But Jones' findings, based on several studies and data from the Guttmacher Institute , a nonprofit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health where she is a senior research associate, were just the opposite.

Her studies found that in perfect use -- meaning the man pulls out every time -- withdrawal has a 4 percent failure rate, as compared to condoms, which have a 2 percent failure rate. ****

The REASON people say NOT to rely on it is because of issues like yours - where you can't always trust your partner to do what he is supposed to do. People constantly gave me grief before we had kids because I used two methods - I tracked my cycle & used that as primary birthcontrol AND we used the pull out method at fertile times. In over 7 years I never got pregnant. So people would always tell me we probably just had fertility issues. When we started to TTC - I knew right when I ovulated already, etc - and got pregnant the first month WITHOUT trying - I just decided we'd never use the pull out method & see what happened. It did turn out we had issues with miscarriage, but that isn't the same thing as not being able to get pregnant - totally different. I have been pregnant a total of 9 times & in every attempt to get pregnant, only ONE time did I have to try 2 cycle s- so clearly - knowing your cycle & using the pull out method works - because I have NEVER been pregnant on accident, not once & I haven't had to try very hard ot get pregnant when I wanted to.

So two things here - your Bf has no clue when you ovulate, so him randomly ejaculating inside you is not likely to get you pregnant very quickly unless it was a stroke of luck on his part...and TWO - this is a SERIOUS problem in your relationship....serious. He is totally trashing YOUR right to decide when & if to become a mother & frankly I wouldn't even be considering having sex with a man who thought it was a good idea to lie to me about something THIS important. YOU would have ot be pregnant, turn your life inside out, give borth & care for that infant - and he would likely do VERY little by comparison, yet he feels free to try to rope you into it through deception - NOT cool. If it were HIM writing this & found out you were lying about birth control pills or something I'd tell him to dump YOU - and I am telling YOU the same thing. A liar is no one to strap yourself to for life, no joke. Not only that, THIS lie was meant to totally rewrite the path of your life without YOUR permission - soooooo no okay on a 100000 ways.

If you do stay with him & have sex with him - YOU need to take care of the birth control as he has already proven himself not at all trustworthy in this regard.

â¥Is the name Baby Phat for a reason?


Like are those clothes for plus sized people or something? Is that why its called baby phat?

PHAT, is a common urban concept deriving from the acronymn "Pretty Hot And Tempting", which now is perceived as a positive compliment.

Baby Fat is also widely known as the cuteness that babies are made of, which is apparently very easy to lose later in life.

It sounds good, and apparently looks good, to put the two together. Does it really make sense to put the two together? Probably not in the literal sense ... but it's a play on words and it's catchy, thus making it a clever brand name that's memorable and marketable.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Could she be pregnant?


I had sex with a girl last Saturday, she is complaining of feeling the need to throw up but can't. I used a condom. Could she be pregnant? What could it be...

You could get pregnant here or there,
You could get pregnant anywhere.
You could get pregnant on a house,
You could get pregnant with a mouse.
You could get pregnant here or there,
You could get pregnant anywhere.

Kate Hudson pregnant: she really is pregnant?

Q. Hi, people! Kate Hudson pregnant?? Where to find pics or video??
I FOUND Kate Hudson pregnant video here + interview:


Watch and enjoy! :)

Yes Kate Hudson is pregnant. Shes 14 weeks pregnant. Father of her baby is Matthew Bellamy the frontman of the band Muse

Kate Hudson's pregnant; father is Matthew Bellamy of Muse
January 12, 2011 | 10:49 am http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/gossip/2011/01/kate-hudson-pregnant-boyfriend-matthew-bellamy-goldie-hawn.html

Kate Hudson is 14 weeks pregnant, expecting a baby with boyfriend Matthew Bellamy, the frontman of the band Muse.

This is a second child for the actress, 31, and the first for Bellamy, 32. Ryder, the actress' son with ex-husband Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes, is 7.

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Starting 6 month old on baby food?


I didn't know anything about baby food like how much should I give them and what food stage. ANYWAYS when my daughter turned 6 months I started her on baby food. But I did the 2nd food stage. I never did the 1st food stage I really didn't know anything about the stages. So I started on on the 2nd food stage and she's doin fine and she loves it. But should I have started her on the 1st food stage instead of 2nd? Or is it okay bc she's doin fine on it?

Usually the difference is two things:
First, the second stage jars are bigger - so possibly more "waste," but there's nothing wrong with that.
Second, the second stage jars are usually multiple ingredients. It is best to introduce one single food at a time and wait a few days to see if an allergy develops. But if she's fine, then she's not having any allergy trouble, so don't worry about it!

As far as how much to give her, just as much as she wants. At first, they will only take a couple of spoonfuls. Baby food is more about helping her get used to flavors and practicing what it is like to eat. They are still getting their nutrition from milk/formula until a year old. So just whatever she feels like is fine. You can also mash up your own food. Purchased baby food is just for convenience, there's nothing in it that makes it better.

My 6 month old wont eat baby food.?

Casie M

For a while now I have been trying to get him to eat baby food off a spoon. I have tried all the fruits and vegitables but when the spoon goes in his mouth he shows a grossed out face and spits it all out until i give up. Sometimes he actually gags from the taste. Has anyone else had this problem. They only way he will eat it is if I put it in his bottle and use the slitted nipple so he doesnt get taste it at all. I want to get him away from that but its the only way he will eat it.
Really, why am I not supposed to put solids in a bottle? I have never heard that but I'm glad someone had warned me, now im just interested in why.....so if you know please let me know.

my son does that with peas, green beans, spinach, and baby meats. (all baby foods, of course)

i am sorry you're going through this, i know it's frustrating because you really want to feed him.

you have to try every day. every single day. two or three times. but dont force it. try one or two spoons, if he's not interested, then stop for that session.
but keep trying.

babies are ready for foods at different ages. my sons 'girlfriend' had 4 teeth by the time she was 4 months old, her peds doc told her mom to start with the cereal at 3.5 months. he said some babies are ready before others. my son, who had the same doctor, didn't get the food/cereal go ahead until 6 months.

all babies eat food. eventually. you need to keep trying.
dont give up.

are you giving him rice cereal? or barley cereal? oatmeal? any sort of baby cearl/food in a box that you mix with formula or breastmilk?
Does he take that?
if he does take that, then mix in a tiny bit of baby food into the cereal, just enough to turn it a color of the food.
then- introduce foods that way. eventually add more and more of the baby food into the cereal. try the food on its own ater that.

if you haven't tried baby cereal, that really is the best way to start introduction of foods. both on a taste level, and on a health level.

try that, it should work. and btw. baby cereal (which is boxed, you mix it with brest milk) is very cheap, i think it's less than two or three dollars a box.

and even after your baby eats real baby food, cereal is still very nutritious and good for baby. so if he has tried it, still try mixing it with baby food.

sorry so long... but it will work! i did this with my son with the greens and baby meats, and it eventually worked... but i had to try a few times.
they say it takes babies at least 15 times to decide if they like it or not...

some babies take longer... simply by reflex. eventually he'll learn how to eat. make sure you feed him the greens first, then veggies, then after everything else, fruits... so that he doesnt like sweet tastey things way more and prefer them over nutrition and variety.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

when u are pregnant with twins does that hcg double where u know ur pregnant faster?


like would u pretty much know 5 days before ur missed period or is it the same with a single where u just wait for the pos??? just curious! thanks!

I took a positive pregnancy test 24 days after my LMP which was 13 days after I conceived my twins. It is definitely easier to detect your pregnancy early if you have a high hcg level, which is the case with twins :)

Earliest clues you were pregnant with twins?


I recently found out that my husband and I are expecting our second child and couldn't be more thrilled! I'm starting to wonder if maybe it is more than one. With my first son when I took a home test the line was so faint as to barely even be there. We played the guessing game for a while before finally buying a digital test. This time I tested the same time, the day my period was due, and I got a very fast very dark positive. There is no chance I could be further then expected because I have been testing monthly. Also, I am LOADS more tired than last time. Granted I am chasing a two year old around, but it is literally debilitating. Any thoughts, and what were your first clues it was more than one?

I am 14 weeks pregnant with twins, and for me it seemed that everything was happening a lot faster than everyone said that it was supposed to. I found out that I was pregnant due to food aversions. At 14 weeks I am nicely showing and my doctor is surprised. I never really had morning sickness but I had a horrible time with smells and food aversions starting at 6 weeks when I found out that I was having twins!

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tips to getting pregnant?


really want a baby. right now im on the pill. have a steady fiance and great relationship. we want a baby so i was wondering if anyone had any tips that would be great :) thanks

do u know when you ovulate? if not you'll need to figure out when you ovulate but not every women ovulates @ the normal 2 wks after the start of their cycle and even w/a regular cycle women can ovulate @ diff times every month. if you start to feeling very wet (watery/eggwhite CM) you're in your most fertile window so have sex! if you're having more and more creamy Cm then start having sex every other day. sperm stays in your cervix up to 6 days max in ideal conditions. i use fertilityfriend.com. it tracks BBT, cm, ur cervix and everything in between. it'll take 2 cycles to figure it out but at least it won't be a guessing game. it's a great tool! don't have sex every day as that lowers sperm count - every other day is good :) also if you do need to use lubricant make sure it's sperm friendly as most aren't. i use pre-seed :) try the digital OPK's so you get a smiley face instead of trying to figure out the colors

any tips on getting pregnant?


would like to get pregnant again. didnt fin dout last time till i was 11 weeks. any tips on how i can concieve quickly and know i am pregnant. use to be anemic and had irregular periods. mine are now back on track so thats why i couldnt tell i was pregnant before. any information other than"have sex" would be great

Take prenatal vitamins or multivitamin and folic acid suppliment. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet and not drinking, etc.

Then, after you have sex, put your legs in the air. It sounds funny, but it's an old school trick. You're employing gravity to pull the semen where it needs to go.

I did this after stopping birth control in July of 03 and had a positive pregnancy test in my hand on August 27th, 03. My grandmother told me she did this to get pregnant twice and found it helps speed things up.

As for knowing when you're pregnant, I'm stumped, 'cause I don't know how to tell either.

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